Strategus => Strategus General Discussion => Topic started by: Huey Newton on December 20, 2011, 10:04:32 pm

Title: strat 3.0
Post by: Huey Newton on December 20, 2011, 10:04:32 pm
I will do my best to sum up strat 3.0 and I encourage others to add on to this as well.

Started out great as EU/NA were split along a metaphorical 38th parallel.
Several clans claimed fiefs, castles, cities etc. There was some overlapping of claims, some fun forum drama but for the most part things were smoothed out.
Strat finally got rolling, but everything was extremely slow and expensive (not necessarily a bad thing), for the first couple weeks there were hardly any real battles, soon came pitchforks and rocks, later falchions and hor bows, and presently MW simple swords and MW horn bows. Archery is more important in strat than it ever has been. Not because it was buffed or anything like that, but because of its cost-efficiency. Cavalry never had its chance to shine up to this point. Too expensive and quite the opposite of archery, not cost-effective at all.
On top of these issues, several high profile/addicting games came out in the past few months.
Battlefield 3
Nord Invasion (Warband Mod)

These games have been drawing several players (including myself) from cRPG and strat
Understand my position, mount and blade warband is literally the only videogame i've played in the past 17 months, with maybe 3-4 days total of killing floor. Maybe playing another well designed game is causing me to have a relapse of enjoyment.
Having fun in another game is making me hate cRPG and strat even more.

I hate cRPG for the fact that,
My horse is either 2 shot by bows, crossbows or 1 shot by javelins. My laptop was not designed for gaming in any way, causing very low fps all the time (10-50). Losing pisses me off, i'm not afraid to admit it. I'm a very competitive person, who would I be kidding if I said i'm a casual and only play for fun. It seems the more I play and the better I get, the less fun I have and I find myself playing this game to win. Which is naturally made fun of in internet communities I assume. A try hard you could call me.

I hate strat for the fact that,
It's a war game simulation, and majority of clans just don't do anything. That's not me trying to low blow the EU community, its just a fact. How many major conflicts have the EU side of the map had? (besides the mercs getting jumped recently)
Not very many.
I also understand the opinion of many that "EU are able to work differences out work together to trade and live peacefully. That is a fine skill in real life however, this isn't real life, this is a war game. The way I was raised, you play war games to kill people and come out on top. (or is that american media and culture rubbing off on me?)
Regardless, strat is very buggy still, dominated by archery, cavalry unplayable, generally frustrating and stressful.
The same as it was in strat 1.0 when Cavalieres/ Grubby Serfs were attacked by the nordmen,
The same as it was during the great FCC/Merc war.

What am I getting at? I'm not so sure myself, I'm just typing and rambling because this has been on my mind for a while, yet i've been busy with other RL shit.

I just realized this started off as me summing up strat 3.0 and somehow turned into why i'm starting to hate cRPG and Strat.
(Correlation perhaps)

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Daniel on December 20, 2011, 10:08:27 pm
Call me crazy but I think Huey just put together a comprehensive thought.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Keshian on December 20, 2011, 10:16:49 pm
Call me crazy but I think Huey just put together a comprehensive thought.


Don't make fun of him, he's new.

And honestly, if Strat 3.0 had just been Strat 2.0 with no changes implemented, just a reset, I would have had a lot more fun.  There needs to be a serious look taken by developers at what they want - when was the last time you asked yourself, "will this actually be fun"?  Because a lot of changes were meant for the best but ended up only making the game tedious, slower, and more boring and time-consuming, with little to call fun.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Overdriven on December 20, 2011, 10:17:04 pm
- Strat has been bug ridden with very slow fixes.
- Equipment is far to expensive so strat battles are very boring in the majority of cases.
- Crap xp/gold from defending for AI villages, leading to almost 0 contest for most villages.
- Carebear alliances
- Map far to small for number of clans
- Lots of new, shiny, more enjoyable games released
- Ping at uni has been awful so haven't been able to play much crpg/strat this time round.

These are the main factors that have put me off strat this time round. I've just lost all interest in strat. When it comes to the point where an all cav clan, with hefty crafting discounts on rounceys, can barely produces horses for each of it's members to get one for one ticket in battle, then strat loses all point for me. It's taken till probably 1 week ago for us to produce horses on any large scale that can be used in a decent sized battle. Otherwise we've only ever had about 20 horses at most.

Equipment is simply to expensive, and that's probably the number one reason why I've lost interest.

Strat 2.0 was more fun in every aspect. Even with all the glitching the system from various clans. I personally would have preferred to carry on with strat 2.0 with clans breaking every aspect of it than play in strat 3.0.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Reinhardt on December 20, 2011, 10:36:33 pm
Hmmm. Just a random thought, but I think that now since there are less troops and gold to go around, larger factions have even more of an advantage. I mean, it's not really how you use the tickets so long as another faction has 20 troops for every 1 of yours.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Draggon on December 20, 2011, 10:52:34 pm
It's a war game simulation, and majority of clans just don't do anything. That's not me trying to low blow the EU community, its just a fact. How many major conflicts have the EU side of the map had? (besides the mercs getting jumped recently)
Not very many.
I also understand the opinion of many that "EU are able to work differences out work together to trade and live peacefully. That is a fine skill in real life however, this isn't real life, this is a war game. The way I was raised, you play war games to kill people and come out on top. (or is that american media and culture rubbing off on me?)

