I gave my toy cars to my cousin
This sounds like some serious 9/11 conspiracy stuff. CIA and Al-Qaida was obviously involved here.
And I was wondering when an NA dude will say his crap...thank you for not letting me down,son.
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panos pls
Also apparently we are banning people for signing up against their clanners and not showing up, so there is at least one person being banned from those screenshots.
Regardless, interesting EU drama thread.
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@Cooties,I sense butthurt so here compensate with this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS7nqwGt4-I
I`m ok with that,but with cheating and exploiting I`m not,some months ago chadz made a post that Harpag had 1000 warband cdkeys logged frop his IP,now that makes you wonder,if he did it once and he got away with it what is going to stop him from doing it again and again and again..
I saw people wasting tickets & equipment from the AI side,with the tolerance of Okin,who is a nord but he`s also an admin,there were times that the waste of tickets was so obvious that even a kid with a down syndrome would ban that fucking cunt,but okin did not because as he was saying "I CANT WATCH WHAT HE DOES,I`M HERE TO PLAY,TAKE SS",now people will call me crazy and whiner and that I`m seeing ghosts,but that`s the thing,A LOT of players kept spamming to okin about the wasting of tickets and materials and yet he did nothing....
Please let me en-light you with some screen shots.
cmp already addressed all your complaints about the Suno battle in your proxy thread, but I'll just reiterate for myself: I don't go around banning people when I have no way of knowing if they're doing anything wrong, or even any real reason to think they might be. Believe it or not, beer, I don't place quite enough trust in you to ban completely random people just because you tell me you don't like their score.
Now im not a fan of beer after the arsehole wiped my puny army on strat however, he was not the only person bringing guys to your attention. Should there surely not be a new rule for siege battles that state defenders should stay inside the walls, the majority of the people that beer has screenshotted tend to jump off the walls already reducing their hp by 3/4, they then foolishly charge into a mass of opponents without a hoping chance to get a hit in let alone a kill, that in itself is ticket wasting.
I usually do not participate in strat (because I find it boring most of the time). But I was in that fight the first time for half a year. And I have to say: The way beer does his accusations is maybe not the most intelligent one, but he has a point. He has screenshots to prove it. And even I as an outsider not involved in either party (or strategus) have to say there is something seriously wrong with the way this battle was done and with the way admins handle this problem.
With doing nothing and just putting it aside because its beer who made the accusations (and the way in which he did it) it is basically encouraged the way some clans behave. That can't be right, can it? Using faulty (and not really thought out it seems to me) game-mechanics to their advantage. People from one clan should not be allowed to join for the enemys team and wasting that obviously tickets and equipment.
And I was there to witness it. And nothing against admins. I'm normally quite content in them and in the mature, relaxed way they handle stuff. But there were admins in this battle and no one seemed to care that people were abusing the system. That does not really paint the prettiest picture.
Vicious you can keep repeating "wtf is this shits" but everyone knows that your 6th/7th/8th??? clan is full of shit :wink:
why people are so butthurr :D uif allows you to gain free xp from their battles by keeping strat alive.
just let them have their game, either don't play it or play it for lolz only. it just surprises me that after all those years people actually expect things to be different, especially since devs never really cared.
why people are so butthurr :D uif allows you to gain free xp from their battles by keeping strat alive.
That's what you get with Russians and Poles. Cheating is a central part of society there. The funny part is that a greek is pointing it out.
Sour grapes, Gnjus. Sad stuff.
No publicity is bad publicity. It doesn't matter what people say about you, as long as they're talking about you :wink:
That's what you get with Russians and Poles. Cheating is a central part of society there.
Okin just for you dude,you are a bastion of chivalry,defending your mighty allies with such a warm heart..
