Off Topic => General Off Topic => Topic started by: Clockworkkiller on January 24, 2015, 09:14:34 pm

Title: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Clockworkkiller on January 24, 2015, 09:14:34 pm
gunshow was here today

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got it for little over $300
came with a 10 round magazine, bought a extra 5 round mag while there

decided to show yall cuz i know everyone here loves guns
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: wayyyyyne on January 24, 2015, 09:16:39 pm
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: AntiBlitz on January 25, 2015, 12:04:18 am
you shoulda dug up my old thread about guns and stuck it in there.  I would like to entertain more gun talks, i would even add a photo of the Ms. and her deer hunting exploits we had over the winter.  Sad i havent collected any new firearms as of late, though im always on the look for deals, and i do like seeing gun shows come my way. 

I assume this was the Frederick gun show, of which i nearly decided to go if i didnt have plans all this weekend.
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 25, 2015, 06:02:29 am
Entered thread expecting freshly shipped toys from Bad Dragon.

I mean, it's clockwork.
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: lombardsoup on January 25, 2015, 06:17:40 am
Entered thread expecting freshly shipped toys from Bad Dragon.

I mean, it's clockwork.

The guns part, ok

But not the furry yiff yiff shit, that is terror
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on January 25, 2015, 07:14:42 am
The guns part, ok

But not the furry yiff yiff shit, that is terror

I didn't say I was terrified of or disgusted by either. I was just like "Hoo boy clockwork is at it again!"
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 18, 2015, 04:17:52 am (
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: Ikarus on July 18, 2015, 11:49:13 am
nice choice, Ruger is a fun gun  :D

still, take care, it´s a rifle after all
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 18, 2015, 11:11:57 pm
Norinco SKS. Chinese Military milsurp. Early import, very nice condition compared to others. Comes with a folding bayonet and a shitty little cleaning kit. takes 10 7.62x39mm rounds in the internal magazine, feed it by stripper clips. Need to clean it and find something to increase the length of pull. because it is REALLY short on me (im 6'4), also bought 100 rounds of Wolf, but no stripper clips, so gotta look for some of those too.

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So, i got the ruger 10/22, got the semi auto centerfire up, 12ga pump(saw plenty mossberg 500s and maverick 88s at the show, all in my price range, didnt buy none though), Hi-point carbine chambered in 9mm (saw those too, wanted to buy one, but after getting the sks, they were JUST a little too much) and a decent lever gun (saw a nice one chambered in .22 but i want one that shoots .30-.30)
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 19, 2015, 12:35:14 am
Title: Re: picked this up today
Post by: Tagora on July 19, 2015, 12:53:39 am
I'm going to contriboot my own collection one of these days.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 19, 2015, 02:54:45 am
wolf ammo is incredibly dirty ammo, please clean your firearms thoroughly after using it.

Hi-points are pretty cool to have around and rather cheap for what they are, all in all a nice one to add to the collection.  Also owning several lever action 30-30's myself, they are fantastic hunting rifles for deer.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Kafein on July 19, 2015, 01:51:01 pm
Seriously what's the point of a fucking bayonet on a SKS?
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 19, 2015, 03:09:02 pm
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 19, 2015, 04:18:25 pm
Seriously what's the point of a fucking bayonet on a SKS?

idk ask the chinese, they made the damn thing, it comes built into it as a folding bayonet.  Prolly just increases the "wow" factor for an easier sell.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 19, 2015, 04:28:17 pm
Seriously what's the point of a fucking bayonet on a SKS?

Bayonets were still a "useful" weapon when that was made. Perhaps it made it easier to keep the bayonet attached rather than loose like most rifles? Wasn't until the '70s that bayonets became shorter and more like a "dagger" and multi purpose.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 20, 2015, 12:33:52 am
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 21, 2015, 07:33:05 pm
old man found dead in his car down the street from his house, so they go to his house to continue the investigation and find his firearms.  Whether you claim its his "collection" or "arsenal", the liberal media is getting all stupid just because he has them.  Love our media, caring more about what he owns rather then how he died.

over 1200 firearms and 2 tons of ammunition.

Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Molly on July 21, 2015, 08:08:34 pm
Out of curiosity:
Wouldn't you agree that guns aren't an everyday collectors item?