Truer words were never spoken.
Strat has become citizens Role Playing Gayness.  (Muahahah)
Can you imagine playing Risk and everyone around the table just holds hands and 'lives peaceably?'  Or during a chess match one side says, 'well I coulda checkmated you but I'd rather just have an alliance.'

Bottom line is, and the truth may sting, but Factions are for the most part too afraid to stand on their own two feet without these massive and ridonculous carebear alliances.  There would be alot more battles and alot more fun without that. 

There's only one way I know of that would put an end to most of that bs...

Did any of you play the old Abyss server back in the days of UO?  Some of the most fun ever.  What they did was, rather than the usual guilds vs guilds vs guilds vs guilds dynamic, they created 8 pre-formed  Factions, and you could join any one you wanted while still being a member of your guild.  And of course these 8 Factions were constantly at war in a huge 8-way CTF + Siege type struggle.

Something like this could be implemented into Strat where everyone kept their own tags, their own clans, yet joined one of x number of pre-formed Factions.  Lets say there were 10, or however many.  By some means of masterful coding, the factions would start out semi-evenly.  Then of course through the course of war some factions would begin to dwindle until you have the final victor.

It would work.  I've seen it in action.  Only question is whether or not the community, chadz, Donkeycrew, etc, would go for it.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Garem on December 20, 2011, 11:12:37 pm
I haven't decided definitively or not whether the "pre-set factions" is a good idea or not. Nobody seems to have acknowledged exactly how you'd make THOSE factions balanced. How do you keep them the Rhodoks, Swadians, Nords, and Sarranids from ganging up on Vaegir and Khergit (which, territorially speaking, is pretty close to what happened this round)?

The only solution I can think of, and I'm not crazy about it, is to incentivize joining the meta-factions with fewer members with gold and experience bonuses, or maybe better odds or equipment* in Strategus. Anyways, just a thought.

*Side note: If ANYTHING in Strategus 3.0 needs an overhaul that is in the absolute control of the developers, it's the economic side of things. Players can be influenced to change their carebear ways by incentives or punishments, but ultimately that's on them. Now, I'm a big fan of Total War games and micromanagement is strangely kind of fun for me, but the level of tediousness required to manage Strategus is insane because you have to work with individuals, constantly, and it's often very hard to do that since few of us know each other in real life and many of us are very, very busy. Why not let players the option to give control of their actions to a clan manager? Just a checkbox, and whammy, the manager can now switch between characters under his control just like the cRPG website switches between a player's characters. Maybe the manager then forgoes the ability for his own character to work. Max number of other characters managed could be 10-20. God, that would be so insanely convenient, and be a major incentive for hiring non-clan mercs who want to be involved somewhat but don't want to monitor Strategus.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on December 20, 2011, 11:20:50 pm
(click to show/hide)

I think it would be a great idea to concede control to faction leaders, if I knew I was going to be away from internet/computer for a while or at a critical moment, I would let my leader give me the orders.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: BADPLAYERold on December 20, 2011, 11:45:55 pm
Hmmm. Just a random thought, but I think that now since there are less troops and gold to go around, larger factions have even more of an advantage. I mean, it's not really how you use the tickets so long as another faction has 20 troops for every 1 of yours.

This is very true, large factions also have more people playing cRPG (usually) and thus they can craft a larger range of equipment, often heirloomed.
It is even easier for bigger clans to pick on the little guys now.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Sharky on December 21, 2011, 12:07:45 am
On carebears: can't see why people can't realize there aren't no real war (especially in EU side) because it's absolutely not convenient to do that for so many reasons. I'll try to summarize some of them:
-Griding troops and gold is soo expensive and time consuming, and you could loose your army in just one big bugged battle (like what happened to DRZ or FCC)
-Large symmetrical warfare is impossible because attackers can't attack (if you stuff more then 3k tickets you can't really loose with current rules)
-Arranging battles and stuff is difficult because there are less and less players interested in doing them (i guess because they aren't new anymore, too much time consuming without the scaling,and too demanding with all the pre joining ts requirements and not know if you will be taken or not often last minute)
-Also, many clans want to avoid wars until they got all their claims, and nobody even took a castle after 6 months so there are still plenty of them to take (and with current system it's probably not possible to take a town)
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lepintoi on December 21, 2011, 12:41:14 am
By the time castles will be attacked no one will be bothered to defend them anymore. Any resistance on EU side will have GTX (me).
In my opinion a time limit on strat reset would force clans to act.,22509.msg325465.html#msg325465
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Visconti on December 21, 2011, 12:46:34 am
I have to agree, while owning land and having a pretty color and name on the map is nice, strategus is just not fun this round. Too much grinding for little reward. Iv had maybe 5 decent battles out of the 54 battles i have been in, while the others i showed up to out of necessity, and have had no fun fighting with pitchforks and cudgels. Now that people are able to afford decent gear for battles, they just lose it all to some stupid bug! Not to mention there is always the threat of getting screwed over by the devs because they are bored, or feel like shooting fireballs at some peasants. Honestly have no idea what the point of this strategus was, as i have met very few people who actually enjoyed strat 3.0.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: RandomDude on December 21, 2011, 01:56:14 am
Well for my clan's part we did some fighting. Not as much as I'd like but mostly we were grinding to get a big enough army + gold to take and hold a fief.

