cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:54:20 am

Title: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:54:20 am
You know,we have a Greek saying that I`m going to free translate it in English

"The whole world knows it,but he`s proud that he can hide it"

We all know that Nord,STR,T,DRZ,Grey and Barlas are one big happy family (allies)

I`m ok with that,but with cheating and exploiting I`m not,some months ago chadz made a post that Harpag had 1000 warband cdkeys logged frop his IP,now that makes you wonder,if he did it once and he got away with it what is going to stop him from doing it again and again and again..

The last couple of days I had the misfortune to participate in some sieges against DRZ and they Greys,what I witnessed really shocked,and trust me I don`t get shocked pretty easily..

I saw people wasting tickets & equipment from the AI side,with the tolerance of Okin,who is a nord but he`s also an admin,there were times that the waste of tickets was so obvious that even a kid with a down syndrome would ban that fucking cunt,but okin did not because as he was saying "I CANT WATCH WHAT HE DOES,I`M HERE TO PLAY,TAKE SS",now people will call me crazy and whiner and that I`m seeing ghosts,but that`s the thing,A LOT of players kept spamming to okin about the wasting of tickets and materials and yet he did nothing....

Please let me en-light you with some screen shots.

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Makes you wonder...really it does  :wink:


Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Kafein on July 13, 2012, 02:58:29 am
I gave my toy cars to my cousin
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Casimir on July 13, 2012, 02:58:48 am
I gave my toy cars to my cousin

i concur
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:58:59 am
I know that this will vanish in all of a sudden


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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Christo on July 13, 2012, 02:59:10 am
Please, spoiler the pictures.

Thank you



no, u
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: XyNox on July 13, 2012, 03:07:14 am
This sounds like some serious 9/11 conspiracy stuff. CIA and Al-Qaida was obviously involved here.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: HardRice on July 13, 2012, 03:08:24 am
So.... A few UIF members suck and some are good? I dont git it.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 03:09:14 am
This sounds like some serious 9/11 conspiracy stuff. CIA and Al-Qaida was obviously involved here.

And I was wondering when an NA dude will say his crap...thank you for not letting me down,son.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: XyNox on July 13, 2012, 03:10:30 am
And I was wondering when an NA dude will say his crap...thank you for not letting me down,son.

Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Jarlek on July 13, 2012, 03:19:51 am
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Rhaelys on July 13, 2012, 03:31:02 am
EU Drama:,35834.0.html

NA Drama:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lizard_man on July 13, 2012, 03:32:06 am
Good post, now watch it fade away like all the other topics on similar subjects...
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on July 13, 2012, 05:07:37 am
Yeah, we def gotta nerf cav. I'm done w/ the bullshit.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Everkistus on July 13, 2012, 05:50:19 am
Panos pls.

Carebears gonna carebear.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Araxiel on July 13, 2012, 06:38:47 am
Thats how Union, Druzhina and Grey Order play strat. They are ally with each other and join to AI defenders to help attackers by griefing and doing similiar stuff.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Bobthehero on July 13, 2012, 06:50:41 am
And this is why FCC left Strat (whatever that is).
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vibe on July 13, 2012, 08:08:55 am
Lol at that Windows skin, what fuck of an abomination is that
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: n1emys on July 13, 2012, 08:24:49 am
nerf archers
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: autobus on July 13, 2012, 08:26:43 am
buff catapults
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Idzo on July 13, 2012, 08:59:32 am
Fm Jam!
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Paul on July 13, 2012, 09:00:09 am
panos pls
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Idzo on July 13, 2012, 09:02:03 am
panos pls

It's Okins fault...  he told him to take ss...
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Dexxtaa on July 13, 2012, 09:07:29 am
All things considered and trolling aside, those are some pretty compelling screenshots. I was expecting people to try to derail this thread as I was looking over the screen shots and wasn't disappointed.

The fact of the matter remains that these screenshots are almost condemning, in my opinion. No one is that bad and is in a clan. You have to try to be that bad.

edit: That last sentence was unintentional, but fitting all the same.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 13, 2012, 09:08:57 am
Also apparently we are banning people for signing up against their clanners and not showing up, so there is at least one person being banned from those screenshots.

Regardless, interesting EU drama thread.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Dexxtaa on July 13, 2012, 09:10:22 am
Also apparently we are banning people for signing up against their clanners and not showing up, so there is at least one person being banned from those screenshots.

Regardless, interesting EU drama thread.

Yeah, whatever Jesus here said.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: BlameMeForTheNoise on July 13, 2012, 09:29:01 am
I usually do not participate in strat (because I find it boring most of the time). But I was in that fight the first time for half a year. And I have to say: The way beer does his accusations is maybe not the most intelligent one, but he has a point. He has screenshots to prove it. And even I as an outsider not involved in either party (or strategus) have to say there is something seriously wrong with the way this battle was done and with the way admins handle this problem.

With doing nothing and just putting it aside because its beer who made the accusations (and the way in which he did it) it is basically encouraged the way some clans behave. That can't be right, can it? Using faulty (and not really thought out it seems to me) game-mechanics to their advantage. People from one clan should not be allowed to join for the enemys team and wasting that obviously tickets and equipment.
And I was there to witness it. And nothing against admins. I'm normally quite content in them and in the mature, relaxed way they handle stuff. But there were admins in this battle and no one seemed to care that people were abusing the system. That does not really paint the prettiest picture.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 09:36:51 am
Even tho I was out of it I'd still like to use this opportunity and congratulate our Polish/Russian/Scandinavian friends on winning this round of Strategos, with high hopes that they will perform so good in the next round of it as well.

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: BlameMeForTheNoise on July 13, 2012, 09:42:44 am
Sure its all fun and games until someone uses the same faulty mechanics against you...
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: bosco on July 13, 2012, 09:43:19 am
Haradrims managed to get K/Ds such as -1/60 as AI defenders before, but back then the response was 'Maybe they are just that bad?'. :lol:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Harpag on July 13, 2012, 09:46:09 am
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L.A. Confidential - very good movie  :wink:
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Tanken on July 13, 2012, 09:54:23 am
This was a good read, kinda fishy.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Ptolemy on July 13, 2012, 10:24:26 am
I would say blatant, personally. And since ninjas already won strat by literally marking the map, I have no vested interest either way.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Nessaj on July 13, 2012, 10:29:44 am
The best advice I can give (
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 11:07:16 am
To those who insult me or trying to say a fancy quote just to fish some +, all I have to say is that I feel sorry for you,if you want to play with those cheaters it`s your choice dudes,but I don`t like playing with cheaters and those goddamn pricks are the reason that a lot of players don`t play strategus anymore,and what makes it even worse is that admins actually tolerate this kind of actions..

I have been banned for everything,leeching,tking,ta,trolling and griefing but never for cheating,I have played like 6 multiplayer games in my life and there was not a single time that I cheated,because cheating is the only REAL way to destroy some one else`s game session..

@ roflhefell,I call a bad player someone who has a score like 10-25~ not -1 47,if you can`t see that this is intentional then I feel sorry for your parents.

@ CHOPPAAA  Kistus,I know that you don`t care about active cheating,why should you,you are not an admin or anything..

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@ Vibe I made this skin with my little knowledge of programming I have,to you it may see bad but for me it`s perfect  :wink:

@Little Paullie,yeah man I to be honest I wasn`t expecting a serious answer from butthurt people  :lol:

@Harpag,Yeah its a fine movie,talking all about corruption in the system and shit,but in the end some people are there to destroy those corrupted fuckers  :wink:

@Cooties,I sense butthurt so here compensate with this :
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 13, 2012, 11:46:41 am
@Cooties,I sense butthurt so here compensate with this :

lawl, is this alexthedragon?
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 11:47:24 am
Oh, you were so proud of this that you had to post it in two places?

