I don't think anybody who has posted in this thread is poor, nor is it likely poor people will post. :P
You can give gold in this game? How?You need to visit the Marketplace (EQUIPMENT -> Marketplace -> Offers -> Add offer -> select Stones). Good luck!
Hello, I'd like some money please. :D I just started playing not too long ago and want to try out some of the more expensive 2h weapons. Unfortunately, I don't have enough to try out more than one. :( 20k will allow me to try out two more weapons! Stones are in the marketplace. :)Hey man, sorry to claim you're lying but... Date registered: May 10, 2011, 13:00:00... and incase you ain't lying I'll give you some advice to save some cash, find some of your hospitaller buddies and ask them if they won't borrow you some weapons to test, that way you'll need to grind less gold for selling less...
50k, i have 1k gold and and 5 broken items, need help please.Help this poor looter make a living!
50k, i have 1k gold and and 5 broken items, need help please.
I will consider it tomorrow. Now good night you all and thanks for participating!Good night.
190 000 gold were handed out
ArysOakheart got 20 000 golds
Rage_Guy got 30 000 golds
Arn_Magnusson got 50 000 golds
SoA_Zlisch_KafeinsBestBitch got 10 000 golds
Theseus42 got 20 000 golds
Snow_King got 10 000 golds
Herkkutatti_The_Leecher got 50 000 golds
P.S. No guarantee. I reserve the right to reject any request without a reason.
I would consider donating gold if I knew it was going to a new player who needs it.
Looking at this list of recipients, that is most certainly not the case.
No thanks, I'll keep my coin.
I would consider donating gold if I knew it was going to a new player who needs it.Yeah.
Looking at this list of recipients, that is most certainly not the case.
No thanks, I'll keep my coin.
Hey man, sorry to claim you're lying but... Date registered: May 10, 2011, 13:00:00... and incase you ain't lying I'll give you some advice to save some cash, find some of your hospitaller buddies and ask them if they won't borrow you some weapons to test, that way you'll need to grind less gold for selling less...
...but truth is I have a really hard time believing you ain't lying...
Morpher, thanks for the gold, I'll be sure to donate some back once I've got cash flowing. :)
I would consider donating gold if I knew it was going to a new player who needs it.TBH I do believe I needed the money and was very precise with what I owned (and I still intend to donate back once I get some real cash myself), but Herk sure as fuck didn't need anything (not that I got anything against him, and he's charitable himself, gave me 90k or so if I recall), Theseus42 was probably not half as new as he claimed, Rage Guy I might believe in, the others I got no idea, Morpher should consider waiting a bit with giving gold until he can be somewhat sure the players ain't just faking...
Looking at this list of recipients, that is most certainly not the case.
No thanks, I'll keep my coin.
I would consider donating gold if I knew it was going to a new player who needs it.
Looking at this list of recipients, that is most certainly not the case.
No thanks, I'll keep my coin.
If you're in a clan and you still need to beg for gold from strangers.... your clanmates are possibly cunts. :mrgreen:Or you've already begged to them for as much cash as possible... :mrgreen:
I would consider donating gold if I knew it was going to a new player who needs it.
Looking at this list of recipients, that is most certainly not the case.
No thanks, I'll keep my coin.
I was actually considering donating but when I saw recipients, I lol'd and no.
Me too. I tried charity myself but I ended up funding trolls and nolife-but-still-bad players as well. Next time I want to pay my bitch, I do it directly.You calling me a troll/no-life-but-still-bad-player?
I for example am getting poor slowly (80k left) since I spent all my gold on looms and buying new armour/horses/weapons for retired character but wouldn't post here for gold as some people would need it more than me.But you can try ;) Where is that people?
You calling me a troll/no-life-but-still-bad-player?
BTW: When are you ready to pay me?
A lot of the people who got money have been around for quite a while. You should just go and spectate servers for actual, real peasants, and offer them help. A lot of the ones who really need it probably don't even know the forum exists, or aren't on them frequently if at all.I'm screaming on servers sometimes. This is not working very well. No one needs a free gold today :)
I let you decide :DOffer on market.
I am ready now, but you got a lot of gold when you sold your heirloom point too, am i rite ?
A lot of the people who got money have been around for quite a while. You should just go and spectate servers for actual, real peasants, and offer them help. A lot of the ones who really need it probably don't even know the forum exists, or aren't on them frequently if at all.
Tip for Morpher(click to show/hide)
Ohh thank you! I already ordered the seeds and I'm going to send you 1kg of Wheat if you want...Oh cool! :)
Hey Morpher,Epic Story rly!
My father is very ill and so far he has no medical help throughout Calradia.
But the owners of taverns gave us a tip that we should go to the kingdom of Sarranid, because in the desert there are Mongols, who could help him.
So we collected money for hours I've been using cheap fighting equipment to save gold for the journey, because if I start with my father, I must choose my best equipment to protect my father from looter, Bandits and all kinds of criminals. This will be very expensive.
Perhaps you could support us with a sack full of gold, because the gold for the departure isn't spared for a long time.