We had some fights with neutrals, acre and 22nd. We couldnt really fight more than we did and be left with any force at all.

Just losing one army (200+) men would slow us down a lot.

I would like to see more fighting between clans too, especially the larger clans but they have their own reasons not to I guess. Maybe they're saving to take castles/towns etc.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Gristle on December 21, 2011, 02:34:50 am
It simply takes too much time and effort to properly gear up an army, only to lose most of what you just made in one battle. War is no longer profitable or fun.

During the summer, when chadz apparently had plenty of free time, there would be at least 1 bug fix every week. The developers were active, more vocal than usual, and times were great. Now it's winter, and although chadz stopped playing Skyrim weeks ago, we are still desperately waiting for major updates.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: MrShine on December 21, 2011, 03:04:35 am
I think a fundamental issue with crafting is right now it's not really worth it to spend the time and gold to craft most of the items you have available.  I mean, I can craft a bunch of awesome stuff, but when it costs 10x what it takes for some of the cheap weaponry to craft it just isn't worthwhile.

I agree a big problem right now is everything is just too expensive.  It takes way too long to assemble enough gold for a 'good' loadout for an army and by the time you do that you could have funded 5 similarly sized army with weaker gear that would probably have been more effective in the long run.

In short the economy is borked for strat.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Leiknir on December 21, 2011, 03:23:37 am
I am having the most fun I ever had in strat this round.
I did operate a small 4 man bandit operation for a while, ended with 350 armed troops and 80k gold. Threw the army at Keshian because he annoyed me, took his village and stole his army he hid in there. Now I am fighting a glorious war of independence for proud Fenada.
You do not have to have a big clan to have fun or be effective in strategus anymore, just go and fuck diplomacy and go be a bandit. Or a trader. I made more than 1 million cRPG gold so far.

You guys are just playing a boring game of security, safety and even more safety. Go and take a risk. Anyone remembers the first strategus round? Nearly all landowning EU faction were in the templar block, except DRZ, Nordmen of Fenada and the Mercs. 22nd, Nordmen & DRZ got bored and just started a war against all odds, slowly gaining allies as new factions emerged and joined up or others left the sinking templar boat. We didn't sit  there and complain that we can't fight a war because everyone is allied and we might lose. We took the risk, and we won.

If you complain that you can't beat them because you don't have troops, go and recruit them. All castles are still neutral. Gold missing? Raid their caravans. I am sure there are some non UIF factions out there that let you craft in their fiefs for a small fee, maybe even for free. UIF got too many players? You need a max of 60(?) players for each battle, with some discipline you can easily get that number for the most important battles.
Strategus it not just getting 10k troops and buying equipment to throw them at the enemy until its over anymore, disrupt your enemies trade, disrupt their reinforcments. Much more possibilties for small clans to try and keep the man down or atleast try to offer a resistance. I am still surprised that for example the Mercs not take 100 or 200 troops and hide in some neutral castle along the DRZ trading routes and try to get some loot there to pay for their main defense. Or just use the raiding feature and annoy the shit out of their villages. Go and hire some neutral mercenaries (hehe) to inflitrate their land and open up guerilla warfare.

Don't complain that you can only craft the most expensive stuff, go and play with cheaper stuff in cRPG for a while to get cheap stuff. My 4 man bandit squad could easily produce nearly everything we needed for our army (Tribal Warrior Outfits, Mail Shirts, Nomad Sabres, Kite Shields, Bamboo Spears, MW Crossbows, Darts, etc..), extremly cheap. We didn't plan it, we are just not in cRPG 24/7 tincans. If you put some thought in there, you can easily get cheap equipment.
Maybe I missed the micromanagement you complain about because my army slowly grew, but honestly, I think that was your missmanagment because every leader tried to outfit the whole army by himself. Why did you try to do everything yourself? Go and get other people involved, if you want to outfit an army of 1000 man and still need the equipment set up production quotas and assign production leader roles (1 guy organises 1hand&shields, one guy poles&2hand etc) to various members. If someone can't fit the deadline you can still start to panic and take direct control. You just can't instaoutfit an army in 1h anymore.
Strat is not thought to be played by the 20 faction leaders while all lowly members just farm coconuts. Get people involved.

