cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: BlackMilk on April 06, 2012, 10:13:45 am

Title: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on April 06, 2012, 10:13:45 am
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: HUSTLER on April 06, 2012, 10:50:23 am
Poor blackmilk got raped by Wolper   :mrgreen:

Injustice :!: :!: hes mothers asshole i tragedy  :!:

We gotta have some sorta auto whine post msg script when ever u get killed by some weapon 5 times on 1 map the script would then create a nerf thread :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vibe on April 06, 2012, 10:56:13 am
Key to fighting Glaivers is just waiting through those 5 minutes of outranging when they get bored and come closer.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Ganner on April 06, 2012, 02:47:03 pm
IMO, it should be buffed by giving it shield break.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Herkkutatti on April 06, 2012, 02:51:32 pm
QQ, deal with it, TM_Wolper is better than u.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on April 06, 2012, 02:52:49 pm
who? :)
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on April 06, 2012, 04:18:53 pm
This isn't a buff my item... Buff long volouge thread, what is this threads point. Delete it at once, its taking away precious long volouge buffing time!
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Jarlek on April 06, 2012, 04:22:38 pm
Key to fighting Glaivers is just waiting through those 5 minutes of outranging when they get bored and come closer.
Yep. Let them play the range game long enough and they start getting sloppy.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on April 06, 2012, 04:25:35 pm
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on April 06, 2012, 05:30:52 pm
Stop nerfing shit, learn to counter a weapons strengths and learn some tactics.  If you are slower than your enemy and they outreach you, then probably not a good situation you got yourself in.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Tor! on April 06, 2012, 05:32:00 pm
Stop nerfing shit, learn to counter a weapons strengths and learn some tactics.  If you are slower than your enemy and they outreach you, then probably not a good situation you got yourself in.

How to counter glaive? Bore eachother to death.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Gurnisson on April 06, 2012, 05:40:15 pm
Can't disagree
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on April 06, 2012, 05:46:10 pm
How to counter glaive? Bore eachother to death.

How to counter glaive?  Block until you're in range, and then swing?  Or don't let them kite you around the map if they are backpedaling?

Common sense, not all that common.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on April 06, 2012, 06:24:34 pm
Once you're in range you'll most likely get kickslashed and staggered to death. Yeah, great plan!
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Leshma on April 06, 2012, 07:49:13 pm
weak cut dmg

Tell that German and Danish GS :rolleyes:

Seriously, polearms balance is so fucked up in this mod that damage output of some of the best two handed swords is considered weak among their two handed polearm brothers.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Jarlek on April 06, 2012, 08:07:46 pm
Tell that German and Danish GS :rolleyes:

Seriously, polearms balance is so fucked up in this mod that damage output of some of the best two handed swords is considered weak among their two handed polearm brothers.
1 less cut damage (German) or 1 more cut (Danish), but you get +4 pierce (German) and +2 Pierce (Danish) and a +2 to speed (both).

I agree that it's definitely not a "weak" cut dmg, they all have good swing damage. And +/-1 cut damage isn't really that big.

The thing with the Glaive is that it has a very good speed relative to length, same with many polearms/2handers, while still doing good damage.

And regarding damage output. I'd say the +2 speed gives the Danish/German a higher damage output than the Glaive.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Teeth on April 06, 2012, 10:35:30 pm
The animations of the glaive are retarded, so is the speed. The 90 speed glaive is not really slower than its 2h brethren, faster if anything.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: wayyyyyne on April 06, 2012, 11:10:10 pm
People should stop justifying their calls for nerfs when it's only based on duel experience on EU 3 and duel like experiences on Melee only.

Glaive's perfectly fine it sucks at the very moment a team mate appears next to you and you have to pay attention not to get stuck/teamhit.

Did 3 gens with poles in which I repeatedly used a loomed glaive. It's pretty much unusable in siege due to the likelihood of getting stuck in walls with it and is only second choice in battle too (just go to EU 1 or whatever and check for yourself. There's like that one glaive user playing at best [who's only using it for lulzy outranges anyway] while pretty much everyone else's using weapons like the various kind of (pole)axes, spears, staffs and hafted blades.)
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vibe on April 06, 2012, 11:45:36 pm
The animations of the glaive are retarded, so is the speed. The 90 speed glaive is not really slower than its 2h brethren, faster if anything.

