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Topics - Digu213

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Great looking new armour !! :)
« on: May 24, 2012, 03:40:49 pm »,230895.0.html?PHPSESSID=qvaf45goh948s76ttd2l7qbok1

I would die if I wouldnt get my hands on these armours by Narf !

My favorite please add ;)

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All credits should go to Narf who made these wonderful armours !

The combat is lots and lots harder for the players with polearm, why would the T swings get removed from some polearms ?!

cRPG Technical problems / Byzantine_1 mesh is missing !! [FIX]
« on: October 01, 2011, 06:12:01 pm »
1. Open the Openbrf tool.
2. Then open byz.brf
3. Last rename all the files from Byzantine_1 to byzantine_1.

Error is the big letter, and voila a excellent helmet !

General Discussion / can't find byzantine_1 mesh [Fix]
« on: September 30, 2011, 07:37:47 pm »
I have found the error.

In the byz.brf, the Byzantine_1 name is wrong it should be this byzantine_1, with a lower case letter

General Discussion / How do i import my chars on to another computer ?
« on: September 30, 2011, 07:19:22 pm »
I want to know how i use my characters from my old comp to my new comp ?

plz i want help, Digu213

Suggestions Corner / Two new gamemodes to consider.
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:37:58 am »
So i have two suggestions to make. First a Captain/General mode, now most people think... sure  :rolleyes: . Its a battlemode, the map consists of 8v8 or 6vs6 whatever you like. The players each have a small force around 6 to 10 soldiers each, they fight and the surviving team wins. Very simple but tactical, could also be with capture 3 points and others. The troops however is weaker than the players themselves and are countered like pikemen counter cavalry and more.

The "small force" is customizable, 2 options either. First option: Customizing the force with equipment and equip style similar to regular C-Rpg (the force is one type of unit and all look the same).

Second option: The players get to chose from a troop shop (Like buying items, you see a helmet icon you click buy) in this case its buy for example "Weaboo" on the Weaboo troop icon in troop shop. Then you equip the Weaboo in a army management window for example.   

The second suggestion is a Castle vs Castle mode. You begin in your castle, Either 50 vs 50 or 100 vs 100 something like that. Then fight to capture the enemy castle. By standing beside the throne in throne room. This is only player based.

Thats what i have to suggest. I hope for many ideas hatching from this or building these ones up in C-Rpg. You are all great by playing C-Rpg ! and many thanks to chadz and the all the creators of this mod !

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