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Topics - Lt_Anders

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Title says it all. Currently we don't get ticks for playing in a strat battle and that should change.

Diplomacy / Dear NA Factions
« on: September 26, 2012, 02:09:31 am »
Stop this damn Locking of borders.

Trade for the independents is practically non-existant now. Big clans have locked up the major high price villages and more or less forced small traders into areas that are shit. At this point, independent trading is next to useless.

Sad thing, my castle makes tons of trades, just never has any S/D. I'm going to fix that. We need a free trader haven. Something not locked down by large clans trying to hold their S/D.

Strategus General Discussion / Strat and high levels, a Suggestion
« on: September 23, 2012, 04:53:20 am »
Well, While sleeping last night I had this thought.

Change the usage of strat ticks based on your level. This can use some brainstorm as I also thought about a potential exploit.

Here's how it works.

If you are level 15< then you would get 2 strat actions per hour. You would still use 4 ticks instead of 2, you just happen to recruit 2 guys instead of 1.
If you are past level 15> but 30< you have a decrease in actions until you hit level 30 which would be the normal or 1 action per hour, using up 2 ticks.
But If you are 30> then you LOOSE actions per hour until you hit level 33 in which case you would get 1 action ever 2 hours(still only using 2 ticks, but it would be on the second hour)

Now the actual breakdown of levels could be worked a little more for this.

The point of this is that low levels are weaker in terms of "in game" but would gain a bonus on the map. At High level, your combat capabilites are superior to the average(level 30) so you are a prized fighter, but you loose strat map capability for this awesomeness.

This would encourage high levels to retire if they care about strat benefits, and by making the top be 33(which is a LONG time to get too) it doesn't penalize those who would like to go 31>32 for retirement heavily. While making anyone that wants to be 33+ basically all have similar negatives since if you are going past 33, you  have a reason beyond retirement.

Now some things: To prevent abuse, tie it into XP rather than level so that people can't just do strat battles and gain xp without going up in level. Also, since this still  uses the same tick amount, the low levels would burn ticks faster meaning that staying low level isn't a good thing as you can only get them by playing. This Normalizes the average strat players into the 28-31 catagories with the other side being outliers.

I'd appreciate some back and forth on how this may work and any potential exploits i may have missed.

Strategus Issues / Negative Goods
« on: September 22, 2012, 05:10:49 pm »
The Trade Route
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The price.
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Only thing I can think of is that I sold half(killing the S&D in that location) and then moved somewhere else.

Mercenary Recruitment / The Battle For Yalibe.
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:37:43 am »!?page=battledetail&id=123
Dharan Legion Side

I am the...uh...owner of this village.  I do NOT expect to EVER keep it. But While I have it, I will fight off ALL attackers who want it. It's nothing personal, I just don't like to give things up and just lie down.

If you request that you want it for something(trade/diplomacy, etc) I'll give it up then. Of course you can always just forcefully take it.
Assaulting Yalibe does NOT count as a war declaration on DL proper as it's my special location that I took for no reason.

I was NOT playing on hiring people for this battle until i realized that they implemented the free gear. Otherwise it would have been just me.

Closed Requests / Ban selena Gomez
« on: September 19, 2012, 05:54:32 pm »
(click to show/hide)

Strategus General Discussion / All the change logs for round 4?
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:33:25 am »
Can we get a concise either Links or the actual info concerning round 4 up to this point so that we don't have to keep trying to link/search for everthing?

General Discussion / Ranged and the crosshair
« on: September 10, 2012, 04:48:21 pm »
So I was wondering, Right now, we have a "accurate" cross hair. It gives you the approximate deviation of your shot, and where you are aiming.

Currently we have a archery crosshair like this:
(click to show/hide)

But what if we changed it to something like this for everyone:
(click to show/hide)

Only thing this would do is that archers, xbows, and throwers would have to adjust their shots based on tragectory that they see rather than having the game do it for them. They would still have a crosshair to see WHERE they are aiming, but the trajectory at longer ranges would require good aiming and adjustment(or "skill" since 2h greatswords always complain about that.)

Would this be viable or would people just change it to avoid dealing with it. Would archers agree? I just want to know if this is possible and would people not mind actually seeing this done.

Closed Requests / Warn/ban/whatever: Bashibazouk_Ritterbruder
« on: September 07, 2012, 02:29:41 am »
(click to show/hide)

He was leeching in a strat battle. I tried to tell the admins at the end(as this was when I noticed it), but considering it was the end of the map, I believe people were too busy with the desperate last stand / last push.

I saw him there 4 times(2 minutes as each death was ~30 seconds long) and he was there before I noticed. He did go 5:14 so I don't really want to say that he was "leeching" as that area was a part where you could get stuck, but he was there for longer than 2-3 minutes just waiting and not moving. As i was too busy fighting, I'm sure  i could have given more info quicker so admin could notice. Right before the server ended, he started moving again.

Sorry I only took one SS it was literally the near end of map. Honestly, I don't know if this deserves a ban for leeching, but he was there for 2 minutes. You can check logs to see when i first reported, and possibly see his last death to know how long he was there.

General Discussion / You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
« on: September 02, 2012, 10:15:51 pm »

I never knew that was a rule? Is that new, or just an anti douchebag measure?

cRPG Technical problems / Models Problem with bolts/arrows.
« on: August 22, 2012, 03:46:31 am »
Ok Theres the fix where you change your item kinds so that you can get the original bolts/arrows. Well as of today, I Noticed that they no longer appear. Cool, so I go and repair it(cause the patch seems to have borked it).

Well, now when I Play the game I get some kinda Error code about item 5002 on Line X.

EDIT: NM seems the patch destroyed the old animations so I had to redo it all over again to make it work.

Strategus General Discussion / Sieges versus assaults
« on: August 20, 2012, 12:41:53 am »
Right now a Siege is what is historically called an assault.

Perhaps we can have a new system. You can siege a castle locking it down just like normal, but you don't have to risk an assault. This would cause a 5% losses of defenders to a 2% loss of attackers per (hour?)(day?). Defenders could "sally" and turn it into a field battle.

Of course attackers could just assault it, but with the new spawn timer, this would be very very risky and you'd have to be careful how you did it.

Opinions, Critiques?

Spam / How long does it take for chat to dissappear
« on: August 14, 2012, 03:37:17 pm »
For example. If you type something, what is the amount of time(in seconds) it takes before the text starts to fade? 5 seconds?

Closed Requests / Warn: GANNER OF CHAOS
« on: August 14, 2012, 06:04:18 am »
Yup, an admin this time.

(click to show/hide)

I JUST RESPAWN and he nails me with a leecher report. To prove I'm dead, you can see the "Dead" Chat going on just above the [A]Sorry! and it's starting to fade meaning 2-3 seconds ago.

I'm not so sure why ganner did this, but he never responded when I asked him "Ganner, WTF?"

General Discussion / Sever Stats and Other stats please?
« on: August 13, 2012, 08:08:09 pm »
Harald Posted these stats some time ago. I was wondering Is there any way we could get stats for various things or maybe tracking pages?

Like Averge Gen per character(or account), Average gold, Number of Looms/loompoints, as well as the good ol' server stats. Personally I'd LOVE to see some of the stats  i mentioned here as well as seeing the Server stats for NA and EU again since the LAST time they did it was in MAY and it's been 6 months since then.

(Is there an ETA on Server damage stats, server weapon usage stats etc? I think I heard that a stats feature was going to go in at some point.)

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