Gods, how in hell is 90 speed glaive faster than it's 2h brethren? Most of the swords in that range are 92+ speed.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Okkam on April 07, 2012, 12:11:00 am
Gods, how in hell is 90 speed glaive faster than it's 2h brethren? Most of the swords in that range are 92+ speed.

Only «sword» in that range has 86 speed. (do not forget that 3 of 4 Flamberge's attack has Polearm animation)

Also unsheatable and cost twice more
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: //saxon on April 07, 2012, 12:21:42 am
if the glaive is so balanced and all the stats are medium... why is it like the most wanted item on the market? why does everyone want to have the glaive and why does nobody offer it or want to give it away?
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Leshma on April 07, 2012, 12:23:39 am
If Glaive wasn't fugly weapon everyone would use it.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Wraist on April 07, 2012, 12:27:29 am
if the glaive is so balanced and all the stats are medium... why is it like the most wanted item on the market? why does everyone want to have the glaive and why does nobody offer it or want to give it away?

Most requested items:

1   Masterwork German Greatsword
2   Masterwork Highland Claymore
3   Masterwork Nordic Champion's Sword
4   Champion Destrier
5   Masterwork Flamberge
6   Masterwork Sword of War
7   Masterwork Arabian Cavalry Sword
8   Masterwork Longsword
9   Masterwork Elite Scimitar
10   Masterwork Glaive

And there are 7 MW glaives on the market right now.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Leshma on April 07, 2012, 12:28:29 am
I'll give you my MW German GS in exchange for some sexy armor. Anyone up for it?

No? Thought so...
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Cup1d on April 07, 2012, 12:32:22 am
1   Masterwork German Greatsword
2   Masterwork Highland Claymore
3   Masterwork Nordic Champion's Sword
4   Champion Destrier
5   Masterwork Flamberge
6   Masterwork Sword of War
7   Masterwork Arabian Cavalry Sword
8   Masterwork Longsword
9   Masterwork Elite Scimitar
10   Masterwork Glaive

On the other word - it's most wanted polearm weapon.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: HUSTLER on April 07, 2012, 12:34:10 am
Stop nerfing shit, learn to counter a weapons strengths and learn some tactics.  If you are slower than your enemy and they outreach you, then probably not a good situation you got yourself in.

Words of wisdom folks thx new sig if you don't mind good sir :wink:
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Lech on April 07, 2012, 12:57:36 am
How to counter glaive? Bore eachother to death.

Stab them when they try to kick you ?
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Xant on April 07, 2012, 01:16:04 am
Words of wisdom folks thx new sig if you don't mind good sir :wink:

Bad players giving bad advice, hurrah
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Tor! on April 07, 2012, 01:19:32 am
Stab them when they try to kick you ?

Every time I anticipate a kick, I do  :wink:
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Xant on April 07, 2012, 01:33:01 am
And then they take MASSIVE blunt damage from your GREAT and LONG axe
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Jarlek on April 07, 2012, 01:35:37 am
And then they take MASSIVE blunt damage from your GREAT and LONG axe
My stab has a very good penetration Xant. Wanna see it?
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Paul on April 07, 2012, 08:11:09 am
Find another mod if you want balancing around duel mode.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on April 07, 2012, 08:15:20 am
Duel mode needs no balancing. If people want to test their metal against each other they should just use an STF and have rules on everything from build to weapons. Simple.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Teeth on April 07, 2012, 11:49:40 am
Gods, how in hell is 90 speed glaive faster than it's 2h brethren? Most of the swords in that range are 92+ speed.
Have you seen the animations? The swing is retardedly fast, maybe the time required to chamber the weapon is longer or something so that the entire animation is in line with the speed rating but the swing itself is faster than 92 speed 2h's.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: //saxon on April 07, 2012, 01:54:48 pm
Most requested items:

