Author Topic: Banks have nough money  (Read 2734 times)

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Banks have nough money
« on: May 11, 2012, 10:45:35 am »
Guess what, we all knew somehow but noone really wanted to tell.
Yesterday I had a letter in my box with a 50€ Prepaid card for Shell. From my Bank. Wich is a daughter company of Deutsche Bank.
Certainly the banks don't really suffer in germany.

Poor greece.

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2012, 10:48:05 am »
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Offline Mamba

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2012, 10:54:46 am »
To sad that the money they use to "cover up" is ours not theirs. And with ours I mean taxes wich were used for social, education and culture.

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2012, 11:06:02 am »
^ so true about that..

And also Mamba lets be all honest hear,Greeks had this coming.
The past 3 generations (after the military coup in 1974 was overthrown) have been evading taxes,stealing public money,avoiding to go to work because they had family relations with politicians,they abused wellfare  money,also a lot of Greeks claimed to be handicaps with fake papers that they got from a dirty doctor,they were loaning from the banks to buy shiny cars and other useless shit that they dont need but wanted to impress the chicks..

You know that besides olive oil and some other fruits, Greece does not export anything else???
I mean the dealers are so so greedy that they export Greek olive oil to Germany and then they ship it back and sell it x3 the original price...

To sum it up...unemployment is skyrocketing at 18%,many companies close because they don`t have money to buy products to sell, and the banks won`t loan anymore because they don`t have money to
give,a lot of youngs are leaving Greece because they can`t find a job,basic monthly salary this moment is 420 euros,wellfare help is 230 euros per month and the list goes on and on ...

It`s really sad what happened in Greece but we had that coming and now we are going to pay the price.
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2012, 11:13:50 am »
I saw a documentation like 2 months ago about a greek island where 70% of the population there is blind to get money from the state.
All you had to do is go see a named doctor there pay him and get you blindness on paper.

But the tip of the iceberg is that an old lady who really cant see to 90% had to pay him a large sum too, to get her claim, but she coulnd't.

Thats greece.

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2012, 11:15:21 am »
To sad that the money they use to "cover up" is ours not theirs. And with ours I mean taxes wich were used for social, education and culture.

Dude you can`t be serious...

90% of the money that Greece loaned from EE went straight to the banks,not to the population but they banks,also I need to inform you that in the past 2 years Germany only had a profit of 30 mil euros only from the interest,I hear Germans bragging that we owe them money and that we are lazy and we retire at 25 and other shit like that,EVERYTHING is a big lie,if Germany was to give to Greece 95 billion dollars that they OWE us from WW2,imagine what would happen,Greece would bail out but Germany would be fucked up..,8599,2093990,00.html

look who is topping ^
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2012, 11:20:57 am »
Well maybe it's Germany who should pay then :wink:. Finland shouldn't have anything to do with the subject anymore. We have helped Greece with generous sums already. More than we should have been paying for a small country that we are.

And if you ask me, its not the countries tax money where the money should come. The banks should pay because they were the ones who made those risky investments. They gained HUUUGE profits before, then all the shit happened... It's not fair that they collect all the good stuff and when they make a mistake, everyone else pays...
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 11:24:19 am by Son Of Odin »
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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2012, 11:25:20 am »
Well maybe it's Germany who should pay then :wink:. Finland shouldn't have anything to do with the subject anymore. We have helped Greece with generous sums already. More than we should have been paying for a small country that we are.

If you ask me personally I don`t want Germany to pay us at all but it`s really fucking annoying to hear germans crying about their money WHILE they owe us for real.

For me the best solution for Greece would be to get back to Drachmas,lower the TAX so it could attract major international companies to come and invest in Greece and maybe if the debt is paid get back to euro.
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2012, 11:35:04 am »
Yeah it might be difficult to get major international companies to invest in Greece anymore... Finnish war reparations to soviet union felt like huuuge debt (226,5 million US dollars). And it took eight years for Finland to pay it (only country that actually paid the claimed reparations after WW2). Now when we compare that to Greece's national debt today it feels like nothing... Greece is fucked :(
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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2012, 11:36:57 am »
Simo Hayha  :twisted:
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2012, 11:39:38 am »
Simo Hayha  :twisted:
The White Death paid his war reparations with lead in Winter War :twisted:. Only man who killed more Soviets was probably Stalin :mrgreen:
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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2012, 11:42:38 am »
The White Death paid his war reparations with lead in Winter War :twisted:. Only man who killed more Soviets was probably Stalin :mrgreen:

Yeap much respect to the dude he protected his homeland and did a fine job,I remember watching a documentary about him and 90% of his shots were made without a scope because he didnt want the sun to reflect on the glass..
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2012, 11:55:17 am »
Yeap much respect to the dude he protected his homeland and did a fine job,I remember watching a documentary about him and 90% of his shots were made without a scope because he didnt want the sun to reflect on the glass..

Yeah he didn't like scopes because they can reveal your position. He knew how to hide and was extraordinary shooter. Count on the confirmed kills and such are varying, but atleast 200 kills is 100% sure and some say the number is over 500 kills then there is those guys who will tell it was over 700, but 700 kills is not likely.

Well usually when talking about WW2 snipers, everyone mentions Vasilli Zaitsev. Indeed a good sniper, but how good he really was? Wikipedia says 235 kills and they are not confirmed (?), rumors more likely. Ofc everyone believes the bigger country has good records and Vasilli was the best. Well it doesn't really matter tho, heh...

Hope we are not going to have a world war 3 for this economical crisis like some people seem to think.
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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2012, 12:16:08 pm »
Yeah he didn't like scopes because they can reveal your position. He knew how to hide and was extraordinary shooter. Count on the confirmed kills and such are varying, but atleast 200 kills is 100% sure and some say the number is over 500 kills then there is those guys who will tell it was over 700, but 700 kills is not likely.

Well usually when talking about WW2 snipers, everyone mentions Vasilli Zaitsev. Indeed a good sniper, but how good he really was? Wikipedia says 235 kills and they are not confirmed (?), rumors more likely. Ofc everyone believes the bigger country has good records and Vasilli was the best. Well it doesn't really matter tho, heh...

Hope we are not going to have a world war 3 for this economical crisis like some people seem to think.
next World War won't be fought with guns really. It will be quick and stupid. And MAD.
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Re: Banks have nough money
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2012, 12:26:13 pm »
next World War won't be fought with guns really. It will be quick and stupid. And MAD.
Like a wise man once said:
"I don't know which weapons are going to be used in world war 3, but I know that world war 4 will be fought with sticks and rocks"
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