I don't think they are. I can accept that someone might collect guns. But 1200 of them just seems beyond a gun collection to me. I instantly assume some kind of mental issue cuz that simply doesn't seem sane to me.
I don't know where to draw the line between a normal collection and something very unusual - to say the least - but 1200?
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 21, 2015, 10:59:45 pm
Not like that guy can do anything with 1200 guns.

If anything, he's more likely to be a Militia Outfitter if the need ever arises. I know a few people like that. Have lots of ammo and guns that if things really got bad, I'd head to him to gear up and get ready.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Utrakil on July 21, 2015, 11:06:01 pm
If anything, he's more likely to be a Militia Outfitter if the need ever arises. I know a few people like that. Have lots of ammo and guns that if things really got bad, I'd head to him to gear up and get ready.
:shock: :rolleyes: :D :D :lol: :lol:
Whahaha really??
You guys are hillarious.

What scenarios are you guys preparing for??
-the south will rise again?
-Post nuklear war apokalyptic survival challenge?
-them Commies coming for you?
-or a rebellion against your highly corrupt state?

edit: I hope you are in a gang or some major illegal buisiness. that would make some sense then.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 21, 2015, 11:33:51 pm
:shock: :rolleyes: :D :D :lol: :lol:
Whahaha really??
You guys are hillarious.

What scenarios are you guys preparing for??
-the south will rise again?
-Post nuklear war apokalyptic survival challenge?
-them Commies coming for you?
-or a rebellion against your highly corrupt state?

edit: I hope you are in a gang or some major illegal buisiness. that would make some sense then.

Hm? I only have 2 Rifles and a handgun to my name. We have a shotgun and another rifle as well, but those belong to my stepfather. He has little ammo, I got a shit ton of surplus for my rifles though.

I prep for only 1 scenario: You trying to get into my house to harm me. The other stuff you mentioned is just the "If something really big happens and I need a fuck ton of ammo or Firepower" scenario. I doubt that will ever, ever happen, but I've seen quite a few people who believe the US is headed towards a racial/civil war again.(The guy I referenced for the crazy amount of guns is  a Tinfoil Government out to get you type)
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: njames89 on July 21, 2015, 11:38:57 pm
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Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 22, 2015, 01:57:53 am
If anything, he's more likely to be a Militia Outfitter if the need ever arises. I know a few people like that. Have lots of ammo and guns that if things really got bad, I'd head to him to gear up and get ready.

I'm pretty sure that when you have hoarded 1200 guns as a single person, not with or for the assistance of a larger group of people, you are probably not doing too well in the mental health area.

If society collapsed and all that fun shit, I would be happy to know a guy who had a massive pile of guns. I still wouldn't hoard that many guns myself. That's because I am mentally well a brainwashed drone of the 1% and everything is fine the world will not end in my lifetime
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 22, 2015, 08:01:06 am
Would you say the same thing about someone with 1200 post stamps? Are all collectors insane?
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 22, 2015, 08:18:01 am
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dat 4chan meme doh
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Christo on July 22, 2015, 08:23:03 am
SKS rifles are pretty.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Molly on July 22, 2015, 09:03:46 am
Would you say the same thing about someone with 1200 post stamps? Are all collectors insane?
That's why I wrote that I don't see guns as the usual collector's item.
I knew someone would come up with stamps :)
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 22, 2015, 01:41:53 pm
First off, he is an old man, so he has been hoarding this stuff for years, so it only makes sense the collection is so large.  The media claimed the collection was mostly shotguns and rifles, for which you can pick up for like 200 bucks at their cheapest.  Then they showed the ridiculous pile of revolvers, again a sign of not only his age, but of how cheap they can be picked up for, around 200~350 average for a mass produced low caliber revolver, some for as cheap as like 120.  To me, if he was collecting, prepping, who knows what, since he is dead and we will never know, the age and the firearms themselves being hunting rifles and revolvers just all make sense.

Would it have made the media if he was a knife/sword collector?  only other thing i could think of that the libs knees get all shaky about.  Who makes the rules on what is obscure and what isnt?  To me, collecting firearms isnt obscure, because i myself do it. 

