cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Closed Requests => Topic started by: Jarlek on May 28, 2013, 02:07:26 pm

Title: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 28, 2013, 02:07:26 pm
So I killed this guy the round before with my tiny shortsword, round ends and I get teamswitched. I fight a bit, enemies die, and then he runs up to me and teamattacks me from behind with his bardiche. I turn around and see only him and no enemies so I report him and take a screenshot. I only got the screen right after the th, but you can see there are no enemies around. Just because I called him a shitty player doesn't mean he can teamattack me.

R4DL (the shielder with purple banner in the first screenshot) said he saw it (in third screenshot), as should Orage (aka, royanss) who's right next to him.

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From screen I see that Daredevil insult him too in polish language so your nullify is negated :P

"cpunie ty morda w kubeł balasie" - shut up you white junkie (something like that)
My oh my, I didn't know that. Guess I'm adding racism to my ban request. Thanks for the help Kalp.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: R4DL on May 28, 2013, 02:12:44 pm
Yep I can confirm there were no enemys around when DareDevil attacked Jarlek on purpose.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 28, 2013, 02:30:10 pm
thats what you get for being the biggest arsehole in the game ...
you was insulting and teasing this guy like crazy before (more than your usual insults and teasing on everyone you kill in the game, each time and always) , for playing 2h and backpedaling ... some random guy that was just playing the game, he didnt do anything else and nothing at all to you ... wish i had screened it
punishing him for th/tk would support your retardness and griefing of players and spreading your authistic hate
the one that deserves punishment isnt that guy that just reacted to your incredible behavior and asocial game appeariance here, he was merely protecting himself
eventhough punishining you would propably only feed your trolling, give you  fodder for more hate threads and accusions .. you would love that right ?
this community is experiancing enough hate and whinery, it should look much more for for its social and emotional wellness , or it will eat itsell up of hate
i just say, nothing at all should happen here, noone deserves punishment because it was just selfdefense... go on and care about important cases
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on May 28, 2013, 02:36:21 pm
thats what you get for being the biggest arsehole in the game ...
you was insulting and teasing this guy like crazy before (more than your usual insults and teasing on everyone you kill in the game, each time and always) , for playing 2h and backpedaling ... some random guy that was just playing the game, he didnt do anything else and nothing at all to you ... wish i had screened it
punishing him for th/tk would support your retardness and griefing of players and spreading your authistic hate
the one that deserves punishment isnt that guy that just reacted to your incredible behavior and asocial game appeariance here, he was merely protecting himself
eventhough punishining you would propably only feed your trolling, give you  fodder for more hate threads and accusions .. you would love that right ?
this community is experiancing enough hate and whinery, it should look much more for for its sociologic and emotional wellness , or it will eat itsell up of hate
i just say, nothing at all should happen here, noone deserves punishment because it was just selfdefense... go on and care about important cases
pretty much this after he became archer, 5/5 post
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 28, 2013, 02:40:08 pm
Micah/morso, please read the server rules. No matter what, intentionally teamattacking is not allowed:

Just because I call him a "shitty backpedaling noob" doesn't mean he can teamattack me. I broke no rules, he did. You guys spamming the ban/unban threads wont change that. It's no "self defense" as micah called it to th someone because he says bad things about you.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 28, 2013, 02:44:06 pm
Micah/morso, please read the server rules. No matter what, intentionally teamattacking is not allowed:

Just because I call him a "shitty backpedaling noob" doesn't mean he can teamattack me. I broke no rules, he did. You guys spamming the ban/unban threads wont change that. It's no "self defense" as micah called it to th someone because he says bad things about you.
thats what makes you even more retarded and more fucked up, that you abuse the rules for your case ...
those rules arent perfect .. this is now law-state , there are many questions and glitches about internet rules , which give you the opportunity to behave retard without punishment ... if you would behave irl like YOU  do in this game you would have to face alot of social punishment i tell ya . You use those glitches to live out your hate  and shit on other people emotions
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 28, 2013, 02:45:57 pm
thats what makes you even more retarded and more fucked up, that you abuse the rules for your case ...

