Off Topic => Spam => Topic started by: _Tak_ on July 02, 2012, 07:25:24 pm

Title: Poll to add nothing
Post by: _Tak_ on July 02, 2012, 07:25:24 pm
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: rustyspoon on July 02, 2012, 07:29:30 pm
The models are really well done and I'm always a fan of more diversity. Add them!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Miwiw on July 02, 2012, 07:32:06 pm
Even if I prefer the European setting of M&B and the item set up in crpg with more european/arabian style / western style, I cannot say no to this. The armors and weapons are much too awesome and their quality is much higher than most other items we have.

Are they all based on real stuff? I know they look awesome but still thats an important question for me.

If we can remove the old samurai stuff for that, even better as said in the other thread.
Even if I wont use that on my main, maybe an alt will be worth for that.

e: at Digglez, you cannot have too many models. never
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Digglez on July 02, 2012, 07:32:35 pm
dont need chinese shit, already plenty of asian stuff you can work with. mod already has too many items/textures
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Swaggart on July 02, 2012, 07:36:22 pm
Ignore Digglez. His opinion reflects his personality, which resembles an orifice.

They look great. What impresses me more is how great the landscapes look.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Moncho on July 02, 2012, 07:39:42 pm
The armours look really good, and I wouldnt mind them being added, but I am worried about the possible performance drop due to them, as I am already on low settings and fps.

If that is not a problem, I dont see a problem with them being added
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 02, 2012, 07:41:23 pm
Regarding the chinese stuff,I already can see my Lu Bu alt  8-) rolling on eu server with his Red Hare.

And also please add the whole OSP,along with the crusading-eastern pack,we need them both along with the OSP that I proposed in order to have some hardcore Role playing.

Fuck I`m gonna bump that thread everyday.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: [ptx] on July 02, 2012, 07:45:05 pm
Are those guys meant to be Sumo fighters? They all look so bulky :lol:
Nevertheless, i'd love to have some of these on my archer alt
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Ealoseum on July 02, 2012, 08:22:01 pm
Pretty awesome stuff to add:)
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Froto_the_Loc on July 02, 2012, 08:38:28 pm
So which game are these for again? That don't look like no Warband.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Lamk on July 02, 2012, 08:40:07 pm
Amazing but where is the link to download them on the Chinese website
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Chagan_Arslan on July 02, 2012, 08:45:34 pm
very nice armours
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Dexxtaa on July 02, 2012, 08:46:28 pm
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 02, 2012, 08:54:47 pm
bla bla bla
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Teeth on July 02, 2012, 08:56:51 pm
I'll repeat myself. Fuck Euro-centrism.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Casimir on July 02, 2012, 09:00:15 pm
Really nice models, very good quality.  Hopefully these will be included in the next item update!

Also this shit is epic.
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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Mlekce on July 02, 2012, 09:08:38 pm
I doubt this mode is free or content from it free. Did you ask the developers of that mode to use this?
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Casimir on July 02, 2012, 09:10:32 pm
L 2 Read

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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 02, 2012, 09:11:46 pm
bla bla
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Radament on July 02, 2012, 09:13:01 pm
/signed even if i really don't like chinese armors in general , these are
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Chagan_Arslan on July 02, 2012, 09:18:01 pm
go ahead and visit the Chinese site, the mod maker clearly stated that all contents in the mod are OSP. 80% of the chinese people never use talesworld so they never got the chance to post anything on there, plus not many of them speak good english, talesworld don't have any osp chinese armors, but here is an huge osp chinese armors pack that was released 1 month ago made by 血与钢 :

there is plenty of other good OSP stuff that is hidden inside China forum but never appear on talesworld because they don't speak english

guess you did not read the whole thing, maybe you should

detective Lungy ^^
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: LordBerenger on July 02, 2012, 09:19:20 pm
Really nice models, very good quality.  Hopefully these will be included in the next item update!

Also this shit is epic.
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Yeah that 1 was f'n sweet.

And add that cross too. Would be epic to run around carrying that cross as well. Also those chinese armors are so badass. Fuck you Digglez!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on July 02, 2012, 09:28:40 pm
First time ever i say yes when it's about adding Chinese/japanese items.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Benemortasia on July 02, 2012, 09:31:22 pm
Wow, those are some very well done models. The edges are so crisp!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Weren on July 02, 2012, 09:32:11 pm
That's definitely an aye from me.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 02, 2012, 09:38:12 pm
Lungy do they have any other Eastern armors??
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Dach on July 02, 2012, 09:39:12 pm
Wow add these ASAP!  :D
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Overdriven on July 02, 2012, 09:42:56 pm
Definite add!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Miley on July 02, 2012, 09:53:55 pm
Wow, this is Warband? My guess was it was some mod for a Total War game, until I saw the tavern keeper. These are really good, and they should definitely be added. I could've looked at all the screenshots individually, but there were too many!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 02, 2012, 10:01:55 pm
Those first shields look like big trollfaces to me :D

Really nais pack... Any info how to get trees and shit look like that? The environment looks awesome in those screens too!

Holy shit look at the woods!
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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Leshma on July 02, 2012, 10:06:07 pm
That's definitely an aye from me.

Hey Boss,

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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Emotion on July 02, 2012, 10:10:04 pm
mmmmm cheese and waffles.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 02, 2012, 10:17:40 pm
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 02, 2012, 10:20:32 pm
There is no excuses,2 great OSP`s have been introduced to the Dev`s and the public want`s them both.

my old friendaderp.

Do your thing  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Sarpton on July 02, 2012, 10:39:57 pm
Dear god ,  I NEED THAT CRUSADER CROSS WAGON.  Add the whole thing, all of it.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: LordBerenger on July 02, 2012, 10:52:53 pm
Dear god ,  I NEED THAT CRUSADER CROSS WAGON.  Add the whole thing, all of it.

God Wills It
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Loar Avel on July 02, 2012, 11:04:43 pm
Lady Marlyse like these item.

Now add them.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: //saxon on July 02, 2012, 11:09:01 pm
lol looks like the old beat em up playstation game, dynasty warriors!  8-)

Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Burr1ck on July 02, 2012, 11:17:39 pm
Love the Chinese, Middle East and Crusader stuff!

Oh and carriages:
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Sweet, chariots are doable! Chariots in cRPG would be cool :mrgreen:!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 03, 2012, 12:07:29 am
lol looks like the old beat em up playstation game, dynasty warriors!  8-)

these armors are based on song dynasty, Dynasty Warriors are based on Three Kingdoms, still they are all Chinese ;p
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 03, 2012, 12:09:15 am
lol looks like the old beat em up playstation game, dynasty warriors!  8-)

ah the memories

I remember endless days of playing Dynasty Warriors 2, battle of Hu Lao gate as Lu Bu on hard difficulty... :wink:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Adamar on July 03, 2012, 12:10:44 am
So long as the east asian stuff is left out, fine.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Torben on July 03, 2012, 12:24:20 am
absolutely beautiful.  I want the horses,  too!  and the fuck,  the thing on his helmet is moving in the wind,  how cool is that?

and yay for hooded crusader helmets!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: callahan9119 on July 03, 2012, 12:26:23 am
Holy shit, if those images weren't enhanced somehow, those textures and visuals are amazing.

Also, I'm reading that mod's thread translated courtesy of is pure hilarity.

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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Miwiw on July 03, 2012, 12:26:57 am
he thing on his helmet is moving in the wind,  how cool is that?

I bet if we dont have a similar code to make that possible in general, it will not move in crpg. But thats just my guess.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Kuyamzoleta on July 03, 2012, 12:33:37 am
If you dev's add this i'll raise my newborn to play this game
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 03, 2012, 12:35:05 am
I bet if we dont have a similar code to make that possible in general, it will not move in crpg. But thats just my guess.

Think it's possible without the code, i checked in brf it's something to do with lod, we'll see if they are actually added  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Gurnisson on July 03, 2012, 12:35:34 am
Most of it looks good
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Yachdiel on July 03, 2012, 12:53:27 am
While this game isn't really Eurocentric as mongols are already a faction in the native game, I do want to note that first those "Chinese Weapons" are actually renames of the Sabres, and second if you really want a chinese character you can mess around with the armors already and produce something similar
Such as this, which is an outfit I posted earlier on the fashion thread and is something I wore as a Chinese-esque character
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Other than that if these armors don't effect the operating abilities on some peoples computers, I'm all for this


I can already all those horses running around now, maybe they should be the heirloom pack +3 versions of some horses?
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Banok on July 03, 2012, 01:01:51 am
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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Shadowren on July 03, 2012, 01:09:34 am
Add them all  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Weren on July 03, 2012, 01:11:38 am
The environment looks awesome in those screens too!

