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go ahead and visit the Chinese site, the mod maker clearly stated that all contents in the mod are OSP. 80% of the chinese people never use talesworld so they never got the chance to post anything on there, plus not many of them speak good english, talesworld don't have any osp chinese armors, but here is an huge osp chinese armors pack that was released 1 month ago made by 血与钢 :
there is plenty of other good OSP stuff that is hidden inside China forum but never appear on talesworld because they don't speak english
guess you did not read the whole thing, maybe you should
Really nice models, very good quality. Hopefully these will be included in the next item update!
Also this shit is epic.(click to show/hide)
That's definitely an aye from me.
Dear god , I NEED THAT CRUSADER CROSS WAGON. Add the whole thing, all of it.
lol looks like the old beat em up playstation game, dynasty warriors! 8-)
lol looks like the old beat em up playstation game, dynasty warriors! 8-)
he thing on his helmet is moving in the wind, how cool is that?
I bet if we dont have a similar code to make that possible in general, it will not move in crpg. But thats just my guess.
The environment looks awesome in those screens too!Never seen Polished Landscapes before eh? :P
Holy shit look at the woods!(click to show/hide)
What i found most interesting though was the visuals though. Everything looked so damn awesome. Like an entirely new game imo.
I suggest that we try to persuade this chinese dude to join c-rpg dev team and kick the useless Shik-Fasader.
Kick Fasaderp. We need Shik for translating chinese for newbies.
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What i found most interesting though was the visuals though. Everything looked so damn awesome. Like an entirely new game imo.
Shik can translate? Shik if you see this I request you translate this mod! For the love of god! I will be forever's basically an add on to 1257 mod with china in it
it's basically an add on to 1257 mod with china in it
click on the green button that says 普通下载
the other download options require certain software
(nvm i think the links are expired as of yesterday lol) not gonna bother reuploading it because it's a stupidly big file
Dude, that shit rocks, especially the the cross on the wagon.Prayer is too OP. Would not be balanced.
What Shik said is exactly right, about translation even if you download the mod it's still in English, but the troop tree of some troops could be mess up, everything in the game would be English, except some of the troop tree/ items names could be wrong. I just tested it and it's great. The link is expired just like what Shik said, but you can still use those Chinese software to download it, or wait for the mod maker to upload a new version (He mention he will add some new mongolian stuff soon)
they look nice indeed, but I can already see the battlefield swarmed by ugly combos of chinese and current crpg stuff. :(Yeah. The items in this mod are perfectly textured, but it will be a huge difference between them and crpg items we have now. If they will be added. But I'm only for adding em all :D
Mod is once again alive and kicking if this wont get added!And nobody wants that now, do they!?
That giant cross needs to be added. =D dragging that shit around be awesome.If it gets add all were going to be doing is dragging that cross around
And nobody wants that now, do they!?
Interesting link:
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Armors don't make the game lag, the more players = more lag, people with weak graphics card should play on lower settings. People like me who have the weakest laptop have to change the textures in game so we won't get any lag lol. Just like the Resource & Texture Optimization.
These look really good!Yeah. It would take some work. Cause you should also give free loom points to those, who loomed that stuff.
However, as others have stated, there are too many textures as is.
HOWEVER, there are a ton of items that could be merged to deal with this. If we could get heraldic versions of some of the colored items, it could drastically reduce the number of items currently in game, while simultaneously increasing item diversity.
For example, there are: 4 colored shirts, 5 colored tunics over mail, and 7 surcoats over mail. If someone would make these, instead of having their own individual color, show the heraldic background of the player's banner, they could be reduced from 16 items down to 3. Additionally, I think this could be done for the two colored, non-heraldic transitionals, and possibly for the coat of plates, corrazinas, and brigandines. which would change another 12 items into 4.
This would take some volunteer work though, which tends to be exceedingly hard to find. :lol:
Not lag, they fill up the memory on video cards, so people who have low-memory graphics cards kind of get screwed over.
I'm looking forward to Kuyak, DGS and new chinese boots/helmets etc.
It's gonna be sweet. :lol:
I feel that the mod needs this. In other words, I will be pretty disappointed if this does not make it in. Nevertheless, if there is a technical problem without any solution, I'd understand.
There's been heavy talk on IRC about putting these new textures in. Lots of issues with the meshes and textures though (doesn't meet the requirements: sometimes too detailed, and others lacking etc). I'm sure once it's optimized, it'll go in.
Hmmm never heard of a chinese warrior or seen one for that fact
Hmmm never heard of a chinese warrior or seen one for that fact
whats the mod with the crusader shit
how about adding the horses?
[19:18] <Urist> wat
[19:18] <Urist> asia stuff is gonna get in yes. shik is working on it
[19:18] <Urist> most likely
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New kuyak up
if we gets that middile armor ingame,
I swear then I will beat record in 3 fastest retaierments.
if we gets that middile armor ingame,What about the hood? :|
I swear then I will beat record in 3 fastest retaierments.