How did I abuse the rules? I didn't make him teamttacking me. I didn't grief him by kicking/punching him or anything. I called him bad. I called him a noob backpedaller (which he is). This is the internet, if you can't handle someone making fun of you, then leave.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 28, 2013, 02:49:17 pm
screw team attacking .. he didnt hurt you irl did he ?
if you feel hurt by getting ta'ed in a game , you should visit a psyciathrist
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Casimir on May 28, 2013, 02:50:40 pm
I don't think Daredevil checks the forums so i will post here and relay the message to him.

Daredevil doesnt seem to me to be the kind of guy who would randomly team wound people.  Unless this is a repeat offence i dont think a ban is neccessary here, i will also talk to him when i get a chance.

The real issue here is why he is wearing that stupid armor!
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Molly on May 28, 2013, 02:54:01 pm
Well, Jarlek is kinda like Bjord by now. I just mute him most of the time but he's hating quite a lot. :x
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Kenda on May 28, 2013, 02:57:48 pm

How did I abuse the rules? I didn't make him teamttacking me. I didn't grief him by kicking/punching him or anything. I called him bad. I called him a noob backpedaller (which he is). This is the internet, if you can't handle someone making fun of you, then leave.
I have to say, thats the shittiest argument ever, you state it like the internet is a place where people HAVE to hate on eachother, you as an individual can't break from the hating and trolling? The internet is not like a monster, its made of people (duh) so if people behave and act nicely so will this "bad guy" called the internet. You can hide behind the fact that the internet contains a lot of rude people, that doesn't mean you have to be one of them and state it like it's a permanent fact, like the people who behave badly own the internet. How about you instead act friendly and help create a better community like a lot of us already are. If thats not possible for you, maybe an anger management course?

Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 28, 2013, 02:57:53 pm
anyways , screw server rules .. you was griefing him and he was griefing you back
those server rules are there for a reason .. to prevent griefing ... but they dont work in all cases ... thats why irl law has to be extended and reworked each fucking day .. because some arseholes find holes to exploit it ... law isnt on the paper .. law is a idea
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 28, 2013, 03:03:31 pm
I have to say, thats the shittiest argument ever, you state it like the internet is a place where people HAVE to hate on eachother, you as an individual can't break from the hating and trolling? The internet is not like a monster, its made of people (duh) so if people behave and act nicely so will this "bad guy" called the internet. You can hide behind the fact that the internet contains a lot of rude people, that doesn't mean you have to be one of them and state it like it's a permanent fact, like the people who behave badly own the internet. How about you instead act friendly and help create a better community like a lot of us already are. If thats not possible for you, maybe an anger management course?
Good point, should have said "then mute me".

screw team attacking .. he didnt hurt you irl did he ?
if you feel hurt by getting ta'ed in a game , you should visit a psyciathrist
anyways , screw server rules .. you was griefing him and he was griefing you back
those server rules are there for a reason .. to prevent griefing ... but they dont work in all cases ... thats why irl law has to be extended and reworked each fucking day .. because some arseholes find holes to exploit it ... law isnt on the paper .. law is a idea
Rules are rules. If you don't care about them, then you wouldn't care if people teamattacked you every round and made random ban polls on you?

Also: damn there's a lot of spam in this thread. Most by different 2h scrubs that I make fun of for being bad. GG, nice of you all to follow the rules.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: bagge on May 28, 2013, 03:03:39 pm
Well Jarlek, you are some what of an asshole sometimes. You often communication abuse and you used to grief other players with bumps (myself included) and when people retaliate you go sobbing on the server/forums. :)
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 28, 2013, 03:09:49 pm
Good point, should have said "then mute me".

Rules are rules. If you don't care about them, then you wouldn't care if people teamattacked you every round and made random ban polls on you?