Strategus diplomacy is taken way to personal all the time, seriously guys. Taking personal disputes into strategus is fine, fight it out. But don't make new personal disputes in strategus. My bandit party raided the Caravan Guards, chased them over half the map on multiple occasions, but we are still cool (aren't we? :o)

The bug suck, can't argue there. Strategus is still in a very raw form and seriously needs some urgent and long overdue interface improvements.

TL;DR: Stop whining, go fighting. Maybe you win, maybe you lose. But everyone just sitting there going "no war is boring" is kinda stupid

(this post is my opinion as an active player this strat)
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: JihadistMexican on December 21, 2011, 03:46:51 am
Good points in that post Leiknir, but haven't you noticed the change in peoples ways of playing strat? Like you said about those euros who attacked everyone, back in 2.0 it was so much easier to get troops/gold/equipment etc. You being a bandit who doesn't "gaf" has nothing to lose.  Some people who play this game take this seriously (lol) and don't want to lose.  If I could make an army like that, then I would war people and we could have a good fun time.  If it takes me a long amount of time to make an army, I will be less likely to attack someone at the risk of losing my shit.  You can't say people have become less fun or warlike, you have to look at the differences between the strat rounds and how that can effect peoples decisions etc.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Keshian on December 21, 2011, 04:24:38 am
Leiknirr - you talk as if that is fun for everybody.  What you did was attack at 5 am so know one could show up and then when we actually had a decent time to fight you the server disconnected every single person on our team every 10 seconds, while not a single person on your side was affected (not surprisingly cmp had just made changes to the server and was mercing for you along with several other developers who share your developer tag) so you were able to cap the flags in a  few seconds each time.  There was no battle - how exacttly is that fun for people that actually enjoy fighting.

I know you have a personal thing against me (not surprising since I have heard repeatedly what a tool you are), but that was about 40 people "grinding in strategus for months that lost all their gear to your attacking at 5 am and then a glitched cheating win with less than 1 minute of actual fighting.  How is that fun for most people??  I know it turned off another 15-20 people from strategus and made them inactive, especially when all the developers trolled them when they asked for help.

I know you are probably going to flame me and I don't care, I have a thick skin, but frankly the fact that you brag about the disconnect abuse is the mark of a true dick - there were many other people than me that got screwed over by that (actually i wasnt affected much personally as I had told my clan before that fight I didnt want to waste any more time on this boring game after we dealt with you as it just wasnt fun anymore, the only battle we had in ages was at 5 am, an intentional dick move taking advantage of time zone differences).  I have been zoned out and barely playing since Al Adin and his developers randomly punished 1 and only 1 clan with 1000 troops and gear lost.

Your opinion is badly biased as a developer in claiming that strategus 3.0  is fun.  For the vast majority of people I play with - it is not.  And I don't know the cRPG battle server numbers as I dont play anymore, but I know for a fact the number of people that actually log into Strategus has dropped precipitously among the North Americans and Europeans i know.

I know you are a troll and a dick so I dont expect any real reply of substance, but other developers should really be taking note at how boring this game has become and how many people have much more quietly just quit and become inactive.  The trollish nature of developers with infrequent Strategus patches has also certainly not strengthened peoples' belief that things will change.

P.S. Strat 1 it was you, den bitre, str, BIA, DRZ, 22nd, and a half-dozen more russian clans names I cant even pronounce that outnumbered them drastically and sued pretty much every possible glitch in the game tio win, so no that is not DARING in the slightest.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Huey Newton on December 21, 2011, 04:31:17 am
But everyone just sitting there going "no war is boring" is kinda stupid

I hate to turn this into another strat arguement thread, but then again I no longer care about this game.

The only people saying "no war is boring" are the people who are waging war themselves.
The FCC has spurred on several of the major wars in strategus history
We are at war as we speak.

Don't say we are just sitting there and idly bitching the issue.
This is an active problem and you're construing the truth about present strat.
The fact that you're a dev only makes it look more ignorant.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Xant on December 21, 2011, 05:05:17 am
(not surprisingly cmp had just made changes to the server and was mercing for you along with several other developers who share your developer tag)

I knew there was something fishy about him.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: bagge on December 21, 2011, 05:19:50 am
Leiknirr - you talk as if that is fun for everybody.  What you did was attack at 5 am so know one could show up and then when we actually had a decent time to fight you the server disconnected every single person on our team every 10 seconds, while not a single person on your side was affected (not surprisingly cmp had just made changes to the server and was mercing for you along with several other developers who share your developer tag) so you were able to cap the flags in a  few seconds each time.  There was no battle - how exacttly is that fun for people that actually enjoy fighting.

