Strategus => Diplomacy => Topic started by: Auphilia on October 08, 2012, 01:20:04 pm

Title: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 08, 2012, 01:20:04 pm
We meet again, fellow cRPG community, only this time less enthusiastic than before. However, before I continue, please feel free to view this video dedicated to the now ex-leadership of the Josho Shogunate.

Consider this my formal resignation as Empress of the Josho Shogunate.

This may be sudden and unexpected from some of you, and for that I will tell the tale once more.

In my early life I was known as Mistress Auphilia, leader of the Kunoichi. The Kunoichi were a deadly bunch of assassins who served me loyally. Upon my reign as a crimelord and duelist, I made many enemies and defeated them the same.
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After hearing of the coming of strategus (4), my ambitions drove me to abandoned my old life. I rode from village to village gathering all those who were familiar with Bushido and Ninjitsu. Before long, every competent ninja and samurai in the North Lands acknowledged me as their Empress and thus the Josho Shogunate was formed.
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My loyal Kunoichi followed me to honor and gave up their cold ways, founding the Kogado (Empress Great Guard).
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With the combined power of Red Lotus, Ninja, Aoi Akuma, and the Kogado, the Josho Shogunate could participate in the glory of strategus.

My preparations were set, and strategus dawned. We planned on neighboring with those who birthed Aoi Akuma, out of respect for this new clan. This put us next to TKoV in the fiefs of New Nomar and New Vyincourd Castle. To our surprise, instead of being honored for our show of friendship, TKoV claimed our lands and threatened us to leave. Realizing how hostile they portrayed themselves to be, they offered instead to help us relocate to a different nearby land. Before long I became Empress Auphilia of Halmar and we quickly obtained the fiefs in the vicinity, except for one; New Amashke. Peaceful negotiations were attempted with Muki, the owner of this fief, however, he demanded 25k gold and refused the lands we offered in exchange. 25k gold doesn't sound like a lot now, but it did at the beginning of strategus. We decided to leave Muki alone, for now, and pursue more concerning matters. We had strategic interest in obtaining New Jameyyed Castle, as it would protect our borders into the desert, this was made public and known. Unfortunately, this castle was owned by PhantomZero, leader of Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights, known aggressor of samurai, and carrier of 200 crates with lightly armed troops. We took the opportunity to stop PhantomZero from reinforcing this castle by attacking him in the field and starting the War of the Green Boar. The series of attacks forced PhantomZero to flee the lands and forfeit his goods.
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We weren't really ready for war, neither was he, but we saw an opportunity and we seized the moment.

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Unaware of the importance of mercenary support, the shogunate failed to recruit competent soldiers as PhantomZero aspired to turn all he could against us with his propaganda. After the first two battles, every major faction in NA had signed up against us other than Astralis and Chevaliers who supported our cause. TKoV broke their word to us. Eventually war was declared on us by multiple members of the FCC and other clans. We were surprised about this and realized that PhantomZero would continue appealing every clan against us unless we took our own initiative to obtain allies. We wanted a strong and reliable faction to aid us in our war, and we chose the Remnants. The cost was great, but the spoils of war would prove greater.

After many battles Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights were being ultimately crushed by the Josho Shogunate. They had lost every major conflict, over 500 crates of goods, one of their villages, and their leader had been defeated in battle multiple times. The war was soon to end. The last LLJK army of over 400 men waited in Shariz as we lay siege. 300 of the troops in this army came from GODKING_Partyboy_BIRD, who was quickly brought to justice. FCC denied affiliation with this man, or others who have aided our enemy and refused to take responsibility. Outraged that the Shogunate took matters into their own hands by delivering justice ourselves, even more FCC members (or affiliated) began plotting hostilities towards us.

The next few days proved to be more than lightening to the dark truth of strategus. TKoV ended our trade agreements due to lack of S&D, HRE and Chaos both attacked our caravans the later being a total of 184 goods, and the FCC assaulted one of our castles. Hostilities from half of the map within a few days. The war between us and LLJK has been the longest and earliest major conflict in the entirety of NA, with the Chevaliers conquests coming second. The rest of the large factions sat idly and waited for the opportunity to fight an opponent that could not defend themselves from four fronts. All of the known enemies of Hospitallers have been hostile to us this strategus, possibly based on rumors of the Shogunate planning to ally with them. These rumors were completely false. The Shogunate wanted nothing to do with either mega alliance. We wanted our independence. Afraid we had already made our choice and joined the Hospitaller's side, the rest of the map seemingly favored hostility towards us. We had reports of TKoV planning to assault us after breaking their trade agreement, we had been threatened and assaulted by the FCC, Chaos attacked us for a measly 184 good even though we were letting one of their members have 400 of our S&D that same day, not to mention already participating weeks of war with LLJK during all of this. They feared us joining Hospitallers? Hospitallers are the only ones who have not shown hostility. We won't be joining them, or any mega alliances for that matter. Well at least I won't be, I don't speak for the shogunate anymore. However, the irony of the matter is painfully absurd.

Apparently there is nothing one can to in strategus to avoid the tyranny of mega alliances and the constant trolling in these forums. I have lost the most active and supportive officer in the entire Josho Shogunate because of this. Some members of this community make this game a chore, a punishment even. We tried to introduce a real theme to strategus (regardless of how disadvantaged it made us) and provide a somewhat entertaining roleplay for everyone to enjoy. Instead of wearing the same gear everyone else wears and using the same weapons and shields, we tried something different. It is true, we didn't plan on surviving strategus, but we definitely didn't plan on having half of the map against us at relatively the same time.

On a more personal level, there simply hasn't been enough activity in our clan for members to be able to play casually. Those who are active are forced to do the work of over 40 players. Those who are active AND willing are even less common. With Ninja Nomin gone, the entirety of the work involved in sustaining and managing the Josho Shogunate falls into my hands. When I created this alliance, I made it so there would be three leaders. The Empress, the shogun, and the master ninja. Out of these, I have been the only active. When I created this alliance, I expected Red Lotus to be the largest and most active clan, it turned out to be the least active clan. Aoi Akuma joined only to renounce their involvement and support immediately when strat began. Kokuren, who joined promising at least 6 active members, has only shown two members who actually get into TS, and none who are active on the daily level. I thought I learned my lesson when I founded Red Lotus and could avoid this situation, apparently not. It can be very stressful having a castle attacked with multiple members inside of it and many more members in the immediate area, yet not a single one of them online or active enough to reinforce and protect their lands. It can be very stressful trying to finish a war with a bunch of dots that only move every few days. It can be very stressful having the only people who are taking initiative to trade and build armies doing it in the wrong lands and making me have to deal with annoyed clan leaders. Strategus has been so much work, I don't even get to play the game anymore. During the war with LLJK, the majority of the battles were late at night or early morning, bad times for everyone. Every time I get to the computer I have dozens of steam messages and all kinds of people trying to tell me more problems that I need to fix lol. You really have to have no life to play strategus. That or a huge faction with dozens of active and competent officers willing to turn this game into a day job. Yeah, I've had no life for quite some time and was able to dedicate a lot of time to this game, but that is changing. I swear in to the military this coming Wednesday and get shipped off in a few months. I definitely don't want to spend this time being trolled in forums and stressing over internet horses. Strategus battles aren't the same when you are a faction leader. Instead of seeing people having fun, you see all the logistics. When someone dies, its not that simple anymore. All you see is a ticket lost, equipment wasted, gold wasted, time/effort wasted. This is why you hear people getting pissed off when their team is suffering heavy casualties. I mean, I haven't been lost that far into it yet, but I can feel it now and I know it's not somewhere I want to be.