Holy shit look at the woods!
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Never seen Polished Landscapes before eh?  :P
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on July 03, 2012, 01:24:02 am
These may damn well be the best looking screens I've ever seen of Warband, truly amazing stuff. I want EVERYTHING added.  :twisted:
Also, is there any English version of this mod? I WANT SO BAD.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: LordBerenger on July 03, 2012, 01:25:25 am
What i found most interesting though was the visuals though. Everything looked so damn awesome. Like an entirely new game imo.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Lord_Panos on July 03, 2012, 01:26:53 am
I suggest that we try to persuade this chinese dude to join c-rpg dev team and kick the useless Shik-Fasader.

Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on July 03, 2012, 01:31:23 am
What i found most interesting though was the visuals though. Everything looked so damn awesome. Like an entirely new game imo.

This. And apparently the mod is about the Mongols invading China and the ensuing fight. I WANT IT. TRANSLATION PLEASE.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: LordBerenger on July 03, 2012, 01:32:14 am
I suggest that we try to persuade this chinese dude to join c-rpg dev team and kick the useless Shik-Fasader.


Kick Fasaderp. We need Shik for translating chinese for newbies.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Denam on July 03, 2012, 01:36:20 am
Most of that stuff was jawdroppingly awesome.

The Great Tianyuan would love to have more gear option.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on July 03, 2012, 01:37:05 am
Kick Fasaderp. We need Shik for translating chinese for newbies.

Shik can translate? Shik if you see this I request you translate this mod! For the love of god! I will be forever grateful.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on July 03, 2012, 01:38:20 am
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Dude, that shit rocks, especially the the cross on the wagon.

Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Tennenoth on July 03, 2012, 01:52:37 am
What i found most interesting though was the visuals though. Everything looked so damn awesome. Like an entirely new game imo.

I must admit I did thought a similar thing. I looked through them thinking "Hoax, this looks like a completely different game... But I recognise those trees... it can't be... It is..." and I still don't quite believe it.

I don't have much of an interest in Chinese armours, but I don't think I can say no to seeing these things running around in cRPG. I'm all for it.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Shik on July 03, 2012, 03:52:03 am
Shik can translate? Shik if you see this I request you translate this mod! For the love of god! I will be forever grateful.
it's basically an add on to 1257 mod with china in it
click on the green button that says 普通下载

the other download options require certain software
(nvm i think the links are expired as of yesterday lol) not gonna bother reuploading it because it's a stupidly big file
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on July 03, 2012, 05:26:38 am
it's basically an add on to 1257 mod with china in it
click on the green button that says 普通下载

the other download options require certain software
(nvm i think the links are expired as of yesterday lol) not gonna bother reuploading it because it's a stupidly big file

Awehhh. ): I want to play this mod SO badly. If there's any other links that aren't expired or links to a translated version I would LOVE to get my hands on them. But thanks anyways Shik!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Shatter on July 03, 2012, 06:11:47 am
Dude, that shit rocks, especially the the cross on the wagon.

Prayer is too OP. Would not be balanced.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Vkvkvk on July 03, 2012, 06:35:44 am
These armors looks fucking awesome.

Looking at these pictures, it almost makes me feel like Warband should have been about the Song Dynasty all along, the pictures just makes the game look so much better, shit's crazy.

I'd be all up for having these armors in cRPG.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Ramza on July 03, 2012, 07:18:50 am
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: TurmoilTom on July 03, 2012, 07:24:17 am
I just felt like posting in this thread to comment about how awesome all this stuff is. That's it.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Jagdpanther on July 03, 2012, 08:31:11 am
Plox add.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 03, 2012, 09:15:19 am
bla bla
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on July 03, 2012, 09:51:39 am
What Shik said is exactly right, about translation even if you download the mod it's still in English, but the troop tree of some troops could be mess up, everything in the game would be English, except some of the troop tree/ items names could be wrong. I just tested it and it's great. The link is expired just like what Shik said, but you can still use those Chinese software to download it, or wait for the mod maker to upload a new version (He mention he will add some new mongolian stuff soon)

I would, but I have no clue how to use said software as it's in Chinese. o:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: NuberT on July 03, 2012, 09:57:25 am
they look nice indeed, but I can already see the battlefield swarmed by ugly combos of chinese and current crpg stuff.  :(
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Ealoseum on July 03, 2012, 11:37:47 am
they look nice indeed, but I can already see the battlefield swarmed by ugly combos of chinese and current crpg stuff.  :(
Yeah. The items in this mod are perfectly textured, but it will be a huge difference between them and crpg items we have now. If they will be added. But I'm only for adding em all :D
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Fartface on July 03, 2012, 11:55:04 am
Dont care if it gets added , not going to use it anyway.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Micah on July 03, 2012, 01:25:12 pm
ilove it =D want it now  :twisted:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: dynamike on July 03, 2012, 03:52:21 pm
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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: MadeForFighting on July 03, 2012, 05:17:35 pm
At fifteen, I had the will to  learn ; at thirty, I could stand ; at forty, I had no  doubts ; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding ;  at sixty, my ears were opened ; at seventy, I could  do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the  square. if this wont get added!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Wildling on July 03, 2012, 05:25:27 pm
Would add even more immersion for RP themed  players.

Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: v/onMega on July 03, 2012, 05:50:18 pm
Add it.

Though only if I get a Ma Chao or Lu Bu outfit plus the weapons. kkthxbye
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 03, 2012, 08:38:30 pm
+ 9000 for crusader & mid eastern stuff
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Sarpton on July 03, 2012, 09:48:42 pm
The cross man.
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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Lactating Vegetables on July 03, 2012, 10:54:26 pm
This needs implementing
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Oggrinsky on July 04, 2012, 12:25:37 am
I really didn't expect these to be of such high quality! Yes, these need to added. Some more variety is just what this mod needs.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Weren on July 04, 2012, 12:39:50 am
Mod is once again alive and kicking if this wont get added!
And nobody wants that now, do they!?
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Lrenard on July 04, 2012, 12:51:39 am
Beautiful models! Crpg need this pack! For me, Imperiale Army Of China! xd
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Made in China on July 04, 2012, 01:37:38 am
Oh God, it's exactly what we were waiting for. You have the support of all the members of the clan: "Armée Impériale" ! :D
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Shatter on July 04, 2012, 02:23:06 am
I really hope the weapons make it into cRPG. You can never have enough weapon options.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: joespose on July 04, 2012, 02:35:20 am
Came here expecting some gay samurai shit. i was pleasantly surprised.
This stuff looks really nice and i'd love to see it added

Also that giant cross needs to be added
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Aderyn on July 04, 2012, 05:44:51 am
That giant cross needs to be added. =D dragging that shit around be awesome.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Spanish on July 04, 2012, 07:08:17 am
That giant cross needs to be added. =D dragging that shit around be awesome.
If it gets add all were going to be doing is dragging that cross around

And i love the horses in the Chinese pack mainly cuz of the plumes so bad ass
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 04, 2012, 10:41:31 am
And nobody wants that now, do they!?

the other way around  :wink:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: justjr on July 04, 2012, 10:58:05 am
Why people don't expect good wuality form chinese stuff?
They made ur iPad...
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Aseplhood on July 04, 2012, 11:08:32 am
... I want ...

But this pack would be even more AWSOME if they'd add more plate armours  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Zerran on July 04, 2012, 11:15:43 am
These look really good!

However, as others have stated, there are too many textures as is.

HOWEVER, there are a ton of items that could be merged to deal with this. If we could get heraldic versions of some of the colored items, it could drastically reduce the number of items currently in game, while simultaneously increasing item diversity.

For example, there are: 4 colored shirts, 5 colored tunics over mail, and 7 surcoats over mail. If someone would make these, instead of having their own individual color, show the heraldic background of the player's banner, they could be reduced from 16 items down to 3. Additionally, I think this could be done for the two colored, non-heraldic transitionals, and possibly for the coat of plates, corrazinas, and brigandines. which would change another 12 items into 4.