1   Masterwork German Greatsword
2   Masterwork Highland Claymore
3   Masterwork Nordic Champion's Sword
4   Champion Destrier
5   Masterwork Flamberge
6   Masterwork Sword of War
7   Masterwork Arabian Cavalry Sword
8   Masterwork Longsword
9   Masterwork Elite Scimitar
10   Masterwork Glaive

And there are 7 MW glaives on the market right now.
well i didn't check the market when i wrote that and it must have recently changed because the glaive when i used it was wanted by alot and wasn't offered at all.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vote on April 07, 2012, 07:42:56 pm
Find another mod if you want balancing around duel mode.

Around what is the balance in this mod?
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Osiris on April 07, 2012, 07:47:14 pm
battle i would think :P everyone knows the glaive is a retarded weapon but it isnt a massive problem like other stuff has been :P
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vote on April 07, 2012, 08:08:39 pm
battle i would think :P ...

Hahaha, you really believe in that )
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on April 08, 2012, 11:47:46 pm
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vibe on April 11, 2012, 07:50:02 am
Have you seen the animations? The swing is retardedly fast, maybe the time required to chamber the weapon is longer or something so that the entire animation is in line with the speed rating but the swing itself is faster than 92 speed 2h's.

I tested this on recorded 0.25 speed video and I must admit Glaive has a faster swing than 92 speed German Greatsword, but longer chamber. It's not retardedly fast like you say though, it's barely noticable.

This was all with 1 wpf in both.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Lech on April 12, 2012, 11:15:25 am
battle i would think :P everyone knows the glaive is a retarded weapon but it isnt a massive problem like other stuff has been :P

I think it's balanced around strategus (team deathmatch). That's probably the reason why archers are so op in battles.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on April 12, 2012, 11:41:30 am
Gods, how in hell is 90 speed glaive faster than it's 2h brethren? Most of the swords in that range are 92+ speed.

Animation, the swing frequency is slower but the speed at which it goes trough the air when swung is faster. This is also true for most polearms from my observation. Id like to hear what other peoples experience with the pole vs 2h swing is
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vibe on April 12, 2012, 12:04:26 pm
Animation, the swing frequency is slower but the speed at which it goes trough the air when swung is faster. This is also true for most polearms from my observation. Id like to hear what other peoples experience with the pole vs 2h swing is

Yeah I know, I tested this thing and posted about it, you must've missed it ;)

I tested this on recorded 0.25 speed video and I must admit Glaive has a faster swing than 92 speed German Greatsword, but longer chamber. It's not retardedly fast like you say though, it's barely noticable.

This was all with 1 wpf in both.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: _Tak_ on April 12, 2012, 02:46:54 pm
Glaive is slow as hell and it cannot break shield which makes the great long axe much more powerful. Glaive IMO is just a decent weapon like in native, stop whining and play the game polearm haters. The 2H animation is already OP
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Xant on April 12, 2012, 03:17:22 pm
ur rong
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Tzar on April 12, 2012, 03:26:30 pm
Glaive is fine an once the devs get their shit straight an decide to fix the broken pole stagger mechanic we can all be happy..

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Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: zagibu on April 12, 2012, 11:31:46 pm
Animation, the swing frequency is slower but the speed at which it goes trough the air when swung is faster. This is also true for most polearms from my observation. Id like to hear what other peoples experience with the pole vs 2h swing is