All this being said, I did enjoy parts of strategus that you simply can't experience in battle or siege. I appreciate all the diplomacy some of you guys have done with me, and I appreciate everyone who has put effort into our cause.

Maybe I'll just spectate strategus and make people videos/pictures of their adventures, I actually enjoy that kind of stuff. I will end this mega rant by saying, no I'm not quitting crpg (but I will be when I leave to the military I think), and if there is any unfinished business in strategus (ALLIES ONLY  :wink:) I will still put effort into seeing to them.

BTW, I forgot to add you HG guys to the Special Thanks part of the video, so thank you for your support in the war. I enjoyed doing business with you guys. Usually I re-read things before I post them...but even I'm feeling the TL:DR.  :lol:

[also spelled Chevaliers wrong in the video  :mrgreen: oops]
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Vovka on October 08, 2012, 01:28:38 pm
poor weeabo girl  :(
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Vibe on October 08, 2012, 01:31:50 pm
So basically you expected to have a fair fight/war? Are you new?
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Vovka on October 08, 2012, 01:35:14 pm
So basically you expected to have a fair fight/war? Are you new?
I also heard that on the NA territory there is no great alliances and there is very comfortable and interesting for small clans who are tired of UIF and ANTI-UIF  :?
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 08, 2012, 01:38:13 pm
So basically you expected to have a fair fight/war? Are you new?

It isn't just the fighting. I think I typed about 20 minutes worth of other reasons

But no, I didn't expect a fair fight, but I also didn't expect hostility from every faction in NA lolz

Not that it matters now.

And no Vovka, NA has two major sides, doesn't matter how much they deny it. If you aren't allied to one, you are their enemies. I made the mistake of trying to remain independent instead of trying to ally with them BOTH  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Havoco on October 08, 2012, 01:53:48 pm
So are u just giving up ur 5 fiefs?
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 08, 2012, 01:54:34 pm
So are u just giving up ur 5 fiefs?
No. Not just giving up. Further plans will be revealed within a few days.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: LordBerenger on October 08, 2012, 02:24:21 pm
''By Artyem a man of wise words''

No man or woman before has matched the might of the Jolly Knights.  Every opponent before has collapsed in the field of battle against the green empire and their allies.

On the bright side, a great song will be written in tribute of the foolish shogunate that is destined to fall in the near future.


This sums it all up good.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 08, 2012, 02:29:21 pm
''By Artyem a man of wise words''

This sums it all up good.

Caught myself almost replying to you.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 08, 2012, 02:31:00 pm
Caught myself almost replying to you.  :rolleyes:
Yet you did.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Weewum on October 08, 2012, 03:12:58 pm
Commit Less-than-honorable-seppuku moar.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: dynamike on October 08, 2012, 03:38:54 pm

welcome to goodbye from Strat!

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Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: LordBerenger on October 08, 2012, 03:41:33 pm

welcome to goodbye from Strat!

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Goodbye from strat and HELLOOOOO REMNANTS!
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Rikthor on October 08, 2012, 04:10:49 pm
So basically you expected to have a fair fight/war? Are you new?

Actually senior Vibe, it has never been a fair fight. As princess weeaboo-boo admitted that launched a surprise attack on Phantom who was essentially in less than peasant gear, then took advantage of the strat freeze after Ayn Assaudi was taken to attack him at 4something AM eastern, to punt Phantom to EU. This was from a group already as large, if not larger than us. Then they allied with Remnant and with Chevaliers, although the Chevaliers never came out publicly since they are vassals and Hospitallers according to Valdian were not in support of the measure. Hospitallers basically said they let them do as they please but would not support them with troops, resources, etc. They also approached Hospitallers directly about an alliance, again from Valdian.

This whole woe is me, LLJK shouldn't get to hire mercs is garbage and he knows it. He flat out tried claiming FCC was our ally because Kesh and two other members we hired as mercs, fought for us in the very first freaking battle. Nevermind, the fact they had been hiring mercs themselves. Tydeus and Smoothrich both fought for them but you didn't see us running and crying, saying how that isn't fair. NH, Hospitallers, etc. have all merced for them, yet we didn't go to the forums and spout garbage how that means they are in an alliance. They still literally think BIRD clan is apart of FCC, in a non-ironic fashion.

I personally think their name should be changed and have shogunate expunged from it. Say what you want about Ujin, at least he and the Shogunate/Byzantium in Strat 2 fought to the end. They didn't crumple like a deck of cards at the first sign of trouble.

Farewell Princess Weeaboo-boo,

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Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 08, 2012, 04:59:44 pm
Maybe you guys shouldn't be such fucking bitches? I mean ffs, you guys bitched about me applying for GODKING PARTYBOY so he had 3 mercs instead of 2 vs your much more full roster...  :rolleyes:
You accuse FCC of being allies with LLJK because a few members merced against you and because a member left the clan in order to attack you assholes... ...oh and poor fucking you, a few guys attacked your caravans, get fucking over it... ...seriously, you whine about your faction members not being that active in strat, how fucking pathetic going on here and whining about "OH I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING, POOR FUCKING ME *CUTS MYSELF*" if you can't manage your own fucking clan and make sure everyone are active or make an efficient system so you get some guys to get some guys to get some guys to get some guys to do something then either your players don't want to do strat and you should respect that, or you've not tried hard enough, either way, for not respecting their choice or for not trying hard enough, you suck at leading...
...and finally, throwing in that you're joining the army so people won't call you a quitter bitch is fucking pathetic.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Keshian on October 08, 2012, 05:01:38 pm
A few corrections:

1.  You made the Remnant alliance announcement at same time you declared war on LLJK, so 2 clans on 1 from beginning
2.  Auphilia failed miserably in diplomacy accusing FCC of allying with LLJK (we never did or have) because we had 3 mercs on their side - basically pushing more of our members to sign up against her (not really for LLJK, just against her for being such a bitch in diplomacy)
3.  I heard you stole over a 1000 S&D from Velucan Empire without asking, another failed diplomacy
4.  You got chevalieres to attack LLJK fiefs early on so 3 v 1 at that time.
5.  Those horrible time slots you speak of - you were the attackers, you chose all those time slots, which were horrible for defenders and you are the one complaining???
6. I invited you to our ts to recruit our mercs, but instead you snubbed us and never showed like you said you would, while phantomzero was polite and asked
7.  And as of now you still have 3 v 1 with 1 random dude raiding a castle and a few of your caravans getting raided for stealing S&D, if you are this weak, why did you make your agreement with Remnant that you get every LLJK fief??  If your clan was so inactive, how did you expect to be handle all those fiefs/?  Or were you just getting too greedy??
8. I have nothing against Shogunate, but with Auphilia kicked out (fake resignation) your standing with me and the people I know just went way up.  Feel free to hop on our ts at any time.

