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Messages - Mamba

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
General Off Topic / Re: Banks have nough money
« on: May 11, 2012, 11:13:50 am »
I saw a documentation like 2 months ago about a greek island where 70% of the population there is blind to get money from the state.
All you had to do is go see a named doctor there pay him and get you blindness on paper.

But the tip of the iceberg is that an old lady who really cant see to 90% had to pay him a large sum too, to get her claim, but she coulnd't.

Thats greece.

General Off Topic / Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« on: May 11, 2012, 11:03:28 am »
Votin in america seems to be pretty easy:

If you're rich you vote republicans to pay no taxes and get gifts.
If you're poor you vote democrats in the hopes that you survive somehow if you have no work.

I wish here in germany it would be that easy, but unfortunately all call themselves democrats in a way doing promises, and after election they shit on what they said before.


General Off Topic / Re: Banks have nough money
« on: May 11, 2012, 10:54:46 am »
To sad that the money they use to "cover up" is ours not theirs. And with ours I mean taxes wich were used for social, education and culture.

I too say Tommy is best. Hes got no 100% kill from horse, but you also have to be able to fight when you drop of your horse which isnt the case for most.

General Off Topic / Banks have nough money
« on: May 11, 2012, 10:45:35 am »
Guess what, we all knew somehow but noone really wanted to tell.
Yesterday I had a letter in my box with a 50€ Prepaid card for Shell. From my Bank. Wich is a daughter company of Deutsche Bank.
Certainly the banks don't really suffer in germany.

Poor greece.

I just watched 2 vids for like some seconds of both Tabby and Boxxy.

And Tabby is fake, she wants to be a singer where her voice is altered to sound 10 years older and sexy...

Boxxy is real at least and more cute! Even though Tabby shows boobs, but I'm no pedo lol.

Spam / Re: Leaving...
« on: May 11, 2012, 02:45:53 am »
Oh so you saw me? I even said Hi but I don't think you replied :/

Spam / Re: Leaving...
« on: May 10, 2012, 04:39:16 pm »
Well I never listen/watch hypes, I often look at the features of games myself. I am certainly not a must-have buyer.

As an example - I don't own Morrowind. I bought Fallout 3 because of the setting. Oblivion I bought only after it became cheap since its a long playable game (but not as good as Fallout in my opinion. The list goes on and on.

And one reason for me to get D3 is the new real money auction house because I made a quick buck in D2 with selling items (before it became kinda illegal though *cough*

So playing a game where you have the opportunity to actually earn money to get the buycost back is pretty neat.
In the last time I tested some free to play games.

Drakensang online for example is very much alike its not bad but I never buy stuff for real money in those games because its way to expensive, but in comparison Diablo 3 beats that game in every aspect.

M&B ofc has its charm for me, but I am pretty sure that D3 will be more fun in the long run.

Its hard to describe. I didn't wait for D3 to come out. I did that with Warhammer AoR because I am an old Dark Age of Camelot whore and Warhammer was a big disappointement after playing DaoC.

No not even 100K ( I only have like 160K :P )


On a sidenote:
If startegus was faster paced, more like singleplayer leaning towards a planetside kind of game, or even DaoC it would attract far more people.

Spam / Re: Leaving...
« on: May 10, 2012, 03:21:50 am »
Sorry but I have this rule for over 15 years now that I never ever ever butcher and sell my stuff/accounts/ give away money for the rare occasion of playing a game again, and that happens (I even play eve sometimes just for fun (plex)

Soooo no.

Spam / Leaving...
« on: May 10, 2012, 03:15:07 am »
Sad but true, I think many people will leave the crpg/warband gaming scene on the 15th of May. I know I will.

And the reason is as obvious as it can be. RELEASE OF DIABLO III !


Sorry chadz, maybe Project Asinus could have kept me around, but hmm.
In my opinion Diablo 3 is everything all those item shop free to play games want to be. Even though you have to pay once for it, and everybody knows its worth it.

I kinda feel bad about it but I can't help it.

Spam / Re: new avatar
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:21:38 am »
gif does work maybe filesize is to big or the 0x0 dunno mine works.

No kidding I just watched like 10 seconds of a boxxy vid on youtube, no clue who that is but she got tons of watchers. Very strange.

Spam / Re: new avatar
« on: April 09, 2012, 06:15:43 pm »
Background? wtf BACKGROUND? That render was supposed to be a test if all works out sooo maybe Im gonna make 2 ppl fight with each other in a little animation overhead chamber with mauls or something :P

Gif is so bad you should see the original render wich looks like rendered trailer for m&b wb

Whos that chick in your peoples avatar anyways? Some miley cirus clone in NA or what?

Edit: Original_Sins avatar is cute, I like the smile ;)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 2h cav build?
« on: April 09, 2012, 03:08:41 am »
Sword is meh. If youre going 2h cav use morningstar. You can onehit warhorses with a good hit. Its the highest damage for 2h you can achieve from horse.

Another fact is that you can easily destroy shields with it so you dont have t lame-bump them over and over again. Many people dont realise they have to block left and right vs 1h/2h cav anyways.

But if you want to be lame go for sword and abuse bump poking.

Morningstar+Destrier ftw

Spam / Re: new avatar
« on: April 09, 2012, 02:58:21 am »
If youre trolling: No its from Diablo 1

If you were serious: I exported the files and rendered the walking animation with blender

Spam / Re: Females...
« on: April 09, 2012, 02:52:34 am »
I hate you too Lesham, coz you got a GK_ now.

And everybody nows that GK means Gugly Kunts!

(not serious)

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