Anyway, I'll re-use my reply as well:

I`m ok with that,but with cheating and exploiting I`m not,some months ago chadz made a post that Harpag had 1000 warband cdkeys logged frop his IP,now that makes you wonder,if he did it once and he got away with it what is going to stop him from doing it again and again and again..

The same thing that revealed that behavior in the first place.

I saw people wasting tickets & equipment from the AI side,with the tolerance of Okin,who is a nord but he`s also an admin,there were times that the waste of tickets was so obvious that even a kid with a down syndrome would ban that fucking cunt,but okin did not because as he was saying "I CANT WATCH WHAT HE DOES,I`M HERE TO PLAY,TAKE SS",now people will call me crazy and whiner and that I`m seeing ghosts,but that`s the thing,A LOT of players kept spamming to okin about the wasting of tickets and materials and yet he did nothing....

cmp already addressed all your complaints about the Suno battle in your proxy thread, but I'll just reiterate for myself: I don't go around banning people when I have no way of knowing if they're doing anything wrong, or even any real reason to think they might be. Believe it or not, Panos, I don't place quite enough trust in you to ban completely random people just because you tell me you don't like their score.

Please let me en-light you with some screen shots.

Good, this is what you should have been doing in the first place, only without all the stupid bullshit.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Nessaj on July 13, 2012, 11:49:18 am
You seem quite obsessed with butts, do you have this magic ability to sense when they're hurting?

Where were you when I ate that bad kebab...

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Paul on July 13, 2012, 11:51:15 am
I'm confus. Why am I getting acussed of being butthurt when the OP himself celebrates the royal pain in his own behind with this very thread? Maybe I'm blinded by my rage though.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vibe on July 13, 2012, 11:56:41 am
It's a classic Panos thread. Example:,35251.0.html

Posts loads of QQ in opening post then at the end adds "let the QQ begin"

... I don't even
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Leshma on July 13, 2012, 12:06:24 pm
Main problems with Strategus are:

1) it's full of bugs and exploitable
2) majority of players (those who are "winning" in strategus) are cheaters by nature
3) banning them isn't an option because Strategus would die out in that case

So, it's either play it by their rules or don't play it all. chadz will never ban Grey Order, Druzhina and the rest because we are small community and they are large part of it. But that doesn't change the fact that those people probably were IP banned in pretty much every bigger online game they've played because it's in their nature to cheat and exploit.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on July 13, 2012, 12:08:08 pm

cmp already addressed all your complaints about the Suno battle in your proxy thread, but I'll just reiterate for myself: I don't go around banning people when I have no way of knowing if they're doing anything wrong, or even any real reason to think they might be. Believe it or not, beer, I don't place quite enough trust in you to ban completely random people just because you tell me you don't like their score.

Now im not a fan of beer after the arsehole wiped my puny army on strat however, he was not the only person bringing guys to your attention. Should there surely not be a new rule for siege battles that state defenders should stay inside the walls, the majority of the people that beer has screenshotted tend to jump off the walls already reducing their hp by 3/4, they then foolishly charge into a mass of opponents without a hoping chance to get a hit in let alone a kill, that in itself is ticket wasting.

Yet to beer some of those guys you have highlighted are not recurring 'bad players' we all have bad days and good days, yesterdays Hrus Castle siege was shit for me, i stayed on the wall and went something like 13-22, not a great score no, yet the evidence for several others as Dexxta said is rather condeming.

Either be harsh and prevent these guys from playing on strat (the obvious ticket wasters) or implement a stricter rule set, leading to temporary bans instead of permanent ones to prevent them playing further in that battle
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Paul on July 13, 2012, 12:10:10 pm
Haha, at least Leshma is here to lighten me up. I'm a bit afraid though that he is not just trollin' around. I mean I thought Panos is just a masterful troll before I learned that he is actually serious about the most retarded stuff. I fear it might be the same with Leshma.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 12:15:02 pm
Damn,I knew something wasnt right when my mom told me that my dad is also my uncle..

And Vibe,telling the truth aint butthurt at all dude,but if that`s what you think be my guest,I don`t care at all..

Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 12:15:25 pm
Now im not a fan of beer after the arsehole wiped my puny army on strat however, he was not the only person bringing guys to your attention. Should there surely not be a new rule for siege battles that state defenders should stay inside the walls, the majority of the people that beer has screenshotted tend to jump off the walls already reducing their hp by 3/4, they then foolishly charge into a mass of opponents without a hoping chance to get a hit in let alone a kill, that in itself is ticket wasting.

Yeah, he wasn't the only one who kept bleating on about it, and I'll not soon forget some of the things a few of those people said about me. I do love how Strat always brings out the best in people.

However, the rules aren't set on the fly by show of hands. The AI hiring system is what it is, it's not my business to punish people for playing badly. In that particular battle, all I saw was an absurd amount of rage and whine, and no real wrongdoing. Simple as that.

Some of these screenshots might be different, though. We'll see what cmp says about it.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vicious666 on July 13, 2012, 12:19:06 pm
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and in conclusion
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gimest on July 13, 2012, 12:35:07 pm
I usually do not participate in strat (because I find it boring most of the time). But I was in that fight the first time for half a year. And I have to say: The way beer does his accusations is maybe not the most intelligent one, but he has a point. He has screenshots to prove it. And even I as an outsider not involved in either party (or strategus) have to say there is something seriously wrong with the way this battle was done and with the way admins handle this problem.

With doing nothing and just putting it aside because its beer who made the accusations (and the way in which he did it) it is basically encouraged the way some clans behave. That can't be right, can it? Using faulty (and not really thought out it seems to me) game-mechanics to their advantage. People from one clan should not be allowed to join for the enemys team and wasting that obviously tickets and equipment.
And I was there to witness it. And nothing against admins. I'm normally quite content in them and in the mature, relaxed way they handle stuff. But there were admins in this battle and no one seemed to care that people were abusing the system. That does not really paint the prettiest picture.

And when ppl see this kinda shit and nothing is happening, no wonder so many groups have abandoned strat :/ These kinda things are killing it for most ppl damit!
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 12:42:20 pm
Vicious you can keep repeating "wtf is this shits" but everyone knows that your clan is full of shit  :wink:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: polkafranzi on July 13, 2012, 01:26:05 pm
Vicious you can keep repeating "wtf is this shits" but everyone knows that your 6th/7th/8th??? clan is full of shit  :wink:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Beauchamp on July 13, 2012, 01:35:58 pm
what i understood after a year was that this shit is better to be left for the people that have guts for it. just let them have their game, either don't play it or play it for lolz only. it just surprises me that after all those years people actually expect things to be different, especially since devs never really cared.

but who cares, they probably didn't have enough time or they took to big piece of work, now they make some space game instead so why to be even worried?

i only suggest one improvement for the next strat - let (former) UIF have all the fiefs since beginning.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 13, 2012, 01:39:12 pm
why people are so butthurr :D uif allows you to gain free xp from their battles by keeping strat alive.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vibe on July 13, 2012, 01:42:11 pm
I have deduced that for crafters strat is a Facebook game, login once per day, click two buttons, logout. Also the more friends you have the better you are. Might as well be plowing them fields in farmville.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 01:43:57 pm
why people are so butthurr :D uif allows you to gain free xp from their battles by keeping strat alive.

Tavuk,u know that I like you bashi guys,but now you are just being a fool..

I don`t want to play with cheaters,is it so hard to understand it??

And in case some people don`t believe that Barlas are allied with druzhina here you are...

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I guess it gonna be a tough siege after all  :lol:

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 01:47:06 pm
just let them have their game, either don't play it or play it for lolz only. it just surprises me that after all those years people actually expect things to be different, especially since devs never really cared.