This would take some volunteer work though, which tends to be exceedingly hard to find.  :lol:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Kansuke on July 04, 2012, 11:26:09 am
Interesting link:

Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 04, 2012, 05:28:30 pm
Interesting link:

Very interesting indeed Kansuke,  added it to the first page, too bad only for Song & Yuan Dynasty ;p


Armors don't make the game lag, the more players = more lag, people with weak graphics card should play on lower settings. People like me who have the weakest laptop have to change the textures in game so we won't get any lag lol. Just like the Resource & Texture Optimization.
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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: LordBerenger on July 04, 2012, 06:10:11 pm

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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 04, 2012, 09:41:37 pm

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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Destructor1993 on July 04, 2012, 09:53:00 pm
Well personally i think it looks great!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Silicium on July 04, 2012, 09:54:05 pm
Oh yes add this crusader outfit, kingdom of jerusalem templars, hospitaler, so i can wear ma outfit and see panos raging at me. add this pleasseeeee.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 05, 2012, 09:48:41 am
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Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: BlameMeForTheNoise on July 05, 2012, 12:11:30 pm
That stuff is awesome. The whole pack is very neat. Give that to cRPG and I will sacrifice this here Kinder Maxi King

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 to the mighty gods of c-rpg. It was my pre-dinner-snack. So its kinda a big deal. I will hunger for at least 10 1/2 minutes.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Zerran on July 05, 2012, 12:23:12 pm

Armors don't make the game lag, the more players = more lag, people with weak graphics card should play on lower settings. People like me who have the weakest laptop have to change the textures in game so we won't get any lag lol. Just like the Resource & Texture Optimization.

Not lag, they fill up the memory on video cards, so people who have low-memory graphics cards kind of get screwed over.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Ealoseum on July 05, 2012, 01:17:03 pm
These look really good!

However, as others have stated, there are too many textures as is.

HOWEVER, there are a ton of items that could be merged to deal with this. If we could get heraldic versions of some of the colored items, it could drastically reduce the number of items currently in game, while simultaneously increasing item diversity.

For example, there are: 4 colored shirts, 5 colored tunics over mail, and 7 surcoats over mail. If someone would make these, instead of having their own individual color, show the heraldic background of the player's banner, they could be reduced from 16 items down to 3. Additionally, I think this could be done for the two colored, non-heraldic transitionals, and possibly for the coat of plates, corrazinas, and brigandines. which would change another 12 items into 4.

This would take some volunteer work though, which tends to be exceedingly hard to find.  :lol:
Yeah. It would take some work. Cause you should also give free loom points to those, who loomed that stuff.
And it won't make any sence, cause colors give some kind of difference to the game and this models do not "weight" much. Just adding new armors won't be so difficult or take a lot of game space.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 05, 2012, 02:24:14 pm
Not lag, they fill up the memory on video cards, so people who have low-memory graphics cards kind of get screwed over.

People with low-end memory graphics cards like me can find solution for ourselves such as changing the textures of all models. (Like what I did above), even playing with 200 players I still have good fps. It also depends on maps, on plain maps it is very likely that players will have good fps. Performance wise
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Ujio on July 05, 2012, 03:47:38 pm
Hell, add the maps as well, they look Great, especially the village with the river flowing through it, vast plains and forested areas and snow covered maps.

And look at those skies, amazing! So atmospheric, imagine how a great a battle would be fighting under those skies
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Gurnisson on July 05, 2012, 04:27:38 pm
I'm looking forward to Kuyak, DGS and new chinese boots/helmets etc.

It's gonna be sweet. :lol:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Dionysus on July 05, 2012, 06:57:15 pm
I feel that the mod needs this. In other words, I will be pretty disappointed if this does not make it in. Nevertheless, if there is a technical problem without any solution, I'd understand.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Dexxtaa on July 05, 2012, 07:04:59 pm
I'm looking forward to Kuyak, DGS and new chinese boots/helmets etc.

It's gonna be sweet. :lol:

+1 because of the gif.

I feel that the mod needs this. In other words, I will be pretty disappointed if this does not make it in. Nevertheless, if there is a technical problem without any solution, I'd understand.

There's been heavy talk on IRC about putting these new textures in. Lots of issues with the meshes and textures though (doesn't meet the requirements: sometimes too detailed, and others lacking etc). I'm sure once it's optimized, it'll go in.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Elmetiacos on July 05, 2012, 07:23:03 pm
Those armours look good. Replace some pointless shirts and high end helms with them.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 05, 2012, 07:38:22 pm
There's been heavy talk on IRC about putting these new textures in. Lots of issues with the meshes and textures though (doesn't meet the requirements: sometimes too detailed, and others lacking etc). I'm sure once it's optimized, it'll go in.

I added the whole pack onto my mod without any troubles and problems, so what was the problem could you tell me? When it was the first time i add them i had some trouble because it's a bit different, after spending few hours on it no problem at all

Edit: it's a big mod, inside the resource file there is tons of brf. The only thing we need is the Blood_and_Dust_3.0 + China_da_song_3.0 brf, the rest is linking with 1257 AD, so those 2 brf files is the only thing we need, we don't need other 1257 or hair styles or stuff like that
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 05, 2012, 08:22:24 pm
[19:18] <Urist> wat
[19:18] <Urist> asia stuff is gonna get in yes. shik is working on it
[19:18] <Urist> most likely

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New kuyak up
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Tzar on July 05, 2012, 08:23:37 pm
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Torben on July 05, 2012, 08:35:34 pm
how about adding the horses?
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: dreadnok on July 05, 2012, 08:39:11 pm
Hmmm never heard of a chinese warrior or seen one for that fact
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 05, 2012, 08:46:13 pm
Hmmm never heard of a chinese warrior or seen one for that fact

Do some research on Ancient Chinese History or watch some films/ movies/ books/ articles/ images, Samurai is more popular than the Chinese because america went to Japan instead of China  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Casimir on July 05, 2012, 08:48:13 pm
Hmmm never heard of a chinese warrior or seen one for that fact

watch red cliff or play dynasty warriors.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Magikarp on July 05, 2012, 08:59:06 pm
I do want the horses! They look amazing! Wouldn't personally use the chinese armours, but they look good. The crusader stuff looks amazing as well.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: dreadnok on July 05, 2012, 09:57:29 pm
whats the mod with the crusader shit
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 05, 2012, 11:46:37 pm
whats the mod with the crusader shit

Click the video link it will link you to the mod, but the crusader stuff might appear on cRPG soon hopefully
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Torak on July 06, 2012, 12:27:57 am
how about adding the horses?

NOOOO no more cav :shock:
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Rebelyell on July 06, 2012, 01:08:49 am
[19:18] <Urist> wat
[19:18] <Urist> asia stuff is gonna get in yes. shik is working on it
[19:18] <Urist> most likely

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New kuyak up

if we gets that middile armor ingame,
I swear then I will beat record in 3 fastest retaierments.
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Casimir on July 06, 2012, 01:43:06 am
if we gets that middile armor ingame,
I swear then I will beat record in 3 fastest retaierments.

its the only thing that will make me part with my brigadine :D
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on July 06, 2012, 02:07:13 am
if we gets that middile armor ingame,
I swear then I will beat record in 3 fastest retaierments.
What about the hood?  :|
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Armycook_of_KSantiago on July 06, 2012, 02:25:48 am
If i keep refreshing the CRPG shop page, will i be the first one to buy it?
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: cxalc on July 06, 2012, 03:25:21 am
We need more Chinese weapons as well.

There are 18 common weapons during that period.


Fang Tian Hua Ji (Equipt by Hero LVBU in The Three Kindoms) is a good choice that must be popular.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Blood_Muhammad on July 06, 2012, 03:29:33 am
The more the better :D
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Rebelyell on July 06, 2012, 03:42:50 am
What about the hood?  :|

dam 6 gens -_-

I will need  lot of burgers
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on July 06, 2012, 03:48:15 am
dam 6 gens -_-

I will need  lot of burgers
Shoes yo? 9 gens! You can do it!
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Rebelyell on July 06, 2012, 04:00:43 am
Shoes yo? 9 gens! You can do it!
over 9000
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: dule18 on July 06, 2012, 07:27:49 am
I am the CRPG players the CRPG production team can armor added to the module, you can make the game have more choices.The beauty of the world precisely because of the large number of colors intertwined and colorful.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Stylin_ATS on July 06, 2012, 09:06:38 am

I was just talking about how we need some actual Chinese shit in this game, there's such wealth of amazing armour and weapons from any given era, but the song has some particularly awesome stuff, and it fits the time period.

Videos about Chinese armor of this era:

Greatest post I've yet seen in these forums, shit is beautiful. ADD THIS NOOOOOOOOW!

Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 06, 2012, 10:00:35 am

First time ever you don't -1 on my post Zlisch  :o
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Shanghai_Brave on July 06, 2012, 01:32:46 pm
Title: Re: Chinese Pack
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on July 06, 2012, 02:20:20 pm
First time ever you don't -1 on my post Zlisch  :o
Eh, I voted to add the armors.  :D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Kajia on July 06, 2012, 02:52:01 pm
I support this. great armors indeed! you could replace the fugly samurai armors with some of those, why not?
and while you're at it 1257 A.D. has some cool rus and mongol armors, they might fit in as well: link (

here is a REALLY really good history series about ... well, World History!
and it's also funny:
Crash Course World History: China (
Crash Course World History: the Mongols (
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Turk_Otto_Knight on July 06, 2012, 03:01:45 pm
Flags on the Lances good idea :)
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 06, 2012, 10:24:50 pm
Flags on the Lances good idea :)

Don't think it will be added though
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 07, 2012, 12:51:41 pm
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Protemus on July 07, 2012, 01:01:56 pm
Good god,add both it's awesome,I know I'll be lagging but who cares,the beuty of those armors is above the laggs,it's on freaking higher level

bitch cmp pls !
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 07, 2012, 05:57:57 pm
bitchItem team pls !

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Lamk on July 07, 2012, 07:56:57 pm
I downloaded the mod they made and they added so many equipments for each faction(Crusader States,Mamluks and the Ilkanate(?) as far as played)
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 07, 2012, 08:09:17 pm
Amazing, this truly shows that the Chinese are superior and will take over the world.
Add this now!

Anyone know where/how to download this chinese mod with english text and play it as singleplayer? I would really love to get my hands on it. I tried using google translate, but only made it to one download source wich seems to be really slow.

So anyone know where you can get your hands on this mod?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 07, 2012, 08:17:08 pm
I downloaded the mod they made and they added so many equipments for each faction(Crusader States,Mamluks and the Ilkanate(?) as far as played)

You're right, I will inform it to Shik

Thread updated with some new pic:

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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Leshma on July 07, 2012, 08:19:57 pm
That first armor looks like a new Light Kuyak. It would be the most popular armor in cRPG for at least a year, if they decide to implement it.

Now I'm biased, since I've got Lordly Red Samurai armor. I totally approve of Shik's idea to replace samurai suits with chinese armors :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Protemus on July 07, 2012, 08:25:30 pm
da hell...are we talking about M&B Warband,pff,this is way to beutiful,it seems more like mod for M&B 2

I don't know what are we waiting for...the only problem with that might be it would probably be laggy to most players (including me) but meh,I'm ready to buy some new shit for PC if this gets patched.

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Gnjus on July 07, 2012, 08:27:24 pm
I am the CRPG players the CRPG production team can armor added to the module, you can make the game have more choices.The beauty of the world precisely because of the large number of colors intertwined and colorful.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Leshma on July 07, 2012, 08:28:56 pm
I don't know what are we waiting for...

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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Tiger on July 07, 2012, 09:52:25 pm
I love China. =D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 08, 2012, 09:41:15 am
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Shik is working on adding the items/ fixing some of the texture issues, (Some are over-detail than cRPG items so they will not be added), give the man some time, the rest of the item team probably going to decide what the stats are...
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Froto_the_Loc on July 08, 2012, 09:45:50 am
Uh, does that guy in that screenshot look like Orlando Bloom to anyone else?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Argoth on July 08, 2012, 09:52:46 am
He's supposed to, that teutonic armor you just added looks fucking amazing.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Sagar on July 08, 2012, 09:58:08 am
I don't know why they call this armor "new kuyak"? Kuyak is medieval Russian armor, and this is a Templar armor with some fur on shoulders.

But in general this is some nice looking armors, add them now.  :D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 08, 2012, 02:40:42 pm
Uh, does that guy in that screenshot look like Orlando Bloom to anyone else?

What do you think lol
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: [ptx] on July 08, 2012, 02:50:26 pm
I don't know why they call this armor "new kuyak"? Kuyak is medieval Russian armor, and this is a Templar armor with some fur on shoulders.

But in general this is some nice looking armors, add them now.  :D
Because everyone is going to be using that armor. And we won't even be able to sneer at it, since it'll go with most of the western helms, that khuyak doesn't fit with. :(
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Casimir on July 08, 2012, 03:08:03 pm

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Sagar on July 08, 2012, 03:17:30 pm

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Shadowren on July 08, 2012, 03:17:40 pm
I like them all good job +1  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 08, 2012, 06:13:39 pm

Thats right, took you long enough to notice ;p
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on July 08, 2012, 07:05:32 pm
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 09, 2012, 01:31:49 am
Anyone got a spare of this mod? Please could anyone upload somewhere? Or send it to me? Perhaps by torrent?

I just can't wait for the mod developer to update his mod, I have to play this now!

Just check a video of it just a few scrolls down on the mods blog:

I swear I could see flags moving!
It's just to awesome to be real.

I would be forever grateful, too whoever help me get these modfiles.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 09, 2012, 09:54:19 am
Anyone got a spare of this mod? Please could anyone upload somewhere? Or send it to me? Perhaps by torrent?

Do you know any website that I can upload a file more than 1.5 GB without having to pay for member ship or stuff like that? If you find one then I can upload it for you
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 09, 2012, 10:58:14 am
Do you know any website that I can upload a file more than 1.5 GB without having to pay for member ship or stuff like that? If you find one then I can upload it for you
That would be great! Thanks a lot!
I found two quick ones via google, don't know if they are any good though, but we can try them.

I will PM you my e-mail.

Also, for others that may want this, I will see if I can find a site to upload it. Perhaps in different parts.
Thanks again Alex.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 09, 2012, 11:44:59 am
Also, for others that may want this, I will see if I can find a site to upload it. Perhaps in different parts.

Please do, those one you posted are only for 1 person only so it's kinda sad ;p
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Sir Gilinor on July 09, 2012, 12:54:56 pm
I ususally dont care for Asian equipment, but that looks so freakin cool............. And the Crusader gear definitely needs to be added, 'specially the hooded Templar dude stuff.

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Count_Curtis on July 09, 2012, 05:40:30 pm

CRPG is not multicultural enough. its like 80% russian and viking
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 09, 2012, 05:45:42 pm
Please do, those one you posted are only for 1 person only so it's kinda sad ;p
Found two others, I'm going to keep checking for more if these two are bad.
Can't wait! ;P
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 09, 2012, 10:41:27 pm
Found two others, I'm going to keep checking for more if these two are bad.

Uploading now, going off bed, the new download link hopefully will be out tomorrow  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Havoco on July 10, 2012, 04:37:22 am
Uh, does that guy in that screenshot look like Orlando Bloom to anyone else?

Because orlando bloom is in hospitallers, duh.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 10, 2012, 12:23:20 pm
I want download!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 10, 2012, 01:52:09 pm
A very fast download site as well, great!
Thanks a lot Alex!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Armycook_of_KSantiago on July 10, 2012, 03:33:02 pm
Man, you are right. It's being made to be looks like the character that played by Orlando in the movie"Kingdom of Heaven"
and by the way that guy wearing golden Saracen armor is Saladin....
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 10, 2012, 09:32:19 pm
This shit is BADASS!

Fuck yeah, I want this!

Thanks bro!

Although it says I need to sign up, did I press the wrong "download" button? (damn ad scams everywhere!)
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 10, 2012, 09:41:59 pm
This shit is BADASS!

Fuck yeah, I want this!
Thanks bro!

Although it says I need to sign up, did I press the wrong "download" button? (damn ad scams everywhere!)
No, you need to sign up, but you can just add a fake e-mail. It will still let you download.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 10, 2012, 10:08:08 pm
Ah, gonna use "[email protected]"
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Torben on July 10, 2012, 11:05:56 pm
I just saw red cliff,  want these in even more now...
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Silveredge on July 10, 2012, 11:11:18 pm
Were the stats for these armors posted anywhere?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 10, 2012, 11:46:44 pm
Were the stats for these armors posted anywhere?
Would they matter since they can be easily changed anyway?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: genric on July 10, 2012, 11:55:41 pm
I can't wait for the new weapons and armor to appear. I think it will make the clans more organized, by giving more variety, and make the entire game more interesting by having new weapons.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 11, 2012, 12:51:00 am
I just saw red cliff,  want these in even more now...
I know, I saw it too, great movie.
I can't wait!

 Anyone know how long it might take for the items to make it into C-rpg? Guesses? Estimates?

Btw I was checking through the chinese forum using google translate. I love the translations google sometimes make, lol just check these out;

"Frozen coffee waste of space to clean the room"

"Blood Steel was to force such a screen like the epic film a boat, people food for thought"   (People food? WTF)

"Strong support for the domestic boutique ~ ~ ~ ~ we are all concerned!"

