cRPG => Scene Editing => Topic started by: Airith on June 07, 2011, 01:59:54 am

Title: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Airith on June 07, 2011, 01:59:54 am
Discuss the maps on the NA Siege server here. Discuss nominations as well.
No harassing map makers, constructive criticism only. Making a map is a lot more work then you'd think.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Airith on June 07, 2011, 02:00:02 am
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Digglez on June 07, 2011, 05:43:24 am
can you edit custom maps made by other players? like if we all agreed on certain edits that needed to be made
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Knute on June 08, 2011, 11:31:52 am
Any possible fixes for the ramp problem?  Would it be possible to adjust some of the NA maps and try replacing the ramps with siege towers or non mobile ramps?

Example on Siege Defense map:
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Also, I've noticed on the Hadrian's Wall map (the one where attackers start on beach, hills on either side) that the siege tower sometimes has an invisible barrier that makes it difficult to climb up the last section of steps to the area with the ramp.  It's possible to get past it, but requires a lot of jumping like when climbing a steep ladder.

Lastly, interesting variation of the str_blank_83 Jammadi_Castle map (desert castle, round wall and moat around flag) on the european siege server.  They give the defenders a parapet around the inner wall and block the street off by the gate, so it's harder for the attackers to get a ladder up to the round wall unopposed.

Inner wall:
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Towers on the sides have 2 locked doors:
(click to show/hide)

Overhead view:
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Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Digglez on June 08, 2011, 01:53:20 pm
looks like some nice changes on that one.

On Hailes Castle map, there needs to be a ladder/ramp in the far back so you dont have to walk around half the castle to get down without jumping and losing half your health.

And horses should be able to go up the 2 stairs on this map.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Camaris on June 08, 2011, 02:57:43 pm
Would love to get some feedback for my map (winter castle).
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Knute on June 08, 2011, 10:50:42 pm
Would love to get some feedback for my map (winter castle).

After playing it a couple times, it seems balanced, maybe slightly in the defenders favor because attackers have about 4 different routes to the flag so are less likely to attack together in one big mob.  I like how there's lots of high places to snipe from as an archer too.  Good map.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Digglez on June 10, 2011, 12:28:58 pm
Blank 110 is another unbalanced map, hardly ever see defenders win.  The flag is so exposed to enemy archers not to mention no room at the top to combat, so you're left to battle on stairs and get overheaded into your feet and die.

The ladder & siege tower are within 15ft of the gate control and no doors to even slow them down.

The wooden doors to the inner keep are too weak and die quickly, especially when there is no way to get out and get them off the doors. 

The map is a joke and needs serious remake to provide defense a chance in hell.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: ICEMAN1779 on June 10, 2011, 09:32:26 pm
110 i think i will take out the ladder on that one thay seem to take the gatehouse way to fast.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Knute on June 13, 2011, 06:58:50 am
On the Hadrian's Wall map:  The drop down ladder on the left side (facing castle from beach) is too steep to walk over at the top, some people were able to jump over but it's impossible to do that when a defender is there.  I just noticed it on the 3rd round so dunno if it's broken from the start or gets gradually worse like siege ramps.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: chaosegg on June 15, 2011, 04:31:03 pm
Blank 84 seems to have been removed thankfully...

blank 103 is in the same category now though... of maps that defense wins 90% of the time.
it's the one with 2 doors and a sewer for attackers to enter... a relatively convoluted building with flag at top floor (inside)

ranged can easily cover/choke the sewer, and after the first round it takes ages to just break through the other 2 doors,
then you have winding narrow corridors and stairs without end which make the defense easy again.
Good map, just needs something...
like the top/flag room chopped off and flag put down where the target dummies are maybe
(and make the target dummy into a dinning hall perhaps, moving the targets to the lawn in the middle of the building?).
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Tears of Destiny on June 15, 2011, 07:13:23 pm
Blank 84 seems to have been removed thankfully...

blank 103 is in the same category now though... of maps that defense wins 90% of the time.
it's the one with 2 doors and a sewer for attackers to enter... a relatively convoluted building with flag at top floor (inside)

I despise that map. Even getting the entire team to commit to just one attack route does not even work.
It plays like it has one more layer of defense then is needed. I suggest taking out  a few doors or shortening the path to the flag, something. The flag is just too high up, and the "winding" effect ov the staircase means that defense can just go hog wild when shooting, though honestly even with few archers the defense still mows down the attackers due to the innumerable chokepoints.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Malaclypse on June 16, 2011, 04:07:51 am
Maybe it's just been poor defense or good offense, but every time I've played Blank 103 it's been 2 to 3, a full five rounds before the map finishes.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: chaosegg on June 16, 2011, 05:03:24 am
I edited my post with suggestion for blank 103...
agree with
I despise that map. Even getting the entire team to commit to just one attack route does not even work.
It plays like it has one more layer of defense then is needed. I suggest taking out  a few doors or shortening the path to the flag, something.
The flag is just too high up, and the "winding" effect of the staircases means that defense can just go hog wild when shooting, though honestly even with few archers the defense still mows down the attackers due to the innumerable chokepoints.
Seems like most people hate that map.

