cRPG => Announcements => Topic started by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 11:13:17 am

Title: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 11:13:17 am
Most of you probably noticed (some poor lads even first hand) that there was a lot of hacking going on lately. People logged into other players accounts and tried to cause havoc in it. Mostly by selling heirlooms or by resetting chars.

a) Will those chars be restored.

Yes, definately. We will not allow anyone's fun and effort to be ruined by incidents like this. It will probably be a lot of work though, so just hang in there. Every transaction is logged, so it can be verified and restored. We will announce it when we have the tools&admins ready to reestablish the belongings.

b) How does it work.

It is, as far as I can see (the investigation isn't finished yet) related to the unpassed alts. Everyone can log into your account if you have no password set, all he needs is the name. We are currently believing, though not verified, that the reason why it got so easy is the NA stats. All you have to do is search for a player, check for some low level alt and hope for the best. I assume that works really well. This would also explain why it started when the stats were released and why it is mostly NA accounts that got hacked.

c) What are we doing about it.

Right now, we disabled logging into unpassworded alts. So this means you cannot use alts as a password retrieving tool for now. We will be changing the system entirely - when you join a server with a new alt, you will receive a 4 digit password that you can then enter into the website. This should deal with this exploit. However, this requires a website and a cRPG patch, and could take some time. We're trying to deal with this as fast as possible though.
Edit: actually, we changed it a bit. You now have 120 seconds to log into an alt before it gets impossible to login via this alt. Then you'd have to create a new alt and login within 120 seconds again. This should make it impossible for alt-guessers.

We're really sorry about this, and even further sorry that this will delay strategus ;)

But we're working on it, and all will be back to normal.

PS: please make sure your password is secure (not easily guessable). If you think your account got compromised, change your password.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Glyph on July 02, 2011, 11:20:10 am
Thanks for doing a fix for c-rpg again chadz
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: [ptx] on July 02, 2011, 11:23:46 am
Great news, thanks!  :)
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Matey on July 02, 2011, 11:30:37 am
Good to hear, just to mention though; most of the guys I talked to said that they had set passwords for all of their characters... i dont know if maybe they messed up and missed one or what, but I worry that the hacker might have found a different way to get in to peoples accounts.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 11:36:19 am
Check Edit in first post:
Edit: actually, we changed it a bit. You now have 120 seconds to log into an alt before it gets impossible to login via this alt. Then you'd have to create a new alt and login within 120 seconds again. This should make it impossible for alt-guessers.

Good to hear, just to mention though; most of the guys I talked to said that they had set passwords for all of their characters... i dont know if maybe they messed up and missed one or what, but I worry that the hacker might have found a different way to get in to peoples accounts.

This might be, and would be very worrying. If you - or anyone else - could send me a PM with the names of those that got hacked and are 100% sure they haven't had an unpassed alt, I could check them out.

So far, we had some people that thought they didn't have an unpassed alt, but just joined once with the wrong name and then had an alt for it. As I said, we're still investigating.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 11:47:05 am
This negates brute force attempts, and guesses. But for the entirety of the matter, what you are implying is that all recent hacking(s) are because of alternative characters? As much as I want to criticize this, it looks logical, only NA players have been taken down in the past attempts, but some of this attacks don't look related to the alt. characters "exploit".

But I know not all of the attacks and recent hacking(s) could have been done by alts. as stated by the LLJK members who were hacked, and I believe Goretooth, who was (All of them) among some of the first before this got out of control. Is there any reason to believe that there was at any point an exploit within your server, in the form of simply reading listed files, etc? Did something leak? Basically this doesn't add up the whole story, seems like there are other elements and this is only part of the problem.

I guess on that separate issue, let's congratulate Ecko on a job well done. Thank you for your wonderful site that opened up a crippling domain, allowed people to get items stolen, and revamped part of the cRPG security. On a non-sarcastic note, maybe when people suggest you change something on your site (Shik, Poophammer), you'll take it as a valid fucking criticism.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ginosaji on July 02, 2011, 11:49:40 am
Maybe I miss something, but wouldn't it be better to set the password of a newly registered character to the password of the main character registered with the given Warband key?

Or, even better, make it only possible to register new accounts on the website, not directly via joining a game. Maybe then you could implement a message that gets written in pink text whenever someone logs in with an unregistered character, like "You've joined with an unregistered character. Any progress you make with this character won't be stored. Please register your character at" or similar.
For new players you'd have to set the Warband key to something invalid then, until the player joins a game with the same character name.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Goretooth on July 02, 2011, 11:56:41 am
I don't have any alts.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: a_bear_irl on July 02, 2011, 12:11:45 pm
Lots of the guys who got their stuff stolen were long term or "top tier" players, it seems a little unlikely to me that all these people, it's got to be over a dozen at this point, had unpassworded alts particularly considering that a bit ago there was a big scare with people getting their stuff jacked in that same way. I mean, I don't really know anything about coding or hacking or security but it seems to me that the dev team should start considering ways someone might gain unauthorized account access without using unsecured alts.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Felix on July 02, 2011, 12:37:25 pm
We're really sorry about this, and even further sorry that this will delay strategus ;)

Please, chadz, permaban ALL hackers and their collaterals. No, kill them! Make them code for food! ARGH!!
Greedy good for nothing bastards. Not only they robbed those poor guys but also make devs waste their time and efforts instead of them patching strategus. What the f****! They should have their warband cd-keys banned on all warband servers.
And i am sure everyone will want to know their names. Make the list public. It has gone far worse the last time.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Stabby_Dave on July 02, 2011, 12:45:06 pm
I recently gave away my looms to clanmates, hope this doesnt get seen as hacking.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on July 02, 2011, 12:52:42 pm
Stupid fucking account hacker who dont understand that dev and admin cant work on getting strategus back and repair their bullshit at the sametime...
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Felix on July 02, 2011, 12:56:52 pm
Stupid fucking account hacker who dont understand that dev and admin cant work on getting strategus back and repair their bullshit at the sametime...

Our world is full of shit cause of such irresponsible and selfish, and furthermore - stupid people.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on July 02, 2011, 12:59:59 pm
I want them to be definitely banned from crpg forum and crpg servers. Having them beheaded will reduce the ammount of hacked account and punish them for being asshole
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: okiN on July 02, 2011, 01:09:31 pm
You fellas know the guys who pull this crap basically live for that kind of reaction, right?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on July 02, 2011, 01:13:37 pm
Or maybe they live for their greed. Anyway if they like to be punished lets have them get what they want it doesn't bother me at all
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Varric on July 02, 2011, 01:13:54 pm
And some for dem sweet ass looms.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Dexxtaa on July 02, 2011, 01:52:18 pm
Good to know you guys are on top of this.

Props for the quick response, guys. Keeping me addicted for even longer now
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Felix on July 02, 2011, 01:57:51 pm
Or maybe they live for their greed. Anyway if they like to be punished lets have them get what they want it doesn't bother me at all

This. They can lol as much as they want, but they got caught. They lost. They are losers. chadz and his team will fix everything, proving that administration system is solid and functioning. And then they will be punished by chadz and community itself. That's all to it.

Indeed, world is no sweet place, but we could at least keep some order in this little world "cRPG" that was created and raised up with so much dedication and love from chadz, devs and community.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 02:11:17 pm
Actually, I've started to see people doing this as a natural disasters. It doesn't really matter who's causing it, just that it will happen eventually and that you should be prepared or do the clean-up afterwards.

I couldn't care less who's behind it, I just want to stop it. Needless to say, an emotionless ban is the other side of the coin :)
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Templar_Ratigan on July 02, 2011, 02:47:29 pm
Most of you probably noticed (some poor lads even first hand) that there was a lot of hacking going on lately. People logged into other players accounts and tried to cause havoc in it. Mostly by selling heirlooms or by resetting chars.

a) Will those chars be restored.

Yes, definately. We will not allow anyone's fun and effort to be ruined by incidents like this. It will probably be a lot of work though, so just hang in there. Every transaction is logged, so it can be verified and restored. We will announce it when we have the tools&admins ready to reestablish the belongings.

b) How does it work.

It is, as far as I can see (the investigation isn't finished yet) related to the unpassed alts. Everyone can log into your account if you have no password set, all he needs is the name. We are currently believing, though not verified, that the reason why it got so easy is the NA stats. All you have to do is search for a player, check for some low level alt and hope for the best. I assume that works really well. This would also explain why it started when the stats were released and why it is mostly NA accounts that got hacked.

c) What are we doing about it.

Right now, we disabled logging into unpassworded alts. So this means you cannot use alts as a password retrieving tool for now. We will be changing the system entirely - when you join a server with a new alt, you will receive a 4 digit password that you can then enter into the website. This should deal with this exploit. However, this requires a website and a cRPG patch, and could take some time. We're trying to deal with this as fast as possible though.
Edit: actually, we changed it a bit. You now have 120 seconds to log into an alt before it gets impossible to login via this alt. Then you'd have to create a new alt and login within 120 seconds again. This should make it impossible for alt-guessers.

We're really sorry about this, and even further sorry that this will delay strategus ;)

But we're working on it, and all will be back to normal.

PS: please make sure your password is secure (not easily guessable). If you think your account got compromised, change your password.

