Strategus => Diplomacy => Topic started by: Tanken on December 24, 2012, 06:07:51 am

Title: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tanken on December 24, 2012, 06:07:51 am
As Title says.

Obviously some bugs with the walls and flags, but one of the funniest moments is when we on Defense tried to set up a forward spawn outside your spawn and all of a sudden you guys started spawning on it in mass. That was balls.

Let's cry here.!?page=battledetail&id=1879

Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: BaleOhay on December 24, 2012, 06:12:37 am
plenty of issues with it.

The hidden spawn point. Defenders knowingly using it as a staging area to attack.

We built the forward spawn in the inviswall area and used it to breach and get your flag down. You guys did not build that. Unfortunately it took 35 mins to figure out how to get in.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Blackzilla on December 24, 2012, 06:14:26 am
plenty of issues with it.

The hidden spawn point. Defenders knowingly using it as a staging area to attack.

We built the forward spawn in the inviswall area and used it to breach and get your flag down. You guys did not build that. Unfortunately it took 35 mins to figure out how to get in.
Lol the people who spawned there bitched about it the whole time.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Kirbyy on December 24, 2012, 06:14:42 am
I just laugh at the hipocracy in that battle...

[edit] Oh I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?

You got evul spawn so we gonna skyladder into city GG.

What he said.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Malaclypse on December 24, 2012, 06:17:37 am
Defenders knowingly using it as a staging area to attack.

Pure speculation, and incorrect speculation as well. Yes, there was a bugged flag, and yes, we were spawning at it, but not by choice. It's not like we laddered over the walls to get back there and set ourselves there, we spawned there as a result of the flag we were designated at being overtaken. After 10 minutes of running around I finally found a way out by hopping the wall near the forward spawn and so, of course, charged at it because I had no hope of making it back to friendly lines and a different flag, so it was the only way to be useful while stuck on that spawn.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: raccoonlord on December 24, 2012, 06:18:34 am
plenty of issues with it.

The hidden spawn point. Defenders knowingly using it as a staging area to attack.

We built the forward spawn in the inviswall area and used it to breach and get your flag down. You guys did not build that. Unfortunately it took 35 mins to figure out how to get in.

It forced us to spawn their, we couldn't spawn anywhere else because you guys were blocking all the ways out so we couldn't select a new spawn.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: LordBerenger on December 24, 2012, 06:21:43 am
It forced us to spawn their, we couldn't spawn anywhere else because you guys were blocking all the ways out so we couldn't select a new spawn.

You got evul spawn so we gonna skyladder into city GG.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Bravix on December 24, 2012, 06:32:42 am
plenty of issues with it.

The hidden spawn point. Defenders knowingly using it as a staging area to attack.

We built the forward spawn in the inviswall area and used it to breach and get your flag down. You guys did not build that. Unfortunately it took 35 mins to figure out how to get in.

Lmao a staging area? Are you kidding me? I was lucky enough to not get auto-spawned there. Saying that we were using it as a staging area is just ridiculous. We wouldn't be able to get back there by choice EVEN IF WE WANTED TO. So it'd be pretty damn hard to use it as a staging area >.>

That spawn in no way helped us, as the people who spawned there were stuck until they figured a way to get out. Nobody wanted to be there. On top of that, at our worse we had at least half the city's spawns remaining. So its not like we ever ran out of spawns and had to use it to keep in the fight.

Edit: Haha and Kesh downvoted me. Cute.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Chestaclese on December 24, 2012, 06:34:42 am
It took a lot of ingenuity to find a way to that flag. We should win the battle for just getting it down haha. We tried laddering over to it, catapulting down any and all walls near it, and finally found a way by building a forward spawn inside the glitched area that you could click on from the non glitched area. We just figured it out too late. Took a while first to realize the flag was there, then to figure out there was no way to get to it, and finally trial and error figuring out a way back there.

Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: SHinOCk on December 24, 2012, 06:59:44 am
plenty of issues with it.

The hidden spawn point. Defenders knowingly using it as a staging area to attack.

We built the forward spawn in the inviswall area and used it to breach and get your flag down. You guys did not build that. Unfortunately it took 35 mins to figure out how to get in.

No way we used it as a staging point, if you could look at the logs you would see i complained at some point that we had only 1 spot to go out and you guys were camping the shit out of it with 3-4 archers and some melee forcing us into doing nothing instead of wasting countless ticket just because the game forced us into spawning on a glitched flag.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Peppovitch on December 24, 2012, 08:10:51 am
Although the map does need to be fixed,  It was not a determining factor or an advantage for either side. 

At any given point there were multiple people getting stuck there on our side,  taking them out of the battle.  A few were able to squeeze out,  the rest had to reconnect to fix it,  wasting defender tickets.

The attackers did not even take 50% of our flags at any point, so the unreachable flag had no true influence on the battle.  Had you managed to take all but that flag,  then there would be a problem.

A redo for this battle would be ridiculous.  It was a hard fought battle that swung both ways the whole time.  We didn't all show up for this battle during the holiday just to have wasted the time and have to do it again.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 24, 2012, 09:41:14 am
As a neutral party that went between Teamspeaks during the match and likes both of the factions I have to disagree and say that the area with the blocked off flag DID affect the match in a very large way. You have to look at it critically through the tactical logic of how the leaders of FCC were looking at it. FCC was forced to dedicate a section of their 50 troops solely to getting to a blocked off area for the entirety of the match, troops that were thus not even participating in combat. Both teams in this battle were VERY careful to ensure that they had as close to an active, experienced, and skilled 50 man roster as they could... and FCC having to dedicate 1/5 of it's team simply to getting over this glitch for the entire battle undoubtedly is just not fair and it hampered the ability of FCC to fight on even ground. The entire match was innately flawed and at it's very core impossible for FCC to win unless Hospitaller or admins decided to intervene for the sake of fairness, and neither party did. If you want to argue that FCC didn't have to invest it's manpower in getting to that flag area as a first priority, you aren't understanding FCC's perspective.

Keshian's logic: If FCC had instead used all of their manpower and leadership to capture all of the OTHER flags throughout the city and succeeded in capping all of those flags, this would mean that ALL FIFTY of the Hospitaller troops would now be spawning in the blocked off area at the only remaining flag. This glitch in the map pragmatically made it so that Hospitaller could ONLY lose if they decided to lose by giving up that area (which they did not), and that in order for FCC to win they had to find a way to overcome a glitch that they should have had no obligation to deal with in the first place.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Uumdi on December 24, 2012, 11:57:45 am
City defense should have an advantage.  I agree that bugs suck, but the city should still have to be taken ticket for ticket.  Defense sounded just as irritated as offense.

It was a real shit show, but I think it was handled appropriately.  Smoothrich or whoever the admin was at the time simply put it, there's nothing we can do right now, we'll talk about it later and hope the bugs get fixed.  AFAIK we need to playtest these maps before it comes down to battles with over 9000 troops.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 24, 2012, 12:03:13 pm
City defense should have an advantage.  I agree that bugs suck, but the city should still have to be taken ticket for ticket.  Defense sounded just as irritated as offense.

It was a real shit show, but I think it was handled appropriately.  Smoothrich or whoever the admin was at the time simply put it, there's nothing we can do right now, we'll talk about it later and hope the bugs get fixed.  AFAIK we need to playtest these maps before it comes down to battles with over 9000 troops.

