cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:20:38 am

Title: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:20:38 am
I regale to you a story involving CONSPIRACY, BANNING, DRAMA, BACK-STABBING,  the autistic dealings of a clan called Scythia, and a 12 year old boy that answers to the pseudonym “Sword.”

It all started roughly two weeks ago, with me returning from my inactivity by joining my clan’s TeamSpeak server. Alas, I was greeted by a seemingly empty server. Population: Me. Such loneliness I dealt with for several hours. I was finally greeted by the company of another clan member, whom we shall refer to as “Manny.” Manny and I were chatting it up, when we were joined by another user by the name of Sword. I have never seen Sword before, let alone talked with him. I was under the impression that Manny held the same relation towards Sword as I. Sword relayed to us that our current TeamSpeak server is empty because they were all banned in an act of rage by the heinous Eyebeat, owner of the current server we were on. That Eyebeat PURGED THE LANDS OF ALL RELATED TO MENSTRUAL MONSOON. In short, Sword told us that MM revered Eyebeat as a “total douchey asshole” and that we should “totally join [his] server, it’s so much better.” So, with really nothing to lose, Manny and I joined Sword’s Teamspeak (which is located at

It was then I discovered that this particular TeamSpeak was in fact a community portal, hosting services for other clans such as Krea, Hoplite, and Scythia, of which Sword leads with the help of his seemingly autistic lapdog, Tsugan. This became my new hangout spot, as I started to converse with a few members of Hoplite and joined their clan after noticing that MM has seemingly fallen off the radar, and is virtually nonexistent at that point in time. While populating Sword’s server I was frequently messaged by Sword himself, being asked if I knew of any clans that would like to use his server. Admittedly, I am not a large player in the cRPG community, or really any other online community as I do not have the time to maintain a solid presence.

Days have passed, each day I found myself attempting to contact other members of MM and even Eyebeat himself. Anything that would lend details to the story that Sword had told me. Several members of MM have finally come into contact with me, only to deny what Sword has said. Manny and I were the only two people that have been told Eyebeat was an aggressor towards MM. Things started to not make as much sense as they previously did. Sword refuses to discuss the happenings of Eyebeat and why MM left their previous Teamspeak, and suddenly goes AFK and does not respond to messages once the subject is brought up.

More time passes, and I finally come into contact with Eyebeat, only for him to deny that he banned anyone. Eyebeat was actually confused as to why MM left. It seems that Sword acted as a wedge and spread misinformation to anyone he came into contact with, regarding a clan that uses his own TeamSpeak. MrFistYoGirl, leader of the MM clan, verified my claims of Sword being the sole aggressor.

It is then, while in Sword’s TeamSpeak, while in a channel with Eyebeat, fellow clan member “Vagina Ravager,” and a non-talkative user named “Spybot” (which happens to have admin powers), that I have a sudden realization. I explain to Eyebeat and “VR” that Sword created lies about Eyebeat in order to facilitate the migration of the MM clan. With Sword’s previous activity, it all adds up. Several seconds after voicing my theory, Eyebeat is banned for “trash talking” by the user Spybot. How suspicious! It is then that I am messaged by Spybot and told “You know what you have done.” I inquire more about this cryptic statement, and am told that I have “trash talked.” Absolutely no context given, just two simple words. After being threatened to be banned “now or later,” I ask on what grounds is my ban being made. Spybot replies with “should I tell Sword now, or later?” Doing a quick client check, I find that Spybot and Sword have the same IP address. I reply to Spybot with “Why would you tell yourself something you already know?” After sending it, I was immediately banned for “trash talking.”

   MM leader MrFistYoGirl has contacted Sword and inquired about these bans, and why Sword has spread these lies about Eyebeat, banned him, and banned myself. Sword failed to offer any explanation to MrFistYoGirl, and insisted that we were banned because we “trash talked.”

(TL;DR)   It has come to my attention, and this should be shared with the community, that the clan Scythia, and users Sword and Tsugan have conspired against known TeamSpeak hoster's in attempt to fulfill their lust in populating their own.

Edit: By decree of MM_Fallopian_Knight I am an asshole for slandering his friend Sword (aka Protection). I have declined his request to remove this thread.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: snipercapt on July 29, 2012, 01:27:01 am
LOL, Rudy, you are completely out-of-line here. Why am I being portrayed as partners with Sword? I unbanned all of you after he did that! I want no part in this stupid drama!