Just in case you forgot :wink:
Nonsense. Sour grapes for what ? Me sad ? Which one of us is more sad, me who spared a year of my life by staying away from such Strat where Admins standby and watch their Polish/Russian friends/donors (this one is obviously the key word) cheating/abusing the hell out of their own mod or you who actively participate in this dirty business but trying to convince yourself that there's nothing wrong with it and find every possible (or even impossible) excuse for all this bullshit ? I have my flaws but if there's anyone sad in this whole story its certainly not I. :wink:
This drama is hardly new, though. Ever since Strat 1 clans with devs/admins in them have been baselessly accused of all sorts of shit by whichever factions they were hostile with at the time. Every new war brings a new bunch of idiots. Whatever.
No, you're the sad one from saying this. And if you genuinely believe any of it, that makes it twice as unfortunate. I don't know why, but I kind of thought you were better than this, and knew me better as well. I guess I was wrong.
Every time i think pаnos is in his full retard mod he disproves me and posts something even more stupid than before.
olol, time to say inb4 panos muted
yeah i'll go donate 5€ maybe they'll mute you
yeah i'll go donate 5€ maybe they'll mute you
Mute me for what??
I didnt insult anyone,but on the other hand people keep insulting me.
But if I get muted/banned that will prove that I maybe right after all.
Insinuating the devs and admins are corrupt, taking real cash for benefits in game
Spamming the same image over and over
Being Pano s
I'll give you one last chance to stop with the constant trolling, provocation and chat abuse. If you don't you'll be permabanned again.
ahahahahahah :lol:(click to show/hide)
You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.
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olol, time to say inb4 panos muted
My opinion about you remains unchanged, I'm just sorry that you're being so over-protective to your clan and their "friends", almost as if you were brainwashed. If I didn't know you were a Finn I'd bet all I have that you're a Turk in real life. :P
Everytime I want to laugh I take a look at this...(click to show/hide)
Some months ago wookimonsta won a lot of loompoints because he donated more than 500 euros,who knows maybe greys donated a respectable amount of precious euros thats why they pretend that they own the mod.. :lol:
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginHe got banned not muted.
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You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.
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You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.
After not reading all this bullshit and accusations from side a to side b and back I still wonder:
Those screenys still DO have a point ( at least 1 person clearly singing up against their clan and multiple ppl wasting tckets of AI - both has been punished before ) So what happend with those guys?
This drama is hardly new, though. Ever since Strat 1 clans with devs/admins in them have been baselessly accused of all sorts of shit by whichever factions they were hostile with at the time. Every new war brings a new bunch of idiots. Whatever.
Hum, what ?
I'm sorry, but Nords is the only clan so far that has so much "trouble".
Even Guards, who had dear nuffen as an admin, and has now only 2 active admins since Lansamur quit, was never treated badly. Makes you wonder why Nords get so much hate, even though they have so many lovable players (<3 koldborn, Gurni, Tor, jiwiw, Cooties, etc...).
Also, regarding the topic, i'd like to know what "sentence" most of the people highlighted by beer screenshot's will get. Like the 3 STR who didn't even bother showing up in the AI side, etc... If it's hard to check all people k/d ratio, then just DONT ALLOW players having alliance with the arracker to play for defenders. Simplest solution.
Because if we allow all this "i was hired by the village because he was faster, but i applied for both, not my fault. Also, i wasn't in good condition that day", then it won't be long before we see some great strategus battles :
UNION attacking AI castle
roster Union : grey grey STR STR DRUZHINA...
roster AI : grey grey STR STR DRUZHINA...
Also, admins should take their "no-pay-job-in-free-time" seriously. It's common knowledge that "things" are done in strategus battle, so if one has the time, he should spectate it to notice griefers, instead of "always playing". It's pretty frustrating knowing there's an "admin" online, but that he's actually a "player". And that brings us back to the old "we need more admins".
Finally, beer's way of showing cheaters is wrong. But it doesn't change the fact that real cheaters got it easier than trolls.
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You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.
Anyway, fuck strategus, nothing is going to happen about this, lets play stronghold kingdoms or check out some new awesome games like Endless space, less cheating, less abusing, more fun!Endless Space is really not awesome.
Hum, what ?
I'm sorry, but Nords is the only clan so far that has so much "trouble". Makes you wonder why Nords get so much hate, even though they have so many lovable players (<3 koldborn, Gurni, Tor, jiwiw, Cooties, etc...).
