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Topics - El_Infante

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EU (Official) / [BAN] Amox_Lekismurderer
« on: November 05, 2015, 09:23:06 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: Infante_STF
2. Name of offending character(s); Amox_Lekismurderer
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: multiple times during the last week.
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after:
Creating false ban threads for unintentional tk's twice among non-reported intentional teamhits.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*: I don't care.
6. Multiple Screenshots: Sadly, I don't have because usually I don't care about tk but I hope game server logs can demonstrate he tk'ed me repeatedly more than one time. Today log's are enough. Multiple hits without no reason after saying sorry for teamhit.

Abusing a ban thread when someone is guilty for the same thing he's requesting should be also bannable.

Another thing I have noticed is that Lekis modified with photoshop or something the "evidences" to create teamhits where it doesn't exist. If a moderator can check this, I would be grateful. On the images of the first ban thread, Rapo and me where trolling him with voice commands, but without Tk'ing him (I mean, I know nudging archers while they are aiming is disturbing, but that's not exactly TKing). The only time I hit him was his cav, if I don't remember wrong. I'm completely sure I've never hit him too many times. If you see the screenshots it appears to be that I have been teamhitting him for a while and i'm 100% sure I didn't do it. I agree that on some screenshots I give him a hit (on others, only nudges), but to be honest, my shitty x-bow unloomed build doesn't do serious damage and everyone on this game trolled a player once.

This dishonourable player have taken a lot of time modyfing screenshots to have false evidences of teamhits that didn't exist. And this, is a serious offense more than ocasionally "trolling" we do in the game without the intention of disturbing players, like spamming voice commands.

Modified image from original ban thread:

WSE2 Beta / Missing mouse pointer
« on: January 10, 2014, 08:18:24 pm »
It's a known issue that if you increase windows elements size through screen menu at 150% (in my case) you lose the mouse pointer on the game. It still show you on the screen but it's locked and you have no idea where is the real position of the pointer that is invisible. You can test around and sometimes it highlights the options of the menu but... is unplayable.

(click to show/hide)

So I guess. Is there a way to fix it? Is related to WSE2? If I want to play crpg I have to down the scale of the elements windows show and on big screens is a ... disturbing issue. Thanks in advance.

Strategus / Selling 35k strat gold.
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:04:45 pm »
Cheap cheap. MP interested.I deliver the gold.

Suggestions Corner / Axes suggestion.
« on: January 15, 2013, 07:13:47 pm »
Is a simple suggestion for axes, that I noticed after playing M&B With fire and Sword.

In that game, axes have penetration factor against shield & amors. Why axes have in warband 2x damage against shields? Because axes don't have cut damage exactly. Is not the same a sword, where the purpose is to cut & slide or thrust vs an axe where the damage is a mix of cut & pierce, because these weapons have their mass on a edge and concentrates all the strenght of the hit on a point. That is the reason it can "cut" through shields better than swords. IMO, axes should be unbalanced because that is the "nature" of the weapon. It's strong is the unbalanceness. For example, imagine a plain sword trying to cut through a chainmail. It make no sense. Imagine now a two handed viking axe hitting strong that chainmail. Poor is the guy that is under the armor.

I'm not talking about giving only axes bonus vs armors. It should have handicaps.  Being unbalanced allow the fighter to give potent swings that can dice & slice through shields and armors. I really don't know how to balance it. Now with WSE2 and enhanced hitboxes, the engine can differ between a blunt or cut hit with weapons (specially polearms), so it can be an option, not only for cRPG, also for Melee B.

It can give axes another role that breaking shields, and I think every suggestion is welcome. The more depth the game have, the more happy we are. :)

My two cents.

Sell/Trade / El_Infante store
« on: January 14, 2013, 10:58:07 pm »
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Looking for:
+3 Italian sword
+3 Elite cavalry shield

Also interested on:
+3 Knightly arming sword + gold (100k)
+3 Nordic Champion sword + gold (100k)
+3 Knightly heater shield  + gold (100k)

Not interested in other offers. Won't add money for the trades.

Also trading the gloves for plate mittens. Offers up on the market. PM here or in market to Tercio_Infante.

Suggestions Corner / New server with class-balance.
« on: August 30, 2012, 02:28:03 pm »
Hello all.

I have a suggestion that i'm sure, a lot of players are expecting since long time. Now, we are bored because of disbalance on cRpg. People whining about ranged, cavalry without seeing that it's not the problem of crpg. The problem is when one team have a lot of cavalry and the other don't have. The same as ranged. We suggested it about 1000 times, but developers dont wanted to do, and I don't know the reason.

My suggestion is enabling a class balance only for a server, like cRPG melee (EU_X or NA_X for example), this way:
- At the start of the game, or after the first round, the server split the players by level/build to create two teams with similar builds. It's not based on inventory, just on skills and level. A example:

Player server list:
- 10 players with 6 powerdraw.
- 4 players with 5 powerdraw.
- 10 players with 6 riding
- 2 players with 5 riding.
- 20 infantry players.

After the first rounds, teams should be something like:

Team A:
- 5 players with 6PD
- 2 players with 5PD
- 5 Players with 6RD
- 1 Player with 5Rd

Team B:
- 5 players with 6PD
- 2 players with 5PD
- 5 Players with 6RD
- 1 Player with 5Rd

This way there won't be ever disbalance between team and playing will be more competitive. I just throw my proposition. Only for a server for testing purposes where players can decide to join it to play equlibrated rounds. Thanks all for reading.