Try to help you out against some kid and this is what I get, ok friendo.

By the way, just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean you get to be rude to everyone.

And really autistic? C'mon, surely your age would allow you to come up with better words.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Christo on July 29, 2012, 01:27:07 am
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Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Winterly on July 29, 2012, 01:27:25 am
What a clever and elaborate ploy to reap the rewards of.......TS population?
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Apsod on July 29, 2012, 01:28:09 am
Good read ^^
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The renown lust is growing I see :?
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:29:33 am
LOL, Rudy, you are completely out-of-line here. Why am I being portrayed as partners with Sword? I unbanned all of you after he did that! I want no part in this stupid drama!

Wrong. You did not unban me. I waited out the 2 hour ban.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: snipercapt on July 29, 2012, 01:33:00 am
Wrong. You did not unban me. I waited out the 2 hour ban.
I took off all the bans on the ban list after Bushido said Sword permabanned Eyebeat and himself, so I pretty sure I did.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:33:40 am
Well, I was not part of your supposed removal.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on July 29, 2012, 01:34:37 am
hasnt seen christo post in a few days

drama thread

christo is here! (christo sig : always ready for drama)

Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: snipercapt on July 29, 2012, 01:36:36 am
Well, I was not part of your supposed removal.
*Shrug* Well, regardless, Sword is a immature child, and Scythia will be moving to another TS in the near future, please stop making me the bad guy, only reason we're at the TS is because it was free for us and it had 500 slots. Really am curious how I became part of some league of evil in your eyes, I dislike Sword just as much if not more than you do.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rebelyell on July 29, 2012, 01:39:20 am
I am dam 2 yers in that game and  I have no idea about who is that whole story :P

and I know only 1 VR clan with members full of retarded or stupid(probably bought) kids from Russia

nice story :P
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:40:50 am
I am dam 2 yers in that game and  I have no idea about who is that whole story :P

and I know only 1 VR clan with members full of retarded or stupid(probably bought) kids from Russia

nice story :P

Keep your non-english speaking self out of this thread.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 01:40:59 am
A++ would read again.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:43:20 am
*Shrug* Well, regardless, Sword is a immature child, and Scythia will be moving to another TS in the near future, please stop making me the bad guy, only reason we're at the TS is because it was free for us and it had 500 slots. Really am curious how I became part of some league of evil in your eyes, I dislike Sword just as much if not more than you do.

You were just acting like a total dick whenever we spoke. I lumped you in because of prior experiences. I apologize.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: SeQuel on July 29, 2012, 01:44:33 am
I talked with Sword a bit - he was pretty annoying.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: snipercapt on July 29, 2012, 01:45:23 am
You were just acting like a total dick whenever we spoke. I lumped you in because of prior experiences. I apologize.
It's alright, just leave us out of this BS.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 01:45:45 am
Rudybrah, I think you need to go and get some friends. In real life.

Amusing read but when all boils down, you're just some butthurt loser.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:47:18 am
Heh, so is MM banned from that TS now?

From Sword's TS? I'm not sure. They most likely will soon if their identities are revealed, which is why I changed a few names around.

MM was never banned from Eyebeat's TeamSpeak server. Eyebeat is the fucking man.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:48:47 am
Rudybrah, I think you need to go and get some friends. In real life.

Amusing read but when all boils down, you're just some butthurt loser.

Actually, I'm not mad at all. I uncovered major drama and I'm sharing it with the community. Spicing things up a little bit.

You're the butthurt loser who isn't involved in such intriguing matters.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Protection on July 29, 2012, 01:50:21 am
Cry more, Scythia isn't involved, this is between you and me .. I'm sick of your trolling clans.

<18:36:24> "Sword": Everyone says that you're an asshole.
<18:36:32> "RudyBrah": like who?
<18:36:34> "RudyBrah": the kids in hoplite?
<18:36:36> "RudyBrah": who are shitty at crpg?
<18:36:43> "RudyBrah": and every other shitty clan in your shitty teamspeak?

End of story .. I own this teamspeak .. NOT YOU. And as the owner of the teamspeak I feel I have the reason to ban you for being a troll.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Miracle on July 29, 2012, 01:52:34 am
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 01:53:08 am
Cry more, Scythia isn't involved, this is between you and me .. I'm sick of your trolling clans.

