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Messages - Richter

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: No mirrors
« on: March 06, 2016, 10:15:04 am »
*Snip Mirror*
This kills the cRPG

General Discussion / Re: What has dueling come to?
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:07:10 am »
In duels, it seems like all everyone does anymore is max their sensitivity, grab a fast weapon, and spas their head around really fast attacking only after faking 8 times. I know this has happened in the past, but currently it has gone out of control. I know I can't be the only one annoyed by this. Crpg more like stroke simulator 2015

General Discussion / Re: Punish hate speeches #sad Cassi
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:05:51 am »
Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from being offended.

If someone says something you don't like, you may initiate use of your right to privacy, and leave, or mute them.

You will never be safe from someone saying something offensive unless you shut yourself off completely from society. Let your balls drop, and move on with life understanding that you should not base your opinion of yourself on what some random fool says on the goddamned internet.

I don't like how this community are often such asses to each other, but I dislike censorship much more greatly.
well i agree its not nice when someone tell you that he hope your mom will die from cancer (happaned to me, know that feel) but i guess there is nothing to do about since everyone here are such harsh on someone who actually might care about it, its like a kid calling another kid stupid and then the adult says "are you really stupid? no so you dont need to be care" which is fucking stupid, that mofo just called me stupid, its hurt as a kid, fun fact, most people against cassi are tryhards who usually insult everyone who play wrong or doesnt play like them. :^)
I've played every class except thrower(pure). I have respect for the mechanics of the game, and the ability of people to choose how to play.

We don't need censorship. We need a community that doesn't make people ask for it.
Treat those around you like shit and they will do likewise unto you. The reverse is true.

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] Feedback on 2h stab.
« on: July 10, 2015, 05:27:27 pm »
ur fucking text under your avatar is "the pikeman" lmao

these are the kind of people saying the 2hand stab is better now, that much should be obvious
Real mature. Yeah my main is a pikeman. Obviously that means I am pining for weaker twohander opponents.  :wink:

I also like to run a two-hander, which my stf(Beornhelm) currently is. I'd say he's got a pretty effective build, and when I'm using him right I'm usually at the top of the scoreboard. The things I can do with a Danish Bastard are pretty cool.

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] Feedback on 2h stab.
« on: July 10, 2015, 04:26:43 pm »
However to step back from my inflammatory language for one very brief moment, if you read the past few page you see "item balancer" "item designer" etc titles on a whole bunch of people, along with many experienced veteran players, who were all trying to calmy, inoffensively, but assertively explain to Senni_Ti that it is nothing personal, but the animation is garbage and completely ruins the class and no one actually enjoys its aesthetics function or form.
No one being the half of the community which voted "keep it" in the poll, leading by one percent.
Including me.
Because we have a different opinion than you, we must not exist or have any say in the matter.

From my experience, yes I do enjoy the aesthetics, function, and form of the animation.

This sums it up quite good. I also believe that the old stab was there for a reason and I'm sure that you, Senni, aren't the only one that has made this kind of animation that starts from the hips. Taleworlds must've tried dozens of animations and the decision to stay with the one that starts from the head-level must've been the result of countless test animations with different positions.
Funny, I don't ever remember seeing new or modified versions of the 2H stab during the beta.
As I said, it remained unchanged, to my knowledge, through the whole development of Warband. There was no indication of any development at all. If they did mod it, they never gave it to the players to test.

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] Feedback on 2h stab.
« on: July 10, 2015, 01:54:19 am »
okay how the hell do I delete this extra accidental post

This one, not the one above.

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] Feedback on 2h stab.
« on: July 10, 2015, 01:51:26 am »
Personally, having just switched to a two-hander on my stf character, I feel the current two hand thrust animation is perfectly in line with the balance of the other animations.

The fact is that the original 2h stab animation was unchanged from later versions of the original, singleplayer only Mount & Blade game.(1.011)

I played from just before the release of the last version of Mount & Blade, through the beta of Warband and obviously up to now. During the beta I had a chance to observe the rapid and repeated revisions of the old, robotic, years old animations made before the expansion. All the animations gradually improved and became more human, and more believable.

Except for the two-handed stab animation.

This one didn't change at all. I guess the devs had better things to do, but the way in which this animation conducted itself was fundamentally different from the thrusts of polearms or one-handers.
It begins primed from a high and straight angle, the tip far in front of the swordsman, and is held there in a pretty unnatural looking position.(robotic, as I've said)

The animation stabs out to bring the blade out as far as the arm can possibly extend, almost as if the person didn't intend to bring the blade back at all. Compared to all other melee animations, it offered a massively better range per point of weapon reach. Warspears are questioned in their ability to outrange a greatsword thrust.

The nature of two handed weapons does improve the reach per length of the weapon compared to polearms. Instead of holding just before midlength as in a polearm, it is delivered with a grip at the end of the weapon. Onehanders are even better in this way, but they are less controllable at an earlier point of range/mass.

A game that uses realism/physics and accurate to the eye hit detection, should not feature any animation that does not conform to the realities of the human body.

The old twohanded stab was ridiculous for reasons stated. It was a dinosaur surrounded by updated animations. The new animation looks excellent, functions effectively, and feels fair.

Never thought I'd say it but, Thanks James.  :wink:

Make some leve 1 character your strat hero. Can respec all your characters once a week, and no need to care about strat battles :wink:
ya just make your strat hero an alt for a week,  respecc,  then change him back to here.  vär is problöm?
Well, what happens to my stuff when I do? I own a fief, does everything just transfer to my new character?

I don't see why there isn't just a longer wait time for respecs. If you got one a week after respeccing like the other characters, yeah that might make sense,(And even then it looks to me like a solution without a problem) but how about just lengthening the wait times for respecs on mains, instead of throwing hard earned EXP out the window?

I would be more than willing to wait months before I could respec my main again. This would pretty much prevent a person from respeccing every other large battle.

Better yet, include both options. Let the person lose 20% EXP and be able to respec in a week, or lose no EXP and Respec in 2-3 months.

Edit: The main problem is that this completely cuts off a person's ability to not retire their character. There is no level 36 strat character build for someone who isn't playing the game every single day. I just don't know how people bear retiring their characters over and over again, losing all that progress for the sake of stronger items.

I wasn't aware that I couldn't respec without a penalty, and now I'm stuck in this limbo that can't make use of the points. It's frustrating, especially since I now have a village to manage.

I'd really like to understand why I need to give up 1/5th of the hours I spent getting my character to level 36 just because he's my Strat Character.

What is gained by having this penalty in place? Locking people to playing in one way with their main permanently?
Why would you want to do that?

All I want to do in the first place is just rearrange my build to make use of my new points. Why does it matter that it's a strat char?  :|

Announcements / Re: 0.289 released
« on: August 19, 2012, 02:57:27 am »
The spawning time delay feature is really bad, we just spawn raped hospitallers because of it.
I didn't even like it as an attacker in the same battle.

The new respawn system simply prolongs or vastly shortens battles.
Making me wait to get back into the battle after dying does not add any difficulty. This feature only widens the gaps between the winning and losing teams.

General Discussion / Re: TugBOAT needs you! What should my build be?
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:17:37 pm »

*Awkwardly rubs the shaft of his polearm.*

Do it.

General Off Topic / Re: Avatars
« on: August 03, 2012, 04:30:32 pm »
Check it. I be stylin' my new one.

Announcements / Re: Strat 4 Announcement
« on: August 02, 2012, 11:36:52 pm »
Actually, instead of longer respawns, why not simply have players spawn in waves?

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