Europeans can mock Americans about their firearms all they want, but, most assuredly, the day will come, maybe not in my lifetime, but it will, and the only mockery occurring will be from the ones on the other side of the barrel.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: cmp on July 22, 2015, 01:56:47 pm
Europeans can mock Americans about their firearms all they want, but, most assuredly, the day will come, maybe not in my lifetime, but it will, and the only mockery occurring will be from the ones on the other side of the barrel.

The day will come! Hordes of communist mechanical bears mounted by muslim liberal gay black in spanishs, bringing destruction to the visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 Land Of The Free visitors can't see pics , please register or login
. Prepare yourself America!

to be fair an actual civil war is not that unlikely, considered how many people still wave the traitor flag
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 22, 2015, 02:35:10 pm
That's why I wrote that I don't see guns as the usual collector's item.
I knew someone would come up with stamps :)
And why does it matter what you see something as? Literally anything can be a collector's item, just because you have an irrational fear of guns doesn't make people collecting them any more insane than someone collecting stamps or fossils or luxury cars.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Angantyr on July 22, 2015, 03:18:09 pm
On that note, an interesting article about the 'Wheatcroft collection', the private, largest collection of WWII German Nationalsozialismus memorabilia in the world. As an example, the guy owns more than 88 tanks.

Would love to see it one day, a veritable treasure trove.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 22, 2015, 04:12:30 pm
On that note, an interesting article about the 'Wheatcroft collection', the private, largest collection of WWII German Nationalsozialismus memorabilia in the world. As an example, the guy owns more than 88 tanks.

Would love to see it one day, a veritable treasure trove.

He must be mentally insane.

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Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Molly on July 22, 2015, 04:16:28 pm
And why does it matter what you see something as? Literally anything can be a collector's item, just because you have an irrational fear of guns doesn't make people collecting them any more insane than someone collecting stamps or fossils or luxury cars.
Except maybe that every statistical comparison between gun affine and non-affine countries on relevant numbers will show that my fear is far from irrational...

...and now is the point I am exiting the thread!

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Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 22, 2015, 04:21:40 pm
You do realize that the number of times a firearm is used in successful self defense far outweighs the number of violence and murders using guns?

And that most of those gun murders is gang violence limited to ghettos?
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Angantyr on July 22, 2015, 04:42:44 pm
sorry cant view your link, too many dragging german pussies in these forums, they shudder at the even mere mentioning of N azis
Does it give you a 404 error? It's odd, it does the same to me, even if I go directly to the website and copy paste the link. Is it because there's einstein in the name?
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Utrakil on July 22, 2015, 04:48:42 pm
click link-then exchange the "einstein" in your adressbar URL with "Hitler"- press enter
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Angantyr on July 22, 2015, 04:54:20 pm
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Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 22, 2015, 05:27:11 pm
Fill a room with bees, and fill the same room with people armed with bee-swatters and you'll see that the number of times a bee-swatter is used in successful self defence far outweighs the number of bee stings. Despite the fact you have significantly more bee-stings than the neighbouring room, and that they manage perfectly fine without having to swat at bees every 2 seconds.

thats probably the best analogy ive seen on these damn forums yet, haha! ugh bees
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 22, 2015, 05:37:28 pm
Fill a room with bees, and fill the same room with people armed with bee-swatters and you'll see that the number of times a bee-swatter is used in successful self defence far outweighs the number of bee stings. Despite the fact you have significantly more bee-stings than the neighbouring room, and that they manage perfectly fine without having to swat at bees every 2 seconds.

Except there is other forms of crime than murders with firearms.  the other room may not have bee stings, but its people are swarmed by mosquitos and spiders.
I would think a Brit would be familiar with this. Enjoy your high crime rate and knife stabbings

simple fact, armed citizens stop crime
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Kafein on July 22, 2015, 05:41:11 pm
Enjoy your prison-industrial-complex I guess.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 22, 2015, 05:42:33 pm
Except maybe that every statistical comparison between gun affine and non-affine countries on relevant numbers will show that my fear is far from irrational...

...and now is the point I am exiting the thread!
Nope, there's plenty of statistics that show that isn't the case. Even though I'm not sure what affine means.