Maybe it's just been poor defense or good offense, but every time I've played Blank 103 it's been 2 to 3, a full five rounds before the map finishes.
I hear you; sometimes when you get certain people playing together... magic just happens, haha, but
that map can be a real buzz-kill when you are on losing side for all 5 rounds (team-switched back an forth).

Sort of same thing with how blank84 started just emptying the server since the map beat the attackers not the players,
although this map doesn't empty it since it is new and sort of fun b/c at least you are banging on a door,
and/or running around nice, relatively narrow, hallways, or sniping at someone in a window/up stairs, etc.
instead of blank84 where you just run and run and run from town to the banquet hall.

I guess it is time I opened and learned how to use the map creator  :lol:
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Malaclypse on June 16, 2011, 06:00:18 am
I guess it is time I opened and learned how to use the map creator  :lol:

Do it dood! I've also been trying to get GK_Leonidas (of the Native clan Golden Kingdom) to hook cRPG up with his siege maps, because he makes freaking awesome ones.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: lenjurik on June 25, 2011, 08:32:05 am
There's a new map with a spiral staircase that leads up the flag room as the only entrance.  it's bugged and everyone moving up it moves at a snail's pace.  it's an autowin for defenders...the two times i've come across it the attackers have simply given up
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: ICEMAN1779 on June 25, 2011, 09:03:53 am
Hear this might help

Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Voodoox on June 25, 2011, 05:50:34 pm
im working on a pretty sweet map well balanced should be completed sometime today ill post pics when its done
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: zagibu on June 26, 2011, 12:46:39 pm
How do you know it is well balanced when it isn't even complete yet?
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: BcBKC on June 26, 2011, 11:17:04 pm
There's a new map with a spiral staircase that leads up the flag room as the only entrance.  it's bugged and everyone moving up it moves at a snail's pace.  it's an autowin for defenders...the two times i've come across it the attackers have simply given up
Agreed. Stair case is bugged and you move very slow up it. The stair case is to long and the room below it offers a choke point that is just to good. A few guys with shields and crush through weapons and the attackers have no chance. I've only seen attackers win once, and that was because most of the defenders spawned outside and weren't paying attention at all.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Shablagoo on June 27, 2011, 03:06:45 am
Yeah most attacking teams don't even get to the bugged staircase.  I'm not sure how someone could even make a cursory glance of that map and not realize it's completely broken. 

On a side not, I'm really tired of poorly designed maps that place defender spawn points in such a way that the attacking team is constantly being backstabbed.  You see this a lot on some of the smaller native maps with no area behind or to the sides of the flag for defenders to spawn.  Maybe it works for 15 vs 15 but once you have 40 players on those maps it becomes a joke. 
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Voodoox on June 27, 2011, 06:16:56 pm
I don't know if its actually balanced, but it seems balanced to me is what i meant. Here is a screen-shot of what i'm working on. There's a door hidden on the left by the tree in the picture, but when you enter it there is a staircase to the right that goes to the upper level.  Attackers spawn right across the draw bridge and if the gates open they pretty much have the win, but if gates closed they are bottle-necked so defenders have the win most likely. there is a second door on the right is acessable by a very narrow ledge (2 person wide) with archer cover, so it will be hard to open. I'm thinking of putting maybe a wood wall to block arrows there, but not sure yet.  In addition the flag is up above with 2 staircases. (choke-points a little after the top of each) Most of the village to the left is quarantined so you cant go back there and leech (only a small section open to get up the staircase down there) Any suggestions?
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 any comments welcome
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: zagibu on June 27, 2011, 06:52:20 pm
The map certainly looks interesting. I have only an unrelated suggestion: use punctuation. It's not hard and it makes your posts look less like the drivel of a small boy with ADHD.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Voodoox on June 27, 2011, 06:55:28 pm
lol  :D Sorry im at work posting between calls so ill fix it.  8-)

... added punctuation
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: MrShovelFace on June 28, 2011, 03:03:12 am
well i think we should remove all the extra basic maps.