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Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: rubicon_crossed on December 21, 2011, 07:53:39 am
Leiknirr - you talk as if that is fun for everybody.  What you did was attack at 5 am so know one could show up and then when we actually had a decent time to fight you the server disconnected every single person on our team every 10 seconds, while not a single person on your side was affected (not surprisingly cmp had just made changes to the server and was mercing for you along with several other developers who share your developer tag) so you were able to cap the flags in a  few seconds each time.  There was no battle - how exacttly is that fun for people that actually enjoy fighting.
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Just because Kesh said it, doesn't make it any less true.

1) I don't think there was anything malicious/intentional behind the one-sided d/c bug that affected our counterattack but it definitely wasn't "fun".
2) I've already given my kudos to Leikner for his successful suicide attack on our fiefs but again, attacking us at 5 am in the morning was not "fun" for our side either.

I have no problems with losing. Heck, some of my most fun moments in strat have been in losing battles (Remember Tebandra!). The problem is that everything Leikner just outlined as him having "fun" came from our side not even having a chance to fight b/c of the time slot and d/c error.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Dach on December 21, 2011, 08:17:14 am
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Gristle on December 21, 2011, 08:30:04 am
Don't complain that you can only craft the most expensive stuff, go and play with cheaper stuff in cRPG for a while to get cheap stuff. My 4 man bandit squad could easily produce nearly everything we needed for our army (Tribal Warrior Outfits, Mail Shirts, Nomad Sabres, Kite Shields, Bamboo Spears, MW Crossbows, Darts, etc..), extremly cheap. We didn't plan it, we are just not in cRPG 24/7 tincans. If you put some thought in there, you can easily get cheap equipment.
Maybe I missed the micromanagement you complain about because my army slowly grew, but honestly, I think that was your missmanagment because every leader tried to outfit the whole army by himself. Why did you try to do everything yourself? Go and get other people involved, if you want to outfit an army of 1000 man and still need the equipment set up production quotas and assign production leader roles (1 guy organises 1hand&shields, one guy poles&2hand etc) to various members. If someone can't fit the deadline you can still start to panic and take direct control. You just can't instaoutfit an army in 1h anymore.
Strat is not thought to be played by the 20 faction leaders while all lowly members just farm coconuts. Get people involved.

OK, this right here shows that you have no idea what you are talking about and you're just riding high on your recent victory against an AFK village.

You have our gear. You know we are not making upper end equipment. Our best one handed weapon is the simple sword, our best armor is light leather, scythes are still the most used polearm, and horses are non-existant. What you don't understand is that we don't want to be using this gear 3 months into strategus. The fact that we are still using such low end gear at this point shows how stagnant the economy is. How impossible it is to advance. Hell, you barely even have to worry about gear. You simply attack at a time where you won't have many/any opponents. That is a valid strategy, but it doesn't give you much room to speak on the subject of gear.

I would say we had about 10 people doing caravan runs, and maybe another 5-10 crafters. It was certainly not all handled by 1 person. We were involved with our allies and neighbors, and had many trade deals across the map. You had a clan of 4 people. That's easy to organize. When's the last time you organized a group of 20 or 30 people as well as relations with multiple factions for an extended period of time? You are a raider who plays strategus to make cRPG gold. You do not understand the problems of larger factions.

You make one good point though: strategus 3.0 made banditry very profitable. Maybe we should all be bandits?

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Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Vibe on December 21, 2011, 08:56:05 am
Strat is boring
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: kura on December 21, 2011, 11:31:56 am
Strat 1.0 was like arcade,strat 2.0 was something mixed,strat 3.0 is more like simulator.
I like most 3.0 because we have now implementation of ideas,what we want in 1.0,but must avoid the*multiplication of bureaucracy for bureaucracy*.

Now all slower and we have much time for thinking about all what we do/done.Some people whose have hot blood and pain in one place want real action and dont want to wait.
I like system of army supply.You can easy create army of ass-naked peasants with stones and sticks,if you want plate armor - create strong clan and its reality,remember the medieval armies of caravans,caravan robbers,lords,kings etc.

Developers already done steps for increasing world on map - low speed and more castle and villages.You can increase the proportion of map image in relation to the icon of villages and players, this will facilitate the solution of the problem.
Strat 3.0 not enough user-friendly interface,this is due to the uneven development of the project.

Most improtrand dont forget - very much not implemented at the moment patience and understanding to developers,they make outstanding things for us and we should be grateful to them for what we use it (especially for free).
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: chadz on December 21, 2011, 12:02:15 pm
Interesting thread, thank you
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Vibe on December 21, 2011, 12:31:40 pm
Interesting thread, thank you

I guess this pretty much sums up the future of strat?
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on December 21, 2011, 12:53:31 pm
- Large factions have a huge advantage over smaller clans
- Over half of the EU is made up of carebears
- People take this too seriously and care more about dominating their rivals through asshattery rather than fighting in battles
- Diplomacy is the main weapon in strat rather than swords, I realise that may be historically accurate but we dont do realism in this game ;)
- Equipment bug ruined many factions in the beginning, when some factions didnt wanna try a peasant rush but rather use a good expensive but small army, they lost all equipment fighting naked armies :/
- Scythes are by far one of the most stupidly strong weapons for peasants, their length and ability to swing does not reflect a low tier weapon but rather a mid tier weapon.
- Not enough place for bandits, once everyone has taken their claims bandits have trouble making any money or causing any real trouble.
- Horses do not confer enough bonus onto speed of armies or carrying capacity, you need as many horses as troops to be effective

These are just some points about strat 3.0 that I think I'd rather were not present.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Vibe on December 21, 2011, 01:20:39 pm

- Scythes are by far one of the most stupidly strong weapons for peasants, their length and ability to swing does not reflect a low tier weapon but rather a mid tier weapon.