Good news, and after what happened to me recently ive decided on a new pass each week.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Garrus on July 02, 2011, 03:00:41 pm
We're really sorry about this, and even further sorry that this will delay strategus ;)

He's the master of excuses :D
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 03:29:24 pm
so far, one member of LLJK failed to cover his tracks properly and was banned for causing many of those incidents. We are currently investigating further to see if there were helpers.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: DrKronic on July 02, 2011, 03:30:43 pm
so far, one member of LLJK failed to cover his tracks properly and was banned for causing many of those incidents. We are currently investigating further to see if there were helpers.

knew it, well my paranoia had figured that is the correct way to say that
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on July 02, 2011, 03:54:21 pm
so far, one member of LLJK failed to cover his tracks properly and was banned for causing many of those incidents. We are currently investigating further to see if there were helpers.
People who dod that must definitely understand that they are getting their clan reputation really bad
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Dan lol on July 02, 2011, 04:05:13 pm
so who here is on board the strategus goon wipe rape train now?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Dexxtaa on July 02, 2011, 04:08:08 pm
Our world is full of shit cause of such irresponsible and selfish, and furthermore - stupid people.

Love it when Russians talk. I imagine the accent and think how cool it sounds.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 04:13:33 pm
so far, one member of LLJK failed to cover his tracks properly and was banned for causing many of those incidents. We are currently investigating further to see if there were helpers.

Care to release the name? This will come as a shock to most of the clan, and by god some private lynchings will be done internally.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 02, 2011, 04:15:55 pm

b) How does it work.

It is, as far as I can see (the investigation isn't finished yet) related to the unpassed alts. Everyone can log into your account if you have no password set, all he needs is the name. We are currently believing, though not verified, that the reason why it got so easy is the NA stats. All you have to do is search for a player, check for some low level alt and hope for the best. I assume that works really well. This would also explain why it started when the stats were released and why it is mostly NA accounts that got hacked.

We're really sorry about this, and even further sorry that this will delay strategus ;)

But we're working on it, and all will be back to normal.

PS: please make sure your password is secure (not easily guessable). If you think your account got compromised, change your password.

I thought this as well, but goretooth has no alts. So how did he get hacked?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 04:17:35 pm
Goretooth was hacked in a different, and actually way more advanced way. Everyone that got hacked can contact me in irc so we can check how it worked.

Care to release the name?

Not yet, we first want to have a talk with him.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 04:24:16 pm
It seemed most of the initial attacks were done in "more advanced ways", rather than using alts, at least that was my hunch, and was what I stated in my first post in this thread.

The dramatic attention the issue started receiving got some people thinking, and they used Ecko's, view alts. thing on his site to steal heirlooms, etc.

As an added security question, why does the change password option not require you to enter your initial password?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 02, 2011, 04:26:20 pm
Love it when Russians talk. I imagine the accent and think how cool it sounds.

Sexiest accent in the world, I swear to god. A proper Castilian Spanish accent comes next


Thank you chadz for everything! This is great news.
As an added security question, why does the change password option not require you to enter your initial password?

Also this...
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Felix on July 02, 2011, 04:34:19 pm
Love it when Russians talk. I imagine the accent and think how cool it sounds.

Sexiest accent in the world, I swear to god.

Lol. I am sorry to disappoint you, but i don't have Russian accent :D Though I can imitate it.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Nindur on July 02, 2011, 04:37:22 pm
Ban all LLJK, only way to be safe.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 04:38:43 pm
Does it have anything to do with the new steam warband patch?  Also, I think you should release the names.  I think you should have released the autoblockers names too.  In a community this small your reputation is everything.  Who cares if a cd-key or whatever gets banned, they'll just come back with another one.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 04:39:22 pm
Ban all LLJK, only way to be safe.

I hate you, and roymorrison.

I agree though, release the names.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Felix on July 02, 2011, 04:39:59 pm
I hate you, and roymorrison.

I agree though, release the names.

Lynching is imminent. Rrrrr  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: arab on July 02, 2011, 04:40:15 pm
Release the names so we can beat them the fuck up.

e: also ecko remove your stupid site feature that let's people check up on alts, that is most likely how they got into accounts. someone starts up an alt without putting in a password, the hacker gets into that account and changes the password to get into the other characters, and then they remove heirlooms/characters. just get rid of the alternate character viewer
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 02, 2011, 04:52:13 pm
To be fair, there is no way that Ecko could have forseen that so many people would not have passwords on all of their alts (which surprised the hell out of me).

But yes, to chadz we should take a stance on just CD Key Banning everyone who hacks, regardless of if it is an in-game hack or if it is entering someone's account without permission.

EDIT: It would also be nice if we could compensate the hacked individuals with something to make up for this happening to them. It would not have to be veyr big, just a small gesture.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Fellblade on July 02, 2011, 04:52:35 pm
Release the names so we can beat them the fuck up.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 02, 2011, 04:54:10 pm
I feel another mass ban coming on unless a name is released.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Fellblade on July 02, 2011, 04:57:05 pm
The funny thing is you are probably serious.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 05:00:24 pm
EDIT: It would also be nice if we could compensate the hacked individuals with something to make up for this happening to them. It would not have to be veyr big, just a small gesture.

No, you don't get compensated for forgetting to password your shit and getting hacked.  You get your shit restored and that's it.  Otherwise you're creating incentive for people to be dumb about their security.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 02, 2011, 05:02:27 pm
No, you don't get compensated for forgetting to password your shit and getting hacked.  You get your shit restored and that's it.  Otherwise you're creating incentive for people to be dumb about their security.

That statement is false, some who got hacked had all their chars passworded.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Fellblade on July 02, 2011, 05:03:50 pm
Roy Morrison is so dumb even goons didn't want him.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 02, 2011, 05:04:35 pm
That statement is false, some who got hacked had all their chars passworded.

This, basically.

Goretooth for example does not have any alts, and someone did a much more elaborate hack (likely involving that wonderful database just sitting out there). He did not "forget" to have a password for his main.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 05:04:46 pm
That statement is false, some who got hacked had all their chars passworded.

Either way, you have to admit that giving people a cookie for being either unlucky or dumb is a bad idea.

It will just turn into another system for someone to abuse, more shit for chadz to do, a longer delay before we get Strategus.  Give the people what they had back, fix the system and leave it at that.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 02, 2011, 05:06:16 pm
Either way, you have to admit that giving people a cookie for being either unlucky or dumb is a bad idea.

So you don't believe in compensation for things like court cases, and only an exact 100% refund?

Either way, to each their own *shrugs*
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: arab on July 02, 2011, 05:06:39 pm
Either way, you have to admit that giving people a cookie for being either unlucky or dumb is a bad idea.

Oh okay, let's go ahead and punish people who tried to be smart about their shit and got hacked and lost a lot of shit, that's totally fine because anyone who got hacked is by default dumb.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 05:07:16 pm
Still though, I'd like a name released.

Can't think of any known LLJK that would do this, and most of our more incredibly retarded special members, haven't done anything or had involvement in this, so a name we demand.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 05:09:30 pm
Are you serious.  Read my posts. 



Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: ManOfWar on July 02, 2011, 05:10:15 pm
Release the names and counter hack the f@#k out of them?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: arab on July 02, 2011, 05:11:24 pm
Are you serious.  Read my posts. 



How can someone abuse it if they have to be hacked by someone who has been caught?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cepeshi on July 02, 2011, 05:12:32 pm
I would personally love to see how the fuck they do it...only way to prevent is to know how they do it, right:)
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 05:13:03 pm
So you don't believe in compensation for things like court cases, and only an exact 100% refund?

Either way, to each their own *shrugs*

Uh, yes dude.  Otherwise random cRPG scrub number #23972 is going to "get hacked" so he can "get paid".

Also, in civil suits the money doesn't come from thin air.  Typically, one of the two parties involved ends up paying.  So if anything, pull money from the account of the hacker and give it to the person who they screwed.  Which, of course, will get abused.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 02, 2011, 05:13:54 pm
Still though, I'd like a name released.

Can't think of any known LLJK that would do this, and most of our more incredibly retarded special members, haven't done anything or had involvement in this, so a name we demand.

Got 20 bucks that says it was you.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Fellblade on July 02, 2011, 05:15:24 pm
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 05:16:55 pm
How can someone abuse it if they have to be hacked by someone who has been caught?

I don't even understand what you're trying to say.

Why would you create incentive for getting hacked.  It will lead to people wanting to get their shit hacked, so they can receive the incentive at no personal loss.

It's like idiots who jump in front of cars so they can sue the drivers, except in this case they don't wind up in the hospital or whatever.  They just get free stuff.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: arab on July 02, 2011, 05:19:29 pm
I don't even understand what you're trying to say.

How can someone say they get hacked if the person hacking has been caught, and is no longer hacking. You can't abuse it if the people getting compensated are like the first 5 people getting hacked.

It's like people jumping in front of cars to get insurance, but the car is parked and doesn't have a driver.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 05:21:34 pm
Got 20 bucks that says it was you.

Considering I'm still posting here, I'll take that bet.

e: I thought we were putting down our trolling of serious meta issues like this? Oh Ecko, such an example.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 05:22:02 pm
People get their chars back and that's it.

also, stop this silly offtopic.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 02, 2011, 05:23:19 pm
People get their chars back and that's it.

also, stop this silly offtopic.

Could you also release the LLJK name so that LLJK can expell the member and such?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 05:24:19 pm
You're assuming there will be no future security problems?  Also, you're assuming the people getting hacked wont be the ones doing it to themselves to get free stuff.

I guess a better analogy would be burning your own house down for the insurance money?

Figured I'd go with a car analogy first, you know.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 05:28:30 pm
Could you also release the LLJK name so that LLJK can expell the member and such?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Fellblade on July 02, 2011, 05:36:13 pm
Unsurprise it wasn't a goon at all.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 05:40:24 pm
Why are all the posts about Philosoraptor getting deleted? Is he significant?

He isn't affiliated with Goons or LLJK in anyway other than Strategus.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Goatee on July 02, 2011, 05:41:22 pm
Why are all the posts about Philosoraptor getting deleted? Is he significant?