Defense should have an advantage but that advantage shouldn't be a glitch that makes the offense's job pragmatically impossible... and people don't attack with 3000 troops when they are planning to win ticket for ticket. They would attack with MAYBE 1000 if that was their plan. A 3000 man army is used to attempt to capture flags.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 24, 2012, 12:03:30 pm
The entire match was innately flawed and at it's very core impossible for FCC to win unless Hospitaller or admins decided to intervene for the sake of fairness, and neither party did. If you want to argue that FCC didn't have no to invest it's manpower in getting to that flag area as a first priority, you aren't understanding FCC's perspective.

Tons of factions this Strategus have lost entire armies without even getting a chance to fight due to the battle listings freezing up and battles going off at random hours.  This game is full of bugs and it usually screws over one side.  Its nobodies fault (except the map makers of course.)

Keep in mind Hospitaller side people kept trying to change their spawn points.  Only discussion about the broken flag was complaining about being spawn camped and trapped there and how unfun it was.  A few players completely GTX because whenever they set a new spawn flag they'd randomly get put back there, and some people just got killed at that flag repeatedly without getting the chance to set a new one.

What were admins supposed to do about a single buggy spawn point?  Begin mass banning everyone who accidently spawned there?  I told everyone to manage the best they could, no one liked that spawn point, and play the battle as regular.  As far as I saw and helped organize, the majority of the fighting was on the opposite side of the map anyways.  We had over half the city under our control with dozens of flags that never got threatened, and thousands of tickets of gear.

Hypothetically if every flag was down except that one it'd be plenty awkward, but that situation was extremely improbable and probably impossible unless they were all mass banned or something.

To me this looks like trying to get a reset cuz FCC made a mistake.  Expected an easy win like the KUTT cities where they ran out of gear, so attacked with thousands of troops.  Hosps were organized and prepared, kept a 1:1 KD ratio, and duked it out until you guys ran out of time.  FCC made a strategic error and are blaming a single spawn point for having almost 2 thousand unused tickets when time ran out.

Do you really expect the devs to roll back all of strategus and reset this battle because you lost it?  Tens of thousands of troops have been lost due to much worse bugs in battles that they never even got to fight with no compensation.  That's why most of UIF stopped playing.

It would be nice but it simply doesn't happen with this game.  Most importantly no players were to blame for a map having a glitch.  Remember Strat 2 and onwards when they introduced flags, and how many maps had invisible walls guarding a spawn?  All we did was suck it up and report it to the devs to fix, which they did ASAP, and will again here.

Trying to play the game by getting out of a broken part of the map is not exploiting.  The majority of admins on (from both sides of battle) agreed and hopefully the map is fixed.

Sucks about the bugs and the loss but that's the price of playing Strategus.

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Bravix on December 24, 2012, 12:06:52 pm
This glitch in the map pragmatically made it so that Hospitaller could ONLY lose if they decided to lose by giving up that area (which they did not), and that in order for FCC to win they had to find a way to overcome a glitch that they should have had no obligation to deal with in the first place.

Didn't give it up? Please, do tell how Hospitaller was going to 'give it up'? We didn't have any more access to it then you guys did.

I understand that they decided to dedicate forces to it. But if they felt it was so unfair from the start, why didn't they just retreat and petition it? Instead, they chose to stay and fight it out. They lost. Now they call for a redo? (though nobody has directly asked for it in here yet, it has been stated elsewhere).  Should have ended it earlier and not wasted everyone's time.

Had you guys ignored the invisi-wall'd flag entirely and managed to take all of the other flags, I can almost guarantee you that the admins would have granted you the city.

I must say, when I saw that you guys had a catapult in the courtyard, I was extremely confused lol. Didn't know there was the glitched area at that time.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tomas on December 24, 2012, 12:31:30 pm
Sorry Daruvian but your argument is flawed imo.  Yes FCC had to take players out of the main fight, but they were taken out to deal with Hospi players that had been taken out of the main fight making it the same for both sides.  In fact it was theoretically better for FCC who could at least control who fought there.

Its still crap and needs fixing though.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 24, 2012, 12:39:05 pm
You know I really don't care what happens to FCC or Hospitaller with this... my way of looking at it is that the troops and equipment that were lost in a glitched battle that are just being treated like a "shit happens" accident... number more than the equipment and resources of my entire faction of about 15 active people on Strategus. To me it feels like admins could just let us all lose our time and effort with a shit happens attitude... and that really blows. For a faction like FCC this may not be a critical deal, but if you look at it relative to factions like Teutonic, Frisia, FIDLGB, Dracul, et cetera... shrugging off losses like this is like shrugging off the strength of an entire smaller faction.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: BaleOhay on December 24, 2012, 01:44:45 pm
The reason i said stanging area is that you had guys build ladders from that spawn in two directions.

Into your city which I was fine with and those were put up first and quickly. You had people raining down on us from behind the entire fight (where we put our first inside forward spawn. Took us a bit to figure out how you were doing it. We had all the flags in that part of the city under control.

The part that made me say staging area is where you built ladders to the outside and had guys over and over again coming out and attacking our outside forward spawn from the non reachable area. Same group of guys over and over so we had to have people just stand outside. Then the archers and xbow men that hung out up there firing into us without us being able to clear the section. 
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on December 24, 2012, 04:32:15 pm
Sorry Daruvian but your argument is flawed imo.  Yes FCC had to take players out of the main fight, but they were taken out to deal with Hospi players that had been taken out of the main fight making it the same for both sides.  In fact it was theoretically better for FCC who could at least control who fought there.

Its still crap and needs fixing though.

As someone who wasn't there and has no idea the circumstances except what people are saying in this thread, that's exactly what came to mind.

Anyone FCC had to set to guard that area, was attacking/killing defenders who were also unable to fight on the front lines...
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: BaleOhay on December 24, 2012, 04:52:52 pm
I am not asking for it to be done over but to say that flag had no affect on the battle is wrong.

we had 10 guys inside 20% of our force guarding 1 flag. then we needed an additional 5 outside (30% total) full time to cover one spawn point. That is debilitating. Prior to that things were going very clean.

Then we noticed we kept getting tagged from behind and flags were going up that were perfectly in our control.

had about an hour left. Once your timers got high we were going to push to corral and cap. Hard to systematically close.sections of the city when people can spawn behind u.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Rikthor on December 24, 2012, 04:57:07 pm
Sorry Daruvian but your argument is flawed imo.  Yes FCC had to take players out of the main fight, but they were taken out to deal with Hospi players that had been taken out of the main fight making it the same for both sides.  In fact it was theoretically better for FCC who could at least control who fought there.

Its still crap and needs fixing though.

The main issue with that, from my limited perspective admittedly, was that they were able to get out of that area both coming to the forward spawn area we set up on the other side of the wall/invisible wall in question and get out of the main outer wall. So they had two ways of getting out. It would only be speculation on my part if they were trying to stay there so I won't voice an opinion to that. What was clear, is certain players spawning there were actively destroying ladders and preventing people from the FCC side getting to that area to disable the flag. There were people guilty of trying to use that bugged area to their advantage, sorry, it's the facts.

The bigger, more annoying issue to me, is just the show stain of a server we have to play with for strat battles. It wasn't even 5-10 minutes into the battle before the lag started in. Near the end of the battle, just running forward felt like a massive undertaking in frustration. Better servers please.

Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: BaleOhay on December 24, 2012, 05:13:56 pm
New server incoming according to thread in general forumn.

and yes several defenders were using that bug spawn to great advantage. nothing to do about it now but fix the map. I do not mind losing a fight. It happens. Losing when I felt we had a solid chance of winning sucks. Up till that stupid spawn we were ahead of schedule.

having a counter to show how many flags remaining might be a nice additio
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 24, 2012, 05:19:52 pm
What was clear, is certain players spawning there were actively destroying ladders and preventing people from the FCC side getting to that area to disable the flag. There were people guilty of trying to use that bugged area to their advantage, sorry, it's the facts.

Guilty of what?  Playing?  What would you rather they do?  Drop their weapons and surrender?  Get banned?

I don't understand what people wanted or expected the players or admins to do.  They were just trying to play and contribute by fighting and defending while FCC tried to kill them in a trapped in area. Its a game about killing people and things after all.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tomas on December 24, 2012, 06:20:37 pm
(click to show/hide)

As a small faction with total resources of 3k heavily armed troops would you send all of them against 5k heavily armed troops in a city that you hadn't fought in before? 

There's only really 3 things to consider for a siege.  Yourself (resources and merc skill), your enemy (resources and merc skill) and the Terrain (map).  In this case FCC were fairly certain of the first two but did not know the map and so took a risk in making the attack.  In their eyes however the potential gain was worth the committed resources.  Other factions have to weigh up the risks for themselves though and will therefore come to different conclusions. 
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 24, 2012, 06:22:32 pm
Yeah, it's FFCs fault they didn't know the map was sorta broken, you deserve it for expecting the town you attack not to have any technical issues.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Rikthor on December 24, 2012, 06:26:40 pm
Guilty of what?  Playing?  What would you rather they do?  Drop their weapons and surrender?  Get banned?

Guilty of preventing the attackers from reaching them in a bugged area. It's not a tough concept to understand. Since no one on your side wanted to be back there, letting FCC disable the flag back there would have been beneficial for both sides to get back to fighting instead of FCC wasting manpower on that area and Hospi's having people stuck back there.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 24, 2012, 06:31:05 pm
Guilty of preventing the attackers from reaching them in a bugged area. It's not a tough concept to understand. Since no one on your side wanted to be back there, letting FCC disable the flag back there would have been beneficial for both sides to get back to fighting instead of FCC wasting manpower on that area and Hospi's having people stuck back there.

So they were guilty of defending themselves as the defense of a siege.  I don't think thats a rule mate.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Rikthor on December 24, 2012, 06:33:28 pm
So they were guilty of defending themselves as the defense of a siege.  I don't think thats a rule mate.

Stop being willfully obtuse mate. There is a difference between defending oneself and actively preventing people from reaching you in a bugged area mate.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 24, 2012, 06:36:51 pm
Stop being willfully obtuse mate. There is a difference between defending oneself and actively preventing people from reaching you in a bugged area mate.

Show me the rules that say you can't defend an area as defense if the flag has a glitchy perimeter in a Strat battle.  Or an example of people being banned for this.  Maybe I will change my perspective then.  Until then I consider everyone saying people who fought and defended themselves at their glitchy spawn were exploiters as biased (shockingly all from the losing side of a battle)  with poor common sense for rules.

All have a case of the Kesh.  Go to the doctor.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Casimir on December 24, 2012, 06:51:28 pm
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tomas on December 24, 2012, 07:01:36 pm
Yeah, it's FFCs fault they didn't know the map was sorta broken, you deserve it for expecting the town you attack not to have any technical issues.  :rolleyes:

Have you not played Strat before?  I assume all maps to be bugged until I have physically played in a major battle on them.  Even them i'm still not 100% sure :D

Here's just a few of the glitches i know about.

1) Ichamur -> one defending flag now known to be unreachable (except by complicated use of forward spawns)
2) Any random plains map with a slope next to a stream is bugged so that you sink into the ground.
3) Jammeyyad Castle -> defenders can get onto a hill and shoot down onto attackers whilst the attackers are denied access to the same hill.  Plus you can walk into the Castle over the walls.
4) Tshibtin -> Two of the attackers flags are protected by an invisible wall.
5) Slezkh Castle -> Invisible walls block ladders in a number of locations
6) Dashbigha (I think) -> You can glitch your way into one of the houses
7) Any Wooden Castle -> Wooden Walls can't be destroyed.  Meow told me the models exist for this so I consider it a glitch.  This may even have been fixed but nobody has tested it this Strat as who is going to risk an army for the test?
8) Etrosq Castle -> As you destroy one of the walls the model moves sideways creating a gap in the walls that you can walk through.  Happens on other maps too (Bulugha Castle iirc).
9) Any map with a specific type of destroyable tower. -> Can't remember which maps this occurs on but you can walk through one of the models of destroyed towers.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 24, 2012, 07:06:46 pm
I attacked a wooden castle that couldn't be taken down with catapults.  Better ban the entire defending team for exploiting once I think I'm gonna lose.  Anything else would be biased.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on December 24, 2012, 07:09:18 pm
Yeah wooden castles still aren't breakable with catapults in strat 4.

Would be nice to just replace them with a random stone castle (or some nice map maker replaces the map with stone walls)
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Rikthor on December 24, 2012, 07:10:25 pm
Show me the rules that say you can't defend an area as defense if the flag has a glitchy perimeter in a Strat battle.  Or an example of people being banned for this.  Maybe I will change my perspective then.  Until then I consider everyone saying people who fought and defended themselves at their glitchy spawn were exploiters as biased (shockingly all from the losing side of a battle)  with poor common sense for rules.

All have a case of the Kesh.  Go to the doctor.

Please point out where I asked you to ban anyone mate? Please point out where I said they were exploiters mate. You are right, defending glitchy spawns is not expressly forbidden just like many "questionable tactics" are not mate. It comes down to perspective of what people consider fair play, abusing game mechanics, exploiting, and the like.

I guess some people just want battles, and others just want fair, non-glitchy battles for all. Mate.

(click to show/hide)

I actually had no idea about most of those, that's rather depressing.

ee: MATE
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Turboflex on December 24, 2012, 07:34:19 pm
the only time I have ever seen 2000+ cities fall in one shot was KUTT.

99% of the time people have had to grind them down, 1000-1500 per attack.

FCC is crazy to keep attacking with more than 1500 troops (which is basically the timer limit you can use), expecting Hospitaller capital holdings to fall in one shot like KUTT's. Hospitaller is not clownshoes it's not gonna happen. Hospi's core holdings were prepped for a long sieges for months now, since the NH/VE war.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 24, 2012, 07:37:15 pm
I was in a UIF battle a few weeks ago, they knocked down the walls of a Fallen or whoever's castle.  Then on our side the wall was intact and impassable, enemy side the wall was fully open and exposed, and the enemy freely used ranged and pikes through it.  So we made a siege tower and the ramp simply wouldn't open.  Every ladder died in 2 hits from pikes.

UIF completely quit the game a few weeks later.

Kesh please follow their example.

Here's him in IRC shortly after the battle.

Screenshots during following battles:  (didn't cap most of the rage)

He also will be invading Hero Party with the FCC's entire 8k forces left in stock, pulling out of Hospitaller lands after their tragic defeats.  Because he's finally up to here with Hero Party being a clan of cheaters and admin abusers who obey no rules, after I refused to mass ban the entire Hospitaller faction + all their mercs for having a buggy spawn. The past 2-3 Strat battles I've been in just had Kesh spamming chat nonstop for 1-2 hours calling everyone on the other side cheaters and exploiters who needed to be permanently banned.  Its cringe-worthy and that's what these complaints remind me of.