Thank you for pointing this out too :)
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lepintoi on December 21, 2011, 01:37:18 pm
Leiknir, you got lucky. If you had lost it would take you weeks to get back on your feet again.
I have been micromanaging the shit out of HRE since two weeks after the start of srategus and before I realised everyone was against us :) it was fun.
I would like you to try banditry in a more active region of the map Leiknir and see how you will be reattacked after the cooldown by an army waiting next to you.
Wataga tried it and were very quickly taken care of.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Overdriven on December 21, 2011, 01:43:32 pm
Wataga tried it and were very quickly taken care of.

Bloody Wataga...they were annoying early game but got swatted like flies after a few weeks.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: CoWorm on December 21, 2011, 03:41:46 pm
Leiknir, you got lucky. If you had lost it would take you weeks to get back on your feet again.
I have been micromanaging the shit out of HRE since two weeks after the start of srategus and before I realised everyone was against us :) it was fun.
I would like you to try banditry in a more active region of the map Leiknir and see how you will be reattacked after the cooldown by an army waiting next to you.
Wataga tried it and were very quickly taken care of.

As I recall we where in the same region as Wataga, we even had a small turf war with them in the beginning. It's called being smart and picking your targets, they didn't, we did.

Of course that one bugged battle with the disconnects was a totaly unfair battle, that we most likely never would have won in any way. But that still doesn't change Leiknirs, or my, view of this Strat. All four of us had great amounts of fun being bandits, growing slowly larger and larger. Not because of the Fenada deal, that was planned as going out with a glorious bang when we retired from strat. We had fun because we actually did something, just four of us, we planned, we plotted, we had some awesome small battles and we got out with alot of cRPG gold when we came from nothing.

Like Leiknir said. Take some chances, go out there and try to do something fun. Don't sit around and wait for the devs to force you to have to fight, especially as a small faction its quite possible to do some damage and have a good time.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Leiknir on December 21, 2011, 03:48:18 pm
Of course I got lucky with that attack on Fenada. The battle was at 14:00 my time, that's shortly after the time I usualy am able to come online on weekdays, one would have thought that people would set their night time to slots where they can't attend. But I like how taking a village with capturing the flags suddendly is a "glitched cheating win", isn't that how you took most of your villages? Just saying, this feature works in both ways. Don't blame this all on me beeing a bad person.
There is always a losing side, that has less fun than the winning side, but you can't deny that the (non-bugged) battles we had were quite decent. But that's what I like about this strat, your faction get's wiped out and loses all fiefs? Go into the woods and launch a guerilla warfare. So many people seem to be mad at UIF claiming all the fiefs, but no one even tries to disrupt them.

What do you think would be a good armor level? I feel it's ok most troops run around in mail or lighter, only few elite troops should get armor in the banded range. Strategus should not be a tincan fest and the lesser known weapons should be used for once, too, though a bit better items than what we currently use would be nice. Your equipment was not that bad, you had military scythes, horn bows, pikes and other good midlevel stuff, too. But fuck normal sythes, they got a way too good cost-value ratio.

Lepintoi, we used a system of 1 mothership doing the raids, and 3 interceptors standing by to guarantee a safe retreat. We avoided attacking clans that had their fiefs around the corner, but we sat on one of the main North/South and West/East trade routes and had enough targets. We never got catched off hand.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Arcona on December 21, 2011, 03:57:45 pm
Speaking of "night time"...

I had a 'revolutionary' idea about this...

You know how we can choose 8 hours of night time to represent the time we cant play right?

Well for the majority of adult human beings the time you CANT play tends to be more to the side that MAYBE you have 8 hours TO play as opposed to not play.

For me having a full time job and a bit of a life its extremely hard to choose when my night time should be... I mean seriously the time I can schedule for gaming on a weekday is between 18:30 and 24:00 (being generous). I am either working or sleeping any other time and as such cant play in my own battles.

Would it not be better to have a system where you place your "fighting times" and that is the time you can actually fight? This can also be abused but at least you get to play and fight in your own battles! Additionally perhaps instead of getting 24 hours of down time if the time of the attack is within your fighting time then this would take place on the same day (so for example someone tries to attack me on Monday 13:00 CET and the battle is automatically set for Monday 19:00 CET as opposed to Tuesday 13:00 CET).
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: bagge on December 21, 2011, 04:50:46 pm
Just because Kesh said it, doesn't make it any less true.