Also: damn there's a lot of spam in this thread. Most by different 2h scrubs that I make fun of for being bad. GG, nice of you all to follow the rules.
how stupid are you man ... you try to defend you BM shit with rules and mutability ... next you want to tell me you are actually helping to make community better and inmprove the fun in the game ?
gawd ... im really speachless
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Erzengel on May 28, 2013, 03:13:11 pm
Please stop spamming/insulting each other. I will leave this topic for an admin who can check the logs.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 28, 2013, 03:20:35 pm
im sorry for my choice of words .. i really have a hard time to cover my feelings about this case since its touching something that bothers me about this community for a long time  :(
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: pepejul on May 28, 2013, 05:25:11 pm
Even I love you Micah, I support Jarlek.... nothing is worst than TK on purpose... ban is deserved in this case i think...

OMG I M SPAMMING IN BANTHREAD SECTION !!!!  :shock: :shock: :shock:
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on May 28, 2013, 06:57:19 pm
No abuse of in-game chat (racism, insulting, griefing...)

From official server rules, i would say your abuse would come under this and would thus nullify any claim you have of a ban towards daredevil
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 28, 2013, 07:19:49 pm
.... nothing is worst than TK on purpose...
so wrong my dear pepe ... didnt think your vision about things is that small  :(
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... but i take it as just a nice spam post , so its fine ... love you too PEPE OUI  :lol:
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Kalp on May 28, 2013, 07:30:27 pm
From official server rules, i would say your abuse would come under this and would thus nullify any claim you have of a ban towards daredevil
From screen I see that Daredevil insult him too in polish language so your nullify is negated :P

"cpunie ty morda w kubeł balasie" - shut up you white junkie (something like that)
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: bredeus on May 28, 2013, 07:39:42 pm
Since Daredevil will not response here I as a guy who recruited him to the Holy Order am responsible for answering. I am aware that Daredevil was in Grey Order I am also aware that his son is still in Grey Order. I dont see a problem in it it is only a game for normal people. What I do not understand is contantly tries made by grey order  to make him quit Knight templar and rejoin Grey orders. This tries includes attempts to intimidate him by baning on GO ts without any reason, constantly personal attack to him/ his mother and etc. on crpg servers. This is normal situaltion and normal people do not use that methods! In my country that kind of behave can even be prosecuted (stalking, intimidation) so I would like to warn that the next one will be taken seriously.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 28, 2013, 07:58:34 pm
From screen I see that Daredevil insult him too in polish language so your nullify is negated :P

"cpunie ty morda w kubeł balasie" - shut up you white junkie (something like that)
My oh my, I didn't know that. Guess I'm adding racism to my ban request. Thanks for the help Kalp.

Since Daredevil will not response here I as a guy who recruited him to the Holy Order am responsible for answering. I am aware that Daredevil was in Grey Order I am also aware that his son is still in Grey Order. I dont see a problem in it it is only a game for normal people. What I do not understand is contantly tries made by grey order  to make him quit Knight templar and rejoin Grey orders. This tries includes attempts to intimidate him by baning on GO ts without any reason, constantly personal attack to him/ his mother and etc. on crpg servers. This is normal situaltion and normal people do not use that methods! In my country that kind of behave can even be prosecuted (stalking, intimidation) so I would like to warn that the next one will be taken seriously.
Bredeus. Wtf does this have to do with this ban request? I'm not in Grey, I've never met this Daredevil before and I don't give a fuck what clan he is in. Someone teamattacks me intentionally, I report them. If he has a problem with being stalked by greys, then he can make his own request about that.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Erzengel on May 28, 2013, 08:02:26 pm
I will close this topic now and wait for another admin to answer...
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Thomek on May 28, 2013, 10:44:50 pm
Jarlek, if I was a bot I would ban daredevil a short while for teamattacking you.

However, I'm not. I'm here to interpret the rules to the best of my knowledge, and I think it is clear:

You broke the rules first by harassing him.

