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Messages - SPQR

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Diplomacy / Re: IMPORTANT - Diplomacy Forum Rules
« on: November 05, 2011, 08:19:36 pm »
My character is a time traveling civil war general. Just so everyone is clear on that.

Its good that cav is nullified, we shouldn't see cav till VERYYYY late game, Its a luxury not a necessity.


People have been riding horses for centuries. Its not like no one used them until they reached some sort of arbitrary economic point then decided to gather the horses and start riding them. They're a natural resource and even some of the poorest civilizations in history still rode horses at least occasionally.

Fielding a heavily armored warhorse with a dude in full plate on top should be difficult.

Fielding a dude in a padded jacket with a pointy stick on a rouncey should not.

Strategus Issues / Re: Slot limit for attacking side
« on: October 28, 2011, 04:04:38 am »
Uh, the probably increased it because the current limits were retarded and left tons of people out of the battle that wanted to participate. It almost certainly has nothing to do with helping clan one clan or shafting another.

chadz changes what he changes, and the people who try out the new stuff first ALWAYS get a raw deal, but its a beta so thats just how it goes. Just suck it up and deal with it. AI fiefs are just supposed to a speedbump, not the main opponent. The game is PvP not PvE.

We're almost a month in, anything that lets more people play and gets us to the part where we have wars faster is welcomed by me.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Experience in strategus battles
« on: October 27, 2011, 10:00:42 pm »
If you do not reward victory you run the risk of creating a system whereby people do not care about whether they win or lose. Who will then act in a corresponding manner.


Clans care about whether they win or lose and hire people who care. The XP is just a bonus.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Experience in strategus battles
« on: October 27, 2011, 05:25:01 pm »
What if you just do a straight 2.5x for everyone +100 bonus xp for every kill for everyone, regardless of whos side they were on?

In an hour fight with 1000 casualties (average village fight) you'd get 250,000xp.

That way:
A) Defenders show up even if they know they'll lose cause they'll still get xp from their deaths and any kills they manage to get
B) Small battles get less xp overall than big battles, but are shorter (presumably) giving approximately the same xp/minute
C) Doesn't reward k/d ratios which is already such a big factor in hiring that many regular joes can't get hired for strat battles at all
D) Is not some byzantine equation that will confuse people. They can look at a battle and approximate how much xp its worth.

I'm CSA_Gen_Robert_E_Leet. I'm in the castle, send them to me.

Thanks bro.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Experience in strategus battles
« on: October 26, 2011, 09:23:57 pm »
The average modifier on battle is x2, so we're talking like 120,000 xp an hour.

So at 10 minutes per multiplier we'd be looking at 140,000xp first hour.
At 15 min per multiplier we're looking at 210,000xp first hour (!)

And yeah use gen bonuses too.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Experience in strategus battles
« on: October 26, 2011, 09:11:35 pm »
This system discourages large battles and siege battles. I'd have to have this system while taking a castle/town

I don't think so. The people planning the battle/seige are gonna do it regardless of xp because that is not their primary motivation and I think people will sign up for it as a guaranteed 120,000+ xp.

Gold is that expensive because people are supposed to craft & trade weapons. If that's not working, it's a problem with the crafting, not with the item prices :P

If item prices aren't going to be changed, then crafting needs a huge buff.

Prices were quadrupled, and an average smithing skill gives you a 50% discount. Which means the item is still twice as expensive as it was before, even if you craft it.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Experience in strategus battles
« on: October 26, 2011, 07:49:18 pm »
You could just have xp every minute ala the battle server.

First 10 minutes x5
Second 10 minutes x4
Third 10 minutes x3
Forth 10 minutes x2
After that x1

That way small battles still get decent xp, and long battles can get more, up to a certain point, then it drops off, to discourage people dragging it out.

Seems like the simplest way to go about it.

Crossbow builds are pretty much gonna be obsolete too.

ehhh guys
its like the first days of strategus, what do you expect, knight armies?

By this time last strategus every village was taken, most clans had a couple thousands troops, and several wars had popped off.

So far this strategus there have been a couple peasant-on-peasant village fights and thats it.

The problem with making small armies be the norm, is that castles and cities have thousands of population and have default minimum populations. A castle, for instance, has a 1000 minimum population, I think. The city is 2000 or more. So 1000 minimum free defenders is practically insurmountable defensive advantage against all but the strongest of clans. You basically become invunerable to them because they'll never be able to field enough to take from you.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Good prices increase
« on: October 21, 2011, 07:39:27 pm »
Why does it display the upcoming change in prosperity anyway, instead of just total prosperity from the default?

It's confusing, for one thing, and also doesn't make much sense. How could you know in advance exactly how much more or less prosperous a location will be in the future? Even with all todays technology we still can't predict what the stock market will do, for instance.

Why not just display prosperity as the change from default, with like an arrow next to it pointing down if it looks likely to go down, an arrow pointing up if its trending upwards.

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