Playing for the lolz is the only way you can play it but it's hard to control your emotions because people expected a lot out of this project, it has tons of potential if handled in a right way but having Poles/Russians playing it in their own trademark ways under the blessing of an Admin Clan (who, coincidentally, happen to be their in-game allies) doesn't really help the cause.

A good part of "normal" players (those who refuse the traditional Polish/Russian/Nord ways oh handling things in an online game) are still here only for one single reason: they have hope. Hope that Strategos will be what it could/should be. Its true that lady Hope usually dies last and when she's down all these people will be out. Preserving that hope tho, after all these "minor issues" (as our dear Vikings like to call 'em) is a real challenge.

why people are so butthurr :D uif allows you to gain free xp from their battles by keeping strat alive.

They can shove that "lively" Strat up their hairy-cheating-penetrated-assholes and enjoy their glorious virtual victory, brought to them by their ingenious masterful tacticians.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 01:56:03 pm
Sour grapes, Gnjus. Sad stuff.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 01:56:56 pm
Okin just for you dude,you are a bastion of chivalry,defending your mighty allies with such a warm heart..,18528.0.html

Just in case you forgot  :wink:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: LordBerenger on July 13, 2012, 01:58:54 pm
Daily Communist Drama.

Go teach those kids living in the Meccah of Hacking a lesson or two Panononos.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Thomek on July 13, 2012, 01:59:06 pm
That's what you get with Russians and Poles. Cheating is a central part of society there. The funny part is that a greek is pointing it out.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vibe on July 13, 2012, 02:00:08 pm
That's what you get with Russians and Poles. Cheating is a central part of society there. The funny part is that a greek is pointing it out.

Now I'm not talking specificaly about Greys or Drz but I've seen this to be true in several online games.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 02:01:05 pm
Sour grapes, Gnjus. Sad stuff.

Nonsense. Sour grapes for what ? Me sad ? Which one of us is more sad, me who spared a year of my life by staying away from such Strat where Admins standby and watch their Polish/Russian friends/donors (this one is obviously the key word) cheating/abusing the hell out of their own mod or you who actively participate in this dirty business but trying to convince yourself that there's nothing wrong with it and find every possible (or even impossible) excuse for all this bullshit ? I have my flaws but if there's anyone sad in this whole story its certainly not I.  :wink:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Kalp on July 13, 2012, 02:02:05 pm
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Harpag on July 13, 2012, 02:03:28 pm
No publicity is bad publicity. It doesn't matter what people say about you, as long as they're talking about you  :wink:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:08:02 pm
No publicity is bad publicity. It doesn't matter what people say about you, as long as they're talking about you  :wink:

Trying to be a smart ass shows one thing,that you don`t have anything to say regarding my accusations against you and your shit clan.

Everytime I want to laugh I take a look at this... visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Some months ago wookimonsta won a lot of loompoints because he donated more than 500 euros,who knows maybe greys donated a respectable amount of precious euros thats why they pretend that they own the mod.. :lol:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: BlindGuy on July 13, 2012, 02:09:08 pm
That's what you get with Russians and Poles. Cheating is a central part of society there.

Is it still rascist when it's an accurate statement?
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 02:12:38 pm
Okin just for you dude,you are a bastion of chivalry,defending your mighty allies with such a warm heart..,18528.0.html

Just in case you forgot  :wink:

Only thing I'm defending is decency and reason. I haven't forgotten anything, but since chadz decided to let that pass with a warning (FYI the Greys were hardly the only ones doing it at the time, though it was the most blatant case), it's not particularly relevant anymore. Personally, I'm all in favor of banning anyone who applies against his own faction or an allied one and doesn't show up, or shows up and demonstrably griefs. That's not the same thing as banning them according to your whims.

Nonsense. Sour grapes for what ? Me sad ? Which one of us is more sad, me who spared a year of my life by staying away from such Strat where Admins standby and watch their Polish/Russian friends/donors (this one is obviously the key word) cheating/abusing the hell out of their own mod or you who actively participate in this dirty business but trying to convince yourself that there's nothing wrong with it and find every possible (or even impossible) excuse for all this bullshit ? I have my flaws but if there's anyone sad in this whole story its certainly not I.  :wink:

No, you're the sad one from saying this. And if you genuinely believe any of it, that makes it twice as unfortunate. I don't know why, but I kind of thought you were better than this, and knew me better as well. I guess I was wrong.

This drama is hardly new, though. Ever since Strat 1 clans with devs/admins in them have been baselessly accused of all sorts of shit by whichever factions they were hostile with at the time. Every new war brings a new bunch of idiots. Whatever.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 13, 2012, 02:14:00 pm
I had a score like that on my first strat battle, a little worse...., it was on NA3, i am EU, each time I entered the fight, walking to it wasnt that bad.. But as soon as I came close to the clusterfuck I either walked off the ledge of the wall because of massive lagspikes that, on my screen, teleported me like 10 meters... I played this bad with lag so bad that I couldn't even control my character... So you will have to be véry bad in order to get some of those scores if you don't have massive lag.. Meh but not really my business :P
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:17:28 pm

This drama is hardly new, though. Ever since Strat 1 clans with devs/admins in them have been baselessly accused of all sorts of shit by whichever factions they were hostile with at the time. Every new war brings a new bunch of idiots. Whatever.

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: BlindGuy on July 13, 2012, 02:17:41 pm
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DirectX 7
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: autobus on July 13, 2012, 02:21:21 pm
Every time i think pаnos is in his full retard mod he disproves me and posts something even more stupid than before.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 02:23:17 pm
No, you're the sad one from saying this. And if you genuinely believe any of it, that makes it twice as unfortunate. I don't know why, but I kind of thought you were better than this, and knew me better as well. I guess I was wrong.

Well I recon we're in a classic stalemate situation here, each one of us sticking to his own beliefs and not taking a single step backwards. Only time will tell who was right and who was wrong. old friendiKVVt8

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:26:14 pm
Every time i think pаnos is in his full retard mod he disproves me and posts something even more stupid than before.

As I said to harpag,your attack on me proves me that you don`t have anything to say regarding my accusations.But in any case a gift from me to you..

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My my,I sure made a lot of "new" friends  :lol:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vibe on July 13, 2012, 02:27:38 pm
olol, time to say inb4 panos muted
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:28:47 pm
olol, time to say inb4 panos muted

Mute me for what??

I didnt insult anyone,but on the other hand people keep insulting me.

But if I get muted/banned that will prove that I maybe right after all.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vibe on July 13, 2012, 02:29:35 pm
yeah i'll go donate 5€ maybe they'll mute you
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 02:31:04 pm
yeah i'll go donate 5€ maybe they'll mute you

It works only if you made those 5 Euros by selling your MW items for real money. Just ask the Comrades.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:31:43 pm
yeah i'll go donate 5€ maybe they'll mute you

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Grumbs on July 13, 2012, 02:34:04 pm
Mute me for what??

I didnt insult anyone,but on the other hand people keep insulting me.

But if I get muted/banned that will prove that I maybe right after all.

Insinuating the devs and admins are corrupt, taking real cash for benefits in game
Spamming the same image over and over
Being Pano s
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 02:35:34 pm
Diversity Pancake, this mod lacks diversity:

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 13, 2012, 02:36:28 pm
Insinuating the devs and admins are corrupt, taking real cash for benefits in game
Spamming the same image over and over
Being Pano s

Well in that case

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you can all share it,I know the butthurt is hard to manage but in time you`ll learn to live with it.