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Topic says all. I will try to explain as best as I can. Playing as a thrower I found two problems.

- When you have no ammo left, you still have the weight penalty.
- If you take from the ground some throwing weapon, if you win, the next round you will have a "stack" of that scavenged weapon and there is no way to change it.

(code) suggestion:
(click to show/hide)

Sell/Trade / [Sell/Trade] Loompoint (6PD, 3Rid, 3Shield, 3PT) naoh!
« on: April 26, 2012, 06:49:35 pm »
Trading/Selling loompoint in 200k exp.

Starting bid = 625k

Str 21/Agi 18

I can spend 3 points on a skill (riding, shield, power throw). Post your bid or offer. Perhaps I  trade for a +2 item if I'm interested.

General Off Topic / With Fire and Sword Enhancement Mod
« on: February 27, 2012, 03:02:54 pm »
Hello crpg community! I want to share with you a mod we are developing (Morgh, el_infante) for With fire and Sword standalone expansion.
I hope everyone that like WFaS can enjoy our mod and participate with us on improving it, because it's a mod from player to players.

This is a total modification of native game, that add a lot of improvements. Here is a copy of taleworlds mod main page. Thanks!,218099.150.html

With Fire and Sword Enhancement Mod

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The main purpose of this mod is allow player character to rule his own kingdom. Beta stage

Coming soon: Prussian culture for player

(click to show/hide)

- Mod improvements (Beta 1.70)
(click to show/hide)

- New troop tree details (1.70 Beta)

(click to show/hide)

Older mod improvements
(click to show/hide)

Mod Instructions (readme):
(click to show/hide)

Suggestions for playing this mod:
(click to show/hide)

Credits: Thanks to all modders that made my mod possible.
- Sounds of suffer.
- Skitarii OSP Pack.
- Blood enhancement mod.
- Sound and Smoke,169492.0.html
- More metal sounds.
- Kto Death cam & Mouse controlled death cam (thanks to kt0 & Madvader and Xenoargh).
- Pre Battle Orders and Deployment from Caba'Drin.
- Rubik for his Custom Commander:
- Paulgrr for his contribution to the mod.
- Special thanks for Ottoman 1453 developers for giving me his permission to use their models in my mod.


No savegame compatibility with older versions.

Download link:

Patch fix for version 1.70

cRPG Technical problems / Siege flag bug.
« on: February 06, 2012, 08:49:41 pm »
I noticed that sometimes, without knowing if it's a map bug or flag bug, attackers win the round while there are defenders on the flag radius. If I can, I will post a screenshot.

Sell/Trade / - = Farnesio's Hardware = - Get in!
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:04:15 am »

Post your offers. I accept gold offers.

Suggestions Corner / Nerfs
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:10:42 pm »
Hi all.

I'm one of a lot of players that are tired of constant nerfs on every patch. cRPG was a game were everyone can have fun with every class.. Nowadays, you should pray to not be severely nerfed because developesr brilliant ideas. After this patch:

- Archers are overnerfed.
- Horse Archers are more overnerfed.
- Throwing? It's just a joke.

Prepatch, I felt that game was pretty balanced. Players did not understand that the problem was not the "ranged fever", was the balance system that devs don't want to change. That is the problem. We've suggested a lot of times that balance should be a "class balance" priority over "clan balance" because it's not fair to have ten heavy cavalry on one team, while no cavalry on the other. It's not fair to have twenty archers on a team, and a few one on the other. It's absolutely not fair to have a skilled ten clan players against random people chrusing them every round. But devs dont hear because they do what they want without hearing players advices. This is a community mod where it don't appear to be that. So my purpose is suggest dev team to leave players have fun with their builds without overnerfing classes.

Sell/Trade / Closed
« on: December 17, 2011, 05:41:33 pm »
Selling my loompoint:

Starting bid: 500k
Minimum raise: +10k


21/18 (No PD, no shield, no riding, no PT)

Or: You're free to offer a x2 heirloomed item (no bullshit, thanks)

Sell/Trade / MW German Poleaxe & MW Long hafted Blade & Thick scale armor
« on: December 16, 2011, 05:50:36 pm »
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Interested on archery stuff:
- Long bow
- Rus bow
- Horn bow
- Bodkin / Tatar arrows.

Feel free to post your offer :-)

Game Balance Discussion / Another Longbow thread.
« on: December 15, 2011, 04:41:16 pm »
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I will modify the previous post to give reasons why longbow need a buff.

All of we remember that at time that bodkin changed damage type of the bows, Long bow had an unique ability. It did pierce damage. After that patch, long bow got no buff. That is the first reason. Bodkin changed archery at all. After that "little change" it was out of the game. Now, every archer can use bodkin arrows.

My suggestion of fixes:
- A 1.80m bow can't have the same missile speed (only +1) from shorter Hornbow or Rusbow. LB doubles the size than horn&tatar. Solution? Buff it or nerf the others.
- (-8) speed from rus bow is nerfing it to the ground. Maybe with a +3 or +4 speed fix, it will be ok.
- Changes on how Power Draw works, but there is another post talking about it.
- Accuracy.
- The ability to hold reticule closed more than the other bows. (It was discussed by ptx on "finding a niche for longbow" post).

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