Something I have no problem understanding whatsoever because your admin chat spam with ME is bordering on harassment too.
(I have never experienced any problems with Daredevil on the contrary.)

Going to write here a ban request shows maximum asshattery on your part, so dear Jarlek:   (I don't even ban someone teamkilling me, if I honestly deserve it)

You get 2 days off cRPG. I suggest you use it to think about your in-game behaviour and try to be a bit more friendly in the future.
Mind you, creating ban requests by creating conflict with other players is the quickest way to get permabanned. Had I had more proof that this was your intent, you would have been.

Consider yourself lucky.

About Daredevil:
Daredevil gets a warning to NOT let himself be trolled into teamkilling again.

Scheduled Unban   30.05.2013 20:46:00

I'm not surprised:
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Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 29, 2013, 12:58:50 am
From screen I see that Daredevil insult him too in polish language so your nullify is negated :P

"cpunie ty morda w kubeł balasie" - shut up you white junkie (something like that)
My oh my, I didn't know that. Guess I'm adding racism to my ban request. Thanks for the help Kalp.
Take a look on this in addition. Racism is racism, no matter what.

Thomek. I keep my trash talk to ingame stuff. How is calling people bad players harassment. As an archer fighting a guy in heavy armour and a bardiche that keeps backpedaling, why can't i make fun of him.

Yeah, I know I mock a lot of people in the game, but that's it. Mocking. I Don't do personal attacks, I don't grief them with in-game actions, and I do not use racism or the like, like daredevil did.

He could have mocked me back, he could have muted me or he could have just ignored it. He decided to th instead. Yet you still ban me and let him off with a warning for intentional teamhitting.

Just because I make fun of you ingame is not a valid reason for him to retaliate with teamhitting.

What exactly did I say, anyway? As you posted:
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So I call him an "S hero", what's wrong with that?
So I call him a "fucking 2h noob", what's wrong with that?
I tell others about how someone S keys a lot, what's wrong with that?
I say that the worst kiters in this game are 2handers, what's wrong with that?
And I then say that he is "crying in a corner", what's wrong with that? Maybe it's because you like to only look at one side, I dunno. But that was a reply to him whining in chat. Not long before he th me.

As for what I type in I chat: 99% of the time it's messages to the admins about people breaking the rules. Most admins (like erzengel) actually listens and responds to that. Yes, sometimes I come with unnecessary banter to them or you, but I stop when you ask me to. Every single time.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Thomek on May 29, 2013, 01:09:14 am
Definition of HARASS (From Websters dictionary)

a : exhaust, fatigue
b (1) : to annoy persistently (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on May 29, 2013, 01:17:48 am
what you did is like poking a bear with a stick untill it attacks and then you ask hunters to kill it for what it did.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: zottlmarsch on May 29, 2013, 01:24:47 am
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Jesus, That's the most unrealistic looking Templar I ever saw....... :|

Sort it out please, my eyes hurt.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Miwiw on May 29, 2013, 01:29:01 am
By this example, there's more than one ban thread a day I could have opened during the last 2 years that concerns "harassement", if that's the thing you are to describe there, Thomek.
Usually that's called trolling and so many people do it and they would never be banned for it.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Prinz_Karl on May 29, 2013, 01:34:05 am
I think the ban was more for your attitude to make a ban request as part of your griefing.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 29, 2013, 01:38:18 am
I think the ban was more for your attitude to make a ban request as part of your griefing.
Yeah. Seems like having people teamattack me is my fault because I called them bad at videogames. Reporting rule breakers seems to be too much frowned upon in this mod. GG trolls, you won.

Let me just point out some things, btw:
I'm not really harassing a guy by shittalking him for 10 minutes. The logs shows my "harrassing" last a staggering 1 minute.
While my light insulting clearly isn't always appreciated and that I'm a huge douchebag, him insulting me in Polish clearly shows he doesn't consider insulting a specifically huge thing,
Still, though I've started it he's done much worse shit by actually teamattacking.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Thomek on May 29, 2013, 02:54:26 am
I think you are a bit mistaken, words can be a much greater offense in-game than a teamattack or even teamkill.