You are really awful to deal with or talk to about anything involving Strat, Kesh, and anyone who shares your opinions I can't take seriously because you have such a terrible attitude of non stop shit talking and complaining.  Hopefully the christmas break will make you something less of an insane idiot, but I have my doubts.  Anyone who agrees with Kesh in any of this is nothing but enabling an out of control paranoid schizophrenic dude as well. 

Get out of the Kesh bubble of insanity and have some fun and learn to laugh/facepalm at the bugs.  Also I will be looking forward to the mass invasion by FCC and friends the moment Strat unfreezes because of my horrible admin abuse!
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Knute on December 24, 2012, 07:37:58 pm
I was on the defenders side and got spawned in this back area a few times, usually when I set my flag around the front wall area and it got taken down.  It was really confusing, a lot of us were running up and down dead end streets because we didn't know the map or how to get back out.  One time I ran to a dead end and then when going back seemed to hit an invisible wall in the middle of the street and was stuck there for a while.  After jumping against it and running back and forth for a while I was able to get past it and eventually found the exit, marked here with orange arrow:

(click to show/hide)

There was a way to go to the top of the wall then jump down onto a lower wall to get back in:

(click to show/hide)

Exit point from inside:

(click to show/hide)

I got bumped into this alcove next to the exit then was stuck so had to quit out:

(click to show/hide)

Attackers trying to get to glitched flag:

(click to show/hide)

Bottom line, map needs to be fixed, but I think if the attackers would have focused on taking all the flags on their right/middle and then gone after that one last they would've had a better chance of winning, especially with the longer spawn times.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tomas on December 24, 2012, 07:53:50 pm
I guess some people just want battles, and others just want fair, non-glitchy battles for all. Mate.

I think people want both but the only way to find the glitches is to play test and usually by the time that happens the person who made the map is inactive and others probably don't want to step on their toes.

These glitches just become part of the maps for me.  In this case if FCC now know that they have to kill every single ticket in Ichamur or somehow get to that flag earlier.  Given FCC's usual performance they are easily capable of it and I will be interested to see how they adapt their tactics. 

Hopefully at some point the glitch will be fixed but it isn't game breaking so for now fight on. 

I actually had no idea about most of those, that's rather depressing.
There's more that i can't remember but in the Admin's defense the list of working Strat maps is much bigger.  There are 170ish fief maps after all :)
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tanken on December 24, 2012, 08:36:08 pm
plenty of issues with it.

The hidden spawn point. Defenders knowingly using it as a staging area to attack.

We built the forward spawn in the inviswall area and used it to breach and get your flag down. You guys did not build that. Unfortunately it took 35 mins to figure out how to get in.

Not talking about your forward spawn Bale, I'm talking about the one that we built clear out by your spawn after we had destroyed your original one. Five of us would have ended the match there because we were set up to capture all your flags and had infantry ready to come reinforce it, but the second we finished that forward spawn you guys started spawning there which was a weird gay bug.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Goretooth on December 24, 2012, 08:41:50 pm
the only time I have ever seen 2000+ cities fall in one shot was KUTT.

99% of the time people have had to grind them down, 1000-1500 per attack.

FCC is crazy to keep attacking with more than 1500 troops (which is basically the timer limit you can use), expecting Hospitaller capital holdings to fall in one shot like KUTT's. Hospitaller is not clownshoes it's not gonna happen. Hospi's core holdings were prepped for a long sieges for months now, since the NH/VE war.
cant see on my phone but who down voted?
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 24, 2012, 09:02:27 pm
cant see on my phone but who down voted?
Tank Burner.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tanken on December 24, 2012, 09:04:17 pm
Yes I Did, simply because I didn't understand the reference to Clownshoes.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Goretooth on December 24, 2012, 09:19:56 pm
Yes I Did, simply because I didn't understand the reference to Clownshoes.
Strange foot wear you have.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Uumdi on December 24, 2012, 10:33:26 pm
This thread needs more "m8" and "mate".  Lets get back on track here.

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Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 24, 2012, 10:46:40 pm
I spontaneously decide to delete my posts.

M8. Oh, and Tanken I remember spawning on that weird glitched forward spawn and immediately being hit by 4 enemies. I could not comprehend what the fuck had happened.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: LordBerenger on December 24, 2012, 11:07:27 pm
I spontaneously decide to delete my posts.

M8. Oh, and Tanken I remember spawning on that weird glitched forward spawn and immediately being hit by 4 enemies. I could not comprehend what the fuck had happened.

You died. So if you wake up and your lying on the ground and your wondering to yourself, ''what the fuck just happened?''. Hero Party has just passed you by.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 24, 2012, 11:08:57 pm

You died. So if you wake up and your lying on the ground and your wondering to yourself, ''what the fuck just happened?''. Hero Party has just passed you by.

You can't wake up dead m8.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tanken on December 24, 2012, 11:09:41 pm
Yeah Daruvian was one that spawned there lol. That bug sucked because it took us like 5 minutes to safely get there, get it built, and get ready and then a shit load of you spawned there.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: LordBerenger on December 24, 2012, 11:09:58 pm
You can't wake up dead m8.

Respawns m8.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Bravix on December 24, 2012, 11:10:32 pm
I could not comprehend what the fuck had happened.

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Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 24, 2012, 11:14:07 pm
I've really been having the shittiest of luck with spawns in these last few battles. The battle in that BIRD CLAN fief before that siege, I had spawned twice in a certain spot in the middle of the town and immediately gotten killed by teammates that were swinging at an enemy overlapping where I spawned.

Fucking chadz.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Kirbyy on December 25, 2012, 08:59:32 am
Ahhh yes, I must put an input if I am to spam threads... Seriously though, I have to go with what Peppovitch said, even if you guys COULD reach that flag, you still wouldn't have won.  You wasted a shitload of resources as an attempt to trap and destroy an abnormal amount of tickets on Hospitaller's side, you even sent a catapult there (that's what I heard on TS).  This shouldn't be a discussion on Diplomacy, it should simply be a request and complaint in strategus issues, and in the map's threads.

A ho ho ho to all of you! Kirby's alter ego, SANTAKirby has finally escaped SEXYKirby's basement and is now on the loose in the forums!  Moderators will be searching but it is now officially christmas in central time zone, so I resolve to say that my promise is now intact, all of you that have posted before me have gotten atleast a +1, so I'm on to other threads to spread random +1's!  A good day everyone!
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Keshian on December 27, 2012, 01:18:47 am
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Summed it up well.  We had taken all the left and almost the entire middle of the city past the 2 arches with a 2:1 k/d and almost the entire length of the wall with all those flags down. (A couple people were commenting how this was even easier than Reyvadin (helped we had much better gear in this most recent fight than in both previous city fights and Reyvadin had a much more difficult city setup and better defenders with equivalent gear).  Well on track to win with plenty of time to spare getting us a couple thousand troops captured.

Then everyone kept repeating that enemies were jumping from behind and hitting our forward spawn which should have been safely nestled against an invisible wall.  After several minutes we figured out what was going on and sent several people back to spam ladders and get over the walls and houses to where their flag was.  Meanwhile they had several xbowers hidden safely behind the invisible wall on house roofs where they could have cross to our side but instead just stayed there and sniped at us as we spawned and a few occitan kept using multiple ladders to go from rooftop to rooftop behind the invisible wall in order to drop down directly on the forward spawn.  Heroin_jabonra and a couple other hero party guys meanwhile used ladders at the wall to get behind us and then hit our first forward spawn just behind the wall or snipe from the castle walls while we could do nothing in return being blocked by the invisble wall.

