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Messages - Boughtthefarm

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it's like requesting to nerf all melee weapons and make them do half would make the game freaking boring.
i play this game because people die after one or two good hits. no need to nerf everything into the ground untill it feels like an arcade beat em up...

most people miss the point that they are not supposed to run up to ranged toons in a straight line with a chambered overhead...

Agreed, and as a person who often dies fast, that does not stop me playing.  You are also correct about the overhead nutters, but it is funny when they do run at yah :)

Well let me put it like this:
I often end up in the top 10 on the score board but pretty much never hit the first place ever although i would count myself to the better throwing players.

Throwing as it is right now requires good judgment of the shot speed especially on axes and a portion of luck as the throws still are really random.
People who run straight at a thrower with their shields up and keep going after their shield explodes are just stupid... same for jumpers except when they are really close.

There are quite a few people who know how to evade throws which are almost impossible to hit for me.

I see how people can get frustrated about throwing but then again it's the same with 2h spamming, shields, archers, crossbows and cav...

I still think making throwing accuracy dependent on WPF will reduce the amount of throwers without hitting dedicated throwers too hard while and it will also slightly nerf the damage as some agi will be required for Weapon Master.
The big problem right now really is the flood of throwers if you take a look at the ground you see as much throwing stuff as arrows and bolts which sure is bad for everyone without a decent shield.

You've just been Tomahawked.

Agreed, and also lots more throwers means more ammo to pickup, but as you say its still a challenge.

For information below is a comparison of accuracy between a dedicated thrower with 10pt and 105 wpf and a dedicated bowman with 6PD and 8wm all wpf into archery.

I think this is a case in point 10pt??  I must not be a proper thrower with only Power Throw 6.

Surely this is a rare thrower??? Or am I completely off mark?

Well, sir, while I fully respect your opinion, there's even throwers in this thread that suggest some nerfing changes.

Many thanks, however I think the nerfers are looking at a PT of 10!!  I would need 30 Str to do that, I dont think I have enough free time to ever get that high??

Surely throwing is just showing up more as more people have started on the low cost knife option.  I suggest let it stand for a few more months and then review.

Gives me more time to enjoy the very rare headshot !!

I agree with most that has been said. Throwing is actually one of few things I find imbalanced. It's like a siege xbow melee style with insanely fast reload. What. The. Shit.

I know the aiming reticule is larger, but it's comparable to a bow/xbow while walking and that's easy to pull of in shorter distances as well. If we were gonna go all realistic and stuff - throwing should be probably more accurate, but way less melee-abusable. Right now I feel like it's a melee weapon with the longest reach and way higher damage than the actual polearms.

Made me lol :D But yeah, awesomeness should be respected.

Well as a Thrower who has Power Throw 6 I find the above statements a shame, funny at times though.
I carry 8 Axes (not 50 arrows), I have a shield and a broad axe, wear light chain - I rarely get in the top ten and on average kill as many as the times I die.  So as an average player I think Throwing is not OP.

Spending more of my time being spammed down by 2H Tincans with Massive Sword or Bar Mace, there are little of few pleasures better than the rare Headshot.  On average I throw 3-5 axes before hitting and that does not kill.  If its a person climbing a ladder my hit rate goes up, if the target is a break dancing, lunge leaping cartwheeling tincan its hard to get any hits at all.  If the person carries a shield they are protected for 2-5 axe hits, so they can close, so whats the big complaint?

Occasionally when the stars are in alignment and the luck runs with me not against I might kill a few people, but I have thrown four axes point blank and missed !!

So come on, dont nerf throwing just because people are too poor to always wear tin and PT10+ players can hit often (when do these people get time to get that?).
Otherwise you just adjust whatever looks slighty better while people complain that their normal 55 kills to 2 deaths mega slaughter is reduced

Dont take away the small pleasure of the rare kill, throwing at a tin can running towards me with 2H Mace/Boulder/Axe/Sword over his head confident that he always wins.

Also do note that the chance of killing enemy with single shot is equal to accidental TK's - sorry for those by the way, it happens, but on the whole I never fire into melles, dont have enough ammo to do these things unlike XBow\Archer

All I am saying is give throwing a chance  :D

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