"This does not not sleep through the night to rush armor"

"Meow had a microphone, absolute support"

I'm telling you, they are plotting our demise!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Christo on July 11, 2012, 12:56:39 am
"Meow had a microphone, absolute support"

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Made in China on July 11, 2012, 01:14:46 am
I look at the items, and I tried to add it to a personal mod BUT it doesn't works because most of them need a particular shaders (The Deluge's ones I think).

Maybe cmp will be able to work on this but for the moment I failed when I tried to export the models.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: spl00gedon on July 11, 2012, 07:13:07 am
I look at the items, and I tried to add it to a personal mod BUT it doesn't works because most of them need a particular shaders (The Deluge's ones I think).

Maybe cmp will be able to work on this but for the moment I failed when I tried to export the models.

Chinese Helmets with the faces at the very beginning are epic as shit.  Also the Crusader Mail with the fur and cape would make me cream.  I WANT IT PREEEEEASE!w
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: clown1231 on July 11, 2012, 07:43:40 am
I agree, the chinees armor and weapondry simply is cooler than the old as hell samurai crap. Medieval China has to be one of the least represented countries in video games. This would bring a spot of fresh air to cRPG, something I would appreciate.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 11, 2012, 12:59:56 pm
I look at the items, and I tried to add it to a personal mod BUT it doesn't works because most of them need a particular shaders (The Deluge's ones I think).

Maybe cmp will be able to work on this but for the moment I failed when I tried to export the models.

You can change the shaders of the items to make it work, just remove the shader and replace it with things like simple_shader+++ then you will be fine. Pray for Shik for adding the items in good's will
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 11, 2012, 02:17:32 pm
I know, I saw it too, great movie.
I can't wait!

 Anyone know how long it might take for the items to make it into C-rpg? Guesses? Estimates?

Btw I was checking through the chinese forum using google translate. I love the translations google sometimes make, lol just check these out;

"Frozen coffee waste of space to clean the room"

"Blood Steel was to force such a screen like the epic film a boat, people food for thought"   (People food? WTF)

"Strong support for the domestic boutique ~ ~ ~ ~ we are all concerned!"

"This does not not sleep through the night to rush armor"

"Meow had a microphone, absolute support"

I'm telling you, they are plotting our demise!
I would also like to know if they are going to add the shields? I'm very interested in that large rhodok-like shield.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 11, 2012, 03:20:27 pm
I would also like to know if they are going to add the shields? I'm very interested in that large rhodok-like shield.

Depends on the item team to be honest, and Shik is the guy who decide what to add/ not to add
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 11, 2012, 04:01:20 pm
So I downloaded the mod and tried it a bit. Seems to just be normal AD1257, although I didn't get that much time with it so haven't seen all the units yet. Spawned in Sweden when I started.

Anyone know where I have to invade visit to murder meet the chinese units and if there's any chinese towns/castle/villages I can plunder visit?

Guessing the crusader stuff is with the Teutons/Crusader states.

Aslo: No new map? :( I was kinda whishing for a new map with china/mongolia in it, or even an extension of the ad1257 map that includes asia.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Torben on July 11, 2012, 04:03:02 pm
alex,  you will have to help me turning Torben into something chinese sounding.  Talkin bout the likes of Tor_ben_fung or something ^^
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 11, 2012, 04:12:50 pm
alex,  you will have to help me turning Torben into something chinese sounding.  Talkin bout the likes of Tor_ben_fung or something ^^
Gonna make Jar_Leng_Kung now :D

What should he be.... Lu Bu clone?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Harpag on July 11, 2012, 04:42:31 pm
Hey Alex - What you showed in the first post, it is simply amazing! If I could, I'd give you + 100. Wonderful!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Ujio on July 11, 2012, 04:52:52 pm
I can't believe that anyone actually voted "No" on this. It's like when you go on Youtube to listen to Jimi Hendrix and see that the Video has 1 dislike
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 11, 2012, 05:00:31 pm
I can't believe that anyone actually voted "No" on this. It's like when you go on Youtube to listen to Jimi Hendrix and see that the Video has 1 dislike

Reason is simple:

1) A person who is racist toward asians IRL
2) Eurocentrism
3) When they read the title they vote for no without reading because they thought Chinese shit is the same as Japanese
4) Only like Japanese instead of Chinese
5) People who don't know anything about ancient Chinese history
6) Trolling
7) They like the items but still vote for no
8) Accidently vote for no instead of yes
9) Thinks too much items already in CRPG
10)  Thought this is not mount and blade warband and is other games
11) Thought Chinese and Japanese are the same
12) Think the armors are bad/ ugly (Meow said this)
13) Don't give a shit (Random vote on no)
and so on+++
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Havoco on July 11, 2012, 05:19:46 pm
Reason is simple:

1) A person who is racist toward asians IRL
2) Eurocentrism
3) When they read the title they vote for no without reading because they thought Chinese shit is the same as Japanese
4) Only like Japanese instead of Chinese
5) People who don't know anything about ancient Chinese history
6) Trolling
7) They like the items but still vote for no
8) Accidently vote for no instead of yes
9) Thinks too much items already in CRPG
10)  Thought this is not mount and blade warband and is other games
11) Thought Chinese and Japanese are the same
12) Think the armors are bad/ ugly (Meow said this)
13) Don't give a shit (Random vote on no)
and so on+++

Maybe Meow would've said yes if u put in a cat picture. Or better yet, put a cat in one of these armors.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: Ujio on July 11, 2012, 05:31:17 pm
Reason is simple:

1) A person who is racist toward asians IRL
2) Eurocentrism
3) When they read the title they vote for no without reading because they thought Chinese shit is the same as Japanese
4) Only like Japanese instead of Chinese
5) People who don't know anything about ancient Chinese history
6) Trolling
7) They like the items but still vote for no
8) Accidently vote for no instead of yes
9) Thinks too much items already in CRPG
10)  Thought this is not mount and blade warband and is other games
11) Thought Chinese and Japanese are the same
12) Think the armors are bad/ ugly (Meow said this)
13) Don't give a shit (Random vote on no)
and so on+++

I think 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are the most viable
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack?
Post by: Torben on July 11, 2012, 05:46:20 pm
nah,  no1 aint it for sure.  I believe its more of keeping the battlefield homogeneous with arabian and european armors.  fuck that none the less : )
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack?
Post by: Tovi on July 11, 2012, 08:27:27 pm
This is a Napoleonic Wars Mod, no ?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack?
Post by: _Tak_ on July 11, 2012, 09:07:11 pm
This is a Napoleonic Wars Mod, no ?

You're kidding right?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack?
Post by: justjr on July 11, 2012, 09:17:46 pm
This is a Napoleonic Wars Mod, no ?
No, Napolenic Wars is a mod of this.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 11, 2012, 10:18:15 pm
Maybe Meow would've said yes if u put in a cat picture. Or better yet, put a cat in one of these armors.

Not sure about this tbh :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tovi on July 12, 2012, 12:10:12 am
Well, i've installed the mod. And I see quite nothing chinese. It's the 1257 world map, same factions. You can just customize some battle and have a chinese faction (not sure wich one , maybe Novgorod).
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 12, 2012, 12:23:09 am
Well, i've installed the mod. And I see quite nothing chinese. It's the 1257 world map, same factions. You can just customize some battle and have a chinese faction (not sure wich one , maybe Novgorod).

It added some new chinese scenes, new troops for crusades, added China as a faction, some new scenes on town + castle + lots of new items added, Flag on lances can move, plume on helmet can move, and lots of tweak.  China is there, but its either hidden because its in far east, very far i mean compare to the map of europe ;d

it's basically an add on to 1257 mod with china in it
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 12, 2012, 02:35:53 am
It added some new chinese scenes, new troops for crusades, added China as a faction, some new scenes on town + castle + lots of new items added, Flag on lances can move, plume on helmet can move, and lots of tweak.  China is there, but its either hidden because its in far east, very far i mean compare to the map of europe ;d
Wait. We can WALK ALL THE WAY TO CHINA?!?!?!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tyrell on July 12, 2012, 02:44:51 am
If these crusader armors are added I may actually play this shit mod again.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on July 12, 2012, 02:57:11 am
If these crusader armors are added I may actually play this shit mod again.
Guess devs shouldn't add 'em.  :cry:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tyrell on July 12, 2012, 03:21:55 am
Guess devs shouldn't add 'em.  :cry:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tovi on July 12, 2012, 07:19:53 am
No, you can't go to China. In fact, I still don't know where are chineses.
I've just saw a chinese flag for Aragon...