Chances are Guards got off easy because they never did anything particularly noteworthy, and thus avoided making any enemies.
I merc'd for kapikulu once and they had 4-5 people sign up on the AI side and then never show up. Okin came in (I believe it was Okin) and ended the battle at the start and said kapikulu automatically lost and forfeited everything they had on that army and lost their troops. And the people that signed up and didn't show were banned.
I merc'd for kapikulu once and they had 4-5 people sign up on the AI side and then never show up. Okin came in (I believe it was Okin) and ended the battle at the start and said kapikulu automatically lost and forfeited everything they had on that army and lost their troops. And the people that signed up and didn't show were banned.
And I'm supposed to take that "makes you wonder" line lying down? Go jump in a lake, Leshma. :rolleyes:
Things being shown in this thread are obvious.
So far, nobody who should ve done something about it (e.g. admin(s)) denied, that something really really wrong happened there.
In other words:
There is an occasional, selective and opportunistic behaviour towards banworthy behaviour.
If anyone had doubts that Greys and Druzhina are evil factions, now they can be sure of that. You're perfect example that being near evil corrupts.
You're mistaking increasing disillusionment for corruption. Lots of folks I previously thought well of or hadn't noticed much are showing entirely new sides of themselves. But I guess that's all I have to say on the matter.
You're mistaking increasing disillusionment for corruption. Lots of folks I previously thought well of or hadn't noticed much are showing entirely new sides of themselves. But I guess that's all I have to say on the matter.
Oh and blanketban Russia and Poland from strat, they ruined it.
With all the back and forth going on I think it's time the developers and admins showed again that they are serious about Strat.I think they made great job allready when they made it so u cant craft/recruit if u dont play crpg. And they also lowered equip prices there to get more battles, so i think theyr progressing with it, its slow, but hey theyr working on it for free.
A vote of confidence from them is all most questionable people would need to defer from cheating and encourage the good minded ones to pay attention to Strat again.
You're either ignorant of the matter or have a highly selective memory. Chances are Guards got off easy because they never did anything particularly noteworthy, and thus avoided making any enemies.
First, yes, i have a selective memory.^^
Second, yes, probably Guards got off easily because no one cares about us. It's not like we're one of the oldest clan still alive, nor that we participated in the Pub Crawl to end strat 1, nor that we are merchants in Strat thus have only bandits as ennemy, nor that Guard_Tristan organized the first and only mega battle wich brought together a lot of players. No, it's obviously because we're insignificant insects that never did anything particularly noteworthy.
I'm sorry about the "makes us wonder why", if it offended you. I'll edit it if you want me to. But i found it pretty cheap to throw away some accusation (most of wich are stupid, that much i agree), stating that ALL admin clans always had problems. That it's just "normal" that Nords also face those problems.
Lets add some more fuel to the DRZ abuse fire, shall we?(click to show/hide)
Take it as you will.
what about that, okin? Shouldn't you look at that?
(of course, alot of those deaths were from wall jumping, but -2 and 44....fuk even with 150-170 ping i don't do THAT bad.)
Lets add some more fuel to the DRZ abuse fire, shall we?(click to show/hide)
Take it as you will.
what about that, okin? Shouldn't you look at that?
(of course, alot of those deaths were from wall jumping, but -2 and 44....fuk even with 150-170 ping i don't do THAT bad.)
Do you realize that DRZ supplied that castle with 2k troops and cash to buy gear in order to prevent the Templars from capturing it?
Endless Space is really not awesome.
And no, no i didn't. Nor do I care
what about that, okin? Shouldn't you look at that?Do you realize that DRZ supplied that castle with 2k troops and cash to buy gear in order to prevent the Templars from capturing it?
(of course, alot of those deaths were from wall jumping, but -2 and 44....fuk even with 150-170 ping i don't do THAT bad.)
Lots of folks I previously thought well of or hadn't noticed much are showing entirely new sides of themselves.