Anyway, that's completely missing the point. 1200 guns are not more dangerous than one (and even if they were, dangerous=mentally ill? Wut?). How is it more "mentally ill" to collect them than stamps? You have failed to provide reasons, over and over. Let me tell you why: because there is no logical reason for claiming that. If someone likes their aesthetics, their function, their history, whatever, then they'll collect them if they have the money. The same reasons anyone would collect anything else. That simple.

It's completely different to claim that you don't think it's ethical or right or you think it's dangerous to own so many guns than it is to claim that a collector is mentally ill.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 22, 2015, 06:47:55 pm
Would you say the same thing about someone with 1200 post stamps? Are all collectors posters insane?


The day will come! Hordes of communist mechanical bears mounted by muslim liberal gay black in spanishs, bringing destruction to the visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 Land Of The Free visitors can't see pics , please register or login
. Prepare yourself America!

This is really good sig quote material, grade AA super prime.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Teeth on July 22, 2015, 10:58:13 pm
I don't get it, what do the bees represent?
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Kafein on July 22, 2015, 11:04:24 pm
I don't get it, what do the bees represent?

Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 22, 2015, 11:53:11 pm
holy fuck what part of "majority of Gun violence is caused by hood trash gang on gang violence" do you not understand?
most crimes are committed with knives, bats and such, not firearms. you can remove firearms from the equation, and the crime/violence will still be there. except this time you wont have ANY chance of protection.
and yes, of course there will be murders with firearms, but the good FAR, FAR outweighs the bad.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 23, 2015, 12:32:56 am
Probably the part where that makes a difference, i think that's having trouble sinking in. The problem with everyone having guns, is that everyone has them. Dont see how the fact that most of gun violence is caused by shitty people anyway changes that fact.

You wont have ANY protection against those bats and knives? Unlike the incredible protection you currently have against guns now? I know which i'd rather try my luck against.

This 'of course there will be murders with firearms' attitude, is the perfect commercial attitude. Wonder how many generations it took to breed that level of apathy into the population, 'cant fix it so why bother?', or, 'i know what always makes me feel better, more guns!'. Question; how easy would a scummy immigrant like myself find it to open a gun store in the US? I think i've found where the money is, a market so deeply in denial that they will attempt to fix any death or tragedy caused by my product, by purchasing more of my product. Forget internet white-knighting, i want in on that money, you wouldn't *not* buy my product if it leapt up and shot your left testicle off.

(that or i'm sure i could make a living selling fly-swatters to rednecks using a similar principle)

you believe that guns are the probelm, not shitty people. guess what, toss a bunch of guns into a room with a few of your non-shitty citizens. you wont have any probelms. I guess a driving accident is because of all the cars on the roads, not because of the driver.

You wont have ANY protection against those bats and knives? Unlike the incredible protection you currently have against guns now?
yea, we do have perfectly fine protection against guns. good thing i doubt ill have to worry about them, because there is so few fucking crimes committed with them.

you knnow, if UK would allow CC, your crime rate would drop hard. too bad that would never happen:
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aspies gonna aspie

Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 23, 2015, 04:30:28 am
Then we are in agreement.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Jona on July 23, 2015, 05:15:10 am
Maine is the state with the highest percent of gun ownership (or close to it, idk if it's changed at all recently). It is also the state with the lowest (violent) crime rate. Just sayin...

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Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 23, 2015, 06:40:42 am
No, it isn't about everyone being afraid of fucking with anyone because everyone has guns, it's about demographics. Plain and simple. Detroit gangs all have guns, yet the amount of violent gun crime is sky high.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Tibe on July 23, 2015, 07:14:21 am
The people do matter the most when it comes to preventing gunviolence, true. But not giving them fucking guns so freely in the first place also helps lowering the casualtyrate. In the shittiest parts of UK with also varing demographics, gangs solve their desputes with knifes and mug people with knifes, making the overall bystandercasualtyrate so much smaller. Sure theres gunviolence occasionally, but its definately not so serius.

I dont seriuslly see how is this so fucking trivial. Less guns = less gunviolence. If your state has a high crimerate and also liberal gunlaws its catastrophic, but if the crime-rate is low there is no problem. Guns dont create crime, I never claimed that, but if its combined with crime, the innocent bystandercasualtyrate is high as fuck. Its the same reason why not all countries are allowed to own nukes for their own "defence". Less nukes around, less likely a bunch of people who shouldn't, die quickly at once because of some retard. Let the warlords shoot each-other with AK-s and leave everyone else out of this. And gunlaws are not fucking magic. No wounder banning them in some states in US didn't do anything. There's so much in circulation its already too late. The most one can do now is that other countries learn from the US, why such liberal gun-laws are a bad idea and not have them. And i think they have, in majority of Europe providing that "freedom" hasn't even been thrown in the discussiontabel. Nobody wants it.