He isn't affiliated with Goons or LLJK in anyway other than Strategus.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 05:43:32 pm
I want to talk with an LLJK leader about the guy, unless the banned person talks to me first.  (irc)
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Fellblade on July 02, 2011, 05:46:05 pm
You can do when they get on, but it will be the same as talking to Ecko about ATS_Fellblade.

He isn't a goon, infact he came on our public teamspeak earlier this morning and said "Hey guys remember when you tried to pin the hacking on me?" and then left the server.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 02, 2011, 05:47:14 pm
You can do when they get on, but it will be the same as talking to Ecko about ATS_Fellblade.

He isn't a goon, infact he came on our public teamspeak earlier this morning and said "Hey guys remember when you tried to pin the hacking on me?" and then left the server.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Fellblade on July 02, 2011, 05:47:33 pm
I am not a member of ATS, just like he isn't a member of LLJK.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Slantedfloors on July 02, 2011, 05:48:18 pm
He isn't a goon, infact he came on our public teamspeak earlier this morning and said "Hey guys remember when you tried to pin the hacking on me?" and then left the server.
Also I can't prove it, but he's a chocolate chip cookie.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 05:48:28 pm
Referring of course to Philosorapter, also you owe me twenty bucks, Ecko.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 02, 2011, 05:51:51 pm
I am not a member of ATS, just like he isn't a member of LLJK.

Pretty sure that if it wasn't a member of LLJK, chadz would have figured that out and said it was a member of PxC  :?

Dunno, i didn't think it was lljk because you guys got hit with this as well. But i don't think its philosiraptor....

Zealot i'll put that 20 into server donations know you would.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 02, 2011, 05:52:04 pm
Everyone, please stop using this incident to fuel your little flamewars. This doesn't means it's the goons fault. Stop blaming entire groups for single actions. Just try and stay civil about it until it's resolved, mkay
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 05:54:22 pm
Zealot i'll put that 20 into server donations know you would.

You read me like a book.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 02, 2011, 05:54:26 pm
Everyone, please stop using this incident to fuel your little flamewars. This doesn't means it's the goons fault. Stop blaming entire groups for single actions. Just try and stay civil about it until it's resolved, mkay

Yes dominus. Your will my hands.

My finger remains on the button though, just give the word.  :twisted:
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Fellblade on July 02, 2011, 05:55:39 pm
Fine with me, though it seems there would've been no drama at all if you didn't publically state that it was an LLJK 'member'.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Linx on July 02, 2011, 05:56:29 pm
I suggest a lock on this topic and updates as you go, chadz. Too many personal feelings getting in the way of what's important: the fun of the game. These people who perpetrated the attacks on the characters had only one thing in mind: ruining the fun of others, and lulz.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 05:59:07 pm
My finger remains on the button though, just give the word.  :twisted:

As does mine.

Well at least the recent troubles can be put to rest, but are the web developers going to put further security than what is stated in the OP? Such as the password confirmation thing on changing passwords, or someone suggested something similar to Steam Gaurd (Simple, yet effective), although that would be time consuming.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: SPQR on July 02, 2011, 05:59:45 pm
Everyone, please stop using this incident to fuel your little flamewars. This doesn't means it's the goons fault. Stop blaming entire groups for single actions. Just try and stay civil about it until it's resolved, mkay

Well gee chadz you did come in here and tell everyone that an LLJK member was responsible but wouldn't tell anyone the name. Not sure what else you could expect from doing something like that except a witch-hunt.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Wookimonsta on July 02, 2011, 06:37:54 pm
i am confused...
if... people didn't have alts, or had their alts passworded... how... did they get hacked?

i guess maybe there needs to be email verification. send an email for a sale, for character deletion and stuff, if its verified by the email, problem solved yeh?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: downer on July 02, 2011, 06:40:32 pm
As a victim of the hackers AND a member of LLJK (and also one of the less 'goony' members of the clan), I feel I can speak fairly intelligently about this.. Even if I don't know who this has been traced to.

Although LLJK is a group of people who don't take games very seriously at all, I don't really think a true member of LLJK would have done this. There is a great core of people in the clan who don't just take all of their spare time to shit on everything in this game.

When my items were stolen, I posted on our forums that I was probably done with the game; here are some of the responses I got.

That sucks pretty hard. I just sold a few heirlooms and got quite a bit of cash. I'd be willing to float (no need to repay) you 300K to get started again, if you still want to play. It sucks to get robbed, but it doesn't have to be the end of your CRPG time, unless you want it to be.

Talk with the developers and if they can't get it sorted out i'm sure between me and a few other rich uncle pennybags we could get you at least in a few +1s, maybe not what you had, but it's a start.

Why STF if you have decent build and brother goons throwing money at your feet

e: ill dish in 100k if needed

Save downer fund by LLJK

Will donate 200k if Downer can't get his items back, but he should on IRC cuz this has happened before.

Do you have any extra accounts on your serial when you click that little drop down menu? I pledge 100k.

I can guarantee to you all that we're not sitting on TS every night planning nefarious deeds to topple cRPG. We're running around naked, oiled up and bashing each other with practice swords.

And to Ecko: For someone who was directly responsible for the password leak for your servers (by giving admin to people that obviously couldn't be trusted with it), to putting a feature on your community website that could be partially responsible for this rash of 'hackings,' you're awfully quick to 'push the button' on LLJK.. whatever that means.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cheap_Shot on July 02, 2011, 06:45:26 pm
Well gee chadz you did come in here and tell everyone that an LLJK member was responsible but wouldn't tell anyone the name. Not sure what else you could expect from doing something like that except a witch-hunt.

I have to agree with this. You don't want drama and flamewars, but you have potentially slandered an entire group of players who are already the centre of a lot of apparently undesired controversy. If it turns out this person wasn't even affiliated with the lljk group then you'll have done a lot of damage just with that information. Either release the in game name of the player responsible, or don't say anything about them at all, just say "a responsible party has been identified and we are dealing with them.".

Since it's too late for the latter, you should do the former to head things off before they get out of hand. Locking the thread will just let it fester and possibly continue on somewhere else. If you didn't want a flamewar to start, you shouldn't have needlessly provided the fuel, and telling people to close the door won't stop the house from burning.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: a_bear_irl on July 02, 2011, 06:50:19 pm
lljk's only entrance requirement is a membership on a forum with 150000 users, this group punishment fetish certain community members have is literally retarded when applied to lljk. i mean, good lord it's dumb. not regular dumb even. it boggles my mind. i'm pretty sure i could slam my face into the keyboard (my playing style) a coupel times and type up  a more sensible solution, here
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Dexxtaa on July 02, 2011, 07:02:06 pm
lljk's only entrance requirement is a membership on a forum with 150000 users, this group punishment fetish certain community members have is literally retarded when applied to lljk. i mean, good lord it's dumb. not regular dumb even. it boggles my mind. i'm pretty sure i could slam my face into the keyboard (my playing style) a coupel times and type up  a more sensible solution, here

Weren't you LLJK ?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Slantedfloors on July 02, 2011, 07:05:50 pm
Weren't you LLJK ?
A_BEAR_IRL is one of our three ursine members, yes.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: EyeBeat on July 02, 2011, 07:20:51 pm
Everyone, please stop using this incident to fuel your little flamewars. This doesn't means it's the goons fault. Stop blaming entire groups for single actions. Just try and stay civil about it until it's resolved, mkay

Yeah ATS stop blaming entire groups for single actions.   :lol:

Also, chadz you kind of did this yourself when you said the guy that is in trouble for hacking was an LLJK member with out actually checking if they were in fact a LLJK member.   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Asheram on July 02, 2011, 07:34:53 pm
Needless to say, an emotionless ban is the other side of the coin :)
Hopefully it is an emotionless IP ban because otherwise it isnt that hard or expensive to buy another copy of Warband and create a new account.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 02, 2011, 07:39:04 pm
Hopefully it is an emotionless IP ban because otherwise it isnt that hard or expensive to buy another copy of Warband and create a new account.

On the other hand, it is even easier and also free to change your IP.

When I worked at Swirve, if we wanted soemone gone, we did a Machine Ban. Checks the computer's unique identity and bans it. Not sure what the details of it were as that was not our job, but it worked like a charm as it is harder (as well as less common knowledge) to change it.

So, in this case, I think a CD key ban would be approrpriate for any sort of ban on cRPG as it works better then IP.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: a_bear_irl on July 02, 2011, 07:41:33 pm
Weren't you LLJK ?

i am lljk, i just don't have a tag on because one person does something dumb and our glorious NA server overlords lose their minds and start mass-banning, i would venture a guess that if someone from chaos or fallen or ootl did what zealot did, their whole clan wouldn't get a mass ban but hey it's lljk it's not overreacting or being unreasonable at all to ban everyone with the tag because one guy did something bad
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 02, 2011, 07:47:26 pm
i am lljk, i just don't have a tag on because one person does something dumb and our glorious NA server overlords lose their minds and start mass-banning, i would venture a guess that if someone from chaos or fallen or ootl did what zealot did, their whole clan wouldn't get a mass ban but hey it's lljk it's not overreacting or being unreasonable at all to ban everyone with the tag because one guy did something bad

I think you are missing some of the Fallen reputation there... :/

More then a few clans give us flack just at the sight of the Tag.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: MrShovelFace on July 02, 2011, 07:53:21 pm
I don't have any alts.

did you ever accidentally log in with a random character like 104st_FN_Goretooth instead of your regular?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gildiss on July 02, 2011, 08:12:45 pm
I think you are missing some of the Fallen reputation there... :/

More then a few clans give us flack just at the sight of the Tag.