<18:36:24> "Sword": Everyone says that your an asshole.
<18:36:32> "RudyBrah": like who?
<18:36:34> "RudyBrah": the kids in hoplite?
<18:36:36> "RudyBrah": who are shitty at crpg?
<18:36:43> "RudyBrah": and every other shitty clan in your shitty teamspeak?

End of story .. I own this teamspeak .. NOT YOU.

Screenshots please. Cross-referenced with my IP. Let's have proof. Anyone can type that up.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: snipercapt on July 29, 2012, 01:53:45 am
If we're doing corrections " A story of deceit, treachery*..."
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 01:54:02 am
Actually, I'm not mad at all. I uncovered major drama and I'm sharing it with the community. Spicing things up a little bit.

You're the butthurt loser who isn't involved in such intriguing matters.

You're right, I'm just jealous. :lol:

Anyway, that Sword kid sounds like he needs a serious beating irl. Not because he wronged you, but because he's a false little snake. At least judging by the situation.

Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Babelfish on July 29, 2012, 02:04:21 am
The amount of drama in this thread is weak at best.
 Headline held so much promise, and in a sense it delivered what it promised; i feel betrayed, and i am sure the OP and the other keyboard warriors are twelve.

Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 02:07:02 am
The only reason I found it amusing was the OP's dramatic way of blowing something like a TS ban out of proportion and then expecting everyone to give him standing ovation. :lol:
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:07:59 am
The amount of drama in this thread is weak at best.
 Headline held so much promise, and in a sense it delivered what it promised; i feel betrayed, and i am sure the OP and the other keyboard warriors are twelve.

Your apparent equivocation shows that you must be the youngest one here.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Babelfish on July 29, 2012, 02:09:12 am
Your apparent equivocation shows that you must be the youngest one here.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:10:57 am
The only reason I found it amusing was the OP's dramatic way of blowing something like a TS ban out of proportion and then expecting everyone to give him standing ovation. :lol:

It has nothing to do with the fact I was banned. I couldn't care less about it. It's the fact that someone was so badly abused by their parents that they feel the need to lie to countless people in order to populate his own server just to feel important.

Those lies have been found out, and his world is crumbling around him. I only expected the majority of people to lash out in a dunning-Kruger fashion, and it is working. Justice is being served.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 29, 2012, 02:12:41 am
*Idly wonders who Sword is*
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 02:13:05 am
Your apparent equivocation shows that you must be the youngest one here.

Complex words does not make you automatically correct. Basically, you just said "No you." in a more eloquent way.

Your use of the English is not bad, but you could use a chill pill. That said, I'm beginning to suspect you're the one who's underage.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Protection on July 29, 2012, 02:13:56 am
Who exactly did I lie to now, no one I told the truth to everyone, the problem is you ARE mad because you got banned. And you try and ruin a community of people with your ass hat personality.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:16:18 am
*Idly wonders who Sword is*

Excellent question. Sword has revealed himself to be the forum poster "Protection."

Aptly named, actually. Hollow posts with no thorough defense. He is probably attempting to photoshop y name onto chat logs or something.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 29, 2012, 02:17:25 am
Goodness gracious, such drama leaking on to the forums.

Best of luck to you all, have fun!
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:18:07 am
Complex words does not make you automatically correct. Basically, you just said "No you." in a more eloquent way.

Your use of the English is not bad, but you could use a chill pill. That said, I'm beginning to suspect you're the one who's underage.

That can easily be countered with me crying "troll!" It is obvious that your posts are being watched, which lends evidence to showing that you are in fact a troll. I'm sure only a few more reports will get you banned. Keep posting, please.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 02:19:09 am
Frankly put, Sword, or Protection or whatever generic alias you go by; OP exposed your bundle of sticksry.

But please, keep on desperately to deflect the attention onto this Rudy person. Need more drama as the first post was lukewarm at best.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Protection on July 29, 2012, 02:19:44 am
This is why trolls need to die people, take a good look at this monstrosity it needs to go. The only one who is acting 12 years old is you, and that is because

you just wont let go that you trolled my Teamspeak. Just face it RudyBrah, you're a douche and you'll always be a douche.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:20:10 am
Who exactly did I lie to now, no one I told the truth to everyone, the problem is you ARE mad because you got banned. And you try and ruin a community of people with your ass hat personality.