P.S. Auphilia - I still think a WILD NINJA is hunting you down and you don't have a clan to die for you now, just an FYI.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Elindor on October 08, 2012, 05:07:11 pm
BTW, I forgot to add you HG guys to the Special Thanks part of the video, so thank you for your support in the war. I enjoyed doing business with you guys.

No problem Auphilia, we marched proudly with your forces.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 08, 2012, 05:22:28 pm
War was formally declared 3rd October. First shots were fired September 24th. We had no mercenaries when we started it and had to desperately find someone to help us, Chevaliers to their credit signed up for it. The formal declaration of war came with an alliance with Remnants. An alliance that guaranteed  that we'd get mercenaries to sign up for us and troops in case we needed them. Up until yesterday/this morning we hadn't even used those troops.

I heard we had an agreement with Velucan Empire which was why some traders were sent there. Apparently the agreement fell through, for whatever reason. I never heard the details of the agreement though, so it may have been a misunderstanding.

Finding good timeslots for a faction consisting of 5 active EU members and 5 active NA members can be tough.

Auphilia told us weeks ago that he is signing up for the army, which is part reason why we entered a war as soon as we did. There was always a time limit, however that time limit was a little vague since Auphilia did not know when he would be shipping out exactly. Personally I had no interest in leading strat and was glad when Nomin stepped up to do my part. In the process Nomin burned out along with Auphilia

The agreement with Remnants was entirely feasible since LLJK was small aswell and with the help of Remnants and Chev's mercenaries were no problem.
And Auphilia's resignation along with Nomin's are quite legitimate. I will most likely be assuming the role of a leader soon.

Don't worry, gentlemen. This is not the last you'll hear of the Shogunate. Not meant as a threat :)
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 08, 2012, 05:39:59 pm
Don't worry, gentlemen. This is not the last you'll hear of the Shogunate.
Damn, I was just starting to hope...  :(
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Keshian on October 08, 2012, 05:59:11 pm
The Josho Shogunate

Ordre de Chevaliers



Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights

The whole self-pity party is a bit annoying, when you have 94 v 30.  You don't see LLJK bitching out and crying facing utter annihilation by a 3-clan alliance/merc contract because 3v1 - all their posts have been crying defiance till the end.  You get a couple caravans raided and 1 random ninja raiding your castle and get trolled on the forums a little and suddenly "the whole world is against you" and you resign.  You are still winning and could easily have a favorable peace if you are too tired, or just choose better times to attack.

Also, to put in perspective that most clans are your size (and to show how a free and civilized society has more than 1 dictatorial leader):

Free Companies of Calradia
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: ednos on October 08, 2012, 06:03:15 pm
I would say you're quitting too early in the game, but...

You really have to have no life to play strategus.

QFT. A more elegant nighttime solution would make my addiction to cRPG less harmful to real life. If SWF ever gets a fief again (doubtful, what with TugBOAT always signing up against us), it will make things more complicated, rather than less.

I really, really don't understand all of the hatred directed at weeaboos in these forums. If you want to RP anti-Japanese sentiment in the Diplomacy and Mercenary Recruitment forums, that's all well and good, but the people aggressively posting ad hominem don't give me the impression they're having fun--that they want Auphilia & Co. gone from the game, not their players gone from the map. It also seemed that some people had trouble separating RP conflict from player-to-player conflict. If Auphilia wants to call your factions out for ganging up on the Josho Shogunate, there's no need to get defensive out of character; it really is just a game, and as far as I could tell, Auphilia was treating it as such.

Do you also have trouble separating your in-game avatar, who runs around with swords and shit, from your actual, physical person, or is it just an inability to process language, or perhaps an inability to abstract the metagame from the game? (This is an honest question. It will directly affect my approach to diplomacy here in the future, assuming I'm not wiped off the map in the coming weeks.)
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: dynamike on October 08, 2012, 06:08:00 pm
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HEY YO! I just want to point out that Remnants have gloriously done nothing worth speaking of so far.

Couching tiger, napping dragon style. That's how we procrastinate roll.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 08, 2012, 06:11:47 pm
You are still winning and could easily have a favorable peace if you are too tired, or just choose better times to attack.
Yes, of course we could still win. But when there's no interest in the game anymore, winning becomes meaningless. We have 750 troops at Shariz. Close to 1000 available at our lands + the gold to equip them. This is between the fiefs and me. And then there are the Remnant armies. Plus whatever is on the random members in the faction.

The point is not that we can't win. It's just that the interest in the war has gone to zero. We have other plans now.
Don't regret it, though. Had a few good fights in it.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Joseph Porta on October 08, 2012, 06:13:56 pm
The captain leaves the sinking ship as the last!
No respect!
..Was the correct thread
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Rikthor on October 08, 2012, 06:22:34 pm
I really, really don't understand all of the hatred directed at weeaboos in these forums. If you want to RP anti-Japanese sentiment in the Diplomacy and Mercenary Recruitment forums, that's all well and good, but the people aggressively posting ad hominem don't give me the impression they're having fun--that they want Auphilia & Co. gone from the game, not their players gone from the map. It also seemed that some people had trouble separating RP conflict from player-to-player conflict. If Auphilia wants to call your factions out for ganging up on the Josho Shogunate, there's no need to get defensive out of character; it really is just a game, and as far as I could tell, Auphilia was treating it as such.

Do you also have trouble separating your in-game avatar, who runs around with swords and shit, from your actual, physical person, or is it just an inability to process language, or perhaps an inability to abstract the metagame from the game? (This is an honest question. It will directly affect my approach to diplomacy here in the future, assuming I'm not wiped off the map in the coming weeks.)

I am a little confused exactly who or what this is directed at? Which ad hominem attacks are you referring to in this thread? Everyone in here is basically calling out Auphilia for saying one thing while doing another and being a hypocrite in general. You see where multiple people dislike the fact he is saying how he was being ganged up on while doing the exact same thing to us right? The whole claim of being ganged up on comes from Chaos attacking one of their traders due to S&D being used without Canary's consent and a guy who left FCC to come attack them for fun. 
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: partyboy on October 08, 2012, 06:36:51 pm
I guess killing fake Muslims online wasn't good enough for you.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ptolemy on October 08, 2012, 06:42:09 pm
This will be my last post on this matter.

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We were and still are in a position to win the war against you. The Shogunate will continue under new management and if they decide to continue the war against you, they are fully capable of winning it due to the effort that Auphilia and I have put into the war so far. We have the troops, equipment and money to wipe you from strat in the next 7 days, should we still choose to - you lost to our first assaults and your losses are far greater than ours have been, this was only designed as the first wave of attacks and you barely survived. The second wave would be your death knell.