But crusader armors are cool.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Allers on July 12, 2012, 07:22:28 am
Id love to see all these armors especially the crusader armors in CRPG :0
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Made in China on July 12, 2012, 12:47:31 pm
I will try to change the shaders then
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 12, 2012, 01:08:45 pm
Yes go change the shaders
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack?
Post by: _Tak_ on July 12, 2012, 01:12:44 pm
nah,  no1 aint it for sure.  I believe its more of keeping the battlefield homogeneous with arabian and european armors.  fuck that none the less : )

True Torben
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 12, 2012, 02:41:10 pm
No, you can't go to China. In fact, I still don't know where are chineses.
I've just saw a chinese flag for Aragon...

But crusader armors are cool.
Where to find them :(
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 12, 2012, 02:54:06 pm
Where to find them :(

I haven't actually play the mod yet, gonna try it now ;p
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 12, 2012, 02:55:54 pm
Where to find them :(
Hey guys, I found the chinese units in the east, "Novogrod Welki" and "Regnum Galiciae et Lodomeriae" are the main chinese-like factions.
It's an addon for the 1257 mod.
Recruit them from castles, villages and towns. Each gives a different unit.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Joseph Porta on July 12, 2012, 04:09:56 pm
I like this, this isn't some hollywood samurai armor
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 12, 2012, 09:14:39 pm
Hey guys, I found the chinese units in the east, "Novogrod Welki" and "Regnum Galiciae et Lodomeriae" are the main chinese-like factions.
It's an addon for the 1257 mod.
Recruit them from castles, villages and towns. Each gives a different unit.
Thanks! Gonna go play the mod again now :D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on July 12, 2012, 11:41:35 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: dodnet on July 13, 2012, 12:26:59 pm
Some really good items in there. Add it NOW!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack?
Post by: Ujio on July 13, 2012, 04:59:55 pm
nah,  no1 aint it for sure.  I believe its more of keeping the battlefield homogeneous with arabian and european armors.  fuck that none the less : )
True Torben
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Oh it's True... It's Damn True!

Edit: I like how the one person who -1'd this post is also the person I reported for blatant racism. I mean how can you not like this post?
Oh it's True... It's Damn True!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 14, 2012, 02:01:41 am
I really hope they add all kinds of new items from this pack.
We really need a full new culture in-game. If they add the horses, shields, weapons and almost all the armor, it would add a whole new world to c-rpg!
I just can't wait, I'm sorry!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 14, 2012, 10:30:09 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Voso on July 15, 2012, 12:08:50 am
ugh if these get added I am gonna have to change my looms..
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Gwennifer on July 15, 2012, 05:50:01 am
I didn't know that M&B had a Chinese modding scene...or a single, dedicated modder.

I'd like both, but replacing the Japanese stuff with this might solve a lot of issues people have with the katana/nodachi.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tibe on July 15, 2012, 09:39:22 pm
Man, those where awesome.  :o :o :o :o
They should definately be added. Why shouldnt it? All the turk stuff that people posted got their own place, this stuff is even more cooler.
Also the crusader stuff was even more badass than I expected.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Branches on July 15, 2012, 10:35:56 pm
Wow, really kewl stuff, I'd love to have these added in!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on July 16, 2012, 02:32:57 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: zagibu on July 16, 2012, 08:59:37 am
Why has noone yet mentioned the TNT SPEAR?

If only one item of the pack is implemented, IT MUST BE THE TNT SPEAR.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 16, 2012, 03:24:10 pm
Why has noone yet mentioned the TNT SPEAR?

If only one item of the pack is implemented, IT MUST BE THE TNT SPEAR.

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: zagibu on July 16, 2012, 05:52:14 pm
Because it's awesome to have a spear with TNT attached at the tip?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 16, 2012, 05:58:59 pm
Because it's awesome to have a spear with TNT attached at the tip?

sorry to ask but what is TNT :(
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: zagibu on July 16, 2012, 06:08:07 pm
TNT is the name of a popular search engine that let's you find information on the internet. It's also a form of laziness inherent in all dragons.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 16, 2012, 08:09:18 pm
sorry to ask but what is TNT :(
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 16, 2012, 09:24:03 pm
TNT is the name of a popular search engine that let's you find information on the internet. It's also a form of laziness inherent in all dragons.

I see, but how does it related to the spear, the dragons? ;o


Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 17, 2012, 12:55:40 am
335 votes so far do we need more>?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Miwiw on July 17, 2012, 12:57:33 am
At least 90% votes.  :lol:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 17, 2012, 05:27:50 am
Because we really need HQ XIII century chainmail armor with surcoat. The ones from "native" sucks, its ugly. Add this. You can even replace old ones with this ones.

sorry to ask but what is TNT :(
It's a dinomite. Like... granades from cowboy movies.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Spanish on July 17, 2012, 05:35:09 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Torben on July 17, 2012, 10:10:27 am
yay,  crpg update!  the new armors are awesome
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 17, 2012, 11:53:49 am
yay,  crpg update!  the new armors are awesome

where lol, it can take more than a month to add new items
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 17, 2012, 12:29:15 pm
yay,  crpg update!  the new armors are awesome
Don't hype me like that! I started to spin out of control and fly up into the ceiling!
Then I checked the website...
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Torben on July 17, 2012, 02:12:35 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 17, 2012, 09:35:33 pm

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on July 17, 2012, 09:51:43 pm
need more bumps!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 17, 2012, 10:43:23 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 18, 2012, 05:37:39 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 18, 2012, 10:43:52 am

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Made in China on July 18, 2012, 12:19:34 pm
Chinese Bump!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Moncho on July 18, 2012, 01:55:12 pm
enough bumps, lungy already bumps enough on the servers, dont bump the forums as well!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Jarlek on July 18, 2012, 03:22:14 pm
enough bumps, lungy already bumps enough on the servers, dont bump the forums as well!
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Moncho on July 18, 2012, 04:31:09 pm
thats a weak one, try this one better:
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: zagibu on July 18, 2012, 10:37:46 pm
I was talking about this, in case you have missed it:

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If you haven't missed it, I don't understand your confusion. I mean. It's a spear with an explosive attached. What weapon can be more awesome?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 18, 2012, 10:40:06 pm
I was talking about this, in case you have missed it:

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If you haven't missed it, I don't understand your confusion. I mean. It's a spear with an explosive attached. What weapon can be more awesome?

uhm rpg with bayonet?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: zagibu on July 19, 2012, 12:43:12 am
uhm rpg with bayonet?

Hmmm, interesting concept.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 19, 2012, 03:38:31 pm

Body Crushing Mind Blowing Devestating Team Killing Bump!
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 19, 2012, 11:46:17 pm
how alexthedragon would see these items in game

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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tovi on July 19, 2012, 11:52:00 pm
Will it be implemented finally ?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 20, 2012, 01:41:23 pm
how alexthedragon would see these items in game

It does not matter Tavuk_Bey I would only see awesome looking armors in my game anyway :D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 20, 2012, 02:03:42 pm
It does not matter Tavuk_Bey I would only see awesome looking armors in my game anyway :D

you will shit bricks if you can see any of these armors in game
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Korgoth on July 20, 2012, 02:53:58 pm
I have to agree. Lungy why do you care so much about these Chinese armours? It's not like you can see them anyway.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 20, 2012, 03:25:23 pm
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 20, 2012, 03:46:56 pm
add this azn armor as well so lungy can wear it without hacking the graphics

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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 20, 2012, 05:07:07 pm
I have to agree. Lungy why do you care so much about these Chinese armours? It's not like you can see them anyway.

Tavuk you are awesome
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 21, 2012, 11:34:34 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on July 21, 2012, 03:03:30 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 21, 2012, 08:41:36 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Korgoth on July 22, 2012, 12:03:19 am

Muki I'm going to fuck you up in DH on Sunday....
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on July 22, 2012, 01:31:31 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 22, 2012, 03:11:13 pm
Penis bump!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Shadowren on July 22, 2012, 03:30:50 pm
They should add this in next update  :mrgreen:

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 22, 2012, 10:35:11 pm
I have to agree. Lungy why do you care so much about these Chinese armours? It's not like you can see them anyway.

People who down vote my post are all turks, ignore them. I am going to bump this every day, ofc i will see them in game.

When there is 60 players on server, i will have medium-low setting, i will see all armors.

