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Messages - Keshian

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Diplomacy / Re: The Despotato Faction hereby declares war on RAGEMARE
« on: April 10, 2016, 07:26:06 pm »
I think we can all agree that saxton is a piece of shit.

« on: April 10, 2016, 07:14:18 pm »
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Lol, very impartial, sure.  The fact that you call this the autistic thread (actually pretty tame stuff) with the acre and despotates war ones right there with racism and accusations of duping, but focus on this one as autistic involving a former gobblin member faction kind of discredits any attempt at impartiality.  Go back to Skyrim already!  The dragons are massing!

P.S. Also if you dont want to attack castles - don't attack a faction with more castles than villages!

« on: April 10, 2016, 06:00:27 pm »
Don't worry Bale.  Their inability to satisfy women is more than made up for their hoarding of massive quantities of fake internetz gold from all the massive selling of goods in UIF lands for free.  Who needs women, or balls, or plate armies when you can do this:

P.S. But yeah I remember FCC attacking Northern Empire with less than 1/5th their troops, far cheaper gear and less money, and kicking their ass - understandable a new Northern Empire with more than 2x our gold, 2x our troops, 4x our fiefs, and many more members would be terrified of attacking us.  Even without Huey charging head-on from behind.  They would need to be at least 10x more to feel confident enough to attack.

« on: April 10, 2016, 01:03:11 am »
Thank you for the pretty declaration!  Little slow, but that's okay - free afk village i guess.  This should be good fight looking forward to it!  You have more members, more fiefs, more troops, unlimited gold from 9000 crate caravans using DRZ S&D with no tax - basically the way FCC loves it!  Underdogs, against the odds!  Will we fuck up the Northern Empire again (Strat 2) even with all the odds stacked in their favors!  Can't wait to find out!  :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :D :D

Really do love being the underdogs facing insurmountable odds that only brilliant tactics and great teamplay can overcome!  Considering we only own castles and cities now this will be a fun fight for NA!

P.S. Please don't sit on fiefs, ignoring primetime, then attacking middle of next day - this mod too dead to have good fights midday for anyone, most of us have work or school.  Be kind to the community and attack at actual decent times.  I ABSOLUTELY PROMISE none of of our castles will run away (though I hear Tulga is a bit of a tramp, so be careful).

Diplomacy / Re: Sons of the Derelict Order of Mother Yggdrasil
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:57:28 pm »
It literally says in the OP that its open borders... like can you read?

Damn, you dumb son!.  "Borders are Open but don't complain if you get attacked for stealing S&D" - that means you can travel freely but don't take S&D.  We've had this discussion before in that thread Knightmare started about open borders for various factions.  Open borders means free travel, and even if you were not sure - merc pandemona got attacked for it and S&D stealing being attack-worthy also mentioned in their description.  And he straight up took thousands like it was just another member of the former gobblin faction alliance.

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Diplomacy / Re: Sons of the Derelict Order of Mother Yggdrasil
« on: April 09, 2016, 04:32:43 pm »
Can you add Northern Empire to your friendly relations or allies seeing as how Damatacus of Northern Empire can walk right in, take in thousands of S&D from Kedelke and Narra and then walk right back out during prime-time.

Events & Tournaments / Re: DTV Tournament: HELP REQUIRED
« on: April 09, 2016, 03:43:07 am »
My biggest concern is time.  Each team could be going for 1-2 hours.  Could add up to a lot if they go a lot of rounds.

Now BRD has attacked their own castle. They claim it is because of an AFK, but the result will be that they duplicate all of the gear in that castle. This type of activity should be off limits while the system is busted like this. Many of us already agreed not to engage in fief transfers but looks like BRD is doing it anyway. :mad:

According to Arowaine, Ferguson is out of town for his job for almost another week or two.

Lol, you realize your faction had to do the EXACT same thing a couple weeks ago when a village owner with 700 geared troops went afk for a week.  The guy is in the military and has been gone from steam for over a week tying up a bunch of our troops and gear.  We waited and waited, I told Dynamics assholes would accuse us of duping and we waited some more, but the guy has disappeared and we have no other choice.  But seriously of all the factions you should be last to talk when you guys were the last ones to have to do this.

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: KILL THE MALL #11
« on: April 07, 2016, 08:59:23 am »
I assume this is the guy that makes DRZ go batshit crazy cause he just attacks with next to no troops and no gear every single day basically.

Yeah, their anal retentive nature wont just let him take a fief then take it back.  They all have to show up every time, god forbid they temporarily lose 1 fief out of 90 when they have no enemies on the map.

Vovka went full bitch mode and made ban thread because he repeatedly attacked them. lol

Diplomacy / Re: A Holy Crusade is Called against the Dwarves
« on: April 07, 2016, 02:13:28 am »
This is getting really dark!  :shock: :shock:

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General Discussion / Re: New Best Players by US State (sorry Euros)
« on: April 06, 2016, 05:27:13 pm »
I love New Jersey! Going down to Wildwood in the summers as a kid was a family tradition. Some really nice beaches and boardwalks!

Explains sooo much....

Also, Arizona would be cyranule if he still played.  But since no one has posted for that state, I guess I win by default?  Even though I am a baddy.

Spam / Re: Why is Murdertron a my old friend. Shots fired bitch.
« on: April 06, 2016, 05:16:16 pm »
Nurdertron got banned for multi-accounting, then wrecked the clan armory and stole the clan bank gold.  Poor loser doesn't begin to cover this baby shit!

Diplomacy / Re: Strat 6: The Gobblin has Fallen -Losses To date-
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:00:19 am »
One of the few "AI defences" that was recorded as it was an...."indirect" war between you and mercs.

This weekend the next update will go into effect. Due to low population and the battles, there aren't that many that I have to go crazy on the records.

Speaking of, the second post contains all the "battles to date" and shows what has and hasn't been recorded.

Did you include BRD's attack on dhirim in that then?  Also we had battles over ismirala at the beginning of strat

Watch out for Mario! I hear he is a badass!

Faction Halls / Re: Mossback
« on: April 03, 2016, 05:17:24 am »
In town for the Pride Parade?

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I lived there for about a year and a half, my older sister lives up there said it doesn't rain nearly as much as people say (true it just is always downcast skies 2/3rds of the year). I actually met my wife up there, she was attending UW-Seattle.  Thankfully I freed her from the oppression of hippy culture that thinks drug-addicted homelessness is a good thing and brought her to Arizona. 

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