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1. While on paper we had two clans from the beginning, so far only one Remnant army has engaged you in battle (how they lose is beyond me, I wasn't at the battle, so I don't know). There was of course Maeday's trade caravan who attacked you in your lands and won, that was pure chance and not by design.
2. I have no comment to make.
3. This was a mistake by a semi-active trader and one which we were in the process of resolving with the Velucans.
4. Chevaliers never attacked anyone for us. The only attack they have made which was even vaguely related was against a trader who was trading in a legitimately closed city - we knew of this well over a day before he traded there.
5. The time slots were because of necessity, not design. Had the sides been reversed and you were leading our armies, you would have attacked at the same times - lest our armies get away from you and come back stronger.
6. I have no comment to make.
7. I've already said it is not 3 on 1, and we've had some trading issues with semi-active traders, all of these issues we fully intended to resolve, given time to do so.

RE P.S. If a wild ninja were hunting Auphilia, they would attack Auphilia, not a Castle which was far away from where Auphilia was. Additionally, it's a fake ninja, since they are not a member of clan Ninja.

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You're underestimating Khorin, we have at least double that number. But yes, we could still easily win the war. LLJK is bested, even if they don't know it yet, which is the reason that I don't feel bad for stepping down now while we're in the driving seat. I will however, continue writing my strat 4 story, because I am enjoying that and when the shogunate stops playing strat, I will release it onto the forums for all of you to enjoy - hopefully you will take it as a work of fiction based on "real" events, as that is what it is (kinda like "A Beautiful Mind").

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The difference, Rikthor, is that while we had more factions against you, this is true, our affiliations were public from the start (which the exception of Chevaliers, who haven't fielded an army for us, only merced thus are an exception). Where as those outside forces who wished to see us fail have never publicly said so, thus making each new attack a surprise (although seeing as both of them were affiliated with FCC, the pattern has emerged).
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 08, 2012, 06:45:59 pm
The numbers I posted did not include the troops the rest of our members hold. Just me and you + whatever we have inside the fiefs
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 08, 2012, 06:46:30 pm
Strat is a hard thing to enjoy unless you're in a faction that is completely dominating. It breeds hatred, drama, and suffering at every turn.

All I wanted was an honorable battle in which Auphilia and I commanded a set number troops against each other with the same themed equipment. I totally dig the ninja/samurai theme and desired to have a glorious battle with a faction I heavily respected, because in two months everyone is going to be fully tin-canned with +3 weapons of doom and I only wanted to bring a little flavor to the world before happens.

It is impossible for me to get my wish now that Auphilia has committed seppuku. Khorin, please have someone get in contact with me after the coming battle at Unuzdaq Castle and list the resources lost. We can discuss re-reimbursement for your people if you desire it. I probably wont have your support with any future endeavors, but if your people wish to merc or join up with me on upcoming ninja missions I will hire you all with the highest priority and pay well.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: ednos on October 08, 2012, 07:16:47 pm
I am a little confused exactly who or what this is directed at? Which ad hominem attacks are you referring to in this thread? Everyone in here is basically calling out Auphilia for saying one thing while doing another and being a hypocrite in general. You see where multiple people dislike the fact he is saying how he was being ganged up on while doing the exact same thing to us right? The whole claim of being ganged up on comes from Chaos attacking one of their traders due to S&D being used without Canary's consent and a guy who left FCC to come attack them for fun.

I'm not referring to this thread. I'm referring to the ad hominem attacks on Auphilia in general. It just seems that half the Strategus players can't separate the player from the avatar, and take role-playing diplomacy (whether good or bad diplomacy) as personal address. The reactions just seem inappropriate, considering how little effect any of the role-playing words have on anyone's real life.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 08, 2012, 07:21:48 pm
It just seems that half the Strategus players can't separate the player from the avatar.
What are you talking about? BTW: Isn't it lonely being the only dinosaur with a hat left in the world?
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ptolemy on October 08, 2012, 07:23:18 pm

That -1 was because of your foul language, not because of your mercing habits. I have put that behind me, as should you.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 08, 2012, 08:11:06 pm
Murderzone clean up crew go go go
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Malaclypse on October 08, 2012, 08:24:13 pm
On the record, our attack on Memento's caravan was due to a lack of communication on his part; as you know, I always gave proper warning of my intent when passing through your lands. Neither Mori nor anyone else let us know he was coming or what his intent was, so we jumped him (as we've had a bit of trouble with the S&D in our fiefs).
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: ednos on October 08, 2012, 09:32:48 pm
What are you talking about?

When someone attacks you in the game, do you feel that they are attacking you personally? For most people, I would have expected the answer to be, "Absolutely not!" However, this very forum seems to indicate that a significant number of people do feel that way. I know that the samples are skewed, but the waterfalls of malice nearly drowned me with surprise.

BTW: Isn't it lonely being the only dinosaur with a hat left in the world?

There are three of us!
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Inglorious on October 08, 2012, 09:35:11 pm
Chevaliers never attacked any LLJK fiefs. Nor did we supply arms to either sides of this war. All we have yet to do is sign up as mercenaries for the shogunate, as did people from FCC for LLJK.

The first battle between LLJK & Shogunate we had people signed up for both sides. After singing for both, we got tired of having to listen to both sides asking why we were doing so, and asking to completely sign one way or the other. Shogunate asked nicely, as did Phantom zero for the LLJK. But what threw the vote was that we never once had more than 1 or 2 LLJK personel sign for any of our battles when taking Durquba/Tamnuh, where as the shogunate filled our mercenary lists without requesting gold. As a new faction, we didn't have much gold to spare at the time, and accepted the free & mass support for our gaining of a City and Village.

Now, we the Chevalier, and the Knights of Malta, are becoming an independent unified faction here in the desert to be recognized no longer as a Hospitaller vassal, and to boost our numbers & trade proficiency in the desert. On that note, thank you to those who have contacted myself for trade agreements. The current trade agreements we have in place with everyone will not need re-discussion once we create the UIF (unless you have new terms of trade)

Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Keshian on October 08, 2012, 09:42:00 pm
I applaud your separating to stand on your own feet with Malta.  Good luck with your trading and your new kingdom.  Please correct me if I am wrong - didn't you attack New Shibal Zumr and take it from LLJK while all this was going on??

Also, does this mean you are no longer a party to the Hospitaller war on hero_party over Samarra castle that you dropped claim to??
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 08, 2012, 09:42:06 pm
On the record, our attack on Memento's caravan was due to a lack of communication on his part; as you know, I always gave proper warning of my intent when passing through your lands. Neither Mori nor anyone else let us know he was coming or what his intent was, so we jumped him (as we've had a bit of trouble with the S&D in our fiefs).

You jumped a caravan who took less than 200 S&D (not even a days worth) while at the same time one of your faction members was coming to take 400 of our S&D (more than double your "loss"). All I was saying, is that you could have brought it up with any of us before actually attacking him. Canary's defense was that he had to attack to ensure he receives his S&D back, and he admitted to attacking simply because he wanted a fight (Chaos hasn't had any wars). He had been annoyed with traders stealing his S&D for a while now, notably a Hospitaller caravan that stole 1000 S&D and felt the need for hostilities towards whoever he could catch. I still find it interesting that Hospitallers can steal 1000 S&D and walk away freely, but one of my guys gets ambushed over less than 200 goods. Surely Hospitallers could have provided you guys a better fight than the Josho Shogunate, who has had the longest standing war in NA strategus, and has been attacked by multiple factions.

