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Topics - Deltah

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Diplomacy / End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 19, 2016, 08:28:48 am »
It was the best of times
It was the worst of limes

A battle between Freedom and Fascism was being fought in the garnished village of Nova Amere.
Between exotic oak timbers and anuses, the curdles of blood could be heard squirting like popping zits all over the skirmishing parties. Severed Leg ManTM wailed in the distance, as were his ways.
Little did these brave men and manchildren know, this was to be the last battle between the two factions, an abrupt end to a ten year long struggle snuggle.
Deltah lay prone on a roof, hiding wrapped in the flesh blankets of the enemy team's healing tent. The great warrior Miley had struck his larynx with the shaft of his axe and rendered him limp. With guile and subtlety Deltah hung onto his coattails and was dragged to the healing tent with him. Miley did not take notice, for he was too busy bearing the burden of carrying his team. However, some say it's just because he had a soft spot for the Ass Prince. Deltah watched in silent terror as the next events unfolded before his very eyes and ears.

As abrupt and chaotic as is to be expected in battle, a bus that may or may not have been literally on fire, shouted a dark word from an ancient redneck language. A just god smited his voice temporarily as he was bid to by ancient contract. Then, both sides began to shout the dark, melanin enrinched word into the sky like a creamy chocolate wind. At first they did this in jest.

All of a sudden the sky was alight with a wretched purple flame. The poor souls of this battle had angered a lesser deity with their mob like behavior. Purple hellfire descended from the sky, banishing those who offended her to the shadow realm. The men on both sides were startled, but could see straight through this horse shit. They shouted the dark word louder and louder, in protest to the violet deity that kidnapped their comrades.  The deity was struck by such defiance and couldn't contain her flatulent boypucci as she queefed purple bolts of discharge across the lands, mulching the brave warriors like orphans in a wood chipper. Then, a bright golden light appeared in spite of the purple plague. But even he, the god of logic and reasoning, could not contain the vile rage of the purple one. Even his bright light was snuffed out like a candle in the night, a sign that the great Derp truly had forsaken the realm.

The aftermath was bloody and sticky, kind of like afterbirth.
Sperglords cried calls of racism, for they did not want their wive's sons to be tainted by the dark speech of the NCAA.
The surviving autists of Sodomy grew loud and unruly, for their true and just god died that day at the hands of she who should not be named.
It was a sad day, and the final one in the history of many great warriors.

This event was forever to be known as The Great Queefening.

Diplomacy / Rise of the Vagabond Dynasty
« on: March 08, 2014, 05:25:41 am »
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The year is 2014. Or, as will otherwise be known in the history books from this point on, THE YEAR OF THE ASS.

We are the Ass Prince Assembly, or the APA , for you dyslexic types. VAGABOND DYNASTY
Let me lay it down for you:

- We plan on being a nomadic faction, in other words a principality on wheels. Expect to see us impaling at a castle near you.
- We are going to try and be cool with most people, but if you awake to see a giant immolated dung beetle on the porch of your castle, don't fret. That's completely normal, I assure you.
- We aren't going to adhere to your stupid drama. This is a videogame. If you don't like us or don't like what we are doing, tough shit.
- If you want to join us and you aren't a cocknozzle, you can PM Artyem. However, if you are indeed a cocknozzle, please PM Larry, for I believe he has a few positions open. Please do not PM me, for I am incapable of reading. Unless you are a moderately attractive female in your early twenties from the IL area. In that case, I expect selfies of you wearing your best Christmas sweater by morning.

Now that that's out of the way, I have one final request from all of you before we begin our descent upon your lands.

Diplomacy / Terror in the Taiga
« on: December 09, 2013, 03:40:06 am »
It was a cold night in the tundra. The wind rolled and roared about the frigid terrain, carrying with it gusts that could turn away all but the hardest of men.
Even colder however, was the stare of one man. He sat in the top of a makeshift captains quarters, peering through his spyglass yet again at a faint set of torchlights in the distance. Those were the lights belonging to
New Sungetche, and soon enough, they would belong to him.
For some time, he pounded away at a rudimentary typewriter, carved from the bones of many a man. The ink it used was quite literally blood red. A piece with it he did write.

" Dear Warriors,
Twas it just yesterday that you sat with us, drank, and played merry music? It certainly feels as so.
I wish I could say that I was writing to you purely in the interests of merriment. To put this simply, I fancy your castle.
I am going to take it. This is the first and last warning you will get from me. Take your people, and leave.
Otherwise, I hope that you are as skilled in battle as you are with your instruments.

The Ass Prince

 He stuffed the small declaration into an envelope made of manleather, and pressed his royal seal upon it.

Deltah then walked out to his warriors, clad in nothing more than a bathtowel and crocodile sandals, and handed the letter to his war martial, Artyem.

"Let's give em' the D," he roared.

So just like that, one of the finest forces in calradia marched into the night.

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Spam / Comment in this chicken coop for immediate castration.
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:57:43 am »
Do it. Now.

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