And in this case, your words are a completely unnecessary abuse of that person, while he probably responded the only way he could, as one can assume from the circumstances that his english is not the best. I think this case makes sense by now, let me know if you want me to close the topic.

Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: polkafranzi on May 29, 2013, 03:26:02 am
Look on the bright side Jarlek, at least you are getting banned for doing something, however small you might think it is.

Cos these days in cRPG you can get a ban for no offence, ain't that right mustikki.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 29, 2013, 03:37:10 am
Look on the bright side Jarlek, at least you are getting banned for doing something, however small you might think it is.

Cos these days in cRPG you can get a ban for no offence, ain't that right mustikki.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: polkafranzi on May 29, 2013, 03:47:23 am

Too many big "internet heroes" these days.

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Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Ikarus on May 29, 2013, 10:00:28 am
I´m with Micah

Don´t be such an evil tongue, Jarlek :(
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: zottlmarsch on May 29, 2013, 10:42:56 am
To all the guys constantly trying to get others banned...

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 29, 2013, 12:10:25 pm
I think you are a bit mistaken, words can be a much greater offense in-game than a teamattack or even teamkill.

And in this case, your words are a completely unnecessary abuse of that person, while he probably responded the only way he could, as one can assume from the circumstances that his english is not the best. I think this case makes sense by now, let me know if you want me to close the topic.
So what I'm to take from this is that calling people bad at videogames is a banable offense from now on, while teamattacking/killing is ok if the other said mean things to you.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 29, 2013, 01:55:50 pm
So what I'm to take from this is that calling people bad at videogames is a banable offense from now on, while teamattacking/killing is ok if the other said mean things to you.
Rules are not intended to create paradise for mockery and trolling. You seem to still try to defend your space for spoiling other players fun unpunished by holdiing up our precious  law-books, lol. I tell you what man , those our rules are nothing but a mere improvised attempt to keep things running in the game on a social aspect. Our "executive" are non-schooled normal people ... players that spend their free time to help to keep the community a habitable space inmidst a great poisonous soup called "the internet". Our current society-form is closer to be called a great raging anarchy with darvinistic principes than anything else, where admins are facing community-wide disrespect and mockery on a dayly manner, preventing them from doing their job propperly and in peace.
Now we have the environment that we created, where players have to selfdefend against trolls like you, who want to jerk off on others emotions unpunnished , covered by rule-glitches because there is nobody else who helps them. But appearently we can do the same, bending the rules, exploiting adminship weaknesses to perform arbitrary law against those who try to spoil our fun.
I much rather would love to have hero admins with decent presence , to guide the community wise and just , mercifull and strong ... but this is not the case sometimes ...
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Panos on May 29, 2013, 02:00:20 pm
All hail Micah and his holier than thou attitude.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 29, 2013, 02:05:44 pm
All hail Micah and his holier than thou attitude.
not holy at all ... selfish
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Panos on May 29, 2013, 02:10:44 pm
not holy at all ... selfish

the last couple of days, ive been reading your "make the world a more peaceful place" posts, shut up, no one wants to read your hippie bullshit.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 29, 2013, 02:12:05 pm
mute me  :wink:
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Bittersteel on May 29, 2013, 02:21:30 pm
the last couple of days, ive been reading your "make the world a more peaceful place" posts, shut up, no one wants to read your hippie bullshit.

Hahahaha, priceless. Free Panos!
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Gurnisson on May 29, 2013, 04:10:49 pm
2 week ban for DareDevil for both team attacking and shit-talking . Quotes like " junkie, shut the fuck up you dick" shows a genuine lack of respect, and won't be tolerated. Combine that with intentional team attacking, and he's in a need of quite an extensive break to think through what he actually plays this game for.