It was at this point we decided to bring all the remnant back to build a catapult and defend it to try and break down the buildings/walls part of the invsible wall.  This was when we lost a lot of what we gained in the city and basically stayed in the left side of the city.  (to the people who said we shoudl have captured the rest of the city and forced everyonne to spawn behind the invisble wall and the developers would have given us the city - i call bullshit, we lost 800 troops to a retreat by the other side when it bugged out and even though we won we lost an entire army.  Mercs lost a 1600 man army that had just capped all flags on a castle and it glitched and made defenders win in after battle report and developers never did anything - there is no way developers would have given us the city unless we took it).

When the catapult failed (this is 25-30 minutes into having 1/3rd of our forces focused on getting to that spawn point behind our lines) we brought everyone in focusing on laddering, trying to use horses (actually worked once or twice with backing up then dismounting in just the right spot) and finally doing a cross-forward spawn near the border, but by that point we had pretty much abandoned almost the entire city - had to tk hundreds of tickets of people getting stuck in the spikes or invisible wall and wasted almost 50 minutes to get one flag - with all the tks and us just milling around trying to get in we ended up with slightly better than a 1:1 k/d.  I don't think this is Hospitallers fault, but trying to pretend like you would have won regardless is kind of silly - almost every non 6 am battle we do roughly 2:1 k/d and we were well on track to do exactly what we did with curaw and reyvadin.

You got a great reprieve through a glitched map and I'm hoping getting all that gear which actually turn you from sheep into lions so we don't have to always always be the aggressors and you the turtles unless you get to be a proxy for eu troops and gear (strat 2 and 3).  yes I wish the developers had tested the map even once before posting it.  Yes, i wish the other factions playing as mercs for hospitallers hadn't abused the shit out of the glitch by sniping from behind invisble walls and using the invisble wall to get up close to our forward spawns before dropping down.  But there is absolutely no way for that city to be lost until the map is fixed and I have yet to hear a single word from developers that it is being fixed - i guess rageball more important.

P.S.  Didn't Hospitallers attack this as a neutral fief in strat 3???  Wouldn't you have known about this from that??  Sorry, I don't know if you did or not - FCC quit really early while we still hadn't lost a major battle and had 8-9 fiefs and thousands of troops we gave away to other factions that didnt find strat 3 mind-numbingly boring compared to LOL and star wars, dont know many of the details other than rumors of devlize selling duped strat gold for millions in crpg gold and stuff like that (rumors, like I said I have no idea what happened)

PPS : really.  make use of what we gave you through a glitch and grow a sack - how many other factions than us have the balls to try what we do - 3 cities in a row
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Aztek on December 27, 2012, 02:59:44 am

PPS : really.  make use of what we gave you through a glitch and grow a sack - how many other factions than us have the balls to try what we do - 3 cities in a row

Wouldn't having balls be going after a stronger faction, or even equal sized faction at that. FCC is dominating, there is no questions of that.. And yes that map was glitched (for both sides, I don't know why you assume we play tricks on you just to win, there were bugs that hurt us as well just as much) But going after a weaker battered down faction is not having balls, Strategically speaking you are doing a great move, conquering an easy opponent while they are down, But going to war guns blazing claiming equal resources and an outcome decided by skill is far fetched from actual events. I'm sorry you haven't been able to roll over us as easily as expected, And you can blame it on us "Cheating" to win all you want, but I'm sure any none biased party can see for them selves what is actually going on.

Why don't you just keep playing the game, Eventually we will fall, We don't have 1/20th of the resources FCC has, so its only a matter of time, But you do not need to keep playing a poor sport? We have lost enough already and are still keeping our composure, if we lose we can accept that and move on to the next battle, Bugs or not.. as every side has to deal with it.

I don't agree with everyone calling you out as a crazy paranoid individual, I never agree with attacking anyone's character to be spitful or hurtful, But I'm sure if you had a little more empathy and rationality things would not be as stressful for you with these events. Try and enjoy the game.. Work/Life is stressful enough, Games are suppose to be our stress release.. I'm more than happy to let you kill me over and over in game to get some frustration out (Its not hard, I'm average at best).

"Can't we all just, Get along?" .... Seriously!  :lol:
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Rikthor on December 27, 2012, 04:30:26 am
"Can't we all just, Get along?" .... Seriously!  :lol:

Clearly you haven't read these forums recently, the answer is no. Sad state of affairs I am afraid, but to be expected when certain individuals clearly care way too much about internet pixels and their reputation in said community dealing with internet pixels.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Uumdi on December 27, 2012, 04:33:55 am
My pink text can beat up your pink text.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 27, 2012, 05:13:57 am
Clearly you haven't read these forums recently, the answer is no. Sad state of affairs I am afraid, but to be expected when certain individuals clearly care way too much about internet pixels and their reputation in said community dealing with internet pixels.

I think its mostly people either being amused by Kesh or legitimately feeling sorry for him.  I really doubt most people mean or care about the things they say about Strategus except annoyance at scheduling or bugs. 

That dude though is some fucking strategus werewolf who is overcome with manic paranoid delusions and an endless fountain of rage.  I honestly think he should quit Strategus or take a long break before the tragic events of Sandy Hook Elementary School repeat themselves in Kesh's neighborhood.

Don't say I didn't warn anybody.  Seriously.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: BaleOhay on December 27, 2012, 01:54:30 pm
ridiculous comment as usual smoothrich. It is a bit to soon to start using something so horrific in your rants to try and sound intelligent and witty
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Goretooth on December 27, 2012, 04:19:52 pm
I think its mostly people either being amused by Kesh or legitimately feeling sorry for him.  I really doubt most people mean or care about the things they say about Strategus except annoyance at scheduling or bugs. 

That dude though is some fucking strategus werewolf who is overcome with manic paranoid delusions and an endless fountain of rage.  I honestly think he should quit Strategus or take a long break before the tragic events of Sandy Hook Elementary School repeat themselves in Kesh's neighborhood.

Don't say I didn't warn anybody.  Seriously.
he does sound like he needs a break. I used to be just as bad awhile back but I realized you gotta step back from the game. Unplug from the game sometimes or end up a nutbar.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Boss_Awesome on December 27, 2012, 06:56:44 pm
The real problem is that when time runs out the defenders get everything.  If the battle just ended when time ran out this bug would have had much less of an impact.  I think it is pretty idiotic to claim that the bug affected the defenders just as much since they win if time runs out.  The bug wasted a lot of time.

Also I can't believe that so many of you people gave a  +1 to Smoothrich's post comparing Kesh to a school shooter.  That's pretty sick and crosses the line.  Maybe you people need to step back from the game. 
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Aztek on December 27, 2012, 07:28:08 pm
I didn't +1 Smooth because I believe in that very statement, I agree its to soon to make that sort of reference, but his desired thought was Kesh is taking this way to seriously, I also +1 smooth simply because I see Kesh down vote almost anyone that is not Pro FCC. Trying to balance it out so to speak.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Blackzilla on December 27, 2012, 07:34:58 pm
I didn't +1 Smooth because I believe in that very statement, I agree its to soon to make that sort of reference, but his desired thought was Kesh is taking this way to seriously, I also +1 smooth simply because I see Kesh down vote almost anyone that is not Pro FCC. Trying to balance it out so to speak.
Yea I +1 smoothed when he had -2, since the FCC forum warrior Kesh downvotes almost every post disagreeing with him. I try to keep it balanced as well Aztek.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Goretooth on December 27, 2012, 07:39:51 pm
Kesh and Bale posts about fcc make them out like their shit don't stink.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on December 27, 2012, 07:52:30 pm
FCC is stupid and Cavalieres in particular are all shitty cav.