That's probably just because a lot of you are archers and we all see how these no neck oafs respond to ranged.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Different on July 02, 2011, 08:19:04 pm
Most of you probably noticed (some poor lads even first hand) that there was a lot of hacking going on lately. People logged into other players accounts and tried to cause havoc in it. Mostly by selling heirlooms or by resetting chars.

a) Will those chars be restored.

Yes, definately. We will not allow anyone's fun and effort to be ruined by incidents like this. It will probably be a lot of work though, so just hang in there. Every transaction is logged, so it can be verified and restored. We will announce it when we have the tools&admins ready to reestablish the belongings.

b) How does it work.

It is, as far as I can see (the investigation isn't finished yet) related to the unpassed alts. Everyone can log into your account if you have no password set, all he needs is the name. We are currently believing, though not verified, that the reason why it got so easy is the NA stats. All you have to do is search for a player, check for some low level alt and hope for the best. I assume that works really well. This would also explain why it started when the stats were released and why it is mostly NA accounts that got hacked.

c) What are we doing about it.

Right now, we disabled logging into unpassworded alts. So this means you cannot use alts as a password retrieving tool for now. We will be changing the system entirely - when you join a server with a new alt, you will receive a 4 digit password that you can then enter into the website. This should deal with this exploit. However, this requires a website and a cRPG patch, and could take some time. We're trying to deal with this as fast as possible though.
Edit: actually, we changed it a bit. You now have 120 seconds to log into an alt before it gets impossible to login via this alt. Then you'd have to create a new alt and login within 120 seconds again. This should make it impossible for alt-guessers.

We're really sorry about this, and even further sorry that this will delay strategus ;)

But we're working on it, and all will be back to normal.

PS: please make sure your password is secure (not easily guessable). If you think your account got compromised, change your password.

I am actually not a hateful person,
But i have honestly no respect for Hackers or Cheaters ( wait.. its the same at the end.. anyway)
I wish that the Names get public of every single one and no chance for coming back to Crpg, the Forum or anything else.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 08:21:52 pm
I think you are missing some of the Fallen reputation there... :/

More then a few clans give us flack just at the sight of the Tag.

People don't like chasing the same archers at the end of EVERY round.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 02, 2011, 08:23:46 pm
People don't like chasing the same archers at the end of EVERY round.

Mebe your cav and own range should have different target priorities then!  :mrgreen:

Besides, I get tired of having to shoot the same melee guy at the end of every round.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Bulzur on July 02, 2011, 08:24:49 pm
We're running around naked, oiled up and bashing each other with practice swords.

Leechers. :evil:

Edit : Then no problem.^^
But i agree it's always sad to see an entire clan receiving stones because of one of their members.
I did remember, though, for RipperX vid, all LLJK going peasants. Was fun.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: downer on July 02, 2011, 08:34:42 pm
Leechers. :evil:

Oh no, this is on our own unconnected duel server. It's purely homoerotic.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Nindur on July 02, 2011, 09:12:14 pm
Are we there yet
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gildiss on July 02, 2011, 09:13:24 pm
Nindur eats his own farts.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: POOPHAMMER on July 02, 2011, 11:26:58 pm
The only thing I have gathered from reading every single post on this thread is roymorrison has a brick for a brain
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: ShinySpoons on July 02, 2011, 11:44:29 pm
i am lljk, i just don't have a tag on because one person does something dumb and our glorious NA server overlords lose their minds and start mass-banning, i would venture a guess that if someone from chaos or fallen or ootl did what zealot did, their whole clan wouldn't get a mass ban but hey it's lljk it's not overreacting or being unreasonable at all to ban everyone with the tag because one guy did something bad

The previous iteration of chaos was mass banned before....

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 11:54:01 pm
The only thing I have gathered from reading every single post on this thread is roymorrison has a brick for a brain

Be specific.  Why do you say this?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cheap_Shot on July 03, 2011, 02:25:28 am
Be specific.  Why do you say this?

startling x-rays
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Xant on July 03, 2011, 02:29:48 am
these hackers are noob

no one hacked my account when my password was "siiem" for 5 months
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Radament on July 03, 2011, 02:30:40 am
I am actually not a hateful person,
But i have honestly no respect for Hackers or Cheaters ( wait.. its the same at the end.. anyway)

Hackers and Cheaters are too way different for me.

Hacker --> (
Cheater ---> (

And i'm sure who "hacked" our chars can't spell C++ without spit on their monitor and thinking that a trojan is a free mmorpg.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 03, 2011, 03:23:55 am
i am lljk, i just don't have a tag on because one person does something dumb and our glorious NA server overlords lose their minds and start mass-banning, i would venture a guess that if someone from chaos or fallen or ootl did what zealot did, their whole clan wouldn't get a mass ban but hey it's lljk it's not overreacting or being unreasonable at all to ban everyone with the tag because one guy did something bad

Maybe I should keep all 112 lljk keys banned so your argument remains valid instead of the 3.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Linx on July 03, 2011, 03:26:58 am
I defer to Ecko's signature for wisdom on this LLJK vs ATS issue.

I must admit though, It's slightly foolish to be fighting over these issues when there's someone who's threatening everyone, or at least high profile targets. It's like America still waging war on Pakistan/Iran if aliens started attacking everyone.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: HarunYahya on July 03, 2011, 03:43:55 am
We're really sorry about this, and even further sorry that this will delay strategus ;)
Sigh... :(
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: ShinySpoons on July 03, 2011, 04:57:56 am
Sigh... :(

chadz mentioning a possible lljk member and the subsequent flamyness was all a ploy to distract us from strategus delay!
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 03, 2011, 06:49:29 am
Maybe I should keep all 112 lljk keys banned so your argument remains valid instead of the 3.

And you wonder why EU doesn't take you seriously, and refer to you as a retard.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Earthdforce on July 03, 2011, 06:53:04 am
And you wonder why EU doesn't take you seriously, and refer to you as a retard.
Haha, that's ironic coming from an lljk :D
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cepeshi on July 03, 2011, 07:03:30 am
And you wonder why EU doesn't take you seriously, and refer to you as a retard.
who the hell are you two? :D nah, no offense, just, keep the personal stuff to PMs guys, even tho i love flamewars, do not take it too seriously and try to stay ontopic :P
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on July 03, 2011, 07:29:48 am
Another swell thread, full of ups and downs and emotionally charged words. Lots and lots of downs, actually.

Fucking downs everywhere.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: chadz on July 03, 2011, 07:42:34 am
So, to shed some more light on the matter:

One of the hackers was LLJK_hellowrold, he also released a video of his victims. Another hacker/group of hackers was EBU_Tombreh and actually every EBU_ member was part of it. Both used the NA stat site to find new alt characters.

From what we know so far, every hacked account can be traced to to those two guys.

We'll release a patch soon that does the thing explained in the OP.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cepeshi on July 03, 2011, 07:50:12 am
(click to show/hide)

wow, thanks for the names and headsup thumbs up for the patch, nice to see you are fighting this douchebaggery which just costs everyone time and effort :(
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Kung Fu Jesus on July 03, 2011, 07:58:27 am
Maybe I should keep all 112 lljk keys banned so your argument remains valid instead of the 3.

Whatever makes your dick hard, bro.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cepeshi on July 03, 2011, 08:00:06 am
Whatever makes your dick hard, bro.

i cannot believe this is a part of this thread you are commenting on right now :D
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 03, 2011, 08:01:27 am
Who are the EBU?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ashrik on July 03, 2011, 08:15:36 am
Maybe I should keep all 112 lljk keys banned so your argument remains valid instead of the 3.
Pretty sweet threat dude, as if us not being banned atm somehow invalidated his point or validated yours

I was talking about a similar situation on your server, but I guess the rebuttal that "you can play elsewhere" makes a bad idea no longer awful.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 03, 2011, 08:17:27 am
So, to shed some more light on the matter:

One of the hackers was LLJK_hellowrold, he also released a video of his victims. Another hacker/group of hackers was EBU_Tombreh and actually every EBU_ member was part of it. Both used the NA stat site to find new alt characters.

From what we know so far, every hacked account can be traced to to those two guys.

We'll release a patch soon that does the thing explained in the OP.

Hellowrold left LLJK quite some time ago to join BIRD clan, other than knowing us, he isn't part of LLJK.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 03, 2011, 08:39:54 am
Why is everyone keep saying "he" even other LLJK peeps?

(click to show/hide)

Either way, I'm confused about what happened, and kinda irritated about this hacking nonsense delaying Strat' even longer.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Glyph on July 03, 2011, 08:45:10 am
Why is everyone keep saying "he" even other LLJK peeps?

(click to show/hide)

Either way, I'm confused about what happened, and kinda irritated about this hacking nonsense delaying Strat' even longer.
the moustache does fit her :P
But yeah, strat should the priority, not getting the mod less hackable because some 10 year olds can't do anything but anoy other people! :evil:
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: SkyrayFox on July 03, 2011, 11:06:28 am
I hope the people responsible get punished, everyone gets their chars back and we can enjoy strategus and forget about this pathetic attention seeking attempt.

Another swell thread, full of ups and downs and emotionally charged words. Lots and lots of downs, actually.

Fucking downs everywhere.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: okiN on July 03, 2011, 11:08:22 am
Why is everyone keep saying "he" even other LLJK peeps?