Edit: Different translate!

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Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: pepejul on May 29, 2013, 04:21:43 pm
YEAH !!! JUSTICE !!!! JARLEK WON !!!  :twisted:
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: zottlmarsch on May 29, 2013, 04:22:03 pm
2 week ban

Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 29, 2013, 04:23:22 pm
2 week ban for DareDevil for both team attacking and racism. Quotes like "shut up white junkie" shows a genuine lack of respect, and won't be tolerated. Combine that with intentional team attacking, and he's in a need of quite an extensive break to think through what he actually plays this game for.

Nice to see some admins behave responsibly :)
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: bredeus on May 29, 2013, 04:30:12 pm
2 week ban for DareDevil for both team attacking and racism. Quotes like "shut up white junkie" shows a genuine lack of respect, and won't be tolerated. Combine that with intentional team attacking, and he's in a need of quite an extensive break to think through what he actually plays this game for.
Gurnisson are you really sure Daredevil wrote this?
He isnt using engils at all. Please look at this because its just weir.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Uther Pendragon on May 29, 2013, 04:34:20 pm
Kalp can't into english :lol:

Daredevil said "Balasie" not "BIAŁASIE", Balasie is just another word for dick (Balas - dick;  Balasie - someone who is acting like a dick I guess), he wasn't using racist slurs

cpunie ty morda w kubeł balasie - Junkie, shut the fuck up you dick
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 29, 2013, 04:35:26 pm
Gurnisson are you really sure Daredevil wrote this?
He isnt using engils at all. Please look at this because its just weir.
i think its the translation of what he said, eventhough its important point that jarlek did propably not understand what he said imo.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: pepejul on May 29, 2013, 04:35:41 pm
mmmmmh..... not really racist then....  :shock: :shock: :shock:
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: bagge on May 29, 2013, 04:43:52 pm
Unbelivable that you let an intentional teamkiller off Thomek, lol. You could've just banned them both in the first place. The message you gave to the playerbase was basically if someone says something bad to you, you're free to teamkill that person.

Shape up
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Prinz_Karl on May 29, 2013, 04:44:34 pm
2 week ban for DareDevil for both team attacking and racism. Quotes like "shut up white junkie" shows a genuine lack of respect, and won't be tolerated. Combine that with intentional team attacking, and he's in a need of quite an extensive break to think through what he actually plays this game for.

Daredevil insulted him in a language Jarlek doesn't understand, so he didn't mean to offend him at least that way he could feel it. It's comparable to whispering insults after someone is turning the back. You can argue if that's an offense or not.

Also it's not racism: I wouldn't connect junkie or shut up to white people in anyway. Racism is something you make out of a prejudice, not because you say "Shut up white guy" or "Shut up black guy". (Is daredevil black or why did he call him as white person?)  Edit: I just read the post of Uther.

Anyway, I'm no admin... but wasn't this Daredevils first offense (as Thomek said), so he only got a warning? Why did you change the decision Thomek made? Did you talk to him?
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 29, 2013, 04:54:31 pm
i clearly agree about penalizing teamkilling but not about the racism part ... isnt it also a bit contrary that jarlek can run around and say "mean things" all day with barely any consequences and on the other hand DareDevil gets prolonged ban for insulting(once) in a language that is propably not accessable to the other guy ?
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Kalp on May 29, 2013, 04:56:13 pm
"Balasie" not "BIAŁASIE"
I just didn't know that word before and therefore mistake in translation...
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Casimir on May 29, 2013, 05:05:32 pm
Unbelivable that you let an intentional teamkiller off Thomek, lol. You could've just banned them both in the first place. The message you gave to the playerbase was basically if someone says something bad to you, you're free to teamkill that person.