And the general cars argument thrown by gunnuts is not valid. A car has fuckton more value in general than a gun. Guncollecting and outside the range shooting(or masturbating to your guns) is leisure. Driving a car for some people is litterally the only way they can live their life more efficiently.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Molly on July 23, 2015, 01:10:04 pm
Maine is the state with the highest percent of gun ownership (or close to it, idk if it's changed at all recently). It is also the state with the lowest (violent) crime rate. Just sayin...

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Last year the growth rate of apples on apple trees close to Hamburg was proportional to the strawberry pie consumption in Bruge. Therefore blueberry prices skyrocketed on the stock exchange.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Angantyr on July 23, 2015, 01:47:07 pm
If I ever move to the US the first thing I'm buying is a lever-action repeating rifle, for example the Winchester Model 1873. My second purchase will be a cowboy hat.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: LEKIS on July 23, 2015, 02:04:39 pm
I would love me a Magnum 500. I find it kinda tiresome to go around and telling everybody I've a tiny penor so why not let the M5hunnit do the talkin'?
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 23, 2015, 02:15:01 pm
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 23, 2015, 02:46:05 pm
All of this is just a giant red herring.

Gun crime has nothing to do with the collector being insane or not.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Leshma on July 23, 2015, 03:28:25 pm
Even when I was a little kid I despised ranged. My favorite cartoon heroes were always melee. Don't like guns and rifles, don't like FPS games with gun and rifles. Would gladly chop off heads of those who like guns and rifles and bows and ranged in general.

Magic is acceptable though. Jedi = the perfect warrior. Magic + magic blade = winnning!
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: njames89 on July 23, 2015, 05:21:34 pm
SKS rifles are pretty.

Gotta agree it is a very aesthetic long gun. Not to mention very affordable.

Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 23, 2015, 06:22:44 pm
lol fuck it, enjoy sucking sandfriend cock, britcuck. it'll be hilarious when shariah law is enacted in UK and you guys just bend over and accept it.

I got a SKS to take apart and clean.

Thank god these dangerous weapons of mass child killing destruction are off the streets, the toy gun and pointy stick really scared me!
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Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 23, 2015, 06:46:43 pm
sandfriend cock,

uncalled for

Thank god these dangerous weapons of mass child killing destruction are off the streets, the toy gun and pointy stick really scared me!
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lmao the croquet mallet
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Utrakil on July 24, 2015, 09:35:44 am
They are obviously not selling enough guns in Lousiana. (
This guy could have never killed two and injure seven in a movie theater with his colectors Item if there would have been more guns in the cinema.
If there would have been 20 guys firing back at him there wouldn't have been any fatalities at all for shure.
I think with age 18 everybody should get a rifle and a handgun assigned and be obligated to carry at least one of them at all times.

edit: grammar
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Xant on July 24, 2015, 10:08:33 am
Yup, almost all mass shootings happen in "Gun Free Zones."
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 24, 2015, 03:29:33 pm
lol fuck it, enjoy sucking sandfriend cock, britcuck. it'll be hilarious when shariah law is enacted in UK and you guys just bend over and accept it.

Nice one dude, totally showed him.

Srsly tho, getting cornered and instead of considering his arguements you simply get more hostile. I really cant speak much for or against Guns,  but it always seems like the ones who are for Guns get hostile first which say a lot in a debate.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 24, 2015, 04:16:20 pm
Nice one dude, totally showed him.