What about the hood? :|
dam 6 gens -_-Shoes yo? 9 gens! You can do it!
I will need lot of burgers
Shoes yo? 9 gens! You can do it!over 9000
First time ever you don't -1 on my post Zlisch :oEh, I voted to add the armors. :D
Flags on the Lances good idea :)
bitchItem team pls !
I downloaded the mod they made and they added so many equipments for each faction(Crusader States,Mamluks and the Ilkanate(?) as far as played)
I am the CRPG players the CRPG production team can armor added to the module, you can make the game have more choices.The beauty of the world precisely because of the large number of colors intertwined and colorful.
I don't know what are we waiting for...
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Uh, does that guy in that screenshot look like Orlando Bloom to anyone else?
I don't know why they call this armor "new kuyak"? Kuyak is medieval Russian armor, and this is a Templar armor with some fur on shoulders.Because everyone is going to be using that armor. And we won't even be able to sneer at it, since it'll go with most of the western helms, that khuyak doesn't fit with. :(
But in general this is some nice looking armors, add them now. :D
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginNERF FUCKING DESTRIERS! :D
Anyone got a spare of this mod? Please could anyone upload somewhere? Or send it to me? Perhaps by torrent?
Do you know any website that I can upload a file more than 1.5 GB without having to pay for member ship or stuff like that? If you find one then I can upload it for youThat would be great! Thanks a lot!
Also, for others that may want this, I will see if I can find a site to upload it. Perhaps in different parts.
Please do, those one you posted are only for 1 person only so it's kinda sad ;pFound two others, I'm going to keep checking for more if these two are bad.
Found two others, I'm going to keep checking for more if these two are bad.
Uh, does that guy in that screenshot look like Orlando Bloom to anyone else?
I want download!
Thanks bro!
This shit is BADASS!No, you need to sign up, but you can just add a fake e-mail. It will still let you download.
Fuck yeah, I want this!
Thanks bro!
Although it says I need to sign up, did I press the wrong "download" button? (damn ad scams everywhere!)
Were the stats for these armors posted anywhere?Would they matter since they can be easily changed anyway?
I just saw red cliff, want these in even more now...I know, I saw it too, great movie.
"Meow had a microphone, absolute support"
I look at the items, and I tried to add it to a personal mod BUT it doesn't works because most of them need a particular shaders (The Deluge's ones I think).
Maybe cmp will be able to work on this but for the moment I failed when I tried to export the models.
I look at the items, and I tried to add it to a personal mod BUT it doesn't works because most of them need a particular shaders (The Deluge's ones I think).
Maybe cmp will be able to work on this but for the moment I failed when I tried to export the models.
I know, I saw it too, great movie.I would also like to know if they are going to add the shields? I'm very interested in that large rhodok-like shield.
I can't wait!
Anyone know how long it might take for the items to make it into C-rpg? Guesses? Estimates?
Btw I was checking through the chinese forum using google translate. I love the translations google sometimes make, lol just check these out;
"Frozen coffee waste of space to clean the room"
"Blood Steel was to force such a screen like the epic film a boat, people food for thought" (People food? WTF)
"Strong support for the domestic boutique ~ ~ ~ ~ we are all concerned!"
"This does not not sleep through the night to rush armor"
"Meow had a microphone, absolute support"
I'm telling you, they are plotting our demise!
I would also like to know if they are going to add the shields? I'm very interested in that large rhodok-like shield.
alex, you will have to help me turning Torben into something chinese sounding. Talkin bout the likes of Tor_ben_fung or something ^^Gonna make Jar_Leng_Kung now :D
I can't believe that anyone actually voted "No" on this. It's like when you go on Youtube to listen to Jimi Hendrix and see that the Video has 1 dislike
Reason is simple:
1) A person who is racist toward asians IRL
2) Eurocentrism
3) When they read the title they vote for no without reading because they thought Chinese shit is the same as Japanese
4) Only like Japanese instead of Chinese
5) People who don't know anything about ancient Chinese history
6) Trolling
7) They like the items but still vote for no
8) Accidently vote for no instead of yes
9) Thinks too much items already in CRPG
10) Thought this is not mount and blade warband and is other games
11) Thought Chinese and Japanese are the same
12) Think the armors are bad/ ugly (Meow said this)
13) Don't give a shit (Random vote on no)
and so on+++
Reason is simple:
1) A person who is racist toward asians IRL
2) Eurocentrism
3) When they read the title they vote for no without reading because they thought Chinese shit is the same as Japanese
4) Only like Japanese instead of Chinese
5) People who don't know anything about ancient Chinese history
6) Trolling
7) They like the items but still vote for no
8) Accidently vote for no instead of yes
9) Thinks too much items already in CRPG
10) Thought this is not mount and blade warband and is other games
11) Thought Chinese and Japanese are the same
12) Think the armors are bad/ ugly (Meow said this)
13) Don't give a shit (Random vote on no)
and so on+++
This is a Napoleonic Wars Mod, no ?