Yeah, I have the same impression. When blocking, I usually only look at the movement direction of the swing, so I block late, and against polearm users, I already have to look at the ready stance, before the animation has started, to decide in which direction to block, because the swing will be so fast that I will be too late otherwise.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on April 20, 2012, 09:47:21 am
Should we really be nerfing glaive? or buffing the Long Volouge.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Ronin on April 20, 2012, 11:12:41 am
Should we really be nerfing glaive? or buffing the Long Volouge.
The thread is not about long voulge. It is about glaives. I think 90 speed (91 when loomed) is not so fast in terms of speed. But there is something buggy with all polearms. Sometimes, they somehow hit like at 150 speed. I don't really know why, but I see some people have experienced the same thing as me already.
Yeah, I have the same impression. When blocking, I usually only look at the movement direction of the swing, so I block late, and against polearm users, I already have to look at the ready stance, before the animation has started, to decide in which direction to block, because the swing will be so fast that I will be too late otherwise.
Animation, the swing frequency is slower but the speed at which it goes trough the air when swung is faster. This is also true for most polearms from my observation. Id like to hear what other peoples experience with the pole vs 2h swing is
Just fix it, do not nerf it. After it is fixed, we can actually give some thought if it is OP or not. With this bug, it is clearly OP. But it may not be so, after this is fixed.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vibe on April 20, 2012, 11:26:52 am
Just fix it, do not nerf it. After it is fixed, we can actually give some thought if it is OP or not. With this bug, it is clearly OP.

It's not OP, the difference in swing speed is barely noticable.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Ronin on April 20, 2012, 11:35:51 am
Yeah it is barely noticable when it hits me with a super-fast speed, instead of 90 (or 91) speed. Are you sure you read my post?
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vibe on April 20, 2012, 11:41:47 am
Yeah it is barely noticable when it hits me with a super-fast speed, instead of 90 (or 91) speed. Are you sure you read my post?

Are you sure you read mine? I said it's barely noticable. Tested with 1 wpf, recorded, synchronized, german greatsword vs glaive and watched it frame by frame, it is barely noticable. How do you know it's super-fast speed (150 like you say), or did you just pull that out of your ass?
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Leshma on April 20, 2012, 12:01:17 pm
Are you sure you read mine? I said it's barely noticable. Tested with 1 wpf, recorded, synchronized, german greatsword vs glaive and watched it frame by frame, it is barely noticable. How do you know it's super-fast speed (150 like you say), or did you just pull that out of your ass?

I think he's talking about chambered glaive which is super fast, just like any other chambered weapon. Problem is that most greatsword users are relaying on their range and when they face someone with a longer "stick" they are confused. Glaive users do the same as every other poleam user, hold chambered weapon and backpedal. If you go after him and try to play a range game with him, you're gonna end up dead.

Issue with chambered glaive isn't it's speed (it's actually a little bit slower than chambered GGS). Thing is that it's hard to tell when they are starting new attack or releasing chambered attack (at least for me).
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Gimest on April 20, 2012, 12:16:36 pm
Yeah, I have the same impression. When blocking, I usually only look at the movement direction of the swing, so I block late, and against polearm users, I already have to look at the ready stance, before the animation has started, to decide in which direction to block, because the swing will be so fast that I will be too late otherwise.

I seem to have same problem against some good polearmers, speed of their swing, i dont mean the whole thing, but when they release it, it just hits so fast that the game cant response with my block even tough i did see where it was coming from, not a problem normally, but when they start to feint and u gotta keep up where they gonna hit, i just cant seem to get block up when they release the hit :/
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Ronin on April 20, 2012, 12:41:20 pm
No it's not the fucking chamber or pole vs 2hand comparision. What I mean is sometimes not always glaive or any other polearm hits especially faster than it's normal speed. It must be some kind of bug, I say. Maybe it's because the game engine, maybe it's a lag issue. But the same thing never happened with any other kind of weapon type.

I seem to have same problem against some good polearmers, speed of their swing, i dont mean the whole thing, but when they release it, it just hits so fast that the game cant response with my block even tough i did see where it was coming from, not a problem normally, but when they start to feint and u gotta keep up where they gonna hit, i just cant seem to get block up when they release the hit :/
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Gurnisson on April 20, 2012, 01:04:45 pm
Maybe one of the good polearmers hiltslashed you
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vibe on April 20, 2012, 01:12:16 pm
No it's not the fucking chamber or pole vs 2hand comparision. What I mean is sometimes not always glaive or any other polearm hits especially faster than it's normal speed. It must be some kind of bug, I say. Maybe it's because the game engine, maybe it's a lag issue. But the same thing never happened with any other kind of weapon type.

