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Messages - Loupen

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Faction Halls / Re: The Renegades [NA Recruiting]
« on: July 11, 2012, 09:29:51 pm »
yo i really want to join
let me in the clan
thank you for reading my post

did that shit haiku style.

Faction Halls / Re: Hyrule
« on: May 28, 2012, 02:00:40 am »
i am looking to join under the name Sheik_of_Hyrule. Sheik is one of my favirte characters as "she" is the alter-ego of princess zelda and only appears in one of the many many LoZ games. I also like the ninja-ish feel to the character. I consider myself an alright player. My in-game names are Priest_of_East and Communist. I think this is a fun idea that is not TOO serious and allows room for fun. Been playing with you and Zelda for the last 2-3 days on NA community and i really like you guys.


Faction Halls / Re: [AoW] Art of War (NA only/ Recruiting)
« on: May 09, 2012, 03:55:16 am »
Thanks for letting me put on the tag guys; Glad to be here.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Cavalry Builds
« on: April 18, 2012, 05:46:13 am »
Hello everyone, i am Comm_KUTT and i have a few chars i play on. I get boed easily so atm i have a thrower 2h hybrid, non hybrid 2h (my favorite that i do pretty well), and my 1h cav (which i am ok at). I am looking to find a new build for my thrower that will be cav.

If anyone is willing to give me a few points on builds and why they are better than the others that would be great. Other fun builds that are not cav would be useful as well.
What is appreciated?

Lancer cav builds
Xbow cav builds (i know what ur thinking... WTF IS WRONG WITH U COM), but i think its fun)
Xbow builds
other FUN builds

if you could also say what items would go along with ur build nicely that would be great as well.

Thank you in advance!  :D

Faction Halls / Re: [NH] - Norse Horde (NA) - Recruiting TEAMplayers
« on: April 02, 2012, 05:00:26 am »
i gave diggles a message but he has not been on steam or in-game since i have been on. i am interested in joining. I already wear the right equipment. I am a 1h cav using a shield that also had high ironflesh and some athletics in case i am taken off my horse.

I have a positive ratio mostly and my best score is 13/0 (not amazing but i never said i was amazing or a very good player at that)

Thank you. i have skype ts and vent mumble etc.

Thank you, plz consider me.

Closed Requests / Re: Communist_KUTT banned.
« on: March 05, 2012, 09:17:20 pm »,27270.0.html

This guy only get 3 days + 1 for each day he was alrdy banned. he even posts on the topic mocking the players and posters. i get 7 days for hardly delaying. I wasn't even trying to be an ass or ruin anyones day.

.................idk man... idk

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Closed Requests / Re: Communist_KUTT banned.
« on: March 05, 2012, 09:02:49 pm »
so how about that unbanning me please. I'm sorry for delaying, i was just trying to have fun living as a peasant because i have 3 str 21 agility atm. i didn't think so many ppl would get pissed. At first i was just dying in 1 shot so i got frustrated. THEN my own team starts killing me for no reason because i am useless. Well wtf i am lvl 1-20 with 3 str how am i supposed to be not useless? Then i started to hit and run and eventually delay. My goal was not to delay and keep people from playing, i was just having fun but i guess i was pissing off other players. And before i started "delaying" i was getting team killed for being a peasant. That made me angry so i did delay 1 round after that intentionally. This samurai guy killed me 3 times before i even delayed once to piss him off. I would try sending in screenshots but that is petty. He will just get a 12-1 day ban. Woohoo....

7 days is nowhere near justifiable.

Closed Requests / Re: Communist_KUTT banned.
« on: March 05, 2012, 10:40:32 am »
i got kicked one time. and after that i did not even delay. And when i did "delay" it was not for a very long time i died almost instantly anyways. i see people all the time delaying soooooo much longer and they never get banned not even kicked. This is just crazy.

I'm really sorry for acting crazy but rly, 7 days? Cmon can we get some Admins that don't abuse powers in here. I get a ban for delaying all day even though i was hardly on and i only delayed 2 rounds because i was far away from the fight. being a peasant is boring what can i say. I still hardly waited it out. Most times i fought and died instantly anyways. Teamwounders and Teamkillers don't ever get banned, but i get banned for 7 days. lol...

And no, it's not justified. Do you really expect me to come on the forums and suck up to get unabned? of course i'm going to be mad, i just got banned for 7 days lol :/

Closed Requests / Communist_KUTT banned. seriouly? what a response
« on: March 05, 2012, 10:32:10 am »
I got banned for 7 days for "delaying". complaints of me delaying were given all day. wow people are so quick to bitch. i die right at the beginning of the round or i stay alive to the end and die quickly anywyas. I hardly delay.