IE a wall around a courtyard with a flag in the middle
I dont appeciate maps looking identical to every single player castle in native, jammayed aside

Expecially the maps that have the most generic possible methods of assault for attackers. HERP LETS CLIMB UP THIS LADDER AND GO ONTO A WALL DERP, waait havent i done this b4
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: ICEMAN1779 on June 29, 2011, 08:29:06 am
Bodiam Castle Last Updated: Jun 28, 2011, 10:57:42 pm
(click to show/hide)
:!: Updated. Fixed the siege tower, Added some textures, Fixed a door that would brake upsidedown, Fix a door that would not work at all sometimes buged, Fixed a hole that you could get stuck in by the siege ramp, fixed the man made wood ramp so its much easer to walk on.
Tir Asleen Last Updated: Jun 28, 2011, 10:57:42 pm
(click to show/hide)
:!: Updated. Removed a staircase inside the castle, Added five doors, Added 4 pillers near the winch for the gate, Moved all defenders entry points.
Tintagel Last Updated: Jun 28, 2011, 10:57:42 pm
(click to show/hide)
:!: Updated. All defenders now spawn inside the castle, Fixed the long staircase. You can now move up and down it much faster, Fixed a bug where a defender would spawn in the middel of nowhere.
Nockmaar Last Updated: Jun 28, 2011, 10:57:42 pm
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
:!: Updated. Heavy edit inside tower...Stairs are fixed, The Stairs have been greatly upsized, All new rooms, Added 3 doors, Moved all defenders entry points,Moved attackers ladder, Added some miner props.
Champion Haven Last Updated: Jun 15, 2011, 11:22:53 pm
(click to show/hide)
:arrow: No update...
Goodrich Castle Last Updated: Jun 11, 2011, 12:27:17 am
(click to show/hide)
:!: Updated. Deleted a ladder, Moved some defenders entry pionts, Fixed the two doors for the gatehouse.
My scene 17 Last Updated: May 31, 2011, 01:15:34 am
(click to show/hide)
:arrow: No update...

Pics are not updated except Nockmaar. Awaiting on Airith... :mrgreen:
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Voodoox on June 29, 2011, 05:10:52 pm
i also just submitted
New island siege map Flags at the top of the fortress 5 ways in 
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1.door far right side
2.door far left side
3.doorX2 rear by flag (top of hill)
4.siege ladder (just left of gate)

players will have to fight there way up a gentle incline then steep at end 
screen shots below enjoy

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Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Thranduil on July 03, 2011, 05:58:38 am
i also just submitted
New island siege map Flags at the top of the fortress 5 ways in 
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1.door far right side
2.door far left side
3.doorX2 rear by flag (top of hill)
4.siege ladder (just left of gate)

players will have to fight there way up a gentle incline then steep at end 
screen shots below enjoy

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(click to show/hide)
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A little advice about the barriers:  place a fence or something along the large barrier to show where it is, and with smaller barriers it is nice to have a cart or barrel stack or something you know you can't get past as a hint that a barrier is there.  Trust me on this, people get really pissed off in a fight when for now visible reason they can't move in a direction anymore and it gets them killed.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Voodoox on July 03, 2011, 07:11:13 pm
ok thats actualluy a good point will do  once people know its there tho they wont try to go in to the town i was just using it to block off areas of the map that are not useful to the goal to stop leechers
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: ICEMAN1779 on July 05, 2011, 08:46:28 am
Guys.... I have came a long way from map making. Please give me some intell...... On the patch for all the maps that i have put in. Please dont criticize me. Just some suggestions would be great!

Map i have made and have patched

Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Voodoox on July 05, 2011, 04:43:42 pm
Iceman have they uploaded to the server yet??
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Digglez on August 25, 2011, 02:48:30 am
Blank 110 is STILL in rotation and I've yet to see defenders win more than 5 times ever.  Map is just poorly conceived and defense has no chance to make a stand anywhere.

Wooden doors at the bottom of gatehouse are bugged and stay destroyed after the first round.

Too easy to get into the castle and too hard for defenders to get the flag.

If gate is open and inner door busted, attackers can be on flag in less than 10 seconds, basically impossible to defend.  other maps are closer to 20-30 seconds to get to flag unopposed
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Digglez on August 26, 2011, 05:02:54 am
Chalice of the Desert, while cool looking and historically correct blah blah, is WAY too big for siege.  Takes about a minute to even get to inner wall to attack.  Needs heavy tweaking to reduce the size and scope.  Please remove it.

Server pop dropped by half when this map came up.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Mendrak on August 27, 2011, 06:51:18 pm
It's gotten to the point I would rather play EU's siege server with 150+ ping than play the NA Siege server because of the maps. Everyone always says 'downvote it if you don't like it', well I know my clan has been downvoting a lot of these maps and they are still there weeks later so what is the point if they are never removed or updated? Seems like deleting all the NA maps and copying the EU maps would be better at this point, people would start playing NA Siege again.
Title: Re: NA Siege Map Discussion
Post by: Tears of Destiny on August 27, 2011, 07:56:51 pm
Seems like deleting all the NA maps and copying the EU maps would be better at this point, people would start playing NA Siege again.

EU Siege is not the only server that has those maps. There is one with Chicago based ping as an alternative with those maps too. *innocent whistle, hands in pockets*