Our entire campaign against LLJK has been with our own troops and our own gold, with the exception of Elindor's army which defended Mazigh only yesterday. We have had more battles than anyone and have suffered heavy losses (not as much as LLJK, but war is war). Of course other large factions would want to fight someone they know can't defend themselves as their resources have been used in lasting war. It would have been more interesting if you guys attacked the Hospitaller caravan that stole 1000 goods (a sum worthy of war), at least then you would have a real fight on your hands...or did you not really want a real fight?  :rolleyes:

Anyways had you spoken with me, the goods could have been returned, or I would have sent someone to bring you even more goods than you lost, or you may have just let us have them because at that point you would have been made aware that we are allowing your faction 400 of our S&D.

Regardless of how I feel about the situation, and how Canary feels about it, I did visit you guys in TS and we worked some of it out I think. Something about considering compensating us for the attack after the battle, but nothing was guaranteed or made specific.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 08, 2012, 09:42:52 pm
When someone attacks you in the game, do you feel that they are attacking you personally? For most people, I would have expected the answer to be, "Absolutely not!" However, this very forum seems to indicate that a significant number of people do feel that way. I know that the samples are skewed, but the waterfalls of malice nearly drowned me with surprise.
No one here 'cept Auphilia and the ninjas and maybe Kesh are actually that serious, sorry to burst your bubble.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Keshian on October 08, 2012, 09:47:40 pm
No one here 'cept Auphilia and the ninjas and maybe Kesh are actually that serious, sorry to burst your bubble.

Actually I am not even serious.  I found this whole drama playing out vastly amusing - the more hilarious because auphilia and nomin took it way over-the-top seriously, which almost begged to be trolled.  I have nothing against a bunch of white people pretending to be asian, they can do that all day long for all I care.  I just found that it was fun to play with them and tease them with their "super serial" roleplaying.  All this GTXting just screams childhood temper tentrum when things dont go your way in a game. 

P.S. Katanas in this game really really suck
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 08, 2012, 09:54:35 pm
Reason I said maybe on you, wasn't sure if you was slightly serious and trolling or just plain trolling...
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Inglorious on October 08, 2012, 09:58:07 pm
I applaud your separating to stand on your own feet with Malta.  Good luck with your trading and your new kingdom.  Please correct me if I am wrong - didn't you attack New Shibal Zumr and take it from LLJK while all this was going on??

Also, does this mean you are no longer a party to the Hospitaller war on hero_party over Samarra castle that you dropped claim to??

New Shibal Zumr was in the hands of Papal Guard_Pope John. He conceded the fief to us when we contacted him of our intentions to expand upon it. At that point he had joined a faction called Uesigi or something of the like.

Yes. We are going to be bunkering down in our established territories and letting the whole mess wash hopefully over us, and not be swept away along with it. As Hobb of TKoV said in a different post, and the shared words with Tristran of TKoV, the desert is more of a place for new factions to "survive" such things as war. As such, we don't want party to a war that would consume us in the process. Malta only having so few members in favor of becoming unified and independent, and has every intention on becoming part of the free trade idea the Chevaliers originally planned to be.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Keshian on October 08, 2012, 10:02:09 pm
Reason I said maybe on you, wasn't sure if you was slightly serious and trolling or just plain trolling...

Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Winterly on October 08, 2012, 10:03:32 pm
Chevaliers never attacked any LLJK fiefs. Nor did we supply arms to either sides of this war. All we have yet to do is sign up as mercenaries for the shogunate, as did people from FCC for LLJK.

The first battle between LLJK & Shogunate we had people signed up for both sides. After singing for both, we got tired of having to listen to both sides asking why we were doing so, and asking to completely sign one way or the other. Shogunate asked nicely, as did Phantom zero for the LLJK. But what threw the vote was that we never once had more than 1 or 2 LLJK personel sign for any of our battles when taking Durquba/Tamnuh, where as the shogunate filled our mercenary lists without requesting gold. As a new faction, we didn't have much gold to spare at the time, and accepted the free & mass support for our gaining of a City and Village.

Now, we the Chevalier, and the Knights of Malta, are becoming an independent unified faction here in the desert to be recognized no longer as a Hospitaller vassal, and to boost our numbers & trade proficiency in the desert. On that note, thank you to those who have contacted myself for trade agreements. The current trade agreements we have in place with everyone will not need re-discussion once we create the UIF (unless you have new terms of trade)

Congratulations on your independence. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy the Strat freedom and actually have fun.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Visconti on October 08, 2012, 10:07:17 pm
For the record, TKoV never broke our word with you, we told you we wouldn't help LLJK with troops or gold, we never said we wouldnt merc for them. We let our members choose who to merc for in this war. We didnt break our trade agreement because we were gonna attack you, we canceled it because there was never any S&D for us to use in your land, and you guys had just lost 1000 of our goods, so we were doing nothing but losing money trading with you guys. Most of the people mercing for LLJK would have signed up for you, if you would have just asked. Phantom goes to clans and asks nicely, so people sign up for him. Remnant came to us last night for their battle and we signed a few for them, we would have done the same for you if you had asked.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Malaclypse on October 08, 2012, 10:07:46 pm
I still find it interesting that Hospitallers can steal 1000 S&D and walk away freely

As I understand it we tried to catch him, but were too slow on the draw, and suspect that he had many ponies in tow therefore (or, alternatively, that we are just big fatties). If one of our members was in your lands taking S&D that you didn't authorize, I don't think anyone in our faction (save for said member) would be very upset if you attacked them, as it would be in your right to do so. If our man getting S&D from you guys was an allowed action on your part, then it by no means guarantees that we would be amenable to the same deal in our lands unless some formal agreement has been drawn up which I am unaware of. For my part, I think it pays to always ask, whether buying or selling, to let people know in advance.

In regards to mercenary support, our members have been on both sides of your fights; I myself have been there more often than I have been on the opposite because of my love for Bamboob Spurs (also because of your allowing my safe travel to and from the desert via your lands) and I haven't noticed many battles wherein The Josho Shogunate has been found lacking in players fielded compared to the opposite side.

On a personal note, I tend to apply for what I feel is the underdog side of a fight after feelings of duty are out of the picture.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: PhantomZero on October 08, 2012, 10:15:32 pm
We have had more battles than anyone and have suffered heavy losses (not as much as LLJK, but war is war).

I would argue that losing heroes is a much greater loss than troops or equipment. Since the start of thewar, LLJK has seen a net gain of 10 members.

It would have been a much closer war if it had just been LLJK vs Shogunate and if Strat hadn't bugged out preventing me from counter-attacking Ayn Assuadi. But all in all it was great fun and a lot of junior and new LLJK members stepped up to learn the game (and take their beatings for messing up) and so we now have a much more experienced playerbase.