Ask rufio and Herkutatti,they know. :lol:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: cmp on July 13, 2012, 02:39:29 pm
I'll give you one last chance to stop with the constant trolling, provocation and chat abuse. If you don't you'll be permabanned again.

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You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lizard_man on July 13, 2012, 02:41:50 pm
You banned Panos, for what? posting a few pictures. Pull your finger out of your arse and ban the people that deserve it... :mad:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: HarunYahya on July 13, 2012, 02:42:21 pm
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You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.
ahahahahahah  :lol:
Aaah man again ?...
so it is time to bring old pictures back...
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: LordBerenger on July 13, 2012, 02:45:26 pm
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vibe on July 13, 2012, 02:45:52 pm
olol, time to say inb4 panos muted

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 02:47:09 pm
My opinion about you remains unchanged, I'm just sorry that you're being so over-protective to your clan and their "friends", almost as if you were brainwashed. If I didn't know you were a Finn I'd bet all I have that you're a Turk in real life.  :P

I wouldn't say it's being overprotective of my clan to respond when they're being slandered with bullshit allegations at every turn. As for our allies, I'm not interested in protecting them, if anything I'm protecting my own integrity by not giving in to pressure that goes against my principles as an admin. I've banned my share of players from UIF clans, both before and after we were working together on Strat. I won't think twice about doing it again if I think there's a proper reason, and the same goes for members of my own clan. If there's any new evidence of widespread cheating by any Strat faction, I'll be the first to call for harsh consequences -- which I did in the case of the Greys, it might interest you to know. chadz decided to give them a second chance, so here we all are. As far as I know they haven't done it again.

Our clan was forced into its current Strategus situation by the actions of the factions your clan supports. We've seen many sour grapes indeed as a result of their failed attempts to ingratiate themselves with UIF earlier in the round, and their subsequent downfall. As for us, we've been playing the game fairly and on our own terms the whole while, and we have no regrets about any of it. The same was true in earlier rounds, when we weren't on the winning side. I think it's too bad more people can't have that attitude.

I keep my clan's Strat politics separate from my admining. The same is true of the devs, and any admin in any clan who's worth a damn. If some people can't accept that, it can't be helped.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Vibe on July 13, 2012, 02:49:44 pm
Everytime I want to laugh I take a look at this...
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Some months ago wookimonsta won a lot of loompoints because he donated more than 500 euros,who knows maybe greys donated a respectable amount of precious euros thats why they pretend that they own the mod.. :lol:

Proof that donors really are cheaters: !!!!

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: HarunYahya on July 13, 2012, 02:50:21 pm
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He got banned not muted.
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 03:03:03 pm
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You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.

This is how people usually hide their incompetence. Same case as with the Nocti situation - the problem is not Pancake (or Nocti or anyone else) himself, its the fact that he's "revealing" something that should be revealed by you, he's doing your job instead of you and that fact hurts more then a thousand trolling pictures/insults/whatever. I agree that he's not a Saint and that he often crosses the line in some things but even you have to realize that despite all his trolling (which is a part of his personality and makes him kinda unique, even if some consider him a tard but at least his not a blend empty person like some folks around here) he tried to make this mod a better gaming experience by giving at least SOME serious contribution no matter how clumsy his writing is (and I'm not talking about these ban request only, they're the least that matters here).
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: bosco on July 13, 2012, 03:04:28 pm
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Leshma on July 13, 2012, 03:06:46 pm
Grey and Druzhina cheating isn't disappointing, I knew that since I first saw them in cRPG.

True disappointment was transformation from Arthas to Lich King. That can't be undone I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: MrShine on July 13, 2012, 03:08:29 pm
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Ganner on July 13, 2012, 03:15:08 pm
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You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.


Enjoy some Gyros and beer in your new found free time!
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Mike_of_Kingswell on July 13, 2012, 03:34:38 pm
After not reading all this bullshit and accusations from side a to side b and back I still wonder:

Those screenys still DO have a point ( at least 1 person clearly singing up against their clan and multiple ppl wasting tckets of AI - both has been punished before ) So what happend with those guys?
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on July 13, 2012, 03:36:32 pm
After not reading all this bullshit and accusations from side a to side b and back I still wonder:

Those screenys still DO have a point ( at least 1 person clearly singing up against their clan and multiple ppl wasting tckets of AI - both has been punished before ) So what happend with those guys?

AFAIK nothing
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: bosco on July 13, 2012, 03:36:44 pm
The messenger has been shot. :wink:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Bulzur on July 13, 2012, 03:47:30 pm
This drama is hardly new, though. Ever since Strat 1 clans with devs/admins in them have been baselessly accused of all sorts of shit by whichever factions they were hostile with at the time. Every new war brings a new bunch of idiots. Whatever.

Hum, what ?
I'm sorry, but Nords is the only clan so far that has so much "trouble".

Even Guards, who had dear nuffen as an admin, and has now only 2 active admins since Lansamur quit, was never treated badly. Makes you wonder why Nords get so much hate, even though they have so many lovable players (<3 koldborn, Gurni, Tor, jiwiw, Cooties, etc...).

Also, regarding the topic, i'd like to know what "sentence" most of the people highlighted by Panos screenshot's will get. Like the 3 STR who didn't even bother showing up in the AI side, etc... If it's hard to check all people k/d ratio, then just DONT ALLOW players having alliance with the arracker to play for defenders. Simplest solution.

Because if we allow all this "i was hired by the village because he was faster, but i applied for both, not my fault. Also, i wasn't in good condition that day", then it won't be long before we see some great strategus battles :
UNION attacking AI castle
roster Union : grey grey STR STR DRUZHINA...
roster AI : grey grey STR STR DRUZHINA...

Also, admins should take their "no-pay-job-in-free-time" seriously. It's common knowledge that "things" are done in strategus battle, so if one has the time, he should spectate it to notice griefers, instead of "always playing". It's pretty frustrating knowing there's an "admin" online, but that he's actually a "player". And that brings us back to the old "we need more admins".

Finally, Panos's way of showing cheaters is wrong. But it doesn't change the fact that real cheaters got it easier than trolls.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gimest on July 13, 2012, 03:51:49 pm
Sad to see you punish ppl when theyr just talking about things... Its just like, where do you live? In a concentration camp?? Why in the earth are ppl getting offended by someone talking/writing stuff in internet when u dont even know the person? Do you have problems with urselves? Cuz for real, if ur "ego" (i dont really mean ego, just cant remember the word but i think most uf you get what i mean) cant stand some talks/writing's you see, you really have a problem inside yourself, and that wont go away by closing ur eyes from it, or making it go away someway, but u should take a deep breath and start to think what you are and why.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on July 13, 2012, 03:54:11 pm
Hum, what ?
I'm sorry, but Nords is the only clan so far that has so much "trouble".

Even Guards, who had dear nuffen as an admin, and has now only 2 active admins since Lansamur quit, was never treated badly. Makes you wonder why Nords get so much hate, even though they have so many lovable players (<3 koldborn, Gurni, Tor, jiwiw, Cooties, etc...).

Also, regarding the topic, i'd like to know what "sentence" most of the people highlighted by beer screenshot's will get. Like the 3 STR who didn't even bother showing up in the AI side, etc... If it's hard to check all people k/d ratio, then just DONT ALLOW players having alliance with the arracker to play for defenders. Simplest solution.

Because if we allow all this "i was hired by the village because he was faster, but i applied for both, not my fault. Also, i wasn't in good condition that day", then it won't be long before we see some great strategus battles :
UNION attacking AI castle
roster Union : grey grey STR STR DRUZHINA...
roster AI : grey grey STR STR DRUZHINA...