1) I don't think there was anything malicious/intentional behind the one-sided d/c bug that affected our counterattack but it definitely wasn't "fun".
2) I've already given my kudos to Leikner for his successful suicide attack on our fiefs but again, attacking us at 5 am in the morning was not "fun" for our side either.

I have no problems with losing. Heck, some of my most fun moments in strat have been in losing battles (Remember Tebandra!). The problem is that everything Leikner just outlined as him having "fun" came from our side not even having a chance to fight b/c of the time slot and d/c error.

Actually, I should have removed everything except "(not surprisingly cmp had just made changes to the server and was mercing for you along with several other developers who share your developer tag)" :lol:

Didn't you guys attack mercs in 2.0 in the same hours? I think I recall a night when three sieges took place. Or is my memory bad? :rolleyes:
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lepintoi on December 21, 2011, 05:13:38 pm
There is always a losing side, that has less fun than the winning side, but you can't deny that the (non-bugged) battles we had were quite decent. But that's what I like about this strat, your faction get's wiped out and loses all fiefs? Go into the woods and launch a guerilla warfare. So many people seem to be mad at UIF claiming all the fiefs, but no one even tries to disrupt them.
As a clan we obviously didn't want to piss of other clans in the beginning by raiding the trade routes. Now that we got wiped off the map we got lucky in finding the one fief that wasn't owned yet and annoy the 22nd. As i recall we were the only ones waging war at the beginning of strategus. (on EU side)
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Tomas on December 21, 2011, 05:28:10 pm
Not because of the Fenada deal, that was planned as going out with a glorious bang when we retired from strat.

If Strat is so wonderful why are you going out with a bang?

Now onto my thoughts

Pros over Strat 2.0
- Terrain implemented.  I still think the really mountainous areas should be proper barriers (like cliffs and rivers) aswell but at least it adds a bit of thought to the game and some planning.
- Slower pace.  A bit too slow but still better than before imo

Cons over strat 2.0
- New game but old allies.  Everytime Strat restarts it just increases the advantage the major alliances have and allows them to refine their opening moves and strategy.
- Too many pointless battles. Whenever you look at the battle list, half the battles involve attacks against less than 5 troops.  A lot of them are against 0 troops and some againmst 0 crates as well.
- Economy is Inverted.  You get money for doing nothing and the more people you have in your faction willing to do nothing, the more powerful your faction is.
- Distance bonus encourages carebears.  The further you go the more money you make and the more land your alliance controls, the further you can safely travel.
- No reason to attack Castles and Towns Once you have control of all the villages in your area you already control the economy so there is no reason other than e-peen to attack a Town or Castle.  Unfortunately, the villages are also the easiest to take and the least fun to defend so this has made the issue even worse.
- NA/EU split encourages non-primetime battles. Before the NA/EU split nighttimes were mainly used to stop your alternate server neighbour from attacking you during their primetime.  Now they are used to avoid primetime battles altogether.
- Arbitrary and inconsistent admin actions. The Fallen were punished for seeing a bug (being able to attack their own fief) and using it to their advanatge.  I don't disagree with the punishment which afterall removed less than what the Fallen actually gained from the exploit and it just rebalanced the upcoming dusturil battle.  However when Leiknir saw the FCC guys being disconnected constantly by a bug, he took advantage and spawn capped them, yet there has been absolutely nothing done or said, that I know of, to reverse this and rebalance Leiknir vs FCC.  I'm not saying Leiknir should be punished as there probably wasn't much else that could be done, but where are the flying carpets and fireballs to remove the extra troops and equipment gained from the battle?  Whether the exploit is deliberate or accidental doesn't matter.  If you rebalance once you have to do it every time.

Simple solution to all these issues
- there is none and no amount of tweaking will help either.  Strat needs an overhaul and if you want inspiration for how to do it then just look at the single player game.  There's plenty of ideas flying around that are doing this and i'll prob add one of my own sometime soon.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Huey Newton on December 21, 2011, 06:17:35 pm
Didn't you guys attack mercs in 2.0 in the same hours? I think I recall a night when three sieges took place. Or is my memory bad? :rolleyes:

Yes we did, but we realized it takes the fun out of the game.
One of the reasons we came to an agreement to end the war.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: AntiBlitz on December 21, 2011, 06:26:53 pm
yep omg gold is so hard to come by idk how i will ever outfit my 70 man band of rogues and brigands.  What will i ever do, horses are too expensive omg, who even uses them.  my best armor i have for my guys is steppe armor, oh and i cant even use falchions, i have to use cudgels.

