Entered thread expecting freshly shipped toys from Bad Dragon.
I mean, it's clockwork.
The guns part, ok
But not the furry yiff yiff shit, that is terror
Seriously what's the point of a fucking bayonet on a SKS?
Seriously what's the point of a fucking bayonet on a SKS?
If anything, he's more likely to be a Militia Outfitter if the need ever arises. I know a few people like that. Have lots of ammo and guns that if things really got bad, I'd head to him to gear up and get ready.:shock: :rolleyes: :D :D :lol: :lol:
:shock: :rolleyes: :D :D :lol: :lol:
Whahaha really??
You guys are hillarious.
What scenarios are you guys preparing for??
-the south will rise again?
-Post nuklear war apokalyptic survival challenge?
-them Commies coming for you?
-or a rebellion against your highly corrupt state?
edit: I hope you are in a gang or some major illegal buisiness. that would make some sense then.
If anything, he's more likely to be a Militia Outfitter if the need ever arises. I know a few people like that. Have lots of ammo and guns that if things really got bad, I'd head to him to gear up and get ready.
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Would you say the same thing about someone with 1200 post stamps? Are all collectors insane?That's why I wrote that I don't see guns as the usual collector's item.
Europeans can mock Americans about their firearms all they want, but, most assuredly, the day will come, maybe not in my lifetime, but it will, and the only mockery occurring will be from the ones on the other side of the barrel.
That's why I wrote that I don't see guns as the usual collector's item.And why does it matter what you see something as? Literally anything can be a collector's item, just because you have an irrational fear of guns doesn't make people collecting them any more insane than someone collecting stamps or fossils or luxury cars.
I knew someone would come up with stamps :)
On that note, an interesting article about the 'Wheatcroft collection', the private, largest collection of WWII German Nationalsozialismus memorabilia in the world. As an example, the guy owns more than 88 tanks.
Would love to see it one day, a veritable treasure trove.
And why does it matter what you see something as? Literally anything can be a collector's item, just because you have an irrational fear of guns doesn't make people collecting them any more insane than someone collecting stamps or fossils or luxury cars.Except maybe that every statistical comparison between gun affine and non-affine countries on relevant numbers will show that my fear is far from irrational...
sorry cant view your link, too many dragging german pussies in these forums, they shudder at the even mere mentioning of N azisDoes it give you a 404 error? It's odd, it does the same to me, even if I go directly to the website and copy paste the link. Is it because there's einstein in the name?
Fill a room with bees, and fill the same room with people armed with bee-swatters and you'll see that the number of times a bee-swatter is used in successful self defence far outweighs the number of bee stings. Despite the fact you have significantly more bee-stings than the neighbouring room, and that they manage perfectly fine without having to swat at bees every 2 seconds.
Fill a room with bees, and fill the same room with people armed with bee-swatters and you'll see that the number of times a bee-swatter is used in successful self defence far outweighs the number of bee stings. Despite the fact you have significantly more bee-stings than the neighbouring room, and that they manage perfectly fine without having to swat at bees every 2 seconds.
Except maybe that every statistical comparison between gun affine and non-affine countries on relevant numbers will show that my fear is far from irrational...Nope, there's plenty of statistics that show that isn't the case. Even though I'm not sure what affine means.
...and now is the point I am exiting the thread!
Would you say the same thing about someone with 1200 poststamps? Are allcollectorsposters insane?
The day will come! Hordes of communist mechanical bears mounted by muslim liberal gay black in spanishs, bringing destruction to the visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Land Of The Free visitors can't see pics , please register or login
. Prepare yourself America!
I don't get it, what do the bees represent?
Probably the part where that makes a difference, i think that's having trouble sinking in. The problem with everyone having guns, is that everyone has them. Dont see how the fact that most of gun violence is caused by shitty people anyway changes that fact.
You wont have ANY protection against those bats and knives? Unlike the incredible protection you currently have against guns now? I know which i'd rather try my luck against.
This 'of course there will be murders with firearms' attitude, is the perfect commercial attitude. Wonder how many generations it took to breed that level of apathy into the population, 'cant fix it so why bother?', or, 'i know what always makes me feel better, more guns!'. Question; how easy would a scummy immigrant like myself find it to open a gun store in the US? I think i've found where the money is, a market so deeply in denial that they will attempt to fix any death or tragedy caused by my product, by purchasing more of my product. Forget internet white-knighting, i want in on that money, you wouldn't *not* buy my product if it leapt up and shot your left testicle off.
(that or i'm sure i could make a living selling fly-swatters to rednecks using a similar principle)
You wont have ANY protection against those bats and knives? Unlike the incredible protection you currently have against guns now?yea, we do have perfectly fine protection against guns. good thing i doubt ill have to worry about them, because there is so few fucking crimes committed with them.
yesThen we are in agreement.
Maine is the state with the highest percent of gun ownership (or close to it, idk if it's changed at all recently). It is also the state with the lowest (violent) crime rate. Just sayin...Last year the growth rate of apples on apple trees close to Hamburg was proportional to the strawberry pie consumption in Bruge. Therefore blueberry prices skyrocketed on the stock exchange.(click to show/hide)
SKS rifles are pretty.
sandfriend cock,
Thank god these dangerous weapons of mass child killing destruction are off the streets, the toy gun and pointy stick really scared me!(click to show/hide)
lol fuck it, enjoy sucking sandfriend cock, britcuck. it'll be hilarious when shariah law is enacted in UK and you guys just bend over and accept it.
Nice one dude, totally showed him.
Srsly tho, getting cornered and instead of considering his arguements you simply get more hostile. I really cant speak much for or against Guns, but it always seems like the ones who are for Guns get hostile first which say a lot in a debate.
ya well that tends to happen when you have an army of mouth breathing europeans swarming you with peace signs and bee analogies....way to prove Gravoth's point :lol:
...way to prove Gravoth's point :lol:
Allthough im starting to lean towards euro masterrace no guns. Probably since im only expeirencing that part, theres absolutely no fear of being put on gun point here by anyone, ofcourse criminals still have guns and are capable of getting a lot of them, but they have no reason to use it on anyone else but criminals, and even thats rare.
Maine is the state with the highest percent of gun ownership (or close to it, idk if it's changed at all recently). It is also the state with the lowest (violent) crime rate. Just sayin...(click to show/hide)
1911s are crap. Unreliable and 7+1.
What surprises me the most is the total lack of situational awareness. These people must be living inside their own worlds. OK, the camera man I KIND of get, but how can his proximity sense not go apeshit when someone is practically breathing down his neck? The two women though, he was in their field of vision the whole time...
I'm all about love and beauty. And this gun is sexy. And it would reliably make me look 100% more badass.
I'd like to have a lighter shaped precisely the same way. So people would freak out at first, but then see me lighting a cigar with it, and they would calm down for a moment, but then i would pull the real one out, and say "Yiiihaaa-aaa" and shoot few times in the air. Then I'd blow on the barrel, holster the gun, and put my aviator raybans on. Everyone would run the fuck away, except hot chicks, who would from that moment be mine, and ride with me on my Harley to the edge of the Earth.
So you see Xant, 1911s are not crap.