Also, admins should take their "no-pay-job-in-free-time" seriously. It's common knowledge that "things" are done in strategus battle, so if one has the time, he should spectate it to notice griefers, instead of "always playing". It's pretty frustrating knowing there's an "admin" online, but that he's actually a "player". And that brings us back to the old "we need more admins".

Finally, beer's way of showing cheaters is wrong. But it doesn't change the fact that real cheaters got it easier than trolls.

+1 to that
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Emotion on July 13, 2012, 03:55:29 pm
I merc'd for kapikulu once and they had 4-5 people sign up on the AI side and then never show up. Okin came in (I believe it was Okin) and ended the battle at the start and said kapikulu automatically lost and forfeited everything they had on that army and lost their troops. And the people that signed up and didn't show were banned.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Corwin on July 13, 2012, 03:59:20 pm
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You might have had a valid point, too bad you ruined it by going full retard. Bye.

Yey, show that Greek bastard who is the boss!
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Tyr_ on July 13, 2012, 04:07:37 pm
Can't rly say i'm surprised that Mr. Greek got banned  :rolleyes:
There were many posts like this before, and nothing happened. What p.anos did was just repeating what we all know, but unlike the rest of us he is not too lazy to make a post about it.

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It's obvious that also this time nothing is going to happen (except for the ban for p.anos, looks like the truth is rly hurting some people).
The best thing you can do in strat is to get as much XP out of it as possible to play crpg and try to ignore all the cheating/abusing - In other communitys you get a permanent ban for doing this - and hope that someday some admin/dev/whatsoever will care...

And for Okin, if you look and the current EU map, Nords weren't the only clan that got lots of bitter grapes,  but most of them didn't want to support cheating/abusing. If people want to cheat in an offline game they can do it, but if they do it in an online game they best fuck off because they are complete retards...

Anyway, fuck strategus, nothing is going to happen about this, lets play stronghold kingdoms or check out some new awesome games like Endless space, less cheating, less abusing, more fun!

Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: [ptx] on July 13, 2012, 04:10:50 pm
Anyway, fuck strategus, nothing is going to happen about this, lets play stronghold kingdoms or check out some new awesome games like Endless space, less cheating, less abusing, more fun!
Endless Space is really not awesome.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 04:20:00 pm
Hum, what ?
I'm sorry, but Nords is the only clan so far that has so much "trouble". Makes you wonder why Nords get so much hate, even though they have so many lovable players (<3 koldborn, Gurni, Tor, jiwiw, Cooties, etc...).

You're either ignorant of the matter or have a highly selective memory. Chances are Guards got off easy because they never did anything particularly noteworthy, and thus avoided making any enemies.

There's generally been less whine about admins than devs, though, because even an idiot knows admins don't really have much access to abuse, whereas the amounts of crazy accusations that can be made about dev tampering are essentially unlimited.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Leshma on July 13, 2012, 04:24:53 pm
Chances are Guards got off easy because they never did anything particularly noteworthy, and thus avoided making any enemies.

Now, that is just rude. You've become true Lich King, gratz on that.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 04:26:32 pm
And I'm supposed to take that "makes you wonder" line lying down? Go jump in a lake, Leshma. :rolleyes:

I merc'd for kapikulu once and they had 4-5 people sign up on the AI side and then never show up. Okin came in (I believe it was Okin) and ended the battle at the start and said kapikulu automatically lost and forfeited everything they had on that army and lost their troops. And the people that signed up and didn't show were banned.

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 13, 2012, 04:28:23 pm
I have seen people go like -3/27 and not get kicked. Those scores are not even bottom of the barrel.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: karasu on July 13, 2012, 04:32:31 pm
Lesson of the day: if you want to be taken seriously, be serious and respectful while at it.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Casimir on July 13, 2012, 04:40:24 pm
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Strudog on July 13, 2012, 04:44:30 pm
I remember the Kapikulu, nit being able to fight a battle because there men signed up for the AI and didnt show up, ,i even think some of them got banned, so surely this should happen to all people who do exactly the same thing?
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Mike_of_Kingswell on July 13, 2012, 04:45:43 pm
I merc'd for kapikulu once and they had 4-5 people sign up on the AI side and then never show up. Okin came in (I believe it was Okin) and ended the battle at the start and said kapikulu automatically lost and forfeited everything they had on that army and lost their troops. And the people that signed up and didn't show were banned.

I think i remember this aswell:

Same story: Kapikullu signed up for enemy side but instead of nothing happening ( like here) an admin came online and made all attackers leave so they automaticly lost " due to abuse".
And i remember ppl getting kicked from stratbattles for various reasons after defenders told admins stuff like:"he opens the gate and supports attackers" or " he intentional dies to waste tickets"- this didnt happen here either.
Also ppl have been punished for signing up against their clan to fill AI slots.

All this is kind of the same that happend here but this time nothing seams to happen and everyone just trolls around panos here.
I normaly aint a big panos fan myself - no offence but I have seen him delaying rounds way to often ;) - but here he has a point. Which is constantly being ignored while ppl either troll the thread or discuss about how admin-clans are accused of stuff and how des do/dont deserve that. And even the admins that DO visit and read this post dont actually say anything to the original topic.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Leshma on July 13, 2012, 04:55:50 pm
And I'm supposed to take that "makes you wonder" line lying down? Go jump in a lake, Leshma. :rolleyes:

Guards are really nice and helpful people, which is something you probably know a lot better than me. Whenever there was some event where we were supposed to test new features, most players were fooling around but Guards were the one to do their job (testing). Also they never boasted about anything, they always made jokes about their skills and strategus success.

And now you come in this thread and say shit about them just because you didn't like something one of their members said. That's low, even for ordinary player like me. For someone like you, that's hitting the bottom. If Harpag said that no one would care because it is known that Harpag is a lowlife.

Although I'm not the pioneer of cRPG and I was never truly close to anyone in this community, I've realised that this small community cares about friendship and that cRPG isn't just about winning.

If anyone had doubts that Greys and Druzhina are evil factions, now they can be sure of that. You're perfect example that being near evil corrupts.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: dynamike on July 13, 2012, 04:56:32 pm
With all the back and forth going on I think it's time the developers and admins showed again that they are serious about Strat.

A vote of confidence from them is all most questionable people would need to defer from cheating and encourage the good minded ones to pay attention to Strat again.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: v/onMega on July 13, 2012, 04:57:11 pm
Things being shown in this thread are obvious.

So far, nobody who should ve done something about it (e.g. admin(s)) denied, that something really really wrong happened there.

In other words:

There is an occasional, selective and opportunistic behaviour towards banworthy behaviour.

Giving out rules and then punishing abuse on a 50/50 base?

As far as I know rules apply for everybody at all times.
Same goes for punishing missbehaviour.

I may say that there is many loosers in this ongoing story of abuse in strat.

1. The Devs:

According to all the great work done so far, there is ppl. obviously spitting on your heads, right in front of you.

How come you dont feel offened by such behaviour?

Not personally, but for the sake of all your efforts to create an awesome, enjoyable mod.

2. The honest players (assuming they are able to think objectively):

Honest players are offended by such behaviour -extreme Greek example-.

Reasons are obvious.

Now, these cases of poor admining happened in the past allready, no need to pick on Okin only. This poor admining and punishing will cause a reaction by the honest player:

He will start abusing too, rightfully hoping to not get punished


Simply loose any interest in strat, sooner or later.

Again, biggest looser, the devs, since I can t believe its your aim to loose players.

I belong to this group of ppl. that completly lost interest in strat (I used
to stay up 24 hours for strat in Round 1).

Mild behaviour towards the most blatant abuse in strat (Hi, Harpag x100) caused this.

Anyways, maybe the devs will recognize this.

Hopefully many players start ignoring strat.

Hopefully this awesome idea of strat gets the seating it totally deserves, yet, still lacks.