There's no bug related to suddenly faster polearm speed. It's either lag or like Gurni said, a hiltslash.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Ronin on April 20, 2012, 02:17:43 pm
Hiltslash? I've never heard such a thing before! It still doesn't makes sense it does full damage though.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on April 20, 2012, 04:12:07 pm
Hiltslash? I've never heard such a thing before! It still doesn't makes sense it does full damage though.

Hitlslash is where you hit someone with the hilt of the weapon as it's starting it's swing (I think you have to turn into it), so basically when you first start swinging it can register a hit, and if you're turning with it, you get the speed bonus applied.  I'm cavalry so I don't really experience it, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Ronin on April 20, 2012, 04:20:11 pm
Ok that's what I'm doing for approximately 1 year in duels. But I have never experienced such a thing with those buggy polearms. Whatever weapon I used in native or whatever non-polearm weapon you used in cRPG, that never happened as fast and as buggy as polearm version. I am serious. It was such an ublockable thing. It was faster than Khorin's and Thomek's katana swings (or any other level +30 ninja out there). Are you serious this is not a bug?

I am also 75% certain it was not because of lag. There was something evil with those evil mw glaives and mw long war axes.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on May 11, 2012, 09:15:55 am
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Vkvkvk on May 12, 2012, 04:19:42 am
Ok that's what I'm doing for approximately 1 year in duels. But I have never experienced such a thing with those buggy polearms. Whatever weapon I used in native or whatever non-polearm weapon you used in cRPG, that never happened as fast and as buggy as polearm version. I am serious. It was such an ublockable thing. It was faster than Khorin's and Thomek's katana swings (or any other level +30 ninja out there). Are you serious this is not a bug?

I am also 75% certain it was not because of lag. There was something evil with those evil mw glaives and mw long war axes.

The hitboxes are just screwed on polearms.

I mostly notice hiltslashes done by two handers, but I once decided to try it myself with a glaive just for fun and I think I might still have the screenshot lying around somewhere.

The kill happened to be right on the last round so it was a freeze frame of me killing the guy, problem is my glaive wasn't anywhere close to hitting the guy yet, it was a good 1-2 feet away from the guy and it already counted as him being dead, let me dig it up.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on May 12, 2012, 05:27:24 am
Just sayin', To all the retards who can't fight a glaive user due to "OMGZ LONG STICKS! IF I WALK UP CLOSE ZHAY KICKZ AND IF I TRY OUTREACHING I FAIL!" syndrome is retarded, kicks got really low reach, ever heard of the funny idea of walking close but not facehug range? 90% of this thread is twohander suckers bitchin', the other 10% is Frank talking about how the glaive isn't really important 'cuss it isn't a long volgue...

...but that long volgue could sure use a buff...
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on May 12, 2012, 07:49:35 am
so you're telling me that I have to l2p?
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: ThePoopy on May 12, 2012, 04:02:57 pm
Ok that's what I'm doing for approximately 1 year in duels. But I have never experienced such a thing with those buggy polearms. Whatever weapon I used in native or whatever non-polearm weapon you used in cRPG, that never happened as fast and as buggy as polearm version. I am serious. It was such an ublockable thing. It was faster than Khorin's and Thomek's katana swings (or any other level +30 ninja out there). Are you serious this is not a bug?

I am also 75% certain it was not because of lag. There was something evil with those evil mw glaives and mw long war axes.
tap lmb, rmb, lmb as fast as you can and the chamber animation doesn't show, if you time this so you block the enemy with the rmb tap , thats how you do it.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Ronin on May 12, 2012, 04:59:14 pm
The hitboxes are just screwed on polearms.

I mostly notice hiltslashes done by two handers, but I once decided to try it myself with a glaive just for fun and I think I might still have the screenshot lying around somewhere.