Because my "ass hat personality" is what's making clans leave your team speak? I was already banned. Why would they continue to leave if I'm not present?
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Protection on July 29, 2012, 02:21:02 am
And what exactly was exposed? All I did was ban everyone in the teamspeak because they were talking shit about me, he got mad, he made a rage thread .. Case closed.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: sF_Guardian on July 29, 2012, 02:22:01 am
Well, why cant you deal with that shit by talkin to the people involved in this?
No reason to try starting a witchhunt cuz of some personal issues.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:23:13 am
And what exactly was exposed? All I did was ban everyone in the teamspeak because they were talking shit about me, he got mad, he made a rage thread .. Case closed.

Your grave is already dug, Sword. Just be still.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 02:23:35 am
And what exactly was exposed? All I did was ban everyone in the teamspeak because they were talking shit about me, he got mad, he made a rage thread .. Case closed.

I feel sorry for you, you don't even realize how humiliated you are in the face of people who are forced to deal with you on a daily basis(thankfully not me).

Anyway, as I said, carry on. :)
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Protection on July 29, 2012, 02:24:04 am
Well, why cant you deal with that shit by talkin to the people involved in this?
No reason to try starting a witchhunt cuz of some personal issues.

The problem is he doesn't want to solve this like a civilized person he wants to troll it, then try to make it die.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: sF_Guardian on July 29, 2012, 02:25:05 am
The problem is he doesn't want to solve this like a civilized person he wants to troll it, then try to make it die.

Will be moved to spam soon hopefully
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 02:26:22 am
This is not spam material. Trust me, even devs like these threads.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on July 29, 2012, 02:27:05 am
Goodness gracious, such drama leaking on to the forums.

Best of luck to you all, have fun!
Us Americans are the kings of entertainment.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: snipercapt on July 29, 2012, 02:27:28 am
God damn just lock this shit already Rudy, got your point across, argue amongst yourselves.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Protection on July 29, 2012, 02:29:16 am
Whatever I'm done with it, let's wrap it up and get on with our lives. No one is leaving. Later.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:30:43 am
The problem is he doesn't want to solve this like a civilized person he wants to troll it, then try to make it die.

Actually, I've tried to speak with you countless times. You refuse to cooperate. You even joined my clan's old teamspeak in an attempt to listen in on us. You are truly pathetic.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 02:30:53 am
God damn just lock this shit already Rudy, got your point across, argue amongst yourselves.

This is the internet, son. While you can't hold your ears and go "Nanananana, can't hear you!" you can however choose not to click a link or read a topic that upsets your pre-pubescent eyes.

Whatever I'm done with it, let's wrap it up and get on with our lives.

You have a life?

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Protection on July 29, 2012, 02:31:11 am
Actually, I've tried to speak with you countless times. You refuse to cooperate. You even joined my clan's old teamspeak in an attempt to listen in on us. You are truly pathetic.

Mad. Give it up. No one is leaving.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Adamar on July 29, 2012, 02:32:14 am
Good read, you have to admire sword's tenacity in empowering himself. If that kid ever becomes some kind of hacker, god only knows...
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:32:59 am
Mad. Give it up. No one is leaving.

You consistently fail to see what the issue is. I will be in my clan's old team speak, should you choose to actually talk.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on July 29, 2012, 02:33:14 am
I'm crying
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:33:22 am
Good read, you have to admire sword's tenacity in empowering himself. If that kid ever becomes some kind of hacker, god only knows...

He can't grasp basic English. What makes you think he can correctly execute lines of code?
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 02:35:13 am
He can't grasp basic English. What makes you think he can correctly execute lines of code?

Two words: script kiddy.

You'd be surprised.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Protection on July 29, 2012, 02:35:32 am
He can't grasp basic English. What makes you think he can correctly execute lines of code?

Still mad? How about YOU come to MY teamspeak after you calm down a little bit. Whatever else is posted under this post is disregarded. Thread ignored.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:36:21 am
Two words: script kiddy.

You'd be surprised.

I can't imagine a world where our visual outputs are randomly flipped upside down.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:36:47 am
Still mad? How about YOU come to MY teamspeak after you calm down a little bit. Whatever else is posted under this post is disregarded. Thread ignored.