Of course, it is not over until the fat lady sings as they say.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Syls on October 08, 2012, 10:21:46 pm

As Hobb of TKoV said in a different post, and the shared words with Tristran of TKoV, the desert is more of a place for new factions to "survive" such things as war.

Hobb!? I'm the one who said that, I take great offense that you confuse me with this illiterate cav my old friend :mrgreen:. On a more serious note, we're sorry that Bongloader just attacked you after we told  you we wouldn't. We already told him to retreat.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 08, 2012, 10:28:11 pm
For the record, TKoV never broke our word with you, we told you we wouldn't help LLJK with troops or gold, we never said we wouldnt merc for them. We let our members choose who to merc for in this war. We didnt break our trade agreement because we were gonna attack you, we canceled it because there was never any S&D for us to use in your land, and you guys had just lost 1000 of our goods, so we were doing nothing but losing money trading with you guys. Most of the people mercing for LLJK would have signed up for you, if you would have just asked. Phantom goes to clans and asks nicely, so people sign up for him. Remnant came to us last night for their battle and we signed a few for them, we would have done the same for you if you had asked.

This isn't true. Before declaring any hostility against LLJK I spoke to you guys first, because I didn't want to fight them if you were going to aid them or wipe us for it. You guys told me that you wanted to remain neutral BUT if we became outnumbered or needed help, you guys would provide that. That being said, we lacked mercenaries the first few battles and LLJK had full rosters. I asked you guys to help us and none of you came. I understand the breaking of the trade agreement. I couldn't manage the S&D or stop traders from using it while I was at war and half of the shogunate was inactive. Regardless, from our perspective you guys only broke your word, broke trade, and we had rumors of you guys fielding an army against us. You also questioned whether or not the shogunate planned a conspiracy against you (where you got that from, I have no idea). On top of that you also thought one of our guys was trying to follow and attack one of your caravans (even though he was simply returning to our homeland). So from our perspective, I hope you can see why we felt that some malicious intent was brewing.

Regardless of all of this, we had no intentions of fighting or being hostile with you guys. That would be suicide. The only way anyone could believe we would fight a faction as strong as your alliance is if we were allied with your rivals (Hospitallers), which explains all of the foul rumors. Sounds like a huge misunderstanding though, but oh well.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Winterly on October 08, 2012, 10:38:17 pm
As I understand it we tried to catch him, but were too slow on the draw, and suspect that he had many ponies in tow therefore (or, alternatively, that we are just big fatties). If one of our members was in your lands taking S&D that you didn't authorize, I don't think anyone in our faction (save for said member) would be very upset if you attacked them, as it would be in your right to do so. If our man getting S&D from you guys was an allowed action on your part, then it by no means guarantees that we would be amenable to the same deal in our lands unless some formal agreement has been drawn up which I am unaware of. For my part, I think it pays to always ask, whether buying or selling, to let people know in advance.

This right here is entirely the case.  Several distinctions that must be made are that:

1. Your member did not contact the leader of the faction.
2. Your member was only given authorization to sell in one fief, afaik there was no mention of loitering in our lands.
3. The trade agreement we made, was specifically limited to a single trade of my goods (there were no mentions of trading within our lands).

Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Rikthor on October 08, 2012, 10:42:02 pm
That being said, we lacked mercenaries the first few battles and LLJK had full rosters. I asked you guys to help us and none of you came. I understand the breaking of the trade agreement.

Oh really, I guess this battle on 9/25/12 with full rosters and mercs on both sides never happened?

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Edit - By your logic FCC was actually an ally to us both!
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: dynamike on October 08, 2012, 10:44:29 pm
Tis' undoubtedly the truth - Photoshop will not be invented for another 400 years at least.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 08, 2012, 10:47:52 pm
That was mostly last minute roster filling. And the majority of those mercs were people we share Teamspeak with. I'm not saying we didn't manage to fill the rosters. I was saying they were pretty much just chevaliers and the shogunate until more joined towards the last minutes, none of which were TKoV (who we did specifically ask for mercs).
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: miggy on October 08, 2012, 10:52:27 pm
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Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 08, 2012, 10:54:13 pm
This right here is entirely the case.  Several distinctions that must be made are that:

1. Your member did not contact the leader of the faction.
2. Your member was only given authorization to sell in one fief, afaik there was no mention of loitering in our lands.
3. The trade agreement we made, was specifically limited to a single trade of my goods (there were no mentions of trading within our lands).

Yes, I knew we were in the wrong for that trade. I hadn't even realized it was taking place as I've been focusing on the war and all kinds of diplomacy. Regardless instead of attacking 200 troops and wiping out their equipment and sending the player across the map (possibly taking days/weeks to return) I just think the loss of less than 200 trade goods could have been brought up with me. I would have made sure to have it returned. Attacking that caravan warrants more loss to both factions than the goods were even worth, especially to ours. Anyways, what is done is done.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Visconti on October 08, 2012, 11:10:09 pm
This isn't true. Before declaring any hostility against LLJK I spoke to you guys first, because I didn't want to fight them if you were going to aid them or wipe us for it. You guys told me that you wanted to remain neutral BUT if we became outnumbered or needed help, you guys would provide that. That being said, we lacked mercenaries the first few battles and LLJK had full rosters. I asked you guys to help us and none of you came. I understand the breaking of the trade agreement. I couldn't manage the S&D or stop traders from using it while I was at war and half of the shogunate was inactive. Regardless, from our perspective you guys only broke your word, broke trade, and we had rumors of you guys fielding an army against us. You also questioned whether or not the shogunate planned a conspiracy against you (where you got that from, I have no idea). On top of that you also thought one of our guys was trying to follow and attack one of your caravans (even though he was simply returning to our homeland). So from our perspective, I hope you can see why we felt that some malicious intent was brewing.

Regardless of all of this, we had no intentions of fighting or being hostile with you guys. That would be suicide. The only way anyone could believe we would fight a faction as strong as your alliance is if we were allied with your rivals (Hospitallers), which explains all of the foul rumors. Sounds like a huge misunderstanding though, but oh well.

You came to us for mercs as all of our guys were already in the LLJK TS, they werent gonna withdraw from the battle during role call, would have screwed LLJK over. Also, i asked if you guys were planning a "conspiracy" because of all the rumors we had heard, that a hospi had come to your guys TS asking you guys to attack one of our caravans(which is why i asked about the guy who was apparently returning to one of your fiefs), and then i was told that chevaliers had got info about our troop movements from the shogunate, and at the time i had thought they were still a Hospi vassal. You guys had also told us that you guys werent gonna try to expand, just do a bunch of infighting RP, but the moment you got to your land you declared war on LLJK, after we had told you we wouldnt support it lol
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ohayashi on October 08, 2012, 11:17:25 pm
Needless to say, I am crestfallen if not disappointed with the Empress' departure. I myself am hardly more than a junior officer, knowing little of the incredibly complicated mechanisms of the current political sphere, but look forward to interacting with the Shogunate's neighbors in the future. And there will be a future. I find myself particularly struck by the frail existence and poor longevity of most clans and groups in video gaming in general. I come from a 7+ year old group from the Red Orchestra community, of which I've been a part for three.