The kill happened to be right on the last round so it was a freeze frame of me killing the guy, problem is my glaive wasn't anywhere close to hitting the guy yet, it was a good 1-2 feet away from the guy and it already counted as him being dead, let me dig it up.
Exactly this! It seems to harm the target before it actually hits the target when it's in close range sometimes. Have you tried fighting against a player with damascus steel yataghan in wfas? Well, when that thing you call "hiltslash" happens with this glaive, it is even faster then that yataghan which makes it impossible to block if you do not predict the attack direction of your enemy before he cocks his weapon.

tap lmb, rmb, lmb as fast as you can and the chamber animation doesn't show, if you time this so you block the enemy with the rmb tap , thats how you do it.

And for fuck's sake I'm not a fuckin noob. It was no chamber.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: ThePoopy on May 15, 2012, 10:22:49 pm
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Jarlek on May 15, 2012, 10:31:07 pm
I love that trick :D
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on December 09, 2012, 02:01:14 pm
Where speed is nothing reach becomes everything...

Glaive desperatly needs a nerf it has been the most dominating melee weapon for pretty much 2 years now, there is just no way to counter it as a melee player
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Miwiw on December 09, 2012, 02:05:20 pm
While we are at it, any kind of spears and staff(s) are too fast as well, cant counter a war spear user once he puts down his spear and starts to spam like a mad man.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Kafein on December 09, 2012, 02:09:29 pm
I love it when people start invoking the speed rating of weapons such as the glaive.

It is of no relevance whatsoever. Speed rating determines the time between the start and the end of your active animation. Since with glaives and any weapon of the like, you can start your swings with your weapon model already into your opponent and still deal damage, it just doesn't matter, the weapon will be very fast anyway.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Akynos on December 09, 2012, 04:45:16 pm

How do you do that? Oo

EDIT: Tried it, the animation is only client-side. For other players it looks like a regular swing :(
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 09, 2012, 04:50:03 pm
Where speed is nothing reach becomes everything...
So nerf 2h stab? Danish easily outreaches glaive with a stab.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Rhaelys on December 10, 2012, 12:34:06 am
Where speed is nothing reach becomes everything...

Glaive desperatly needs a nerf it has been the most dominating melee weapon for pretty much 2 years now, there is just no way to counter it as a melee player

Way to necro a thread that's almost 7 months old.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Kafein on December 10, 2012, 12:47:04 am
Way to necro a thread that's almost 7 months old.

Well the thread is still relevant.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: BlackMilk on December 10, 2012, 05:19:14 am
So nerf 2h stab? Danish easily outreaches glaive with a stab.

Pike easily outreaches glaive with a stab, too...whats your point?
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Gurnisson on December 10, 2012, 06:51:32 am
Pike easily outreaches glaive with a stab, too...whats your point?

Glaive - 3 good attacking directions, outreaches all greatsword attacks but the stab
Pike - 1 direction, low damage, cumbersome, unsheatable, 3-slots
Greatswords - 4 good directions, 1 outreaching almost every melee attack in the game. High damage, good speed.

I fail to see how your comparison makes any sense... I think the glaive is quite a gay weapon, but it's not really better than the greatswords.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Jarlek on December 10, 2012, 08:14:44 am
Glaive - 3 good attacking directions, outreaches all greatsword attacks but the stab
Pike - 1 direction, low damage, cumbersome, unsheatable, 3-slots
Greatswords - 4 good directions, 1 outreaching almost every melee attack in the game. High damage, good speed.

I fail to see how your comparison makes any sense... I think the glaive is quite a gay weapon, but it's not really better than the greatswords.

While the glaive is gay and should get a nerf, I fail to grasp why anyone can complain about it when we also have the Greatswords.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Akynos on December 10, 2012, 10:30:01 am
It's not about the stats, it's about the animation.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: IR_Kuoin on December 10, 2012, 10:47:16 am
Blackmilk, where's my money?  :cry:
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Joseph Porta on December 10, 2012, 11:08:29 am
glaive is underused
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: Leshma on December 10, 2012, 02:47:21 pm
Only because it's ugly.
Title: Re: Nerf the Glaive
Post by: zagibu on December 10, 2012, 05:57:53 pm
glaive is underused

I smell sarcasm.