Srsly tho, getting cornered and instead of considering his arguements you simply get more hostile. I really cant speak much for or against Guns,  but it always seems like the ones who are for Guns get hostile first which say a lot in a debate.

ya well that tends to happen when you have an army of mouth breathing europeans swarming you with peace signs and bee analogies.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Molly on July 24, 2015, 04:17:38 pm
ya well that tends to happen when you have an army of mouth breathing europeans swarming you with peace signs and bee analogies.
...way to prove Gravoth's point :lol:
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 24, 2015, 05:23:36 pm
...way to prove Gravoth's point :lol:

i didnt prove anything, was justifying why someone would become hostile when this "cornered fox" crap occurs.  I just dont understand what you expected.  Neither of you will see one anothers side, and yet you want him to see yours, and when he tells you to piss off, you become the "intellectual whiner", with a pipe dangling out of your mouth, a monocle, sitting in a red velvet chair, telling everyone you see all aspects of the opinions and therefore yours is absolutely more so correct.

If anything, you had proven my point, so easy to bandwagon and jumped down peoples throats, but hey, whatever gets the likes, gotta keep stroking that ego.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 24, 2015, 06:52:26 pm
"Buy guns. Just buy a big pile of gun and role around in them an cry. im george washigton"

-the Second Ammendment
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 24, 2015, 07:10:25 pm
I've had my mind changed by good arguements over the internet, it happens for sure. But it is a rarity since most people are stubborn. Even considering the other persons arguements is too much for some.

Main reason i cant choose my side on this is probably because both sides generally have legit arguements. Allthough im starting to lean towards euro masterrace no guns. Probably since im only expeirencing that part, theres absolutely no fear of being put on gun point here by anyone, ofcourse criminals still have guns and are capable of getting a lot of them, but they have no reason to use it on anyone else but criminals, and even thats rare.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: cup457 on August 26, 2015, 01:35:48 am
I like guns because they are fun to shoot and I don't really see why anyone knows whether its best for me to own or not own a gun. The reason I dislike gun control is because I feel as if those who support it do not feel like I have a right to defend myself
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Clockworkkiller on August 26, 2015, 04:34:31 am
i dont give a shit anymore, let the haters hate. i have a 37mm grenade flare launcher coming in the mail. will post pics in this thread, then sit back and laugh at the shitstorm to ensue.

may go down to the gunstore later this week, and pick up a nice milsurp boltaction. then hit the range this weekend.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: cup457 on August 26, 2015, 04:44:11 am
No ranges that arent expensive and close target close to me because of of city laws about no outdoor shooting and little room. Range i normally go to opens next month. I got a n-pap i wanna shoot again but I need to replace the gas block because the bayonet lug was grinded off for importation, but I cant find non-grenade launcher gas blocks, or grenade launcher gas blocks that arent rusted to shit
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Turkhammer on August 26, 2015, 05:41:53 am
Allthough im starting to lean towards euro masterrace no guns. Probably since im only expeirencing that part, theres absolutely no fear of being put on gun point here by anyone, ofcourse criminals still have guns and are capable of getting a lot of them, but they have no reason to use it on anyone else but criminals, and even thats rare.

Especially on your high speed trains and in your cartoonists' offices.  Absolutely no fear. 
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: Grytviken on August 26, 2015, 07:11:55 am
Maine is the state with the highest percent of gun ownership (or close to it, idk if it's changed at all recently). It is also the state with the lowest (violent) crime rate. Just sayin...

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You're also leaving out another very important statistic.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *KLICK KLACK, BANG BANG*
Post by: GandalfJr on August 26, 2015, 08:29:16 am
Who is your next victim?
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Clockworkkiller on August 26, 2015, 10:40:47 pm
whats your excuse for not owning a 37mm flare launcher?
Caution, phone users turn back now
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Whats that yellow can? why, thats a motherfucking smoke grenade
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just need ammo for it, will probably reload my own. no anti personnel rounds though. so rubberball, baton, beanbag is out. so are Bird boms/bangers since thats a legal grey area and is a bit more on the explosives side. however, Flare, Smoke, and CS gas are good to go. maybe i can get away with say paint rounds or something
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on August 26, 2015, 11:28:58 pm
If I absolutely had to live in US, I would probably buy a gun too... 911 Colt is sexy.