This is a Napoleonic Wars Mod, no ?No, Napolenic Wars is a mod of this.
Maybe Meow would've said yes if u put in a cat picture. Or better yet, put a cat in one of these armors.
Well, i've installed the mod. And I see quite nothing chinese. It's the 1257 world map, same factions. You can just customize some battle and have a chinese faction (not sure wich one , maybe Novgorod).
it's basically an add on to 1257 mod with china in it
It added some new chinese scenes, new troops for crusades, added China as a faction, some new scenes on town + castle + lots of new items added, Flag on lances can move, plume on helmet can move, and lots of tweak. China is there, but its either hidden because its in far east, very far i mean compare to the map of europe ;dWait. We can WALK ALL THE WAY TO CHINA?!?!?!
If these crusader armors are added I may actually play this shit mod again.Guess devs shouldn't add 'em. :cry:
Guess devs shouldn't add 'em. :cry::o
nah, no1 aint it for sure. I believe its more of keeping the battlefield homogeneous with arabian and european armors. fuck that none the less : )
No, you can't go to China. In fact, I still don't know where are chineses.Where to find them :(
I've just saw a chinese flag for Aragon...
But crusader armors are cool.
Where to find them :(
Where to find them :(Hey guys, I found the chinese units in the east, "Novogrod Welki" and "Regnum Galiciae et Lodomeriae" are the main chinese-like factions.
Hey guys, I found the chinese units in the east, "Novogrod Welki" and "Regnum Galiciae et Lodomeriae" are the main chinese-like factions.Thanks! Gonna go play the mod again now :D
It's an addon for the 1257 mod.
Recruit them from castles, villages and towns. Each gives a different unit.
nah, no1 aint it for sure. I believe its more of keeping the battlefield homogeneous with arabian and european armors. fuck that none the less : )
True Torbenvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
Why has noone yet mentioned the TNT SPEAR?
If only one item of the pack is implemented, IT MUST BE THE TNT SPEAR.
Because it's awesome to have a spear with TNT attached at the tip?
sorry to ask but what is TNT :(Seriously?
TNT is the name of a popular search engine that let's you find information on the internet. It's also a form of laziness inherent in all dragons.
sorry to ask but what is TNT :(It's a dinomite. Like... granades from cowboy movies.
yay, crpg update! the new armors are awesome
yay, crpg update! the new armors are awesomeDon't hype me like that! I started to spin out of control and fly up into the ceiling!
enough bumps, lungy already bumps enough on the servers, dont bump the forums as well!*Bump*
I was talking about this, in case you have missed it:
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If you haven't missed it, I don't understand your confusion. I mean. It's a spear with an explosive attached. What weapon can be more awesome?
uhm rpg with bayonet?
how alexthedragon would see these items in game
It does not matter Tavuk_Bey I would only see awesome looking armors in my game anyway :D
I have to agree. Lungy why do you care so much about these Chinese armours? It's not like you can see them anyway.
I have to agree. Lungy why do you care so much about these Chinese armours? It's not like you can see them anyway.
Was wondering, are there anymore screenshots of helmets?
People who down vote my post are all turks, ignore them.
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lol wut is that?
I would like knights! :DYep, they're done very-very epic.
Bump, any official words yet?Nope.
Asian stuff is gheeey gtfobundle of sticks.
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Jeez, it was said already that this is getting added, just wait for the next cRPG patch?Where was that said? And by who?
Read quote. (
We are thinking about completely replacing Japanese crap with Chinese stuff so we are not really biased against Far East in general.
I would have a little nerdgasm if these armors gets added, ashigaru ftw!That's Japanese....
That's Japanese....
Duh, vet jo det da, har spilt shogun 2 liksom :lol:Så hvorfor blander du Kina og Japan? Ganske stor forskjell på dem :P
Så hvorfor blander du Kina og Japan? Ganske stor forskjell på dem :P
Leste ikke at det var kinesisk armor, så bare bildene :lol:Men de ligner jo ikke på ashigaru rustning....
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This guy clearly thinks it's a good idea.
ObviouslyOrlando bloomMr. Obvious inkingdom of heavenMr. Obvious is obviously obvious.
Idk what you guys are bumping this for, Shik already said they were in like 15 pages ago. :P
As long as this is not in yet I will still bump this thread, still many people didn't get a chance to vote, there is a massive amount of stuff to add thats why it will take so long.... if its in not every item will be added though ;P
Read quote. ( if we got official word from the devs via a forum post that would be good.
Stop whining about pixel crack you A.D.D. generation nubs (go play WoW or something). The dev's are working on the new version of strategus, and on the new version of the c-rpg client. I'd rather they focus all their time on these two issues than adding more pixel crack into the game.
It's been stated by devs that they're working on it.Pics or it didn't happen. Even then an ETA of 6 months sounds about right.
Could care less about re-assuring some guy on the internetWhat's this then?
It's been stated by devs that they're working on it. We can't complain about speed when they're not getting paid.