I'm banned, remember?
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: snipercapt on July 29, 2012, 02:37:11 am
This is the internet, son. While you can't hold your ears and go "Nanananana, can't hear you!" you can however choose not to click a link or read a topic that upsets your pre-pubescent eyes.
Only reason I'm here is because for whatever reason Rudy decided it was clearly me pushing buttons in the backgrounds or some other nonsense. Rudy had been asking for the ban the whole time anyhow, just annoying how he had to come qq on the forums about it.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 02:38:11 am
Only reason I'm here is because for whatever reason Rudy decided it was clearly me pushing buttons in the backgrounds or some other nonsense. Rudy had been asking for the ban the whole time anyhow, just annoying how he had to come qq on the forums about it.

I think what's annoying is how you're agitated that I exposed you into the lime light. Soak it up.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 02:40:24 am
Oh well, some people in this thread are real bores.

Sword, you get B- for effort, C for performance.
Rudy: A++ text, writing a letter of commendation to your mother.
snipercapt: F because: Loser.

That's it for tonight, folks. :)
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: HardRice on July 29, 2012, 02:46:28 am
<18:36:32> "RudyBrah": like who?
<18:36:34> "RudyBrah": the kids in hoplite?
<18:36:36> "RudyBrah": who are shitty at crpg?
These 3 lines are true, that's all that matters.

I welcome all complaints from anyone feeling that penis size matters in cRPG.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Elindor on July 29, 2012, 03:14:08 am
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Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: EyeBeat on July 29, 2012, 03:14:35 am
Same thing I posted in the MM thread:

Eh.  I don't care either way it really does not matter.  Was going to open up the old TS for my RL friends to use for GW2.

Everyone is still welcome on it.  I understand you guys want to have more clans on one TS like nditions and that is cool. 

I was just trying to squelch any rumors that there was a misunderstanding between us or something which I heard through the grape vine while playing crpg.  In which case I was trying to find out what I did wrong.  I couldn't think of anything I said or did to upset anyone. 

Other than that I can not wait for GW2 to come out!

Also here is a bonus link.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 29, 2012, 03:14:52 am
*Winces at the improper use of a meme*
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Gricks on July 29, 2012, 03:18:07 am
We left Eyebeat's server because certain high-ranking clan members said Eyebeat was being a dick in TS. This has nothing to do with deceit or treachery. As a member of MM (Fallopian Knight), Rudybrah is wrong in this whole regard. Don't hate on Sword. He has done nothing but good for the community, giving a public 500 slot TS to helping start the NA_Public server.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: EyeBeat on July 29, 2012, 03:23:54 am
We left Eyebeat's server because certain high-ranking clan members said Eyebeat was being a dick in TS.

Oh ok.   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Gricks on July 29, 2012, 03:25:33 am
Eyebeat I never had a problem with you. But that is what happened.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Uumdi on July 29, 2012, 03:49:45 am
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Hahahah I literally laugh out loud every time, I love this image, its perfect
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Inglorious on July 29, 2012, 03:55:37 am
These 3 lines are true, that's all that matters.

Do you know how to do anything but be a troll? How do you have the audacity to say anything when you are the one who quit a regiment because you were called out on being a troll? By every commanding officer at that.

The answer: Immaturity
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: [ptx] on July 29, 2012, 04:02:33 am
Basically, everyone is horrible. Horrible, horrible people.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bjord on July 29, 2012, 04:05:20 am
Damn, so many carebears in one thread. I feel squeemish. :?
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Bryggan on July 29, 2012, 04:37:47 am
I like the beginning of this thread.  Sort of a WWII underground operations feel to it, people using codenames and deceit and trickery etc.  "Jovan, your OSS contacts have pulled out.  Come, work with us at the GRU, we have much better chance of success against the chocolate chip cookies.  And, after the we win this war, we will be such good friends to your country and respect your sovereignty unlike the filthy capitalist swine of the west."

Then chance encounters with former operatives, and layer after layer of deceit is pulled back to reveal the truth.  The protagonist had been coerced to work with the lesser of two goods.

Great stuff, great drama, especially when Sword gave away his forum persona (big mistake, IMO), though I think the character of Snipercraft could have used a little more sympathy.  I guess character clashes do happen, but it sort of detracts from the story.  I think he would have made an excellent 'understanding colonel' type, sorta of righting the wrongs of his comrades, but in a very serious, professional manner.

After that the writing sort of falls apart.  Just a pathetic trade of insults, no real effective cover up, no clever counter move, just insults.  I would have liked to see the character of Eyebeat develop more, plus that Vagina ravager guy.  Sort of step it up to the higher echelons, sorta make it more political.

