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Messages - MechRazor

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: February 02, 2012, 01:28:35 am »
nope it was gandi and dali_lama and not only do i have pictures but logs prove it as well
and even if it wasnt you, the fact that your post earlier hinted that christians were stupid is still offensive

*Dalai_Lama you infidel, besides, I'm not Dalai Lama, it's some other guy

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: February 02, 2012, 01:01:48 am »
I hope you're ready to make that character Sabu, because Gandhi and Dali Llama aren't very good duelists.  :?

Lol, since when I was involved in all this. Anyway, since you're so sure about our abilities, I would like to duel you in game if possible, so you can say that again.

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:31:52 am »

This tells me everything I need to know. You don't want to tell me they went over to your place to ask you then to leave? Why would they do this?

I just try to keep the topic going  :wink:

Funny thing is that they said that after voting to ban us, so please don't try and confuse us here. Vote to ban and then trying to lecture us kindly doesn't exactly work, does it. I just find it funny that nobody admits that the TKoV was guilty in a way as well since they have no right to enforce their own rules on the server.

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:16:20 am »
Thank god, I was confused on why people were even bothering to respond to me for so long despite them being so obviously wrong.

Yeah, yeah... and I obviously didn't know that because I'm a moron and scumbag according to your holiness.

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:00:07 am »
Wait, what? I'm not reprogramming my mind for anything.

I'm a cute bitch.

I'm a delicate motherfucking wallflower.

You're stubborn, you seem to be keeping your counter trolling up for quite a while now, I like it, I think we would be nice couple (but I do have a feeling that you're not the one who you claiming to be). Anyway, I think the thread is dying now so I don't think we can bring anything new any more.

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:50:43 am »
I like how you have everyone posting against you, yet you still stubbornly hold true to the delusional opinion that you are right! It is so gosh darn cute I wanna pinch your cheeks (though I won't because I don't wanna catch scumbag disease).

Who's "everyone", I just see you and you only responding to my posts, nobody else. Anyway, I do rather enjoy your counter trolling and your attempt to reprogram your mind to our trolling, but unfortunately it's not working out that well for you, because it's not natural thing for you to behave like that, sister.

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:42:24 am »

I know right?!  :DYeah but your opinion is pretty much worthless (as is evidenced by everyone disagreeing with you).
You trying to pull that card is like a peasant yelling at a King that they are equal cuz he said so... So what I see that you did there was a futile attempt to bring yourself to my level.

Poor fella, one day you won't be so delusional and will learn you place... scumbag...

I love how you're 100% positive that you're winning this argument, plenty of people like you out there... sad thing really because you think you're extremely unique and funny person, keep living your delusional life.

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:27:07 am »
*Cues conspiracy music*
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You're a funny wannabe guy tears, I give you that :D

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:22:34 am »
If you're serious (you're not), maybe you should try complaining reasonably instead of being a dick about it? It should be pretty telling that no one here is on your side, and we weren't even involved.

Poll bans only last an hour anyway.

There are a lot of people on his side, trust me on that

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:18:59 am »
If by serious investigation you mean about 6 clicks and me informing the guys having fun with you here about who is who so they understand your motives for posting - yes, serious investigation.

I myself checked about 12 hours ago when i first read the logs.

It would have been even more funny if you didn't clarify at all, you've spoiled it *sniff*

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:10:52 am »
Just to clarify:

Sabu: Gandi
MechRazor: Dalai_Lama

Thought i'd add that so there is no confusion.

! :mrgreen:

Well done, it seems that there is a serious investigation going on now, I was hoping that you would discover it

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:09:38 am »
I think you are silly, and I did take the time to read the logs.

Lol, you're obviously not reading the topic carefully either...

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:02:33 am »
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How do you know I'm taking any of this seriously?
This community is extremely difficult to take seriously, whether peasant or dev, it is all for the lulz.

Well, then calling him a moron obviously isn't the right word for him

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:00:52 am »
As I resigned my adminship... I can now say... Freely...

The NA community is full of fucking morons...

How can you possibly judge that the guy is a moron without knowing him properly? Maybe he just gets entertained from all this stuff and you're being a bit too serious about it all? It does get ridiculous now.

General Discussion / Re: Clan Server Abuse (TKoV)
« on: January 30, 2012, 01:04:14 am »
Lol, it does seem that the clans have huge power on any server that they enter. They can enforce their own rules on the server, ignoring the actual rules of the server and ban (kick would be more reasonable solution) people who "disrupt" their rule enforced area. I don't know why admins support their actions but to me it seems that clans are considered superior to individual players, just because they bring more people to this mod.

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