Come on, Tears, put two and two together. :P

Anyway, good to hear that chadz managed to crack the case. It had some pretty worrying turns.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cheap_Shot on July 03, 2011, 11:42:46 am
I thought hellowrold was BIRD clan? Every time I saw him in game his tag was _BIRD. Why are you saying he's LLJK?

edit: I think I even saw them recently in game with _BIRD tags before the account thefts took place. Does this mean that someone changed their clan tags to LLJK right before going on a hacking spree, and you announced publicly that a LLJK member was responsible?  :? And you say you don't want flame wars. That's just irresponsible.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Baldr on July 03, 2011, 11:55:21 am
Perma ban Cheap for impossible head shots! I'm sure (s)he must be hacking  :P
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cheap_Shot on July 03, 2011, 11:58:31 am
Perma ban Cheap for impossible head shots! I'm sure (s)he must be hacking  :P

I auto-TK.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Osiris on July 03, 2011, 12:30:02 pm
When I worked at Swirve, if we wanted soemone gone, we did a Machine Ban. Checks the computer's unique identity and bans it. Not sure what the details of it were as that was not our job, but it worked like a charm as it is harder (as well as less common knowledge) to change it.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Chagan_Arslan on July 03, 2011, 01:29:43 pm
im not experienced in the security thing on websites but maybe having different login than your ingame name might help ? if ofc the database wasnt breached somehow
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ylca on July 03, 2011, 03:38:58 pm
I thought hellowrold was BIRD clan? Every time I saw him in game his tag was _BIRD. Why are you saying he's LLJK?

Well since BIRD clan lives almost exclusively in your TS, since they are constantly seen in your events and servers to the point where I as a former member was constantly asking if they were an offshoot group of goons, or even separate at all with the frequency of their "visits" to TS, and the fact that helloworld is in your "Goons Only" doubles tournament, I can see where people might have a few questions as to the connection between LLJK and BIRD.

LLJK_Siggy + LLJK_Big_Gay_Wiking             5-0  5 fights left, will they continue their streak against tougher opposition?
LLJK_Lady_Gaga + LLJK_PhantomZero            3-1  6 fights left
LLJK_Duckinface + LLJK_Fernando              3-1  6 fights left
A_Bear_IRL + LLJK_Ashraa                     2-1  7 fights left
LLJK_Stampert + LLJK_Glenn_Beck              2-3  5 fights left, performed well unless their opposition was 1H+Shield.
LLJK_Fellblade + Hellowrold_Shaftmaster_BIRD 2-3  5 fights left, after losing the first three rounds, they bounce back on day 2 with 2 victories.
LLJK_Airborne + LLJK_Tanreall                1-2  7 fights left, still contenders with a large amount of fights unfought.
LLJK_Smoothrich + LLJK_downer                1-2  7 fights left, still contenders with a large amount of fights unfought.
LLJK_Gen_Robert_E_Leet + LLJK_Damug          0-4  6 fights left, with only 6 fights remaining it would take a major upset for victory!

LLJK_Cheapshot + LLJK_Slanted                0-0 10 fights left
LLJK_Zealot + LLJK_robtherad 

A lot of people think that BIRD is simply a splinter group for LLJK that never actually splintered since you share all the same services adn events. Funny how you don't at all touch on this link or your incredibly close relationship however. Must have been a minor oversight.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Eutheran on July 03, 2011, 03:44:20 pm
(click to show/hide)
+1 Awesomeness for truth exposure.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Duerkos on July 03, 2011, 04:18:14 pm
Wow, I think I didnt have a pass in any of my alts (I thought there was only one password per cd-key or something like that). I am glad nothing happened.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 03, 2011, 04:41:05 pm

Please note, Ylca is a disgruntled former member of the clan, who was kicked out after we suspected him of malicious activities.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 03, 2011, 04:42:10 pm
When I worked at Swirve, if we wanted soemone gone, we did a Machine Ban. Checks the computer's unique identity and bans it. Not sure what the details of it were as that was not our job, but it worked like a charm as it is harder (as well as less common knowledge) to change it.


You good sir are awesome for remembering that term! +1 for being old school.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: polkafranzi on July 03, 2011, 04:43:33 pm
So, to shed some more light on the matter:

One of the hackers was LLJK_hellowrold, he also released a video of his victims. Another hacker/group of hackers was EBU_Tombreh and actually every EBU_ member was part of it. Both used the NA stat site to find new alt characters.

From what we know so far, every hacked account can be traced to to those two guys.

We'll release a patch soon that does the thing explained in the OP.

Willing to give names here me see's, now for the 40 autoblockers - fuck it why not

1. Metz
2. e.t.c.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ylca on July 03, 2011, 04:58:46 pm
Please note, Ylca is a disgruntled former member of the clan, who was kicked out after we suspected him of malicious activities.

If you're going to pull spin control, it's generally best to send a neutral member, rather than someone who has done harm to the community maliciously and recently.

Hi Zealot,

My status as an ex member of LLJK is well known as is my decision to leave and the circumstances of my departure (hint: Khan doesn't spend all day fighting themselves). Since you've given me reason to respond allow me to toss out a fun fact about our friend zealot.

Zealot is currently the webmaster for the LLJK private forums. These forums have a public and private section much like many others. Interestingly enough on the first day of it's creation, during a phase when each member had to be manually approved and there was only one person with the power to do so, Helloworld was among the first approved.

One could chalk it up to oversight were it not for the fact helloworld posted in almost all of the possible threads quite visibly including those for training, event planning, and strategus planning (with the super-secret LLJK strategus primer in plain view, no less).

Funny how a guy you barely know has so much internal access.

Oh i'm sorry, murmur murmur grumble grumble. Goons suck.

No, you're problem isn't that i'm disgruntled. LLJK doesn't suck as a whole it just allows people like you to constantly dribble in the punch ruining everyone's ride. Then you hop in here, make things worse for everyone and significantly more difficult to deal with diplomatically and the saunter back off to the circlejerk den, congratulated for causing the very subject of your own persecution. But why do they treat all of us like we're trolls all the time? Because you can't keep your trolls on a leash, they're not smart enough to stop at the point just before it's destructive, and best of all? They don't care if they burn the entire clan down around their latest joke.

Goons almost were banned from all NA servers over some stupidity Zealot pulled and it took less than a sentence of spin for you all think, no big deal. The company you keep, bros.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 03, 2011, 05:30:33 pm
Can we keep this on topic Ylca? If you'd like to address me, you can bring it over to the SA forums, the thread is public after all, I have nothing to hide.

I know I shouldn't give into this off topic nonsense but still: really are you so upset because I lobbied to have you removed from the clan, and the vote passed?  :rolleyes:

Anyway, glad this hacking nonsense is sorted, back to awaiting Strategus.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: hellowrold on July 03, 2011, 05:34:51 pm
im a hospitaller spy
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Linx on July 03, 2011, 05:44:26 pm
I love how the goons are trying to sweep Hellowrold under the carpet.

You got caught. Enjoy. If I were chadz, I'd personally ban every single one of your (LLJK) cd-keys but that would probably lead to DDoS attacks and what not.

I still find it absolutely hilarious how much bitching is going on.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: robtherad on July 03, 2011, 05:45:15 pm
hellowrold is really one of our triumvir
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 03, 2011, 05:49:22 pm
You got caught. Enjoy. If I were chadz, I'd personally ban every single one of your (LLJK) cd-keys but that would probably lead to DDoS attacks and what not.

Sounds like you sir, would make an excellent North American server admin.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: hellowrold on July 03, 2011, 05:49:35 pm

as you can see on the super secret goon forums that zealot forces all LLJK to pay him 50$/month for
my calls for alliance were rejected
i was heartbroken
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Linx on July 03, 2011, 05:58:53 pm
Sounds like you sir, would make an excellent North American server admin.

You know it  :wink:

I just have a pet peeve for SA/4chan. Probably stems from me getting goon'd in EVE years ago. Nothing personal.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ylca on July 03, 2011, 06:00:31 pm
Can we keep this on topic Ylca?

Are you even trying? Speaking of keeping it on the SA forums.

A little quote from helloworld. Anyone else notice he always references "we" when he speaks of LLJK in any thread either on SA or these forums. Wonder why no one from LLJK took the time to make the distinction till now.

why do you care if we are 'trolling'? you're not in LLJK so you have no RIGHT to tell us what to do
you're not my dad roy
my dad doesn't have brain damage.

Zealot, your aversion skills need work. Heat is on, you should probably bow out and let someone skilled handle it. Smoothrich is a pretty level headed guy, for instance.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: hellowrold on July 03, 2011, 06:01:39 pm
yes ylca, or you could look at my fucking signature you literal retard
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Linx on July 03, 2011, 06:03:28 pm
Wonder why no one from LLJK took the time to make the distinction till now.

That would be like asking your government to give you top secret information even though you know it's obviously there. They'll avoid it as much as possible because they don't care if you know it's there or not.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 03, 2011, 06:07:43 pm
yes ylca, or you could look at my fucking signature you literal retard

I avert my eyes due to possible seizures, maybe he does the same?!
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 03, 2011, 06:10:53 pm
Honestly, to be perfectly blunt, I don't give two shits of anyone forcing anyone to pay to play, as LLJK has ALWAYS done this and has ALWAYS been upfront about this. (clarification: Pay once).

I don't give two flaming shits either about some alliance not going through or some other such bullshit.

Fact of the matter is, hellowrold don goofed and fucked up my game. This is the only thing I care about. I don't care about clan tags. I don't care about anyone's petty squabbles. I care that some dipshit hacked, and I don't care about said dipshit's stories of crap that has nothing to do with said dipshit hacking.

If you people want to continue this He Said She Said crap, start another thread somewhere else as this is not the topic to start babbling about personal vendettas or clan politics.