Have fun in strat ppl. :-)

Btw. Thomeks statement is correct :-)
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Teeth on July 13, 2012, 04:57:53 pm
Panos, I told you to ease up on the going full retard, but you wouldn't listen would ya.

Oh and blanketban Russia and Poland from strat, they ruined it.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Corwin on July 13, 2012, 05:00:08 pm
Things being shown in this thread are obvious.

So far, nobody who should ve done something about it (e.g. admin(s)) denied, that something really really wrong happened there.

In other words:

There is an occasional, selective and opportunistic behaviour towards banworthy behaviour.

They did do something, they banned Panos. It seems to be panacea for them, when you don't know what to do - ban Panos!
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 05:13:28 pm
If anyone had doubts that Greys and Druzhina are evil factions, now they can be sure of that. You're perfect example that being near evil corrupts.

You're mistaking increasing disillusionment for corruption. Lots of folks I previously thought well of or hadn't noticed much are showing entirely new sides of themselves. But I guess that's all I have to say on the matter.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on July 13, 2012, 05:17:53 pm
The only way i can see a compromise is like having impartial 'referees' during these siege battles, yes this may mean more work for the admins or more admins recruited but you know what you signed up for, the admins do a fine job as it is, but its come to a point where evidence has been utilised to prove the fact that some clans are purposefully swaying sieges in their favour. So impartial judges are going to be needed to monitor these battles, hell give them the pass to that one server to prevent any forms of admin abuse on other servers. But its come to a point where its just ridculous and needs to be stopped from going any further

You're mistaking increasing disillusionment for corruption. Lots of folks I previously thought well of or hadn't noticed much are showing entirely new sides of themselves. But I guess that's all I have to say on the matter.

That can work both ways okiN id just say wait for cmp or chadz's final decision without all these petty insults between players, its really quite chidlish
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Corwin on July 13, 2012, 05:19:00 pm
You're mistaking increasing disillusionment for corruption. Lots of folks I previously thought well of or hadn't noticed much are showing entirely new sides of themselves. But I guess that's all I have to say on the matter.

Funny thing about how opinions about persons change, Could you believe that one time I thought you were a decent guy?
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 13, 2012, 05:23:42 pm
Lets add some more fuel to the DRZ abuse fire, shall we?

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Take it as you will.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 13, 2012, 05:23:47 pm
Why do Strangers use STR for short when the word Strangers already is pretty short? Confusing, i always think of them as the strength clan because of it :/
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Leshma on July 13, 2012, 05:26:16 pm
Oh and blanketban Russia and Poland from strat, they ruined it.

Nah, I have better idea.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gimest on July 13, 2012, 05:30:08 pm
With all the back and forth going on I think it's time the developers and admins showed again that they are serious about Strat.

A vote of confidence from them is all most questionable people would need to defer from cheating and encourage the good minded ones to pay attention to Strat again.
I think they made great job allready when they made it so u cant craft/recruit if u dont play crpg. And they also lowered equip prices there to get more battles, so i think theyr progressing with it, its slow, but hey theyr working on it for free.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Bulzur on July 13, 2012, 05:32:13 pm
You're either ignorant of the matter or have a highly selective memory. Chances are Guards got off easy because they never did anything particularly noteworthy, and thus avoided making any enemies.

First, yes, i have a selective memory.^^
Second, yes, probably Guards got off easily because no one cares about us. It's not like we're one of the oldest clan still alive, nor that we participated in the Pub Crawl to end strat 1, nor that we are merchants in Strat thus have only bandits as ennemy, nor that Guard_Tristan organized the first and only mega battle wich brought together a lot of players. No, it's obviously because we're insignificant insects that never did anything particularly noteworthy.

I'm sorry about the "makes us wonder why", if it offended you. Don't know how people wondering about things may be rude in any point, it just means they ask themselves why all this. Not being biaised or whatever. Thinking for themselves. I'll edit it if you want me to. But i found it pretty cheap to throw away some accusation (most of wich are stupid, that much i agree), stating that ALL admin clans always had problems. That it's just "normal" that Nords also face those problems.

I personnaly don't have any problem with Nords in general, more the contrary, but as a player and person, i have problem with how some things are handled, and how none can answer beer's accusations other than "stop trolling", etc... Yes, he's rude. Doesn't mean he doesn't have some point.

Lastly, i don't care at all how most of the people view me, as long as i respect others, don't do anything stupid, nor being rude intentionnally. Wich is how i behave ingame and on the forums.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Grumbs on July 13, 2012, 05:34:18 pm
Why are you all jumping on Okin? If he's there to play a game and Panos comes on with the sort of attitude you might expect from him, should he drop what he's doing and do as Panos demands? We don't know what repercussions there will be for this yet since its just a GD discussion rather than a proper ban request

I do know that this community has a real issue with lack of authority, lack of meaningful punishments and treating players with kid gloves in fear that they will end up with too few players on the servers. The upshot of that is a poorer gaming culture, people having no respect, people pushing the boundaries as far as they think they can and beyond, and then they know they still won't get a perma ban because even with the worst case scenario you're just asked to come back with a new warband key. Not to mention the effect it all has on people that play fair, follow the rules and just enjoy the game. It drives these types of players away too
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 05:38:59 pm
First, yes, i have a selective memory.^^
Second, yes, probably Guards got off easily because no one cares about us. It's not like we're one of the oldest clan still alive, nor that we participated in the Pub Crawl to end strat 1, nor that we are merchants in Strat thus have only bandits as ennemy, nor that Guard_Tristan organized the first and only mega battle wich brought together a lot of players. No, it's obviously because we're insignificant insects that never did anything particularly noteworthy.

I'm sorry about the "makes us wonder why", if it offended you. I'll edit it if you want me to. But i found it pretty cheap to throw away some accusation (most of wich are stupid, that much i agree), stating that ALL admin clans always had problems. That it's just "normal" that Nords also face those problems.

Well, for one thing, you seem to be forgetting that lots of people also made claims that the pub crawl armies had been pulled out of thin air, because guess whose faction supplied about half of them. Same sort of talk about various factions with devs/admins in them had been going on before then, and has been ever since. Also, I didn't really mean the Guards in general, just the Guards on Strat -- you've had your moments, but mostly you've always kept to yourselves.

As for the rest, refer to Grumbs' post. I don't know why people are acting like this whole matter is already closed. Mass hysteria, I guess.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 13, 2012, 05:41:08 pm
Lets add some more fuel to the DRZ abuse fire, shall we?

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Take it as you will.

what about that, okin? Shouldn't you look at that?

(of course, alot of those deaths were from wall jumping, but -2 and 44....fuk even with 150-170 ping i don't do THAT bad.)
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on July 13, 2012, 05:43:54 pm
what about that, okin? Shouldn't you look at that?

(of course, alot of those deaths were from wall jumping, but -2 and 44....fuk even with 150-170 ping i don't do THAT bad.)

All his deaths were by wall jumping and then charging the Templars, some he just smartly managed to kill himself
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 05:47:15 pm
Lets add some more fuel to the DRZ abuse fire, shall we?

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Take it as you will.
what about that, okin? Shouldn't you look at that?

(of course, alot of those deaths were from wall jumping, but -2 and 44....fuk even with 150-170 ping i don't do THAT bad.)

Do you realize that DRZ supplied that castle with 2k troops and cash to buy gear in order to prevent the Templars from capturing it?
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 13, 2012, 05:50:55 pm
Do you realize that DRZ supplied that castle with 2k troops and cash to buy gear in order to prevent the Templars from capturing it?

And that gives them a right to waste tickets? Regardless of what they did BEFORE the battle, that doesn't give them a right to waste tickets on AI.