Clockwork, y u not buy a sexy Colt?.. All the ladies will be yours!
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Xant on August 27, 2015, 12:00:15 am
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Clockworkkiller on August 27, 2015, 12:06:28 am

what a idiot, doesnt he know your suppose to turn the camera sideways
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Xant on August 27, 2015, 12:09:11 am
what a great english
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 27, 2015, 12:13:15 am

Surprised no one brought this up. Guess it wasn't really big news.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Xant on August 27, 2015, 12:24:23 am
What surprises me the most is the total lack of situational awareness. These people must be living inside their own worlds. OK, the camera man I KIND of get, but how can his proximity sense not go apeshit when someone is practically breathing down his neck? The two women though, he was in their field of vision the whole time...
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Clockworkkiller on August 27, 2015, 12:41:59 am
enough about those nerds,

lets talk 37mm and post le epic vids

what should i try building first? that ASA MOAB looks pretty cool. and that smoke rounds kit looks nice (
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on August 27, 2015, 12:50:35 am
I am a very peaceful man, but this 100th anniversary version makes me wet. Something about it's style, it's raw mechanical power...

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Don't you want to take it in your hand and do justice? Made me remember the bullet scene from "The Deer Hunter":

Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Xant on August 27, 2015, 01:19:23 am
1911s are crap. Unreliable and 7+1.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on August 27, 2015, 02:07:37 am
1911s are crap. Unreliable and 7+1.

I'm all about love and beauty. And this gun is sexy. And it would reliably make me look 100% more badass.
I'd like to have a lighter shaped precisely the same way. So people would freak out at first, but then see me lighting a cigar with it, and they would calm down for a moment, but then i would pull the real one out, and say "Yiiihaaa-aaa" and shoot few times in the air. Then I'd blow on the barrel, holster the gun, and put my aviator raybans on. Everyone would run the fuck away, except hot chicks, who would from that moment be mine, and ride with me on my Harley to the edge of the Earth.

So you see Xant, 1911s are not crap.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Xant on August 27, 2015, 02:34:45 am
Ok, point well taken.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Clockworkkiller on August 27, 2015, 04:09:53 am
people are laughing, asking me why i wasted money on a large flare gun

just you wait ill show them. while they mope about, ill be escaping dastardly situations with my flare guns. from signalling nearby rescue helicopters to handheld 4th of july fireworks and even tear gasing my neighbor tims stupid dog. they just wish the could join in on the fun
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Angantyr on August 27, 2015, 09:22:58 am
I like lever-action rifles such as the 1860 Henry, and the Model 1873 and Model 92 Winchester rifles.

Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Kafein on August 28, 2015, 01:02:25 am
What surprises me the most is the total lack of situational awareness. These people must be living inside their own worlds. OK, the camera man I KIND of get, but how can his proximity sense not go apeshit when someone is practically breathing down his neck? The two women though, he was in their field of vision the whole time...

Noob archers I tell you. That woman getting interview has serious tunnelvision issues.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: Xant on August 28, 2015, 07:56:45 am
I'm all about love and beauty. And this gun is sexy. And it would reliably make me look 100% more badass.
I'd like to have a lighter shaped precisely the same way. So people would freak out at first, but then see me lighting a cigar with it, and they would calm down for a moment, but then i would pull the real one out, and say "Yiiihaaa-aaa" and shoot few times in the air. Then I'd blow on the barrel, holster the gun, and put my aviator raybans on. Everyone would run the fuck away, except hot chicks, who would from that moment be mine, and ride with me on my Harley to the edge of the Earth.

So you see Xant, 1911s are not crap.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: cup457 on August 29, 2015, 03:32:20 pm
That shooting was actually not that far from me. News reports said that he was mad because he was an oppressed black guy. Hes probably the only black guy where he lives because that entire area is just emtpy mountains. But why post bait in this thread. Post way out of order cuz i didnt see that last page. Thanks phone. Also 1911s are reliable they just arent good field weapons anymore because they cant take as much of a beating as compared to newer models. My boss has a 1911 with a .2 in pull and he can hit targets at 50 yards with it. Only reason i dont like 1911s is because like most american guns they are ridiculously over priced. Give me a cz75 anyday
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: cup457 on August 29, 2015, 03:52:01 pm
double post because im gay
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I replaced front guards now i just need to replace stock with something, preferably a skeleton folding stock to intimidate all the children I slaughter everyday, and i have to find a bayonet lug( its not actually locked in in the picture its just sitting on flash suppressor.
Title: Re: picked this up today. *THUMP-THUMP* EDITION
Post by: ecorcheur_brokar on September 02, 2015, 12:08:19 pm