Help us for the Journey ! (http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=marketplace&id=182113)
lol u agve herkutatti gold hes one of the richest in crpg with a few millionsonly 280k gold atm :lol:
lol u agve herkutatti gold hes one of the richest in crpg with a few millionsHe was the only one who requests gold at the moment.
Hey Morpher,Great story :) Put some more stones on the market with random prices - I'll decide wich to choose :)
My father is very ill and so far he has no medical help throughout Calradia.
But the owners of taverns gave us a tip that we should go to the kingdom of Sarranid, because in the desert there are Mongols, who could help him.
So we collected money for hours I've been using cheap fighting equipment to save gold for the journey, because if I start with my father, I must choose my best equipment to protect my father from looter, Bandits and all kinds of criminals. This will be very expensive.
Perhaps you could support us with a sack full of gold, because the gold for the departure isn't spared for a long time.
Help us for the Journey ! (http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=marketplace&id=182113)
thx Morpher. :wink:Good luck!
Our journey will start in few weeks, it could start now, but i must farm more gold.
Hey Morpher, since you're just giving moneyz to anyone asking for it, mind if I request 100k? Would get me up on 1mill once I finish some business.Onky 50k, I need some new faces :)
Onky 50k, I need some new faces :)k, thnx.
Good luck for finding and helping a real peasant though. And if ever you find a REAL one, pm me, i'll gladly send 40k to help this poor fella.Yeah, I've almost lost any hope to find that mythical true peasant
Morpher is russian maybe he is oligarch :mrgreen:Lol, no! Drunk for two days in a row? :) I'm not alcoholic.
I dont know if I should ask him for money maybe he is drunken and later will regret it.
I really need money because i play to much DTV (defend the virgin), but the upkeep is really high, i don't have money to get good equipement, so i die really fast. The virgin will bless you if you can give me some money.I want a virgin's blessing! :)
in game name: Draconian_Sir_Davy_Jones
I would really appreciate it.
Real peasant? At September, 2011 you were selling a loompoint. But that was long ago :) Maybe I have a better offer for you. Maybe you're the first peasant in this topic :)
i gave my last gold to the alcohol so i need another 500k :lol:You'll gonna die from that amount of alcohol :) Take 50k
Please give me 50k i really need it this time!!!!Herk, you're so greedy. Last 50k to you :)
Yes,I'd like som 500k too :D500k?
stones are in the market
Could do with 100k so I can buy some +1 arrows. Old clan buddies if your the morpher I know ;)Ok, clan buddies? I was at Mercs, not very long)) And in VR. That's all
I need gold,because Im planning to spend my next gen using heavy armor and 39/3 build,and I got only 80k left,and I wont sell loompoint so I can loom my +2 danish to a +3Leech till you are level 27 and use your tincan, happy without caring about the repairs.share some gold :((click to show/hide)
im not a leecher!
Actual 1st gen peasant here. I could do with 50k to help me out as far as repair costs go. I lost 5k in repair costs yesterday and it wasn't pretty. I'm also trying to save up for my first loom.You were in ANT back when I was aswell... no way in hell you're gen 1, and certainly not in need of cash, just say that you'd like monies, no need to lie to Morpher.
You were in ANT back when I was aswell... no way in hell you're gen 1, and certainly not in need of cash, just say that you'd like monies, no need to lie to Morpher.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginMight be true now that I think of it, but, reason you're gen 1 is that you've respec'd a million times, not that you're new.
Nope. I've only been in Ant for maybe a month?
Might be true now that I think of it, but, reason you're gen 1 is that you've respec'd a million times, not that you're new.
There you go i donated most of my money :D!Wow, you're a MAN! Many thanks for your donation :)
Jesus, how much gold does he have?Not many, but still can help some people :)
I have stones up for anyone who is willing to help me reach my goal to buy a +3 loom. xD
many thanks for the help.
I WILL absolutly pay it forward down the line.
I feel so greedy, but it is for an honest goal.
I've decided to go Cav for my 2nd gen which got me down to ~9k atm, so i'm reduced to rouncey or foot most of the time :/What's you ingame nick?
It would be awesome if you could give me 30-80k to help me survive the remaining time until i can retire and sell a loompoint :wink:
dude, seriously. stay away from that helmet ^^
Torben, you said earlier you are selling looms for cheap, can you pls pm me the prices of what a cheap loom is, I only have a +1 steel pick so if you could help me out, that would be sweet ^^
I'll take a mil please, I'm very poor.
<-- My title above my avatar proves it.
That was a joke, but thanks. :rolleyes:
Oh good sir please take pity on an unremitting debtor and bail me out of 100k owed to the most draconian members of Merciless. It the money or me kneecaps!
...Honest :P
I'd appreciate if you could spare 60k so I can buy a Mamluke and be good at this game like Ylca.Don't believe him! He's a lvl 30 wizard!
You allready give me 50K but I spend all the money on hot whores and gambling house in Praven.
Can you give me 50K more and I will never ask again. :mrgreen:
No more gold for herkkuderp?!?You're too greedy :|
Hi there Morpher,What's thy name?
I could use 80K so I can continue protecting harmless peasants from the all of the evil maulers in NA siege.
What's thy name?
