There's been heavy talk on IRC about putting these new textures in. Lots of issues with the meshes and textures though (doesn't meet the requirements: sometimes too detailed, and others lacking etc). I'm sure once it's optimized, it'll go in.
I added the whole pack onto my mod without any troubles and problems, so what was the problem could you tell me? When it was the first time i add them i had some trouble because it's a bit different, after spending few hours on it no problem at all
Edit: it's a big mod, inside the resource file there is tons of brf. The only thing we need is the Blood_and_Dust_3.0 + China_da_song_3.0 brf, the rest is linking with 1257 AD, so those 2 brf files is the only thing we need, we don't need other 1257 or hair styles or stuff like that