In the mean time, piss off and let me play my game. No excuse for hacking.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: a_bear_irl on July 03, 2011, 06:13:54 pm
Ylca this may come as a surprise to you but we don't actually control hellowrold's actions. we didn't have him leashed or something and decide to let him loose. he did what he wanted to do. i know there's some bad blood between you and lljk but you're acting like we should have kept him from doing this when we didn't know he was actually doing it. yeah, he hung out in our teamspeak and played with us. that doesn't mean this was some weird lljk group action.

also tears, god damn son, lljk is not pay to play. you pay for an SA account but people who join solely to join the various goon clans/corps/guilds are usually mocked and banned.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 03, 2011, 06:14:28 pm
I am a heterosexual male, and I believe these hackings were bad.

Keep your passwords random, password your fucking alt(s), and don't play on any servers linked to Ecko's site.

e: [12:35] <Ecko> think i'm gonna reduce alt view to admins only, and not allow it for public players

Or wait for that to happen, and draw pictures of what you think hellowrold and that other guy might look like, and throw water balloons of acid, filled with poison tipped darts at them.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: hellowrold on July 03, 2011, 06:16:05 pm
not even im arguing that im innocent
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 03, 2011, 07:19:04 pm
Quote from: hellowrold
    why do you care if we are 'trolling'? you're not in LLJK so you have no RIGHT to tell us what to do
    you're not my dad roy
    my dad doesn't have brain damage.
No, I am your father.  Together we can bring dowj the empire and bring order to the galaxy.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Misan on July 03, 2011, 07:50:04 pm
Goon is a state of mind, once a goon always a goon. I ain't even mad though, because that video was funny, even if it came at my expense. I can always respect lulz at the expense of others.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gorath on July 03, 2011, 08:42:16 pm
chadz - How would I get access into my account then seeing as the PW's were changed.  The making an alt trick isn't working, so essentially I'm hosed?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: okiN on July 03, 2011, 08:48:02 pm
You're probably locked out due to failed attempts. Wait for cooldown, then try recovery again.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gorath on July 03, 2011, 08:52:08 pm
You're probably locked out due to failed attempts. Wait for cooldown, then try recovery again.

Recovery being making another alt and trying to get in that way?

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: okiN on July 03, 2011, 08:53:39 pm
That'd be it, yes.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gorath on July 03, 2011, 08:55:14 pm
That'd be it, yes.

lol, ugh.  Gonna end up with like 30 random alts trying this shit.

*nvm, not bloody worth it.  lljk wins*
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Earthdforce on July 03, 2011, 08:55:54 pm
lol, ugh.  Gonna end up with like 30 random alts trying this shit.
Then you get to delete them all! Like I had to...when I realized I had to delete them on the site... :(
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Kung Fu Jesus on July 03, 2011, 09:03:15 pm
Honestly, to be perfectly blunt, I don't give two shits of anyone forcing anyone to pay to play, as LLJK has ALWAYS done this and has ALWAYS been upfront about this. (clarification: Pay once).

I don't give two flaming shits either about some alliance not going through or some other such bullshit.

Fact of the matter is, hellowrold don goofed and fucked up my game. This is the only thing I care about. I don't care about clan tags. I don't care about anyone's petty squabbles. I care that some dipshit hacked, and I don't care about said dipshit's stories of crap that has nothing to do with said dipshit hacking.

If you people want to continue this He Said She Said crap, start another thread somewhere else as this is not the topic to start babbling about personal vendettas or clan politics.

In the mean time, piss off and let me play my game. No excuse for hacking.

Whoa, whoa buddy. There's no room in here for rational thought. This space is for grand generalizations, hypocrisy, and people fucked by goons in every game since WoW.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: DrKronic on July 03, 2011, 09:46:01 pm
Bird clan was just a joke on BRD btw they all are in same TS

why not just own the hacking, it will win you points over on SA forums anyhow
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cheap_Shot on July 03, 2011, 10:08:58 pm
If you're going to pull spin control, it's generally best to send a neutral member, rather than someone who has done harm to the community maliciously and recently.

Alright. I suppose I'm qualified. Ylca is an ex-LLJK member who until recently was (any maybe still is) welcome to continue playing with us even though he wears other tags now. After some disagreement with some other members over theorized game bugs, or new player training, or some other trivial little detail that only he is passionately emotional about, he made a complete fool of himself with long rambling speeches akin to the disgruntled ramblings of the elderly. When people poked fun at him for taking everything too seriously, he erupted into an even more potent surge of lunatic ramblings. At this point people instructed him to calm down and take it easy, but he instead left LLJK and seems to see himself as some kind of weird internet vigilante, taking on the criminal underbelly of the cRPG community* (*Goons who made fun of him for being an idiot)

You don't have to take my word for it though. All that is just as public and even in the same place as the lines he himself quoted, and this thread is full of his pointless crusading, since hellowrold isn't even denying he is responsible.

From what I understand, there have been two isolated incidents where an LLJK member has done something like this, arguably one, since hellowrold has had BIRD tags for ages but I wont get into semantics anymore. Both have been banned and taken full responsibility. While I can say for absolute certain that in both cases, the clan members acted without the knowledge or co-operation of their clans, they both seemed to share a common goal. They both made a spectacular and attention holding display of Ecko's dismal security. For someone who is in charge of so many NA servers, he does not seem to care about the safety of the accounts of those playing on them. He even outright refuses to take any responsibility for the damage made possible by his lax protection of the admin password, and his easily exploited website. While I don't approve of their methods, and can't speak for them, I'd like to think they were doing some good with the bad, and maybe these incidents plus the others preformed by that group of people will serve as a wake up call that Ecko needs to manage things better. Neither event caused damage that couldn't be reversed after all.

I doubt it though since his behavior since has been just an "internet tough guy" act, showing that he is regressing, rather then learning. Not including the other "hackers" both Zealot and Hellowrold have taken responsibly and paid the price they knew they were going to pay. (not really hacking when the admin password was just freely available, and the peoples who's accounts were stolen had no passwords apparently, and were easily viewable on the nacrpg website) Dragging things out further by trying to get an entire group of players banned is just moronic. Makes me wonder if all these people lumping an entire clan together and calling for their bans, are the kinds of people who discriminate against entire races in real life.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: dynamike on July 03, 2011, 10:21:32 pm
Honestly, to be perfectly blunt, I don't give two shits of anyone forcing anyone to pay to play, as LLJK has ALWAYS done this and has ALWAYS been upfront about this. (clarification: Pay once).

I don't give two flaming shits either about some alliance not going through or some other such bullshit.

Fact of the matter is, hellowrold don goofed and fucked up my game. This is the only thing I care about. I don't care about clan tags. I don't care about anyone's petty squabbles. I care that some dipshit hacked, and I don't care about said dipshit's stories of crap that has nothing to do with said dipshit hacking.

If you people want to continue this He Said She Said crap, start another thread somewhere else as this is not the topic to start babbling about personal vendettas or clan politics.

In the mean time, piss off and let me play my game. No excuse for hacking.

Honestly I have never before seen Tears be emotional and make an irrational post like this. This only sums up the anger the community - especially the people that got directly affected by the hack - feels towards this incident.

What goes on is somebody's head that makes this person viciously try to ruin the fun or get personal revenge on fellow players left aside, there is another component which that person might be missing:

By taking away the achievements people have gained over a long time will not only upset them (haha), but make a lot of them quit the game forever. Now let this happen to a few core people in the community and this game and everything around it will never be the way it was before. Good people or bad, all crpg players are part of a community and if some of the core people (the people playing the most) get alienated by actions like these then guess what? Not only these players fun is spoiled but possibly the whole crpg community.

I would hope the people responsible could see this and at least own up to what they have done and apologize to the community and the people they tried to alienate from it.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ashrik on July 03, 2011, 10:30:01 pm
Bird clan was just a joke on BRD btw they all are in same TS

why not just own the hacking, it will win you points over on SA forums anyhow
Whoever makes a lame bragpost to "own the hacking" on SA would almost certainly be banned and we would be the better for it. Haha what makes you think SA would care what we do with our pretend internet knights game?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Thovex on July 03, 2011, 10:35:31 pm
Also 2 EU Risen members got their characters deleted.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 03, 2011, 10:41:59 pm
Honestly I have never before seen Tears be emotional and make an irrational post like this.

Eh, now I feel bad...


Regrets regrets regrets...
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: [ptx] on July 03, 2011, 10:43:49 pm
(click to show/hide)

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 03, 2011, 10:45:59 pm
(click to show/hide)

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Best pic I have seen all day, love the expression  :lol:
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Siiem on July 03, 2011, 11:04:19 pm
these hackers are noob

no one hacked my account when my password was "siiem" for 5 months

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 03, 2011, 11:04:55 pm
To be fair, I, and most people I play with are guilty of thinking ATS is full of retards just because of how retarded Ecko sometimes behaves.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: partyboy on July 03, 2011, 11:13:55 pm
I still maintain my decision to make hellowrold ambassador of BIRD CLAN was the correct one and we stand behind him fully.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: hellowrold on July 04, 2011, 12:15:16 am
we BIRD's gotta stick together

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gildiss on July 04, 2011, 01:11:30 am
Now Ecko wants to take away our freedom to look at everyone's alts.

Watch the other hand America.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Kafein on July 04, 2011, 02:01:03 am
It's always funny to read dozens of pages of NA players discussions. I know most of the nicks from this forum but I don't know about most of the relations and structure so it looks like a big mess. This is actually more interesting than most of the EU drama as I want to learn about the NA community a bit.

I guess it's funny for NA players to read EU drama threads too.

On the topic, I think Ecko should at least make some public apologies. That never hurts anyway.