When there is over 100 people on server, i will have low-very low setting, i will see few armors, terrains and sky become white

when there is over 200 players, everything become minecraft
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: zagibu on July 23, 2012, 01:09:17 am
Actually, I'm wondering how you even got the game running on your NES.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Winterly on July 23, 2012, 05:51:54 am
Was wondering, are there anymore screenshots of helmets?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: spl00gedon on July 23, 2012, 06:29:46 am
Was wondering, are there anymore screenshots of helmets?

Yes please
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 23, 2012, 05:10:07 pm
Add this or i will chop my fingers one by one.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Falka on July 23, 2012, 08:20:45 pm
326 yes votes  :shock:  :wink:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 23, 2012, 08:32:12 pm
People who down vote my post are all turks, ignore them.

you raciss
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 24, 2012, 06:45:35 am
you raciss
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Winterly on July 24, 2012, 07:47:44 am
i want to see helmets!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 24, 2012, 06:48:44 pm
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 25, 2012, 01:10:58 am
(click to show/hide)

lol wut is that?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Winterly on July 25, 2012, 01:21:07 am

Bad androgynous trolling

Anyways, Alex, anymore screenshots of helmets?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: matt2507 on July 25, 2012, 05:05:53 am
it looks like a thermal image of a dog  :lol:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on July 25, 2012, 05:24:34 am
look at it for 30 seconds and you will be insane.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 25, 2012, 05:10:49 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on July 25, 2012, 05:50:17 pm
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on July 25, 2012, 06:42:40 pm
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 26, 2012, 09:01:42 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 26, 2012, 06:09:32 pm
Bump. Dont forget about this OSP, please. We're still waiting for dev's answer.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: zDevilBox on July 26, 2012, 06:28:13 pm
I would like knights!  :D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Derk1 on July 26, 2012, 06:47:11 pm
I would like knights!  :D
Yep, they're done very-very epic.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on July 26, 2012, 09:16:10 pm
wonder when this is going to be added into the game
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Blade on July 27, 2012, 05:07:36 am
This is mind blowing..............+1  :D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 27, 2012, 07:53:28 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on July 27, 2012, 10:33:17 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on July 28, 2012, 01:51:17 am
Bump, any official words yet?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 28, 2012, 12:50:35 pm
Bump, any official words yet?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 28, 2012, 11:26:19 pm
bump once again as I said

no need to hurry
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on July 29, 2012, 07:37:31 am
what with bey downvoting?

anyways bump
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 29, 2012, 02:03:52 pm
Adventure Time is better than MLP.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on July 29, 2012, 07:46:30 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on July 30, 2012, 08:23:13 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on July 30, 2012, 05:51:58 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 30, 2012, 07:18:07 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Winterly on July 31, 2012, 08:38:42 am
bump  :( when will this arrive, i need new armor to loom :\
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on July 31, 2012, 03:16:51 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on July 31, 2012, 07:49:48 pm
I can't believe how good my avatar is.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on July 31, 2012, 10:46:21 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on August 01, 2012, 01:04:30 am
Tavuk_bey, yo momma doesnt love ye.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on August 01, 2012, 02:47:53 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tovi on August 01, 2012, 03:07:40 pm
Can u please stop spamming forum with your stupids bumps ?!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Zerran on August 01, 2012, 03:23:07 pm

fixed that for you.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tzar on August 01, 2012, 03:46:34 pm
Asian stuff is gheeey gtfo
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on August 01, 2012, 06:00:25 pm
Asian stuff is gheeey gtfo
bundle of sticks.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tore on August 01, 2012, 10:48:46 pm
Why is not this added yet?!?!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on August 02, 2012, 12:23:55 am
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Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 02, 2012, 03:07:54 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on August 02, 2012, 03:08:27 am

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: [ptx] on August 02, 2012, 09:23:34 am
Jeez, it was said already that this is getting added, just wait for the next cRPG patch?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on August 02, 2012, 03:07:20 pm
Jeez, it was said already that this is getting added, just wait for the next cRPG patch?
Where was that said? And by who?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: [ptx] on August 02, 2012, 03:41:17 pm
Read quote. (
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on August 02, 2012, 04:16:20 pm
Read quote. (

We are thinking about completely replacing Japanese crap with Chinese stuff so we are not really biased against Far East in general.

Can't always trust Urist, its not just him, he is just one of the item team, we'll need to see what other item balancers say (okiN, cmp, Shik, Fasader), it also rely on what the community say
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: IR_Kuoin on August 03, 2012, 12:53:30 am
I would have a little nerdgasm if these armors gets added, ashigaru ftw!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Jarlek on August 03, 2012, 12:55:24 am
I would have a little nerdgasm if these armors gets added, ashigaru ftw!
That's Japanese....
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: IR_Kuoin on August 03, 2012, 02:47:09 am
That's Japanese....

Duh, vet jo det da, har spilt shogun 2 liksom  :lol:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Jarlek on August 03, 2012, 04:20:52 am
Duh, vet jo det da, har spilt shogun 2 liksom  :lol:
Så hvorfor blander du Kina og Japan? Ganske stor forskjell på dem :P
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: IR_Kuoin on August 03, 2012, 02:24:17 pm
Så hvorfor blander du Kina og Japan? Ganske stor forskjell på dem :P

Leste ikke at det var kinesisk armor, så bare bildene  :lol:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Jarlek on August 03, 2012, 05:55:58 pm
Leste ikke at det var kinesisk armor, så bare bildene  :lol:
Men de ligner jo ikke på ashigaru rustning....
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Shadowren on August 03, 2012, 06:01:58 pm
Add these in big update already  :mrgreen:

Armor bump!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Winterly on August 03, 2012, 07:49:58 pm
90% YES...and it isn't a trolly poll too...c'mon!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on August 04, 2012, 07:50:04 am
Holy shit in this thing has the greatest amount of + to - votes I've seen on this forum.

If this dude is willing to allow his awesome skills to be added to the mod it can only be a good thing imo because this stuff is hawt.

I would really like to throw that rocket javelin rofl.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on August 04, 2012, 11:45:36 am
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This guy clearly thinks it's a good idea.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Muki on August 04, 2012, 11:48:03 am
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This guy clearly thinks it's a good idea.

holy hell so much detailllllllll
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 05, 2012, 03:38:59 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on August 06, 2012, 05:30:15 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 06, 2012, 06:39:01 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Voso on August 06, 2012, 06:46:27 pm
Idk what you guys are bumping this for, Shik already said they were in like 15 pages ago.  :P
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 06, 2012, 07:51:00 pm
We are showing that it's very much wanted by the community and are eagerly awaiting the implementation.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Havoco on August 06, 2012, 08:06:52 pm
Obviously Orlando bloom in kingdom of heaven.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: zagibu on August 07, 2012, 09:44:43 pm
Obviously Orlando bloom Mr. Obvious in kingdom of heaven Mr. Obvious is obviously obvious.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: clown1231 on August 08, 2012, 04:14:43 am
Can we just get this added already? Over 120 +1s.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: orbusprime on August 08, 2012, 06:23:08 am
A bottl' in the pennis.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: _Tak_ on August 08, 2012, 01:49:46 pm
Idk what you guys are bumping this for, Shik already said they were in like 15 pages ago.  :P

As long as this is not in yet I will still bump this thread, still many people didn't get a chance to vote, there is a massive amount of stuff to add thats why it will take so long.... if its in not every item will be added though ;P

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 08, 2012, 06:07:35 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Kirbies on August 10, 2012, 04:59:40 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Ronrinesu on August 10, 2012, 06:02:42 am
This looks absolutely magnificent. Finally one could wear -realistic- Feudal Chinese armoring and weapons. This will be great.

One could almost feel like an outdated warrior of the Three Kingdoms.

Looking forward to this.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tibe on August 10, 2012, 06:25:59 am
I hope they dont add the crusader stuff. Because than we will have craploads of more wannabe templar clans in C-rpg. :evil:

Having some chinese themed clans whould be awesome, but having more templar clans.....
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Winterly on August 10, 2012, 06:55:55 am
As long as this is not in yet I will still bump this thread, still many people didn't get a chance to vote, there is a massive amount of stuff to add thats why it will take so long.... if its in not every item will be added though ;P

They're probably going to add only 1 armor for each armor class (light, heavy etc.) and maybe a weapon or two.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 10, 2012, 04:40:33 pm
Bump :!:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on August 13, 2012, 11:12:48 am
Read quote. (
Perhaps if we got official word from the devs via a forum post that would be good.
But official word on an chat room where anyone can be named anything, that's not good enough.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 13, 2012, 04:50:32 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Garem on August 16, 2012, 07:03:36 am
bump for awesomeness

yes, I'm aware that they're already being added. =D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on August 16, 2012, 09:19:31 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 16, 2012, 04:36:15 pm
We should have a chat icon for each class type.