All in all, I'd have to give it 3 stars, mainly due to it being summer and it's the season for comedy posts (btw, please vote for me in the 'Best Sandwich Maker' post), and not much other drama out there.  We'll just have to wait til September for the heavy-weight drama to begin.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Auphilia on July 29, 2012, 04:40:21 am
Interesting. If anyone has any issues with the TS feel free to talk to me about it. I'm sure I can get everything sorted out. Just send me a PM.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Smoothrich on July 29, 2012, 04:46:36 am
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Fred_the_Destroyer on July 29, 2012, 04:48:26 am
Learn to spell before you insult people and their age. Fool. It's spelled "deceit".
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: BashirKhan on July 29, 2012, 04:49:24 am
If only Berenger could comment  :( would make this thread 10 times better
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Rudybrah on July 29, 2012, 04:49:52 am
Learn to spell before you insult people and their age. Fool. It's spelled "deceit".

Fred. Of all people I expected you to notice and appreciate the many nuances I've planted.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 29, 2012, 05:36:45 am
There's other TS's that allow people to join them publicly and have 512 slots like nditions ;p.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Christo on July 29, 2012, 06:52:28 am
hasnt seen christo post in a few days

drama thread

christo is here! (christo sig : always ready for drama)

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Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Dexxtaa on July 29, 2012, 06:56:24 am
Someone nominate this thread for that drama award.

Also in case you haven't already noticed, no one gives a shit.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: HardRice on July 29, 2012, 06:59:20 am
Do you know how to do anything but be a troll? How do you have the audacity to say anything when you are the one who quit a regiment because you were called out on being a troll? By every commanding officer at that.

The answer: Immaturity

If you really want to discuss NW drama, hit me up on steam and we'll have damn good time,

Oh, and

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Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Strider on July 29, 2012, 07:32:04 am
Great drama! I read through it all. Now everyone move along and get on with your lives. Peace out everybody!

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Muki on July 29, 2012, 07:34:48 am
lol good to see more LLJK members coming back into C-rpg
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on July 29, 2012, 08:39:54 am
Made good reading material for my dinner. Thank you!
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: spl00gedon on July 29, 2012, 09:25:25 am

It seems that Sword acted as a wedge and spread misinformation to anyone he came into contact with, regarding a clan that uses his own TeamSpeak. MrFistYoGirl, leader of the MM clan, verified my claims of Sword being the sole aggressor

Actually this is not quite the case.  I never verified Sword being anything.  If you remember correctly I had no idea what theory you were talking about when we chatted this afternoon.  Prior to today I had no idea there was any such drama.  I simply stated that Sword gave me no specifics on the issue.  I discussed moving teamspeaks with Eyebeat through private messages about a week ago so that there would be no confusion but I will reiterate it again.  The reason MM left into the new teamspeak is that it (sword's teamspeak) resembled nditions with regards to its social atmosphere.  Many players who were on at the time agreed it would be nice to share a teamspeak with other clans and a social North America channel section.  Both Sword and Eyebeat were exceptionally nice with regards to letting MM use their teamspeak channels and I have thanked them each several times and will continue to do so.  I respect everyone's views about one another however I do not agree or endorse the idea of publicly slandering one another.  I very much like Sword and EVERYONE in MM.  My final and most important note on the matter is this:

I am the Egg King, Lead Bleed of Fallopia. I am the leader of a clan (If you can even call it a clan. More like a community of friends who share interest in a common mod).  Some people may think of me as a poor leader fewer probably view me as a great one.  Whatever your view, keep this in mind.  My clan is called MENSTRUAL MONSOON, and I'm just chillin'.

Please do not publicly involve me in this any further. 

Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Darkkarma on July 29, 2012, 09:34:01 am
Ok, this is all much ado about nothing. Just to clear the air on MM's part. We switched teamspeaks because more than a  few of our guys had an issue with the way eyebeat acted when he came in and got drunk, which was pretty often. (Saying we were bad, talking to us about online drama,trying to suggest that we adopt recruitment policies and get our act together as an actual clan, etc.) While its true that we are all pretty fucking horrible, being serious is not and will never be what MM is about. Could we have discussed this with eyebeat? Sure. Could we have come to another solution aside from switching TS abruptly? Probably. Did we think all of this was worth the effort for a joke clan? Fuck no. On top of all of this, Sword's team speak is basically like one big social portal for other clans with already established teamspeaks and no teamspeaks alike to come together, hang out and just be cool to one another. In other words, there were multiple reasons behind our leaving. On top of us all being pretty non confrontational guys, none of us want to put that kind of effort into something so simple and easy going. Also, being that eyebeat was graceful and cool enough to let us use his ts as we saw fit, we didn't really feel that it was our place to tell him that we weren't seeing eye to eye.This has always been a laid back community for guys to just come together and play in our down time. Most of us don't even play before midnight with our ridiculous sleep schedules. Sword said nothing that we hadn't already been discussing when we decided to move team speaks.

On top of that, all of the leaders/members that actually check the forums were in mexico for the weekend in the midst of all of this so some guys probably had no idea what was going on. We'd told the other guys about it and that we were moving, but it seems that the message hadn't reached everyone. We had sword help tell everyone else where to go as well but that was it. There was no fucking conspiracy or elaborate web of lies on the part of Sword to lure MM into his teamspeak. Also, I know for a fact that sploodged never confirmed Rudy's thinking that sword was a wedge trying to discredit eyebeat. I can't really comment on any of the other interactions between you and Sword, Rudy, but I felt it appropriate to at least clear the air in the matters that involved us. Also, everything ive personally seen and heard of Sword has been nothing of positive, but I dont know him very well at all. Also, I quite enjoy his TS. It's like an NA Nditions, it just crashes alot.  :)
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: TurmoilTom on July 29, 2012, 10:02:40 am
Fun thread. 7.6/10.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: EyeBeat on July 29, 2012, 10:16:28 am
(Saying we were bad, talking to us about online drama,trying to suggest that we adopt recruitment policies and get our act together as an actual clan, etc.)

Um alright.  I always knew MM was a joke clan Darkkarma and embraced it.

I just play the game man.  Half the time when I am playing I am not on this TS.  I am mostly on a different vent that I frequent.

To be honest I thought I was just letting someone use it as I have already paid for it for LLJK. 

When I found out guys were leaving I was like "alright cool they want to be with a larger vent clan community".  Then in the CRPG chat I heard all these rumors flying around which astounded me as I am not that active in the TS.

So I tried to figure it out and got this.   :(

Either way it was nice having you guys and I apologise if I made any of you mad(I was not aware).  We had some good games of CRPG together not to mention also SMITE and LOL.  See you guys on the flip side.

It was good times.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Torben on July 29, 2012, 10:19:21 am
dude how the fuck can you have a gif with a man being overrun by a car.  fucking cruel.

Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: EyeBeat on July 29, 2012, 10:21:33 am
dude how the fuck can you have a gif with a man being overrun by a car.  fucking cruel.

I guess I am just an asshole.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 29, 2012, 02:26:56 pm
dude how the fuck can you have a gif with a man being overrun by a car.  fucking cruel.

He jumps on the car while it's standing still, the front glass shattered, i would be mad as fuck when someone jumps on the hood of my car. :P

Nothing cruel!
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Zisa on July 29, 2012, 03:06:37 pm
I guess I am just an asshole.
that's awesome!
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Kuujis on July 29, 2012, 03:13:45 pm
dude how the fuck can you have a gif with a man being overrun by a car.  fucking cruel.
Also - if there was an old granny behind the wheel and she got scared to hell and back by a guy hitting her windshield and she may have just panicked... Carma strikes back, nothing more.

On a side-note - good not-too-serious drama is good for a weekend.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Teeth on July 29, 2012, 03:16:33 pm
This thread has everything going for it to be a triple A drama thread. It has names, spelling errors due to emotional and hasty typing, clan vs clan drama and conspiracies. Sadly though, it's too long. By the time I've read it entirely I'm going to be all out of popcorn.

Tip for your next drama thread, keep the drama concentrated so everyone can enjoy it with minimal personal effort.

Happy to help.
Title: Re: A story of deciet, treachery, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Belatu on July 29, 2012, 03:17:35 pm
very nice story !

awesome for having my sandwich while reading
Title: Re: A story of deciet, trechary, and 12 year old's causing drama
Post by: Swaggart on July 29, 2012, 03:48:08 pm
Hahahah I literally laugh out loud every time, I love this image, its perfect

What makes it incredibly perfect is because its Michael Jackson and there's '12 year old' in the title.