I have fixed all.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Equal on December 27, 2012, 08:10:12 pm
FCC is stupid and Cavalieres in particular are all shitty cav.

I have fixed all.

Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: arowaine on December 27, 2012, 08:21:50 pm
The real problem is that when time runs out the defenders get everything.  If the battle just ended when time ran out this bug would have had much less of an impact.  I think it is pretty idiotic to claim that the bug affected the defenders just as much since they win if time runs out.  The bug wasted a lot of time.

Also I can't believe that so many of you people gave a  +1 to Smoothrich's post comparing Kesh to a school shooter.  That's pretty sick and crosses the line.  Maybe you people need to step back from the game.

talking as a fallen menber or a fcc menber ?
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: oprah_winfrey on December 27, 2012, 08:28:37 pm
talking as a fallen menber or a fcc menber ?

That is like saying did kesh say it or was it clever? Or did dildos say that or was it texas obesity?
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: BaleOhay on December 27, 2012, 08:33:31 pm
I lay out things from my perspective and do my best to not sugar coat and to speak honestly. We have flaws like everyone else. I even openly admit kesh's posts come off manic at times. Would be interested in learning where I was lieing to gain some sort of advantage or telling anyone about my bowel movements/ smells. Because if you lean that way I had tacobell for lunch and can entertain u later
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Artyem on December 27, 2012, 08:42:48 pm
Sounds to me like Smoothrich needs to unplug and take a break from the game, at first your bullshit trolling was cute and laughable but comparing a guy online who took this shit just as seriously as you guys to a guy who killed 20 children?

I say ban Smoothrich and everyone who +1'd it, sick bastards.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on December 27, 2012, 08:46:33 pm
You motherfuckers

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Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Goretooth on December 27, 2012, 09:12:25 pm
I lay out things from my perspective and do my best to not sugar coat and to speak honestly. We have flaws like everyone else. I even openly admit kesh's posts come off manic at times. Would be interested in learning where I was lieing to gain some sort of advantage or telling anyone about my bowel movements/ smells. Because if you lean that way I had tacobell for lunch and can entertain u later
Need to look at his posts more not like he gets muted often. All posts by you are sugar coated any battle you whine on the forum.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: BaleOhay on December 27, 2012, 09:29:53 pm
If you say so.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Boss_Awesome on December 27, 2012, 10:02:46 pm
talking as a fallen menber or a fcc menber ?

Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Uumdi on December 27, 2012, 10:08:51 pm
Kiss and make up

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Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: partyboy on December 27, 2012, 10:22:44 pm
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: oprah_winfrey on December 27, 2012, 10:24:13 pm

Wrong thread for that.**k-it-dude-let's-go-bowling-(recruiting-na)/msg684915/#new
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Keshian on December 28, 2012, 06:33:18 am
That dude though is some fucking strategus werewolf who is overcome with manic paranoid delusions and an endless fountain of rage.  I honestly think he should quit Strategus or take a long break before the tragic events of Sandy Hook Elementary School repeat themselves in Kesh's neighborhood.

Don't say I didn't warn anybody.  Seriously.

Wow, just wow.  You really need to get back on your meds before you start cutting yourself again to make the voices stop.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Artyem on December 28, 2012, 11:06:30 am
So, apparently comparing someone on the forums to a mass murder is totally cool here.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: BaleOhay on December 28, 2012, 02:04:20 pm
not for anyone with common decency
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Aztek on December 28, 2012, 06:52:27 pm
I don't want to come off as supporting these types of comments, As I don't..  But making reference to a young adult that goes off and does something horrible is almost on the same line as making fun of those who need medication to control the voices in their head, Both situations involving unstable individuals, So its a bit much to condone Smooth all the while supporting Kesh while their comments are along the same line.

And as for slapping those who +1'ed Smooth as if we are horrible people, It has already been made well aware why we did so, Kesh, Boss Awesome, etc etc seem to downvote every one that is not on board with Kesh, and again why Blackzilla and Myself +1'ed smooth, as for everyone else I cannot speak for them but anywho, We should really move on from this issue as its going no where. Lets just all agree to keep tragic events out of Crpg.. that goes for all sides.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Boss_Awesome on December 28, 2012, 07:10:13 pm
So, apparently comparing someone on the forums to a mass murder is totally cool here.

The worst part is that there is a small section of this community that actually listens to Smoothrich and thinks that he is completely not crazy.  It took me a while to figure out why certain people always have been so hostile to me in game but then i realized that all of them are on that armory list that was posted for hero party.  Kesh might take things ultra seriously at times but he doesn't make jokes about children being shot. 
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Thax on December 28, 2012, 07:15:38 pm
When Huey posted "exterminate white people" on the night before the tragic shooting in Connecticut there were plenty of people +'ing his post. Wheres the outrage over that? (

If you gave a plus to that post are you, in fact, happy that the "white" kids got exterminated?
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Boss_Awesome on December 28, 2012, 07:23:21 pm
When Huey posted "exterminate white people" on the night before the tragic shooting in Connecticut there were plenty of people +'ing his post. Wheres the outrage over that? (

If you gave a plus to that post are you, in fact, happy that the "white" kids got exterminated?

It was hard to get outraged over it because I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about to be honest, but i certainly didn't plus such a post.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Aztek on December 28, 2012, 07:27:12 pm
The worst part is that there is a small section of this community that actually listens to Smoothrich and thinks that he is completely not crazy.  It took me a while to figure out why certain people always have been so hostile to me in game but then i realized that all of them are on that armory list that was posted for hero party.  Kesh might take things ultra seriously at times but he doesn't make jokes about children being shot.

lets get something clear, He did not make jokes about kids being shot, he made a reference to Kesh going over board like the kid who lost it and did something stupid, Just like kesh made a reference to Smooth doing something stupid like cutting him self. But hey.. Now I posted once again so you can have another opportunity to -1 me and hurt my feelings.

Now go back to shooting, slashing, bullying and killing others in Crpg with your high standards and morals..  :P
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Artyem on December 28, 2012, 08:13:45 pm
lets get something clear, He did not make jokes about kids being shot, he made a reference to Kesh going over board like the kid who lost it and did something stupid, Just like kesh made a reference to Smooth doing something stupid like cutting him self. But hey.. Now I posted once again so you can have another opportunity to -1 me and hurt my feelings.

Now go back to shooting, slashing, bullying and killing others in Crpg with your high standards and morals..  :P

There's a huge difference between making a slight petty insult and comparing a person to a mass murderer.  It's not only disrespectful towards the person himself, the many children and adults killed at Sandyhook, but it also makes Smoothrich look like a bat shit insane sperglord from hell.  He's trying to make a point that Kesh takes this game way too seriously, but how seriously do you have to take a game to insult twenty dead children?  You can say "durp but hes not insulting dead children becuz he iz smoothrich nd makz sens" but in reality just using that as a reference in its own for something as silly as a video game is pretty fucking extreme.