It is without a doubt the sturdiest and most stable group I have been involved with in gaming. The bond between members alone is incredible. I am loyal to this unit - and it is just as faithful back.

Alas, such permanence seems hard-won in this quasi-diplomacy simulator (see: bitchfest) that is Strategus. (Conspiracies, intrigue, secret brokerages and silver tongues - Bah! A good Samurai understands such trash ought to be left to elderly gossiping women.)

Best of luck to friend and foe - may Hachiman favor your armies. And of course, farewell, Aupihilia-san.

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Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: LordBerenger on October 08, 2012, 11:24:13 pm
Congratulations on your independence. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy the Strat freedom and actually have fun.

Freedom doesn't equal Chevaliers.

Chevaliers are part of the rebel alliance and traitors.

Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: HardRice on October 08, 2012, 11:27:11 pm
Freedom will never be an issue to the enemies of the Galactic Goon Empire.
Chevaliers are part of the rebel alliance and are traitors.


Grammar, my young Swede, grammar.

On a related note, Kesh, you're the best warrior linguist i've seen to date, your words can crumble vast empires and foreign kingdoms just by their uttering.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Matey on October 08, 2012, 11:40:49 pm
That was mostly last minute roster filling. And the majority of those mercs were people we share Teamspeak with. I'm not saying we didn't manage to fill the rosters. I was saying they were pretty much just chevaliers and the shogunate until more joined towards the last minutes, none of which were TKoV (who we did specifically ask for mercs).

pff. I remember that fight, some people asked us to sign for you and some asked us to sign for LLJK. some people (redarrows) preferred to weeaboo it up, some preferred to fight for the goons, and others just applied to both sides and didnt care who hired them. But later after you started ragging on us on the forums it got a lot more lopsided in regards to where our guys signed up, and I dont think anyone was asking us to sign up for you anymore either. The trick to filling a roster in strat is to bug the shit out of everyone you can for EVERY fight that you need more mercs; it is a huge pain in the ass, but its the only way to get people to show up because unlike clan leaders, most players dont pay attention to the battle list, if you dont tell em you have a fight, they wont know.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Sauce on October 09, 2012, 12:19:03 am
Speaking for the Remnants;
    While the Remnants are perplexed at the abrupt decision of the Josho Shogunate to recede from their conquest, we realize they have their own reasons for doing so. That said, the Remnants have thus far fulfilled all aspects of the mercenary contract and will be looking to finalize any particulars with the Josho Shogunate in an expedited manner. We wish Auphilia and all associates of the Josho Shogunate good luck and god speed.

     For future inquiries on diplomacy, trade and contracts with the Remnants, contact the designated officials on our clan thread.

(and everyone can go back to not caring now)
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Huey Newton on October 09, 2012, 12:20:37 am
Oh really, I guess this battle on 9/25/12 with full rosters and mercs on both sides never happened?

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Edit - By your logic FCC was actually an ally to us both!

lol kids mad as fuck cause i'm SO fucking beast mode with this new computer
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Rhaelys on October 09, 2012, 12:23:27 am
lol kids mad as fuck cause i'm SO fucking beast mode with this new computer


Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Darkkarma on October 09, 2012, 12:28:54 am
I would say you're quitting too early in the game, but...

You're quitting too early in the game
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Artyem on October 09, 2012, 01:29:23 am
God damnit Smoothrich, hurry up and write a song!
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Kreczor on October 09, 2012, 04:02:07 am
lol kids mad as fuck cause i'm SO fucking beast mode with this new computer
Eh-hem my k:d is much better then yours in that match. L2P scrub.

Auphilia's passing has done little to stir my castle. My villagers continue to walk out of their hovels, scratch their rears whislt drinking milk from the bottle and heading back inside. Last night consisted of quite a bit of drinking and we seem to have lost Jimmy. I hope he's okay, I try to keep track of all my villagers but we seem to be losing more people by the day. I hear the screaming of my people at night but the guard sees nothing. Something is among my villagers, and I fear it has just settled.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 09, 2012, 04:14:37 am
I still plan on building my theme park right over the Josho properties.  I hope that all other factions will rightfully honor my claims.

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Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Techno on October 09, 2012, 04:18:40 am
eh doesn't afraid of anything.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: PhantomZero on October 09, 2012, 06:50:17 am
the desert is more of a place for new factions to "survive" such things as war.

The dessert is a crucible of death, only the toughest can survive. You must have an iron stomach and would ideally have come in the top 5 in at least three internationally accredited hotdog eating contests.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Harrys Oil Can on October 09, 2012, 08:21:46 am
The dessert is a crucible of death, only the toughest can survive. You must have an iron stomach and would ideally have come in the top 5 in at least three internationally accredited hotdog eating contests.
whata bout cheesecake???????
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Ptolemy on October 09, 2012, 08:33:31 am
(click to show/hide)

The shogunate will honour it's agreement with Remnants, as it always planned to.

The dessert is a crucible of death, only the toughest can survive. You must have an iron stomach and would ideally have come in the top 5 in at least three internationally accredited hotdog eating contests.

Do not make the mistake that we have admitted defeat, this is in fact the exact opposite, we leave in the knowledge that victory in this war was almost assured. Superior Goon Tactics should be replaced with Superior Shogunate Strategy. It is purely factors external from the game which have resulted in this course of events and the only thing which has defeated the departing leaders of the shogunate is being human.

However, I do fancy a tofu dog now.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: LordBerenger on October 09, 2012, 08:45:23 am
I still plan on building my theme park right over the Josho properties.  I hope that all other factions will rightfully honor my claims.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

If you refrain from building a theme park at Murderfort..I MEAN DAMMIT NEW JAMEYYED CASTLE i'll finance the rest of your theme parks.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Muki on October 09, 2012, 09:25:13 am
(click to show/hide)

Nope still not moving out of my village
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 09, 2012, 02:52:38 pm
Strat is a hard thing to enjoy unless you're in a faction that is completely dominating. It breeds hatred, drama, and suffering at every turn.

All I wanted was an honorable battle in which Auphilia and I commanded a set number troops against each other with the same themed equipment. I totally dig the ninja/samurai theme and desired to have a glorious battle with a faction I heavily respected, because in two months everyone is going to be fully tin-canned with +3 weapons of doom and I only wanted to bring a little flavor to the world before happens.

It is impossible for me to get my wish now that Auphilia has committed seppuku. Khorin, please have someone get in contact with me after the coming battle at Unuzdaq Castle and list the resources lost. We can discuss re-reimbursement for your people if you desire it. I probably wont have your support with any future endeavors, but if your people wish to merc or join up with me on upcoming ninja missions I will hire you all with the highest priority and pay well.

The Josho Shogunate originally planned to make each clan be its own faction in strategus. We wanted to have a spot to the corner or such and war within ourselves having clans fight each other to make their leaders the shogun. Unfortunately, each clan could not be self-sustained, and there were no strong samurai clans who could challenge the Red Lotus other than Kogado (Empress Guard) and the Ninja, either of which would be inappropriate as they already have the Empress and Master Ninja. We wanted weeaboo vs weeaboo battles more than anything really, even if it meant waring with ourselves. Unfortunately, we soon realized that this would be something our faction simply couldn't afford to do in strategus and abandoned the idea.