This is the only response i got before my last thread was locked.

"You have been delaying all day.  Countless people have complained about you.  You even got kicked a few times.

Congrats also because you are my first ban ever.  I thought 7 days was harsh too but after reading your post it seems justified."

Seriously? And no, i was not delaying all day. 1.) i only played for a few hours i was playing anotherg ame most of the day. 2.) i died mostly at the beginning of rounds

I did delay a little, but not as much as alot of people who do delay.

7 days? that is WAY TOO HARSH thats crazy. I have never seen someone banned for 7 days for even team killing on purpose. Hell ppl tk me all the time on purpose when im not a peasant. never banned for 24 hours even.
cmon this is way too harsh. ppl delay and i never even complain. hell i dont even complain when ppl tk me. Why? cuz i know they wont get banned. BUT OF COURSE ME, who does almost nothing worthy of a 7 day ban, gets banned... for 7 DAYS.

Closed Requests / Communist_KUTT banned.
« on: March 05, 2012, 10:02:27 am »
Hello, i was banned on NA 1 crpg for delaying. I was a peasant and kept dying 1 shot so i decided to stay back a little. Then i came out and hit ppl ran away and repeated. some people DELAY for ever and dn't get banned. this is complete trash. a 7 DAY BAN for hardly delaying at all. This is crazy. Admin abuse i swear to god. 7 days for hardly delaying at all. 10 seconds of living at the end of a roudn is delaying? u gotta be kidding me.

people kill me because i am a peasant every roudn too, and they don't get banned? wow, this shit is retarded as hell. of course the big names and good players never get banned for delaying though, no no no not them no way.


wow.. this is sad. Not only for me getting banned. but 7 days? laughable, disgusting.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Archer Hybrid Build
« on: February 24, 2012, 03:44:19 am »
Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    Strength: 15
    Agility: 21
    Hit points: 60

    Skills to attributes: 2

    Ironflesh: 5
    Power Strike: 5
    Shield: 0
    Athletics: 7
    Riding: 0
    Horse Archery: 0
    Power Draw: 5
    Power Throw: 0
    Weapon Master: 7

    One Handed: 100
    Two Handed: 1
    Polearm: 1
    Archery: 144
    Crossbow: 1
    Throwing: 1

Would this be a good build to effectively hybrid archery and 1hander? Should i change the build to something different or use a different type of melee weapon? Any other advice would be great as well.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: My build, please help
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:39:24 pm »
alright thanks. Yah i wouldn't want to go throwing, i just didnt know what to put points on and i thought it might be a good tactic to use against people not using shields. I do plan on going 2 handers over 1h unless someone gives me a good reason. 21/18 doesn't sound too bad maybe i will do that.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: My build, please help
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:30:19 pm »
ty for the reply. What advice would you give me (if any) on what to do since i can't do that? first of all do you think the build (not counting any throwing) is good? i still have about 5 points to spend, i just don't know what t do with them.

Beginner's Help and Guides / My build, please help
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:25:04 pm »
    * Strength: 18
    * Agility: 18
    * Hit points: 65

    * Skills to attributes: 2

    * Ironflesh: 6
    * Power Strike: 6
    * Shield: 0
    * Athletics: 6
    * Riding: 0
    * Horse Archery: 0
    * Power Draw: 0
    * Power Throw: 5
    * Weapon Master: 6

    * One Handed: 1
    * Two Handed: 156
    * Polearm: 1
    * Archery: 1
    * Crossbow: 1
    * Throwing: 1

This is my build i made on the calculator. I might trade power throw for shields and change 2h to 1h. I have tried a 36/3 str build on a STF char and i did ok. i tried 1h and 2h builds. I performed about the same getting 1 k/d ratio. I also made a xbow/pole user which was higher than 1 k/d but was fairly boring so i stopped. My main character (lvl 25 ninja) is now lvl 22 after respecing. This is why i am here, to gain apporval of this build or to be corrected if this build usual does not work out well.

Feel free to give me example builds and what weapons/items i should use with that build. Thank you a lot in advance.

WARNING: i only will spent 15k max on gear /  items due to upkeep. Please try to stay within that limit. I am usually around 10k though.

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:00:57 pm »
I am Interested. I tried to join the TS server, to hopefully get to chill in there and at least play with other cRPG players. It keeps disconnecting me however, it must be my fault i am not doing something right. I hope to get in soon and hopefully play with you guys. I was dueling with Dex and he was very helpful and really nice.

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