I do think the main people responsible for this are ofc. the hackers but then the devs for having a very poor security policy. The auto-detection of new alts when people connect with different nicks is a security fail in itself. No need to have a site with alt names to exploit it. Sure it made things easier for hackers but the char creation shouldn't work like that in the first place. When everything will be fixed and the char creation system changed, everyone will likely forget about this. Afaik no one quit the game because of this yet (wiegraf said he's leaving but not because of this). Admins are working hard to give back what was lost, just be patient  :?.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: SHinOCk on July 04, 2011, 02:10:50 am
theres no apology needed at all lol The only ones that are to blame are the prepubescent assholes that had so much time in their hands that they needed to screw honest players.

I would also say that if at the very beginning we had all our current and future toons under the same password (like in every other damn game) things like that would not happen. So please ffs stop shitting on the head of the people that tries to bring something to this community and start putting  your dirty fat fingers on the real problems in this game... Mainly all the trolls and the way alts where bound to the main characters with or without a separate password O_o, not the one who brought the security flaw in the light w/o even knowing it..
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Beans on July 04, 2011, 02:52:18 am
Holy shit people had their accounts deleted? Fuck that sucks. I was one of the goons who got hacked a few weeks back and now I guess I'm lucky because they 'only' stole my looms instead of also deleting my guy.

I think the idea of people getting hacked because they had an unpassworded alt is probably the case. I know I had like 6 alts and I can only remember the password for 5 of them so I bet I had one without. I know goretooth said he didn't have any alts but I know I've seen him with an archer alt, but that was a long time ago.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 04, 2011, 03:13:40 am
Holy shit people had their accounts deleted? Fuck that sucks. I was one of the goons who got hacked a few weeks back and now I guess I'm lucky because they 'only' stole my looms instead of also deleting my guy.

I think the idea of people getting hacked because they had an unpassworded alt is probably the case. I know I had like 6 alts and I can only remember the password for 5 of them so I bet I had one without. I know goretooth said he didn't have any alts but I know I've seen him with an archer alt, but that was a long time ago.

No that was in fact Goretooth. He used to go melee one gen archer another to grind money
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Dehitay on July 04, 2011, 03:22:14 am
As a programmer who's had to deal with security risks, I feel pushed to give my own input. While this is hacking that require minimum effort, it's still hacking. Hacking is all about exploiting security faults. In this case, the security faults were so huge that the hacking was made easy.

As far as Ecko making alts visible to other players, that's just a reasonable feature. The problem comes from the true security fault in the way account passwords are managed. When I first had to log into crpg, I asked my friend who introduced me how to figure out my password. When he told me it would be whatever password I entered when I first logged in, I actually laughed cause I thought he was joking. In my mind, there was no way passwords would be set by whoever enters login information first. To this day, I am still baffled by the truth. And then during this hacking incident, I figured out that rather than alts sharing the same password, they're all set in the same way. Not only that, but they're connected to all your other characters and your passwords for all characters can be set from any character. Any security analyst would have had a fit if they had a say in that setup. Ecko's alt visibility feature may have made this huge security flaw more abusable, but any reasonable analyst could hardly blame him for this incident.

However, there's one thing that I read earlier that I can't ignore
I still maintain my decision to make hellowrold ambassador of BIRD CLAN was the correct one and we stand behind him fully.
Are you serious? My mind is telling me there's no way anybody could be so stupid that they fully support a known and confessed hacker who ruined the game for multiple individuals so this has to be a joke. But then again, my mind also told me there's no way anybody could leave a security hole in a login system so large that any random person could set your password as long as they known your name. While I couldn't agree with a server admin banning a whole clan for the actions of one individual, I wouldn't criticize them negatively for banning anybody would could seriously follow such a line of thought. But if you're being sarcastic, I just don't know you well enough to tell.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: JihadistMexican on July 04, 2011, 03:57:39 am
This "hacking" story was obviously made up by the devs to give them a reason to stop working on strat for a little while longer. 9/11 all over again.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Beans on July 04, 2011, 04:49:17 am
^^This guy has it all figured out :shock:

No that was in fact Goretooth. He used to go melee one gen archer another to grind money

makes sense, but didn't he have a goretoothX character? Maybe not.
edit: oh that's right back in the day we had to have new names every time
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: partyboy on July 04, 2011, 07:15:21 am

However, there's one thing that I read earlier that I can't ignore

Are you serious? My mind is telling me there's no way anybody could be so stupid that they fully support a known and confessed hacker who ruined the game for multiple individuals so this has to be a joke. But then again, my mind also told me there's no way anybody could leave a security hole in a login system so large that any random person could set your password as long as they known your name. While I couldn't agree with a server admin banning a whole clan for the actions of one individual, I wouldn't criticize them negatively for banning anybody would could seriously follow such a line of thought. But if you're being sarcastic, I just don't know you well enough to tell.

Listen, we're both going through a lot right now.  And you may not understand why, but I am going to Stand By My Man.  I hope that someday you will understand, though.  Because it's love.  True love.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on July 04, 2011, 08:46:49 am
Is it possible to pass on the info to valve if any of them use M&B through steam? Could get them banned form Native and receive a slap to the face on steam as well. A friend of mine hacked something on steam I'm not sure what, he won't tell me. The moral of the story is that the 150$ + of games he HAD on steam are now only to be referred to in the past tense.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cepeshi on July 04, 2011, 09:02:10 am
Is it possible to pass on the info to valve if any of them use M&B through steam? Could get them banned form Native and receive a slap to the face on steam as well. A friend of mine hacked something on steam I'm not sure what, he won't tell me. The moral of the story is that the 150$ + of games he HAD on steam are now only to be referred to in the past tense.

bah, i would surely miss my 800 dollars worh of games :D no hacking
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gildiss on July 04, 2011, 10:16:36 am
theres no apology needed at all lol The only ones that are to blame are the prepubescent assholes that had so much time in their hands that they needed to screw honest players.

I would also say that if at the very beginning we had all our current and future toons under the same password (like in every other damn game) things like that would not happen. So please ffs stop shitting on the head of the people that tries to bring something to this community and start putting  your dirty fat fingers on the real problems in this game... Mainly all the trolls and the way alts where bound to the main characters with or without a separate password O_o, not the one who brought the security flaw in the light w/o even knowing it..

I bet you just love the shit out of Julian Assange too, hypocrite.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Cheap_Shot on July 04, 2011, 04:30:26 pm
Is it possible to pass on the info to valve if any of them use M&B through steam? Could get them banned form Native and receive a slap to the face on steam as well. A friend of mine hacked something on steam I'm not sure what, he won't tell me. The moral of the story is that the 150$ + of games he HAD on steam are now only to be referred to in the past tense.

I'm sure steam would fall over themselves rushing to blacklist paying customers for walking through giant gaping security holes in unofficial mods they've never heard of. You can go ahead and email their support to say "HELLOWROLD IS A HACKER!" though. They'll put their top men on it.

Top. Men.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 04:32:25 pm
I bet you just love the shit out of Julian Assange too, hypocrite.

You are incorrectly using the word hypocrite.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Slantedfloors on July 04, 2011, 05:14:18 pm
Can we stop calling hellowrold a hacker? He logged into accounts that didn't have passwords. Calling him a hacker is like calling someone who walks through open doors a "master cat burglar".
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ecko on July 04, 2011, 05:15:43 pm
Can we stop calling hellowrold a hacker? He logged into accounts that didn't have passwords. Calling him a hacker is like calling someone who walks through open doors a "master cat burglar".

Fair enough, he's a hijacker like zealot.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Slantedfloors on July 04, 2011, 05:17:57 pm
Fair enough, he's a hijacker like zealot.
Even that is giving him way too much credit.

Hellowrold is barely computer-literate. It took him 30 minutes to get IRC up so he could talk to chadz about this. With 5 people trying to talk him through the process. And even then I think he just gave up and used forum PMs.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: DrKronic on July 04, 2011, 05:28:54 pm
I bet you just love the shit out of Julian Assange too, hypocrite.

the best part of this whole thing is the rest of LLJK can make a joke out of the entire thread and look like all stars on their own forums

ban em all, at least the well known ones, I know for a fact anytime any of them does anything bad they run back to their Teamspeak and gloat about it, I have recordings, unfortunately not of any evidence that any of them involved in this, no way in hell others weren't aware of what helloworld was doing, especially if they say he's no good at computers he may have just agreed to carry out something that say Zealot actually has the skills for, for example

but who needs evidence when you have WITCHHUNT

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Slantedfloors on July 04, 2011, 05:44:37 pm
unfortunately not of any evidence that any of them involved in this, no way in hell others weren't aware of what helloworld was doing, especially if they say he's no good at computers he may have just agreed to carry out something that say Zealot actually has the skills for, for example
Zealot also faked the moon landing and shot JFK.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: SPQR on July 04, 2011, 06:38:28 pm
So an entire clan (EBU) hacks accounts along with one non-LLJK guy who hangs out in our teamspeak, but who gets blamed here? LLJK.

LLJK got hacked as much as anybody else in this, but yeah lets all forget that because it doesn't fit into the 'LLJK is the devil' storyline.

But lo and behold one of the hackers is a goon so yeehaw, everyone better break out the collective punishment for those sub-human goons!