And no, no i didn't. Nor do I care
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Tyr_ on July 13, 2012, 05:51:43 pm
Endless Space is really not awesome.

How you dare to say such a blasphemy?
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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: okiN on July 13, 2012, 05:52:28 pm
And no, no i didn't. Nor do I care

Okay, I just thought it seemed like kind of a relevant detail. Not sure why, really.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Jacko on July 13, 2012, 05:53:26 pm
A bunch of admin came online halfway trough the Suno battle, and besides the usual asshattery, nothing special was going on. Some guys were warned and eventually I kicked Panos for delaying.

A lot of these calls are highly subjective, and as an admin you want to be sure before you make a decision. Generally, you'd want to see the infringement with your own eyes before acting. Just because three loud guys are shouting in chat, does not make it true. Funny enough, It's usually the same people screaming in chat who are  leeching/delaying, just at different times.

This is just a witch hunt. Panos is a turd, always have been, and sadly I suspect always will be.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: v/onMega on July 13, 2012, 06:12:37 pm
Panos acting like an idiot does automatically make him be wrong about proving that banworthy behaviour is tolerated and punished on a totally subjective and opportunistic way.

This thread is not about him i thought?

Aha. I see where this is going.

So much:
Even if millions repeat the same, stupid behaviour, it remains stupid.

Same goes for banworthy behaviour, or?

I mean, explaining things this way, makes Assad appear like a handsome business man with his expensive suits.

Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Falka on July 13, 2012, 06:18:40 pm
what about that, okin? Shouldn't you look at that?

(of course, alot of those deaths were from wall jumping, but -2 and 44....fuk even with 150-170 ping i don't do THAT bad.)
Do you realize that DRZ supplied that castle with 2k troops and cash to buy gear in order to prevent the Templars from capturing it?


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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on July 13, 2012, 06:18:47 pm
Well ofcourse they are going to bash on Panos, i mean what else can they do? They cant argue with the proof so they will discredit the poster. Ban the OP tell him he is shit, ignore the screenshots and voila problem solved.   :lol:

Good thing i left, now i can play the role of popcorn observer while the abusers try to get away with this AGAIN. And judging by my past experience in this mod, they will  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 06:19:59 pm
Lots of folks I previously thought well of or hadn't noticed much are showing entirely new sides of themselves.

As Crymoar already said: these things tend to work both ways. If this "new side" of ours which wants to play a Strategy game based on anything other then cheating and abusing the system means that we're tards & imbeciles in your eyes - so be it.

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Shpritza on July 13, 2012, 06:34:23 pm
As Crymoar already said: these things tend to work both ways. If this "new side" of ours which wants to play a Strategy game based on anything other then cheating and abusing the system means that we're tards & imbeciles in your eyes - so be it.

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a fucking + 1.000.000 to this, and we all know Panos didn't deserve a permaban. But who am i to judge the "all mighty admins" and the "justice" they practice on us all.

Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Jacko on July 13, 2012, 06:40:34 pm
Of course not v/onMega, but if you are going to accuse people, you need credibility, which you loose if you behave like Panos did, ingame.

Okin was the first one to point out that the pics posted had real infringements in them, and it IS a problem that people sign up and waste tickets, and it should be punished. Obviously we need a bigger admin presence, but in the end, it will come down to clans policing there own members.

Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on July 13, 2012, 06:48:14 pm
Of course not v/onMega, but if you are going to accuse people, you need credibility, which you loose if you behave like beer did, ingame.

Okin was the first one to point out that the pics posted had real infringements in them, and it IS a problem that people sign up and waste tickets, and it should be punished. Obviously we need a bigger admin presence, but in the end, it will come down to clans policing there own members.

Yes this is all obviously a misunderstanding. All the accounts of the clan members were used by the leader so he could police them better, and about the clan mates on the wrong side of battles in Strat: that just because they couldnt join the right side so they had to join the enemy. How else will they keep an eye on them
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Peasant_Woman on July 13, 2012, 06:56:54 pm
Strat is joke tier now. Play fair or not at all.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on July 13, 2012, 06:58:24 pm
next strat, just leave nords, drz grey and (hax)co play strat and let's just enjoy the easy xp
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: BlueKnight on July 13, 2012, 06:58:30 pm
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And What if a Pancake is a paranoic person and Harmy old friend didn't commit that murder? Pancake is spreading bullshit around so there must be something done about it. I'm sure if Harmy old friend really commited the murder he would be sentenced to death penalty and Pancake would become a hero of justice.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: polkafranzi on July 13, 2012, 07:01:43 pm
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And What if a Pancake is a paranoic person and Harmy old friend didn't commit that murder? Pancake is spreading bullshit around so there must be something done about it. I'm sure if Harmy old friend really commited the murder he would be sentenced to death penalty and Pancake would become a hero of justice.

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: chadz on July 13, 2012, 07:01:55 pm
We're aware of that, it's hard to police. Where do you draw the line. It's especially hard for me because people think I'm one of them as well, even though I just suck.

Oh and this thread doesn't have anything to do with beer getting (now "real" perma-) permabanned. If you want to know the reason, ask him.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Andswaru on July 13, 2012, 07:07:22 pm
Oh someone tell us the real reason! Gnjus share!
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Teeth on July 13, 2012, 07:07:57 pm
Obviously we need a bigger admin presence, but in the end, it will come down to clans policing there own members.
Yes , because Grey Order has always been known for urging their members to play fairly and be good sports, let's put our faith in that!

Seriously, as a complete outsider, having not participated in strat apart from when I was a ninja and barely did anything, the conduct of a lot of Grey Order members is unacceptable and despicable. I really recommend the devs/admins having a serious talk with Grey Order leadership about keeping their members in line and booting members that can't behave. One could say its wrong to see the leaders of a clan accountable for the actions of their members, but I think it is necesarry in the case of the Grey Order.

When Grey Order leadership fails to keep their members from playing unfair, start giving their leaders short bans. Its the only way to properly motivate them to police their own members, cause I can't help to get the impression that they either don't give a shit, or more likely, encourage their members to be complete asshats to facilitate victory for the Grey Order.

Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 07:10:14 pm
Oh someone tell us the real reason! Gnjus share!

Obviously for the heavy crimes against sanity that CMP quoted earlier: repetitive posting of 5 identical Butthurt images to 5 different people. I tried to interfere for some diversity but I was too late.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on July 13, 2012, 07:13:18 pm
For all of you who joined this thread late and cant be arsed to read it all, let me summarize for you since i did read it all:

Panos posts abuse screenshots, Panos gets permabanned. Pics ignored, community brainfarts. The end
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: cmp on July 13, 2012, 07:14:10 pm
"Hey guys, let's assume the devs are not going to do anything about this, despite them not having said anything yet, and let's start criticizing them for it. It is obvious that there is something fishy going on here, starting with the completely unwarranted ban on Panos. He was a respectable member of the community, a pillar of honesty and integrity, who got silenced because he tried to reveal the conspiracy surrounding the Nord admin clan. Just look at how much hate that clan receives: it's true that most of it comes from one guy and his buddies, but nonetheless it must mean something.
Moreover, we need someone to blame, some who's in it knee deep. There's this guy, okiN - he might have a reputation of being a fair and unbiased admin, but in reality he's just a fraud. He showed his true colors during the battle for Suno, when he refused to act on Panos' word, which totally didn't turn out to be utter bullshit (,35679.msg541028.html#msg541028). This dark lord and puppet master of the evil alliance must be stopped, at all costs."