This forum section is for roleplaying, not arguing about who's the biggest sperglord, and if it did come down to that all of you look pretty fucking mad and bad right now.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Casimir on December 28, 2012, 08:41:02 pm
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Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Aztek on December 28, 2012, 08:45:37 pm
I assure you I am not at all angry, I may come off as a bad person but that is for others to judge, those who have dealt with know my demeanour, I think I come off as a pansy more than anything, lol

These forums are like a debate team going at it, Neither side is right or wrong but both have valid points and rather than coming to a uniform decision on how we should conduct our selves the "Debate" team for the opposing side picks at comments made by the other team and try's to out them as a villain, and thus the cycle goes on and on as there is always ammunition with in any rebuttal (mine included)

The biggest problem I find is most people have a hard time siding with the rational party publically if it goes against a "team mate".

Which brings us to the very true reality that this will go on and on... and on.. and on... People just jump on the hot topic at the moment.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: LordBerenger on December 28, 2012, 09:18:29 pm
When Huey posted "exterminate white people" on the night before the tragic shooting in Connecticut there were plenty of people +'ing his post. Wheres the outrage over that? (

If you gave a plus to that post are you, in fact, happy that the "white" kids got exterminated?

Huey is a straight up 'G born and raised in Compton and raised by Black Panther parents though.

It's in his DNA to hate all White Devils.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 29, 2012, 12:19:14 am
Wow, just wow.  You really need to get back on your meds before you start cutting yourself again to make the voices stop.

This is called "projecting" which you suffer from very badly.
a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.

Why do any of you think Kesh is always the first one accusing people of multiaccounting, only playing to win, exploiting bugs and glitches, taking the game too seriously, and now being on the verge of a mental breakdown over Strat?  Almost every post he makes is accusing others of doing what he does, except he's the biggest cheater of everyone.  Almost openly flaunts multiaccounting by him and his members, Kesh even regularly posts on his multiaccounts but he's "NOT CHEATING." of course.

This attitude trickles down to lots of FCC members too, almost as if Kesh is the leader of some cult and its all "normal" to you.  It's not multiaccounting if its your side that does it, you guys only lose battles because of corrupt Hero Party admins rigging the maps and rules.

Its like Republicans who only watch Fox News.  Don't get stuck in the bubble and lose sight of how ridiculous things are.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 29, 2012, 12:24:30 am
(click to show/hide)

Smoothrich you are in a phase of grief at knowing your faction is going to get rectally ravaged that us learned people call "denial":

Read and learn:

I like Hero Party.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Gristle on December 29, 2012, 01:10:16 am
Almost openly flaunts multiaccounting by him and his members, Kesh even regularly posts on his multiaccounts

Keep those lies coming.

You did say something interesting in that post, but I'm not sure you realize who it really applies to.

Its like Republicans who only watch Fox News.  Don't get stuck in the bubble and lose sight of how ridiculous things are.

The worst part is that there is a small section of this community that actually listens to Smoothrich and thinks that he is completely not crazy.  It took me a while to figure out why certain people always have been so hostile to me in game but then i realized that all of them are on that armory list that was posted for hero party.

Smoothrich: The Glenn Beck of Strategus
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 29, 2012, 02:13:15 am
Keep those lies coming.

You did say something interesting in that post, but I'm not sure you realize who it really applies to.

Smoothrich: The Glenn Beck of Strategus
Kesh, we know it's you... just get back on your main account and take it like a man...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Artyem on December 29, 2012, 02:15:30 am
Almost openly flaunts multiaccounting by him and his members, Kesh even regularly posts on his multiaccounts but he's "NOT CHEATING." of course.

That's a whole lot of accusation with very little actual evidence or proof to back it up with.

Whatever, this forum section is fucked, it'd be nice to have some unbiased admins actually read what goes down here.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 29, 2012, 02:17:31 am
That's a whole lot of accusation with very little actual evidence or proof to back it up with.

Whatever, this forum section is fucked, it'd be nice to have some unbiased admins actually read what goes down here.
Kesh, we know it's you... just get back on your main account and take it like a man...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Artyem on December 29, 2012, 02:30:47 am
I'm sure if someone said that Smoothrich was going to repeat the actions of Anders Breivik in his neighborhood, they would be muted / banned at least  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 29, 2012, 02:35:54 am
I'm sure if someone said that Smoothrich was going to repeat the actions of Anders Breivik in his neighborhood, they would be muted / banned at least  :rolleyes:
Lol Kesh chill out man, you might want to take your meds before you go even more crazy.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Artyem on December 29, 2012, 02:53:39 am
Lol Kesh chill out man, you might want to take your meds before you go even more crazy.

On the inside, we're all Kesh.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 29, 2012, 03:10:14 am
On the inside, we're all Kesh.

That's why its important to eat lots of fiber, so too much Kesh doesn't buid up.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Rikthor on December 29, 2012, 03:13:31 am
On the inside, we're all Kesh.

I understand. In CRPG, a forum poster of the Diplomacy Board has a name. His name is Kesh.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Chestaclese on December 29, 2012, 03:46:19 am
We're all beta testers. Kesh has a right to be upset he lost his entire army attacking the city and it's not up to Smoothrich to fix anything. The only thing we can really agree on is that Malaclypse is a real son of a bitch for constantly destroying my siege equipment. What a jerk.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: jtobiasm on December 29, 2012, 06:10:13 am
Good read, would read again.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Matey on December 29, 2012, 10:34:13 am
i personally think the most annoying part of all this, is that smoothrich doesnt even believe the things he says. Remember when "REDACTED" told him something about kesh? well it took me all of a minute to figure out who "REDACTED" is. I promise you that the reason smoothy didnt name the person is because then everyone would have just laughed at him and carried on. Smooth is just out trolling in his usual manner, spouting whatever he thinks will cause the most drama without believing any of it himself and just giggling whenever anyone gets upset.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: San on December 29, 2012, 10:55:39 am
As the guy who spent the last 35 minutes of the battle stuck on the invisible wall side getting shot at by archers whom my team could not ever hope to reach in order to build the forward spawn to get to the glitched flag, it was pretty annoying. At the 30 minute mark, there were at least 10-15 people down there doing nothing/tking each other to get out of the glitched stake wall.

When we first crossed over the invisible wall, the enemy team destroyed the ladder to their walls. They were using that same ladder to go down and cross the invisible wall to our forward spawn. Of course that's the logical thing to do, but although everyone hated that flag so much, the other team seemed to be doing everything they could to prevent us from getting to that flag.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: LordBerenger on December 29, 2012, 03:33:49 pm
i personally think the most annoying part of all this, is that smoothrich doesnt even believe the things he says. Remember when "REDACTED" told him something about kesh? well it took me all of a minute to figure out who "REDACTED" is. I promise you that the reason smoothy didnt name the person is because then everyone would have just laughed at him and carried on. Smooth is just out trolling in his usual manner, spouting whatever he thinks will cause the most drama without believing any of it himself and just giggling whenever anyone gets upset.

Because if you checked the whole ''REDACTED'' line and the letters after it you'd figure it out in less than 5 seconds.

Also keep the drama fresh till i get back and till strat re-opens.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Pejlaen on December 29, 2012, 10:06:50 pm
I think its mostly people either being amused by Kesh or legitimately feeling sorry for him.  I really doubt most people mean or care about the things they say about Strategus except annoyance at scheduling or bugs. 