Shape up

There was no team kill, there was a single team wound after he was being provoked. Basically this case decides whether someone should be punished for provoking others. One teamwound is not worth a two week ban that is absolute bullshit.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: pepejul on May 29, 2013, 05:26:52 pm
Admins are humans... I propose to forgive everybody in this drama, unban and love for all... close the topic, make Daredevil and Jarlek friends... love..moar love
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: zottlmarsch on May 29, 2013, 05:30:13 pm
So if someone is continually insulting me, I decide to teamwound him and then insult him back in a language he don't understand,  I will get a 2 week ban. even if its my first offence and another admin already said I only get a warning?  :shock:
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: polkafranzi on May 29, 2013, 06:24:56 pm
For all those who are interested in the new game they are making, and the potential that you might have fun playing it multiplayer:

You really really wanna hope the current admins are just fellow players, and they get some real professionals for the job, cos lately it's been just trolly bullshit by all of them.

As for cRPG, i'd be totally for removing all current admins rights, and chadz putting each of them up to a public yes/no vote.  I wonder which of the current crop would keep his job (doubt many).
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 29, 2013, 06:26:51 pm
So if someone is continually insulting me, I decide to teamwound him and then insult him back in a language he don't understand,  I will get a 2 week ban. even if its my first offence and another admin already said I only get a warning?  :shock:
I don't got anything prior to this, and my first ban was 2 days for calling someone a noob.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Nonread on May 29, 2013, 06:30:05 pm
OMFG really Jarlek? Ban for Daredevil for 1 TH? Just ctrl+M him. End :rolleyes:.

You insulting people everyday, everytime and everywhere and noone ban you...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ...hloupej práskači (translate it :lol:)
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: zottlmarsch on May 29, 2013, 06:58:04 pm
I don't got anything prior to this, and my first ban was 2 days for calling someone a noob.

Well that's your own fault. You shouldn't have bothered writing the ban request in the first place, afterall it was you who provoked him first.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: pepejul on May 29, 2013, 06:59:57 pm
A propose a ban for pple who spam in banthread section.... that is as annoying as jarlek troll chat....
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: zottlmarsch on May 29, 2013, 07:01:08 pm
A propose a ban for pple who spam in banthread section.... that is as annoying as jarlek troll chat....

You will be the first to get banned then  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 29, 2013, 07:11:26 pm
Well that's your own fault. You shouldn't have bothered writing the ban request in the first place, afterall it was you who provoked him first.
I never forced him to th me.

Same as I never forced you to spam unrelated stuff in the ban/unban section.
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Micah on May 29, 2013, 07:22:03 pm
I never forced him to th me.

Same as I never forced you to spam unrelated stuff in the ban/unban section.
aswell as noone forced you to insult him
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Molly on May 29, 2013, 07:31:35 pm
May I remind everyone of Bjord and the "Dimmwimm"-incident?

From reading this thread, I'd say Thomek deserves a medal, Jarlek deserved his ban and Gurni is an idot if he really banned that guy for 2 weeks.

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Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Jarlek on May 29, 2013, 07:40:10 pm
May I remind everyone of Bjord and the "Dimmwimm"-incident?

From reading this thread, I'd say Thomek deserves a medal, Jarlek deserved his ban and Gurni is an idot if he really banned that guy for 2 weeks.

(click to show/hide)
Yes. Calling someone a crappy player once is the same as harassing the same guy over months.

Great logic!
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Ikarus on May 29, 2013, 08:54:58 pm
May I remind everyone of Bjord and the "Dimmwimm"-incident?

From reading this thread, I'd say Thomek deserves a medal, Jarlek deserved his ban and Gurni is an idot if he really banned that guy for 2 weeks.

(click to show/hide)

++ (Gurni is not an idiot, but...2 weeks?),  because I think people like Jarlek shouldn´t get away with insulting people like this. Personal insults hurt a lot more than anything else  :?
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: peter_afca7 on May 29, 2013, 11:25:31 pm
Title: Re: [BAN] Templar_DareDevil
Post by: Erzengel on May 29, 2013, 11:27:25 pm
Time to close this topic...