As Crymoar already said: these things tend to work both ways. If this "new side" of ours which wants to play a Strategy game based on anything other then cheating and abusing the system means that we're tards & imbeciles in your eyes - so be it.(click to show/hide)
Of course not v/onMega, but if you are going to accuse people, you need credibility, which you loose if you behave like beer did, ingame.
Okin was the first one to point out that the pics posted had real infringements in them, and it IS a problem that people sign up and waste tickets, and it should be punished. Obviously we need a bigger admin presence, but in the end, it will come down to clans policing there own members.
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And What if a Pancake is a paranoic person and Harmy old friend didn't commit that murder? Pancake is spreading bullshit around so there must be something done about it. I'm sure if Harmy old friend really commited the murder he would be sentenced to death penalty and Pancake would become a hero of justice.
Obviously we need a bigger admin presence, but in the end, it will come down to clans policing there own members.Yes , because Grey Order has always been known for urging their members to play fairly and be good sports, let's put our faith in that!
Oh someone tell us the real reason! Gnjus share!
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Your efforts are commendable Salvador but I'm afraid its a mentality problem, not the clan discipline. There is 600 clans around here and none has similar issues except the Poles. We all know the notorious reputation of their online gaming community, not only in Warband but in various other games as well and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Asking the Poles to play their games in a fair manner is like asking Russians not to drink vodka ever again. Mission impossible, even for Tom Cruise or Chuck Norris.You offend people Gnjus.
You offend people Gnjus.
Your efforts are commendable Salvador but I'm afraid its a mentality problem, not the clan discipline. There is 600 clans around here and none has similar issues except the Poles. We all know the notorious reputation of their online gaming community, not only in Warband but in various other games as well and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Asking the Poles to play their games in a fair manner is like asking Russians not to drink vodka ever again. Mission impossible, even for Tom Cruise or Chuck Norris.I'm afraid you are right. Back to my first proposal, blanket ban Russia and Poland or give them their own strat, so the rest of us can play a strategy game, laugh, roleplay and be good sports. I wasn't there but it seemed like everyone had a real good time in strat 1, but then the Russians came.
You offend people Gnjus.
I think i remember this aswell:
Same story: Kapikullu signed up for enemy side but instead of nothing happening ( like here) an admin came online and made all attackers leave so they automaticly lost " due to abuse".
And i remember ppl getting kicked from stratbattles for various reasons after defenders told admins stuff like:"he opens the gate and supports attackers" or " he intentional dies to waste tickets"- this didnt happen here either.
Also ppl have been punished for signing up against their clan to fill AI slots.
All this is kind of the same that happend here but this time nothing seams to happen and everyone just trolls around beer here.
I normaly aint a big beer fan myself - no offence but I have seen him delaying rounds way to often ;) - but here he has a point. Which is constantly being ignored while ppl either troll the thread or discuss about how admin-clans are accused of stuff and how des do/dont deserve that. And even the admins that DO visit and read this post dont actually say anything to the original topic.
http://i.imgur.com/6ub5A.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/6ub5A.jpg)
What about non-grey who fucked up during that battle? ban them all
Templar_Guy 5-22... Guy is a good player and I know it and he had 5-22
and greys had 6-19 and 1-14
You are mad because you lose and you hate eastern Europe lol
"Hey guys, let's assume the devs are not going to do anything about this, despite them not having said anything yet, and let's start criticizing them for it. It is obvious that there is something fishy going on here, starting with the completely unwarranted ban on Panos. He was a respectable member of the community, a pillar of honesty and integrity, who got silenced because he tried to reveal the conspiracy surrounding the Nord admin clan. Just look at how much hate that clan receives: it's true that most of it comes from one guy and his buddies, but nonetheless it must mean something.
Moreover, we need someone to blame, some who's in it knee deep. There's this guy, okiN - he might have a reputation of being a fair and unbiased admin, but in reality he's just a fraud. He showed his true colors during the battle for Suno, when he refused to act on Panos' word, which totally didn't turn out to be utter bullshit (http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php/topic,35679.msg541028.html#msg541028). This dark lord and puppet master of the evil alliance must be stopped, at all costs."
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