That dude though is some fucking strategus werewolf who is overcome with manic paranoid delusions and an endless fountain of rage.  I honestly think he should quit Strategus or take a long break before the tragic events of Sandy Hook Elementary School repeat themselves in Kesh's neighborhood.

Don't say I didn't warn anybody.  Seriously.

Really? That's borderline of inhumane.

I'm not an NA player and I rarely see you, but I remember you on EU a while back. You were doing nothing but griefing on players, when people asked you to stop you just laughed at them in chat and kept at it. Then when you got Ban-polled you resorted to calling the Poller 'fucking hoe', 'learn to play bitch', 'fucking my old friend'. People said they were about to report your behaviour once you were kicked as well.
You could reflect on your own doings before you start focusing on others.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 29, 2012, 10:14:00 pm
Really? That's borderline of inhumane.

I'm not an NA player and I rarely see you, but I remember you on EU a while back. You were doing nothing but griefing on players, when people asked you to stop you just laughed at them in chat and kept at it. Then when you got Ban-polled you resorted to calling the Poller 'fucking hoe', 'learn to play bitch', 'fucking my old friend'. People said they were about to report your behaviour once you were kicked as well.
You could reflect on your own doings before you start focusing on others.
Polling Euros gonna poll.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: The_Slim on December 29, 2012, 10:14:45 pm

Am I doing it right?
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Smoothrich on December 29, 2012, 11:11:29 pm
Really? That's borderline of inhumane.

I'm not an NA player and I rarely see you, but I remember you on EU a while back. You were doing nothing but griefing on players, when people asked you to stop you just laughed at them in chat and kept at it. Then when you got Ban-polled you resorted to calling the Poller 'fucking hoe', 'learn to play bitch', 'fucking my old friend'. People said they were about to report your behaviour once you were kicked as well.
You could reflect on your own doings before you start focusing on others.

None of this ever happened (except perhaps the ban poll, but who doesn't get polled in EU).  Mercs are the European FCC, Kesh is the american Gingerpussy.  You are all more or less terrible.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Lordark on December 30, 2012, 02:37:17 am
so uh fcc was trying to build forward spawn some where we could not reach it so when the game finally gave us a chance to reach it they raged and wanted us all kicked and banned? 

Good thing Canary wasnt there or it would have been a shitty Christmas for the Hospitallers.

Happy New years and see you in the next battle FCC. :wink:
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Rikthor on December 30, 2012, 02:57:06 am
so uh fcc was trying to build forward spawn some where we could not reach it so when the game finally gave us a chance to reach it they raged and wanted us all kicked and banned? 

Yes, Lordark, that's exactly what happened.

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Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 30, 2012, 04:08:18 am
so uh fcc was trying to build forward spawn some where we could not reach it so when the game finally gave us a chance to reach it they raged and wanted us all kicked and banned? 

Good thing Canary wasnt there or it would have been a shitty Christmas for the Hospitallers.

Happy New years and see you in the next battle FCC. :wink:
Seriously, you're a retard, please do as the other Hospitallers command and let the Hospitallers who don't make everyone else sound like shit be the ones talking.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Lordark on December 30, 2012, 04:23:30 am
oh shit goat man and dog man dont like my opinion post! Im sorry but if your whole team would have build the forward spawn somewhere

less glitchy maybe your attack would have succeeded and you all would not have had such a bad time. Please stop saying I represent all

Hospitallers and that I am the sole reason they are hated in strat because that would mean all goats and dogs would be hated as well!  :P

p.s. God is on our side
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Adoptagoat on December 30, 2012, 04:28:17 am
oh shit goat

be cool
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Lordark on December 30, 2012, 04:31:35 am
be cool

Not the goat gods tho. They are bad.  :twisted:
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 30, 2012, 04:33:51 am
oh shit goat man and dog man dont like my opinion post! Im sorry but if your whole team would have build the forward spawn somewhere

less glitchy maybe your attack would have succeeded and you all would not have had such a bad time. Please stop saying I represent all

Hospitallers and that I am the sole reason they are hated in strat because that would mean all goats and dogs would be hated as well!  :P

p.s. God is on our side
Retard I ain't on anyones team, I currently don't live in America and I haven't participated in any NA strat battles for ages.
Please realize that you actually are one of the main reasons people hate hospitaller, guys like Aztek make you guys seem likable enough at times but then you come and shit all over yourself.

By the way: Mork the goat god is on our side so please just give up.
Adopt a goat I urge you to raise arms against this heathen for me.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Kirbyy on December 30, 2012, 04:44:32 am
Jesus christ
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Lordark on December 30, 2012, 05:49:58 am
Retard I ain't on anyones team, I currently don't live in America and I haven't participated in any NA strat battles for ages.
Please realize that you actually are one of the main reasons people hate hospitaller, guys like Aztek make you guys seem likable enough at times but then you come and shit all over yourself.

By the way: Mork the goat god is on our side so please just give up.
Adopt a goat I urge you to raise arms against this heathen for me.

Go back to Russia then Pig face!
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Matey on December 30, 2012, 08:25:08 am
Because if you checked the whole ''REDACTED'' line and the letters after it you'd figure it out in less than 5 seconds.

Also keep the drama fresh till i get back and till strat re-opens.

i was talkin about the other "REDACTED" not "a_REDACTED_IRL" as that one didnt need any explaining.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: LordBerenger on December 30, 2012, 04:31:42 pm
i was talkin about the other "REDACTED" not "a_REDACTED_IRL" as that one didnt need any explaining.

Guess one would assume they're the same.

Also on somewhat unrelated news....

Close sources to me have told me that the captured cities/villages/castles of BIRD Clan will be put under MARTIAL LAW. (UNTILL THE SETTLEMENTS DEBIRDIFICATION  PROCESS HAS BEEN COMPLETED!).
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Artyem on December 30, 2012, 08:09:06 pm
Guess one would assume they're the same.

Also on somewhat unrelated news....

Close sources to me have told me that the captured cities/villages/castles of BIRD Clan will be put under MARTIAL LAW. (UNTILL THE SETTLEMENTS DEBIRDIFICATION  PROCESS HAS BEEN COMPLETED!).

You can take their homes, but you can't take away their undying fervor for the great BIRD CLAN.  Give them Liberty or give them death, cowards.
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: LordBerenger on December 30, 2012, 11:18:20 pm
You can take their homes, but you can't take away their undying fervor for the great BIRD CLAN.  Give them Liberty or give them death, cowards.

Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Tanken on December 31, 2012, 07:22:31 pm
Jesus christ

Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: miggy on December 31, 2012, 11:34:40 pm
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Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Gmnotutoo on January 03, 2013, 06:08:42 am
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Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Kirbyy on January 09, 2013, 02:01:34 pm
OH, AND TO PROVE MY STATEMENT EARLIER OF COMPLETE HIPOCRACY, What about at the end of the battle where everyone waited a solid 10+ minutes waiting for Jason_The_Great and Illuminati_BRD, to stop riding their horses in the back where no one could get to, and we had to wait for an admin to FINALLY kick them.  Hmmm?

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I could totally sense the sportsmanship in that.

(Let's -1 someone that brings up a good point just because we don't like that he knows what he's talking about).
Title: Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
Post by: Gristle on January 10, 2013, 12:38:25 pm
Jason is from Jersey, so it's to be expected.

(restating that I wasn't at the battle, so I don't know anything)