Hey, I wonder why LLJK doesn't like the rest of the community. Could it possibly be the fact that every time anything goes wrong a lynch-mob forms and tries to pin it on LLJK, from the DDOS attacks, to this? Could it be that anytime LLJK is brought up anywhere someone replies with "ban them all"? Or could it be that from the start this community has been nothing but hostile to LLJKand tried to drive them out at every opportunity? GEE BOB, MAYBE ITS ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Edit: How is "ban all LLJK" not discriminatory speech?
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK on July 04, 2011, 07:20:19 pm
the plight of the lljk. this is a heavy weight we carry
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tydeus on July 04, 2011, 07:55:43 pm
This thread has become absolutely retarded. Anyone who supports a blanket ban of any sort should enroll in a few history classes - actually, suicide might be better if it isn't obvious to you that blanket bans are terrible. While we're at it, why don't we ban all black members of this community since they are four times as likely to commit a crime in society than white people, they're certainly a plague to crpg.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gorath on July 04, 2011, 08:26:43 pm
Hey, I wonder why LLJK doesn't like the rest of the community.

Because you're goons and goons exist solely to be fucktards that ruin shit for everyone else that's not them.  Hell even internally.  Gaga wasn't too happy to have personal info given out about him was he?  But no, Goons are victims here.  Nevermind that the entire Goon history is comprised of your "community" shitting all over everything and being asshats that flame, troll, and fuck over everyone.

Poor poor goons.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Slantedfloors on July 04, 2011, 08:39:59 pm
But no, Goons are victims here.  Nevermind that the entire Goon history is comprised of your "community" shitting all over everything and being asshats that flame, troll, and fuck over everyone.

Poor poor goons.
Thank you for your support, Gorath. It's nice to know that despite past differences with LLJK, you can put aside your feelings and defend us when we get hassled for no reason. You're a true hero.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gildiss on July 04, 2011, 09:06:06 pm
You are incorrectly using the word hypocrite.

Fine, he is a hypercrite then.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Matey on July 04, 2011, 09:19:57 pm
Most people fail to realize that 90% of lljk just play the game like everybody else. you have some vocal trolls who like stirring shit up, but most clans have at least one of those. i dont get why people would even suggest banning 100+ people for the actions of a few... but hey, if they start banning everyone off servers for no reason... we can always start populating the other NA servers.

P.S. I heard hellowrold is from britian... so lets ban all british people they are hackers!
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: [ptx] on July 04, 2011, 09:20:43 pm
Goons. 'Nuff said. Ban 'em all.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: SPQR on July 04, 2011, 10:41:45 pm
Facts about the British:
-Race of supervillians
-Love taxing tea and stamps
-Born hackers
-Play weird games like cricket

Ban all british.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: roymorrison on July 04, 2011, 11:17:03 pm
I just got temp banned from SA for trolling in the cRPG thread.  :(
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Nindur on July 04, 2011, 11:23:16 pm
Then all is right and beautiful in the world and the children are free once again to wander and learn in the magical forest
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Patricia on July 05, 2011, 12:04:48 am
Uh, what is this talk about mass banning LLJK, sure there's some dumbfucks one but in every single fucking clans there's dumbfucks.

I see LLJK Trolling from time to time but it's nothing that's worth a mass ban, neither is it ALL of them.

Goretooth impulseban everyone without a single warning, clearly we should remove admin rights from everyone in ATS and close their server down.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: partyboy on July 05, 2011, 12:13:11 am
the best part of this whole thing is the rest of LLJK can make a joke out of the entire thread and look like all stars on their own forums

is this what people think the SA forums are like?  because that would be quite pathetic

oh, hey

I just got temp banned from SA for trolling in the cRPG thread.  :(

look at this star right here
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: DrKronic on July 05, 2011, 12:31:52 am
Facts about the British:
-Race of supervillians
-Love taxing tea and stamps
-Born hackers
-Play weird games like cricket

Ban all british.

agreed, by extension we ban the entire NA community permanently by IP, because without the british north americans wouldn't have ended up the gigantic doucebags we are, the french would have coexisted peacefully with the indians trading "beaver" pelts and we'd all be happier, in fact probably everyone in this thread other than the devs should be hit in the nuts, me included
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Gamerofthegame on July 05, 2011, 08:30:18 pm
The best part of this topic is people are talking about how stupid it is to do whatever... And not two posts later is more people saying to do the stupid thing.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: LLJK_Goatee on July 05, 2011, 09:21:24 pm
Wow just because your admin got horned up and gave admin info to hellowrold for some of her titty now you back peddle and try to ban us all.
Go outside you poopsocking fucks,
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Ylca on July 06, 2011, 08:43:47 am

Much better! Believable, but with the trademark lack of any narrative resembling actual events.

Leaving LLJK is an offense worthy of continued harassment. Certain members of LLJK have a  reality issue, which is why zealot can attempt to be a diplomat 20 seconds after causing quite the stir, and why for some reason poor LLJK members seem to constantly be getting themselves banned. Must be some sort of conspiracy that a few manage to get themselves banned wherever they go.

Mass bans have never been the answer but LLJK is constantly going to deal with bad PR because they won't take out their trash because e-friends never say no or voice an opinion, even while the house is burning. Add to that the numerous heavy thinkers who can be trolled with anything more than a paragraph worth of writing (that they just cannot ignore, apparently) and you have a pretty large set of soft targets just asking for constant scrutiny.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 06, 2011, 08:54:10 am
Leaving LLJK is an offense worthy of continued harassment.

Coming from the guy that was kicked out from a pay to join clan.

Moving past Ylca's ramblings, damn this thread has gone off topic. If there was a side road on this topics road, then we went down it, made a right into the forest of crab cakes, ate some Skittles, got high, and then made camp in a far away place.. Forever lost from that original road, never to return.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: vinnytk on July 06, 2011, 06:38:11 pm
Much better! Believable, but with the trademark lack of any narrative resembling actual events.

Leaving LLJK is an offense worthy of continued harassment. Certain members of LLJK have a  reality issue, which is why zealot can attempt to be a diplomat 20 seconds after causing quite the stir, and why for some reason poor LLJK members seem to constantly be getting themselves banned. Must be some sort of conspiracy that a few manage to get themselves banned wherever they go.

Mass bans have never been the answer but LLJK is constantly going to deal with bad PR because they won't take out their trash because e-friends never say no or voice an opinion, even while the house is burning. Add to that the numerous heavy thinkers who can be trolled with anything more than a paragraph worth of writing (that they just cannot ignore, apparently) and you have a pretty large set of soft targets just asking for constant scrutiny.

lmao, post more quote sperg
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Snatch on July 06, 2011, 10:10:38 pm
Much better! Believable, but with the trademark lack of any narrative resembling actual events.

Leaving LLJK is an offense worthy of continued harassment. Certain members of LLJK have a  reality issue, which is why zealot can attempt to be a diplomat 20 seconds after causing quite the stir, and why for some reason poor LLJK members seem to constantly be getting themselves banned. Must be some sort of conspiracy that a few manage to get themselves banned wherever they go.

Mass bans have never been the answer but LLJK is constantly going to deal with bad PR because they won't take out their trash because e-friends never say no or voice an opinion, even while the house is burning. Add to that the numerous heavy thinkers who can be trolled with anything more than a paragraph worth of writing (that they just cannot ignore, apparently) and you have a pretty large set of soft targets just asking for constant scrutiny.

You are an idiot. Jesus, why do you even have a SA account. You were ran out of LLJK in CRPG, you are constantly insulted in GoonWaffle, and consistently probated on SA. You are the worse.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Hunter_the_Honourable on July 07, 2011, 01:26:56 am
Facts about the British:
-Race of supervillians
-Love taxing tea and stamps
-Born hackers
-Play weird games like cricket

Ban all british.

maybe this is the reason you were banned, of-corse if you had brains you would of worked  that out by now and you would have stopped. But you don't so you wont hence is why you are always being banned *sigh* this is why I don't play on NA servers, and the bitching continues *sigh*
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 07, 2011, 02:05:03 am
maybe this is the reason you were banned, of-corse if you had brains you would of worked  that out by now and you would have stopped. But you don't so you wont hence is why you are always being banned *sigh* this is why I don't play on NA servers, and the bitching continues *sigh*

We have no brains, irrelevant sarcastic post to prove it, of-corse it all makes hence now. *sigh*
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Slantedfloors on July 07, 2011, 02:57:27 am
Much better! Believable, but with the trademark lack of any narrative resembling actual events.
Ylca, I just want you to know that I enjoyed your company in LLJK. You're an okay guy.

But you were bad. Really bad. You regularly ignored all advice as to how to improve your skills, or streamline a build, or work as a team. You could not take the slightest criticism without launching into a massive rage-fest and a seven page post about how you had been wronged. You did this MULTIPLE TIMES.

You attempted to be LLJK's...Jesus, I don't even know what to call it...Dojo master, maybe? You attempted to give build or fighting advice, despite rarely getting past a 1:1 kill ratio. You constantly tried to get people to try out incredibly broken builds (1H&S + Shortbow? What the fuck?) or terrible strategies that got everybody killed. When you got called on this, you usually responded by saying you were one of the best players, despite usually having a skill ratio such as this:

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Look at that man. Honestly, look at that. hellowrold is congenitally retarded and on another continent, but he could still manage to get killed less.

So yeah, we make fun of you. A lot. A little too much, honestly. But don't try to play it as you being maliciously picked out of the crowd for no reason.

You're free to come back to LLJK once you annoy the Khans enough to kick you out.

Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Classical on July 07, 2011, 03:34:28 am
Welcome to the official "Ylca vs. LLJK" thread, enjoy your stay.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: Tydeus on July 07, 2011, 03:45:58 am
(click to show/hide)
At least this is both more amusing and less offensive than the previous posts in this thread about mass bans and people not being able to comprehend sarcasm.
Title: Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
Post by: SPQR on July 07, 2011, 05:45:17 am
Its my position that Ylca can only return after he has completed a "world tour" of being kicked out of every clan in cRPG. I anticipate this will take about 3 months.