Fighting your ninja would have been fun, and I was excited to see the new Uesegi Shogunate forming to challenge our rule. In weeaboo vs weeaboo battles no one has to worry about major disadvantages due to lack of shields or such. I guess you just picked an awkward time for us. You could have messaged me in the forums and I would have gladly accepted and made an army to meet you in the field as soon as I could, instead you attacked an undefended castle (interesting challenge there) while we were at war and being attacked by multiple other factions, etc.

I probably mentioned this before, but it isn't really the attacking of the castle that bothers me, as 400 troops or whatever you had wouldn't be enough to take a castle. What bothered me is having a dozen members nearby who were too inactive to do anything about it. Strategus isn't really something I wanted to play by myself or with one or two people. I have single player for that. Which makes me think some sort of AI should be implemented to use on inactive players, so the game doesn't halt when a few clan members have a life to attend to.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Casimir on October 09, 2012, 02:53:38 pm
Strat is hard :(
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: dynamike on October 09, 2012, 03:39:18 pm
Strat ain't nothin but S&D's and ticks
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Lordark on October 09, 2012, 04:27:09 pm
Best of luck in the military! Send us a postcard!
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 09, 2012, 04:59:04 pm
Best of luck in the military! Send us a postcard!

Thanks lol
I'm going to be an Airborne Cryptologic Linguist.
I'll be spying on DRZ  :wink:
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 09, 2012, 06:36:11 pm
The Josho Shogunate originally planned to make each clan be its own faction in strategus. We wanted to have a spot to the corner or such and war within ourselves having clans fight each other to make their leaders the shogun. Unfortunately, each clan could not be self-sustained, and there were no strong samurai clans who could challenge the Red Lotus other than Kogado (Empress Guard) and the Ninja, either of which would be inappropriate as they already have the Empress and Master Ninja. We wanted weeaboo vs weeaboo battles more than anything really, even if it meant waring with ourselves. Unfortunately, we soon realized that this would be something our faction simply couldn't afford to do in strategus and abandoned the idea.

Fighting your ninja would have been fun, and I was excited to see the new Uesegi Shogunate forming to challenge our rule. In weeaboo vs weeaboo battles no one has to worry about major disadvantages due to lack of shields or such. I guess you just picked an awkward time for us. You could have messaged me in the forums and I would have gladly accepted and made an army to meet you in the field as soon as I could, instead you attacked an undefended castle (interesting challenge there) while we were at war and being attacked by multiple other factions, etc.

I probably mentioned this before, but it isn't really the attacking of the castle that bothers me, as 400 troops or whatever you had wouldn't be enough to take a castle. What bothered me is having a dozen members nearby who were too inactive to do anything about it. Strategus isn't really something I wanted to play by myself or with one or two people. I have single player for that. Which makes me think some sort of AI should be implemented to use on inactive players, so the game doesn't halt when a few clan members have a life to attend to.

I attacked that castle because I wanted to get a little bit more money so I could buy some fancy katanas before swinging down into the desert to hunt you. And yes I could have warned you about it, I could have also told the folks over at FCC about it too, but that is very un-ninja like. I wanted it to be as authentic as possible and completely go rogue with no one having any idea what the hell I was doing. I will admit I approached a few people 5 or 6 hours before I initiated the battle to gauge interest in joining my cause, but they were Veterans from the great Droozena incident and I only asked a handful from them.

I will give you this offer, if you still want to have a battle I'm sure you can still fund a 100 troop army with asian themed melee weapons and armor. I think ranged weapons should be open to any kind, since their diversity is small. I'll give you a week and a half to prepare, that way if you're wanting to do this we can meet up on October 26th/27th to have the battle. Its a weekend so everyone has a more likely chance of participating. We can do a larger army if you like as well.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 09, 2012, 07:30:16 pm
I attacked that castle because I wanted to get a little bit more money so I could buy some fancy katanas before swinging down into the desert to hunt you. And yes I could have warned you about it, I could have also told the folks over at FCC about it too, but that is very un-ninja like. I wanted it to be as authentic as possible and completely go rogue with no one having any idea what the hell I was doing. I will admit I approached a few people 5 or 6 hours before I initiated the battle to gauge interest in joining my cause, but they were Veterans from the great Droozena incident and I only asked a handful from them.

I will give you this offer, if you still want to have a battle I'm sure you can still fund a 100 troop army with asian themed melee weapons and armor. I think ranged weapons should be open to any kind, since their diversity is small. I'll give you a week and a half to prepare, that way if you're wanting to do this we can meet up on October 26th/27th to have the battle. Its a weekend so everyone has a more likely chance of participating. We can do a larger army if you like as well.

I could do it today if I wanted to. I have plenty of troops and gold on standby.

I just don't really care about strategus anymore :\

Maybe Ninja Khorin would want to do that. As for me, I'm done as soon as I can be done lol. You could initiate the battle yourself if you wanted. Buy cheap katanas and nomad robes in Unuzdaq, give someone 100 troops and then have them attack you lol. What is the fun in that, you say? Beats me.

If you wanted my cooperation in orchestrating a large or small scale weeaboo only battle, you should have asked. I might have told you as soon as the war was over. I might have had a semi-active member equip his troops and meet you the same day you asked lol.

I realize you wanted to be "as ninja as possible" but even still, I don't think it is very Ninja to siege an undefended castle with 400 men and then sit in lands waiting for your target to arrive. We could have orchestrated something much more fun. Very small battles like 10 vs 10 a few times (real ninja attacks 1 life for each person in the battle) and had it Fraps and I would have made a video of it all lol. Also the blatant FCC member and/or sympathizer threats didn't help my willingness or interest in doing anything with you guys what so ever.

Anyways I appreciate your attempts at making strategus more fun and for roleplaying an interesting character. Unfortunately, I'm no longer interested in strategus. Sorry.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Rhalzo on October 09, 2012, 07:46:53 pm
I realize you wanted to be "as ninja as possible" but even still, I don't think it is very Ninja to siege an undefended castle with 400 men and then sit in lands waiting for your target to arrive.

An ambush isn't ninja-ish?
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 09, 2012, 07:51:58 pm
An ambush isn't ninja-ish?

Ambushing who? No troops were there and it isn't even my castle lol.
But no, I don't think so. Maybe it is, though. I could be wrong. I don't care to argue about it, so if it is, then so be it.
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Rikthor on October 09, 2012, 07:54:47 pm
An ambush isn't ninja-ish?

Surprise attacks are only legal if initiated by them, not other people. Didn't you get the memo?
Title: Re: 落下幕府 [Falling Shogunate]
Post by: Auphilia on October 09, 2012, 08:02:09 pm
Anyways I'm locking this. If anyone still wants to talk about it, make a new thread.

Gmnotutoo, if you wish to continue our conversation send me a PM.

And they lived happily ever after. The end.