I am poor player and I have no gold(400k only)visitors can't see pics , please register or login
I like to have 100k or 400k gold from for my 13th +3 item coz i am poor and i ask you like half players on that list
to be even bigger troll I will put stones for 150k on the market....
no I am to lazy
pm me if you want to give me that gold
aanyway I am honest with you
I'm poor...started playing this a couple days ago...my guy has like 40 deaths, no kills. I'm using a pitchfork and wearing the beginning shirt because I'm too afraid to spend my precious 5300 gold I've slowly accumulated, mostly while being dead.
What's you ingame nick?
What is all this stones business? I was told to go here because someone heard of my troubles...but I don't know anything about stones.
yo man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbVHbEGerRA)Ok, just for the song :D
→ ☻
Lucky guy :D . Can i get 50k for helping him pwetty pwease? I will never retire again after 6 gens and want a +1 weapon to go with my 3 other heirlooms
Lucky guy :D . Can i get 50k for helping him pwetty pwease? I will never retire again after 6 gens and want a +1 weapon to go with my 3 other heirloomsNo problem!
I'll give you some out of this he gave me...I'm richer than Jesus Himself. Like Big Ern McCracken, I can buy my way out of anything!Use it wise, Callahan. ;)
I don't know how to buy stones though.
I'll give you some out of this he gave me...I'm richer than Jesus Himself. Like Big Ern McCracken, I can buy my way out of anything!
I don't know how to buy stones though.
Thanks a lot, but Morpher just bought them. Thanks a lot Morpher :)
Callahan experiment with different items, but long term look into saving for some +3 gloves or body armour. These go for anything in the region of 1.6mil+
I was told to post here and it would make me incredibly happy. :mrgreen:
I started playing a week or 2 ago and i'm truelly enjoying it. But i'm still a sad nooby generation 1 peasant.
So yeah, kickstart my bank and the world will be a better place! Or i'll just love on, poor and lonely.
Pretty please.
(Was that enough drama? :D)
Morph, thanks again man...you have enriched my fucking life. I can afford a good crossbow, some fancy bolts, a 2 hander and some decent light armor...I can now try the build I wanted to, but was turned off of because of the cost of xbows. And I can afford new weapons if it all goes south and I respec. I am staying cheap with the armor and weapons though, gonna play like I don't have a million goddamn dollars.
Thanks man :D
Makes me sad that donations are going to people playing fucking lame classes...
Hookers and blow.
For anyone above generation 1 or 2 who got money out of this guy.
You genuinely repulse me.
Hello cRPG Community,
i bought this game 5 days ago and weren't able to play it, because Taleworlds and Steam had problems with CD-Keys. I thought: " WTF i paid 25 $ for this game and cant play?!?!?!" this would be a great beginning and i wrote to the steam support. Yesterday they said i should reinstall my M&B and i will work, done it and WOW i can play. I bought this game, because saw very interesting and positive things about cRPG, downloaded it, installed and created a char, logged in the forum and saw that an awesome man could help poor noobs.
I made some screens of my char, you see that i'm really a noob and could need gold. They say it, money rules the world. =D
Here the screens:(click to show/hide)
I asked some other players on the server, how to get gold and stuff, they said: Ask Morpher
They explained me how to send gold and stuff.
Here are some random offers:
Is it too much, what i request?
Thx and have a nice life Morpher
Now this is what you should be wary of, people making new accounts well after the original thread was made, taking screenshots with 0xp, 0kills 0 deaths. All with multiple offers between 1mil to 2.5mil . Who knows where the gold would end up+1
If it is legit at least play the game a bit first lol, you might not even like it..I highly doubt this is a legit newbie though sorry
Hi, I asked for some gold earlier, but I didnt realise that real noobs like me got more than 50 K. here are my stats:
Age35 [20]
Level up at762,569
Morpher will you be kind and give me 1 million too? because I really am a peasant and I already blew that 50k load you gave me :(( Upkeep is a real bitch it seems. Can you pm me if you can help me out? cheers mate!
Hello there Morpher, you really are an awesome man in making this thread. I am lvl 20 and only have 3k! I could really use a boost of 50k (or anything you think permissible) If you accept my stones offer on the market, I will be eternally grateful, and you will be a Saint in my book for helping a poor half noob out!
i need also money...you'd better donate some gold u my old friend
Please give me 2,2mil!! I want to buy a loom from poopscammer!I see you already saved up the first 3mill then!
i need also money...Bitch just won 2,092,500.... Lucky bastard ^^
Morpher i asked money from you, but you didn't told me how much you are willing to give me :(lol Phase you noob beggar,and this boxxy is mine
morpher is no longer active, I used to play with him on rage ball quite often, i guess thats how he get all the money from. i think he sell all his loom and give those money to these people, so yea i think it's over
morpher is no longer active, I used to play with him on rage ball quite often, i guess thats how he get all the money from. i think he sell all his loom and give those money to these people, so yea i think it's over
I'm still active, but have no more money :)
I'm still active, but have no more money :)
Morpher making gold :DNice screenshot, thanks :) I'll save this.(click to show/hide)
Gief gold plox...