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: BlueKnight on July 13, 2012, 07:15:20 pm
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Do you think that their scores are weak because they want to die and help their clanmates... We are playing fucking game. It's not a damn life. We are here to have fun not acuse people of cheating etc. I'm sure if I joined the enemy side and played for enemy I wouldn't have any trouble, I would be told to try to join the proper side next time lol. Also... If we are defending the AI side and CMP who is damn nord has 10-1 stats, DenBitre Ronald MeliosSandro has 17-1 and 1 grey has 21-1 do you think we really care about wasting tickets? You aren't worth my attention because you are all looking for damn cheaters and can't enjoy the game. Once you win once you lose and 11-20 isn't that bad if you are spawnraped. 11-20 won't bring the victory to the enemy when you are 1 among other 50 teammates and when it's 1800 vs 2200 tickets.... These are details and mistakes not special abusing lol.

haha cmp :D
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 07:15:30 pm
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Your efforts are commendable Salvador but I'm afraid its a mentality problem, not the clan discipline. There is 600 clans around here and none has similar issues except the Poles. We all know the notorious reputation of their online gaming community, not only in Warband but in various other games as well and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Asking the Poles to play their games in a fair manner is like asking Russians not to drink vodka ever again. Mission impossible, even for Tom Cruise or Chuck Norris.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: BlueKnight on July 13, 2012, 07:21:25 pm
Your efforts are commendable Salvador but I'm afraid its a mentality problem, not the clan discipline. There is 600 clans around here and none has similar issues except the Poles. We all know the notorious reputation of their online gaming community, not only in Warband but in various other games as well and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Asking the Poles to play their games in a fair manner is like asking Russians not to drink vodka ever again. Mission impossible, even for Tom Cruise or Chuck Norris.
You offend people Gnjus.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: bosco on July 13, 2012, 07:22:20 pm
You offend people Gnjus.

That's clearly the most pressing issue here.

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Teeth on July 13, 2012, 07:23:05 pm
Your efforts are commendable Salvador but I'm afraid its a mentality problem, not the clan discipline. There is 600 clans around here and none has similar issues except the Poles. We all know the notorious reputation of their online gaming community, not only in Warband but in various other games as well and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Asking the Poles to play their games in a fair manner is like asking Russians not to drink vodka ever again. Mission impossible, even for Tom Cruise or Chuck Norris.
I'm afraid you are right. Back to my first proposal, blanket ban Russia and Poland or give them their own strat, so the rest of us can play a strategy game, laugh, roleplay and be good sports. I wasn't there but it seemed like everyone had a real good time in strat 1, but then the Russians came.

Seriously, a strategus with just Druzhina vs Grey Order would be hilarious.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Gnjus on July 13, 2012, 07:23:09 pm
You offend people Gnjus.

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Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Buschtrommel on July 13, 2012, 07:23:35 pm
Hey Guys.... in the last days this game makes me so sad!! And now i will say Goodbye CRPG!!

This game is just a joke.................

Gj @ NORD( Admins)

bye guys and i hope you have fun with this f........ Admins( played 2 years for what???)
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 13, 2012, 07:23:52 pm
I think i remember this aswell:

Same story: Kapikullu signed up for enemy side but instead of nothing happening ( like here) an admin came online and made all attackers leave so they automaticly lost " due to abuse".
And i remember ppl getting kicked from stratbattles for various reasons after defenders told admins stuff like:"he opens the gate and supports attackers" or " he intentional dies to waste tickets"- this didnt happen here either.
Also ppl have been punished for signing up against their clan to fill AI slots.

All this is kind of the same that happend here but this time nothing seams to happen and everyone just trolls around beer here.
I normaly aint a big beer fan myself - no offence but I have seen him delaying rounds way to often ;) - but here he has a point. Which is constantly being ignored while ppl either troll the thread or discuss about how admin-clans are accused of stuff and how des do/dont deserve that. And even the admins that DO visit and read this post dont actually say anything to the original topic.

Yeah they not only took action against the individuals who signed up and never showed, but they took action against the attackers as well.   I'm guessing nobody will be punished (as individuals) and I guarantee none of the clans will see anything negative result from these accusations.  Business as usual.

Have fun with your space game when you are sitting on a goldmine with strategus if you just focused some attention on it, and were consistent with your admining of it.

*EDIT*  Pa-nos may be a little abrasive, but he wasn't really all that rude.  And regardless, he still has substance and a point that isn't be addressed.  You can shoot the messenger, but the message is still out there.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: BlueKnight on July 13, 2012, 07:25:56 pm (

What about non-grey who fucked up during that battle? ban them all
Templar_Guy 5-22... Guy is a good player and I know it and he had 5-22
and greys had 6-19 and 1-14


You are mad because you lose and you hate eastern Europe lol
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Bjord on July 13, 2012, 07:27:52 pm
ban all he
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Idzo on July 13, 2012, 07:29:01 pm
Yep... Panos might have point but lets say he posted it out on wrong way...
Same as his "opponents" dealt with him on wrong way...

With this act of permabaning you guy reminded me of how they do it in one of Koreas when it comes to corruption or someone just said something that's obvious but no one else have balls to say it out loud except retard Greek.

This is forum, do we lack freedom of speech?

One more thing.. Why are everyone against Nords?
Just when i remember Miwiwiwiwiwiw, Friedturtle, Leomy old friend and Gurni it gets so warm around my heart. Also I bet rest of em aren't that bad...
Well maybe it has to do with their attitude towards other? dunno but it's sad the see it..
Same goes for GK's...

PS. This thread ain't that bad if we are gonna learn something from it and improve community.
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 13, 2012, 07:31:01 pm
In the few hours I was gone, I see that this escalated rather quickly.

Out of curiosity, were any of the no-shows banned?
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 13, 2012, 07:32:30 pm (

What about non-grey who fucked up during that battle? ban them all
Templar_Guy 5-22... Guy is a good player and I know it and he had 5-22
and greys had 6-19 and 1-14


You are mad because you lose and you hate eastern Europe lol

Aside from DL_Anders screenshot it's hard to judge from a screenshot of the scoreboard if someone is wasting tickets.  This really needs to be witnessed in game.  But people have been temp banned for signing up against their faction and then not showing for battle.  So I think that is a fairly obvious thing to spot from a screenshot.  If people in game are complaining about someone wasting tickets, there should be an admin who can spec him, because a screenshot won't show you much useful info.

Also, the issue of no-shows for AI can easily be solved if they implement a solution that allows spectators to join the AI side after a certain time has passed and a player hasn't joined.  I've suggested this multiple times in the strat general discussion, as well as the suggestions sections of the forum.

How's that for shit posting?
Title: Re: Is this how Druzhina,STR and Greys win in Strat??
Post by: chadz on July 13, 2012, 07:34:31 pm
"Hey guys, let's assume the devs are not going to do anything about this, despite them not having said anything yet, and let's start criticizing them for it. It is obvious that there is something fishy going on here, starting with the completely unwarranted ban on Panos. He was a respectable member of the community, a pillar of honesty and integrity, who got silenced because he tried to reveal the conspiracy surrounding the Nord admin clan. Just look at how much hate that clan receives: it's true that most of it comes from one guy and his buddies, but nonetheless it must mean something.
Moreover, we need someone to blame, some who's in it knee deep. There's this guy, okiN - he might have a reputation of being a fair and unbiased admin, but in reality he's just a fraud. He showed his true colors during the battle for Suno, when he refused to act on Panos' word, which totally didn't turn out to be utter bullshit (,35679.msg541028.html#msg541028). This dark lord and puppet master of the evil alliance must be stopped, at all costs."

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I'm just requoting this. This thread started on a low level and is still in free fall. If you tell me a good way how to prevent that kind of exploit, feel free to post a suggestion in the appropiate forum. We're thinking about the matter ourselves, because we consider it serious as well.

But this thread is little more than a pogrom, and I'm not letting it continue.