This post, bump it :!:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Ronrinesu on August 18, 2012, 11:25:41 am
I want this now. Obey, my command.
The fiery depths of hell is fit for non-believers.
This makes no sense, yet you read it all.
You will agree to this, being a *Bump*.

Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Kirbies on August 19, 2012, 03:17:48 pm
bap bop be bup bump
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Dark_Blade on August 21, 2012, 05:34:47 pm
I am Bumping the [t]hread!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Havoco on August 21, 2012, 05:39:47 pm
Can't wait for this gear
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Dalfador on August 21, 2012, 05:41:24 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login


Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 21, 2012, 09:11:40 pm
Teh bump.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Sylfirus on August 22, 2012, 12:14:10 am
As an imperial :

So yeah , Bump !   :D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Lichen on August 23, 2012, 07:55:01 pm
Please implement ASAP!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Patoson on August 23, 2012, 07:56:42 pm
We're all still waiting for the new Kuyak!  :twisted:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 24, 2012, 12:34:14 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Kirbies on August 24, 2012, 03:06:54 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Tovi on August 24, 2012, 07:42:15 am
Burp !
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 25, 2012, 04:51:25 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on August 25, 2012, 05:42:55 am
Why you know have more Armour.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on August 26, 2012, 01:56:10 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Lichen on August 26, 2012, 06:56:03 pm
Been almost 2 months since suggestion and still nothing implemented...... *sadness* :( :( :( :( :( :( :( 
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: MicroMats on August 26, 2012, 07:50:49 pm
Cool stuff bro ! :D
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Made in China on August 28, 2012, 12:46:32 am
Any news from the devs about this Chinese Pack?
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on August 29, 2012, 01:33:46 pm
Waiting for this, will start to play C-rpg again when it's impelemnted. Hard to wait!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: moorane on August 29, 2012, 09:04:01 pm

Would be nice to hear a statement from the devs if they are even considering to implement the chinese armors...
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Sylfirus on August 30, 2012, 01:55:15 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Ealoseum on August 30, 2012, 05:06:26 pm
Is something new known? Or even something known about adding this stuff? I've heard that the devs were going to add it in august... but.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on September 02, 2012, 05:28:34 am
 :?: :?: :?: :?:
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Ronrinesu on September 02, 2012, 06:28:49 pm
Let's hear some Info, on Progress and amount of implementation considered plausible, by Devs and Modders, please.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on September 04, 2012, 10:17:51 pm

Can we have some official word in this thread from one of the developers?
I will pay 5 gold coins!
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on September 06, 2012, 04:46:10 pm
I blame this thread not delivering for killing warband.  :(
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Achelous on September 06, 2012, 06:45:05 pm
I like the way this looks, sick of looking at gay nords they are everywhere.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on September 09, 2012, 05:49:03 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Teeth on September 09, 2012, 04:36:56 pm
Fuck Eurocentrism
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Dino_Penis on September 10, 2012, 12:46:04 am
Lets bump this shit up, the models look boss as fuck! Dev's, we'd like to have this in crpg :).
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Malaclypse on September 10, 2012, 12:53:34 am
Most of these are very well done, and some of them are just amazing. If there's a problem with adding new models, get rid of some of the under-used or straight up fugly ones we have now.
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Exitialis on September 12, 2012, 03:21:21 pm
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: tortoul on September 12, 2012, 03:58:29 pm
supa eastern armour, esp helmet
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on September 15, 2012, 05:48:45 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Savaris on September 15, 2012, 07:43:13 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Silveredge on September 17, 2012, 08:57:03 am
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: bredeus on September 17, 2012, 09:09:28 am
Holy bump especially for the chinese part ofc ;)
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 17, 2012, 02:06:19 pm
Add them already, so I can return to cRPG
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: PanPan on September 17, 2012, 03:46:29 pm
Add them already, so I can enjoy cRPG again
Title: Re: Chinese/ Crusader Armor Pack
Post by: Sagar on September 17, 2012, 06:16:57 pm
If we get new armors - make them also heraldic. Today, when lots of clans/players paying for they own banner it is very important to make them more heraldic.

For example make this models heraldic without cross.
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Largg on September 17, 2012, 07:47:44 pm
Can't agree more with the OP, it's shamefur how little is done to add more item content to c-rpg. Few weeks back I went through the OSP sections of taleworld forums and I could find dozens of good quality items that ought to be added. There's still a good bunch of very bad quality native items and many of those could be replaced with better quality ones or just removed for good. Wide array of items and the way to customize your outlooks has always been one of the best things in c-rpg for me.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Largg on September 17, 2012, 07:49:31 pm
- dp
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Miwiw on September 17, 2012, 07:51:10 pm
great you deleted them now.. that wont help anything.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on September 17, 2012, 08:08:53 pm
Stop whining about pixel crack you A.D.D. generation nubs (go play WoW or something).  The dev's are working on the new version of strategus, and on the new version of the c-rpg client.  I'd rather they focus all their time on these two issues than adding more pixel crack into the game. 
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Kafein on September 17, 2012, 08:38:53 pm
Stop whining about pixel crack you A.D.D. generation nubs (go play WoW or something).  The dev's are working on the new version of strategus, and on the new version of the c-rpg client.  I'd rather they focus all their time on these two issues than adding more pixel crack into the game.

Furthermore, adding mod equipment increases the bulk on the servers and clients.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Lichen on September 17, 2012, 09:48:13 pm
Well.... still patiently waiting for some of the new chinese gear to be added. Should I just spend my loom points on something else or keep waiting? Would be nice if a dev could comment.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on September 17, 2012, 10:19:57 pm
Keep waiting
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Winterly on September 17, 2012, 10:34:41 pm
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Bjord on September 18, 2012, 12:37:03 am
Lungie, and the  you wonder why you annoy Paul. :lol:

It's been stated by devs that they're working on it. We can't complain about speed when they're not getting paid.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Teeth on September 18, 2012, 01:05:54 am
It's been stated by devs that they're working on it.
Pics or it didn't happen. Even then an ETA of 6 months sounds about right.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Bjord on September 18, 2012, 01:15:10 am
Could care less about re-assuring some guy on the internet, if my word isn't good for you then that's your problem.

Otherwise I'm pretty sure Shik announced it some time ago, might've been forums, might've been IRC, all I know is that it was a credible statement.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Teeth on September 18, 2012, 01:18:25 am
Could care less about re-assuring some guy on the internet
What's this then?

It's been stated by devs that they're working on it. We can't complain about speed when they're not getting paid.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Bjord on September 18, 2012, 01:26:22 am
I don't know if you're trying be stupid on purpose or not, but I wrote that to refute the previous posts whining about the tardiness of updates.

You questioning the validity of my post is not really something I care about, hence the statement. If you think I have even levels of care for everything and everyone then sorry to disappoint you. Now shoo, Dali, not enough levels of care for smart asses.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Froto_the_Loc on September 18, 2012, 02:07:49 am
My heart. It is broken.

Realistically, we locs don't have hearts, but you get the idea.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Exitialis on September 20, 2012, 08:27:53 pm
Moved to spam, no official word (IRC don't count), and just moved to spam...

Well this is all I'm waiting for right now. Will start to play again once it's in. And if it's never gonna make it in, too bad.

Pretty crappy to just move this to spam without any word what so ever.
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: Lichen on September 20, 2012, 08:40:40 pm
New brigadines and kettle hats sure seemed to be added quickly.......So it seems this isn't a priority. 
Title: Re: Death of cRPG
Post by: _Tak_ on September 27, 2012, 12:12:48 am
Shik got the models already, he have done some rexture on some of them and lower some of their faces, want to know whether or not the models will be added? i doubt

but it is up to him really, he got everything. serveral mods started to use this OSP pack by looking on this thread on cRPG, so i will have to closed it,nuff said
Title: Re: Poll to add: Chinese Armors + Crusader Armors
Post by: Moncho on October 30, 2012, 01:20:29 am
Is this xueyguang.brf?
Title: Re: Poll to add: Chinese Armors + Crusader Armors
Post by: Winterly on October 30, 2012, 01:22:08 am
Title: Re: Poll to add: Chinese Armors + Crusader Armors
Post by: Made in China on October 30, 2012, 01:26:58 am
THANKS chadz !!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Poll to add: Chinese Armors + Crusader Armors
Post by: Tovi on October 31, 2012, 12:09:59 am
We love you chadz.