AntiBlitz's Merry men

70 Man Army

Bamboo Spear                    20   
Lordly Mail Gauntlets       78   
Arrows                               60   
Heavy Lance                       6   
Bolts                               20   
Shortened Military Scythe    20   
Horn Bow                       20   
Masterpiece Heater Shield    30   
Lordly Brigandine               30   
Masterwork Grosse Messer    30   
Horned Steppe Cap       40   
Lordly Black Lamellar Vest    40   
Mail Chausses                       30   
Masterwork Horn Bow       1   
Light Crossbow               10   
Khergit Leather Boots       40   
Champion Destrier               11   
Thick Barbutte                            35   
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: rubicon_crossed on December 21, 2011, 06:29:26 pm
Yes we did, but we realized it takes the fun out of the game.
One of the reasons we came to an agreement to end the war.


^This. Also, as Gristle already mentioned, attacking at off hours is a legitimate tactic but it certainly doesn't foster fun gameplay.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: BADPLAYERold on December 21, 2011, 07:36:31 pm

Then we attack you with our 1k army made up of peasant equipment that probably costs way less and you lose.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Herkkutatti on December 21, 2011, 07:38:49 pm
At fifteen, I had the will to  learn ; at thirty, I could stand ; at forty, I had no  doubts ; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding ;  at sixty, my ears were opened ; at seventy, I could  do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the  square.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Harafat on December 21, 2011, 07:39:54 pm

- Economy is Inverted.  You get money for doing nothing and the more people you have in your faction willing to do nothing, the more powerful your faction is.
- No reason to attack Castles and Towns Once you have control of all the villages in your area you already control the economy so there is no reason other than e-peen to attack a Town or Castle.  Unfortunately, the villages are also the easiest to take and the least fun to defend so this has made the issue even worse.

This. If Cities or even castles had 100% craft efficiency instead of villages, you would have a whole diff game. Villages should be given another bonus, like selling. Thus way those villages would become infested with robbers, hence giving them a reason to take as a faction and not just focus on cities + they could tax the goods sold there.  In that way: cities=crafting, castles=recruiting, villages=selling.
Or given that there arent that many cities: Cities: recruiting, Castles: crafting, Villages:Selling.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: bagge on December 21, 2011, 08:00:26 pm
Yes we did, but we realized it takes the fun out of the game.
One of the reasons we came to an agreement to end the war.


What comes around goes around, sooner or later :P
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Oberyn on December 21, 2011, 08:11:15 pm
^This. Also, as Gristle already mentioned, attacking at off hours is a legitimate tactic but it certainly doesn't foster fun gameplay.

What a bunch of bullshit. You only realized it was not fun when YOU started getting attacked at impossible hours. You were calling Mercs a bunch of whiny noobs previous to that for daring to suggest that it was a dick move.
One of the reasons you signed the peace treaty was because you felt bad about attacking Mercs at off hours? Do you even listen to yourselves anymore? Does having Kesh in a clan make ridiculous face-saving propaganda 100% more effective or something?
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Gristle on December 21, 2011, 08:17:04 pm
But I like how taking a village with capturing the flags suddendly is a "glitched cheating win", isn't that how you took most of your villages?

Actually, no. We were the first NA faction to take a village this strategus, and our villages had large opposition as people were still bothering to sign up for village defense back then. Hell, Kwynn and Vayejeg were taken back when village battles were 30 attackers against 60 defenders, and we got them on the first try.

As for night time, it is possible to to interrupt sleep for a battle, but skipping work for a battle would be ridiculous, so we set our time to cover the afternoon.

We have had 8 battles over Fenada so far. Only 3 of those battles have been legitimate fights, and they've felt more like work than fun. You're having all the fun because you didn't spend months saving up and gathering the gear you are using. That was us. Our plan was to have one last hurrah taking a castle, which we would have done already if Fenada had not been taken*. Too much of our gear has been wasted on both sides now, so that plan is no longer possible. That's fine, shit happens. We were thrown a curve ball. Still, we are not having fun, even in victory, as we watch everything we have get wasted.

(click to show/hide)

What a bunch of bullshit. You only realized it was not fun when YOU started getting attacked at impossible hours. You were calling Mercs a bunch of whiny noobs previous to that for daring to suggest that it was a dick move.
One of the reasons you signed the peace treaty was because you felt bad about attacking Mercs at off hours? Do you even listen to yourselves anymore? Does having Kesh in a clan make ridiculous face-saving propaganda 100% more effective or something?

They attacked us at off hours, and we attacked them at off hours. It was a dirty war that left everyone tired. There was plenty of vile shit slinging from both sides on the forums.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Keshian on December 21, 2011, 08:25:49 pm

As for night time, it is possible to to interrupt sleep for a battle, but skipping work for a battle would be ridiculous
(click to show/hide)

They attacked us at off hours, and we attacked them at off hours. It was a dirty war that left everyone tired.

Both of those!

Also, Oberyn, back then we had just as many 3-5 am fights as the Mercs had.  It was brutal on both sides.  We were the quintessential example of why NA and EU needed to be divided, because either you got bad ping and good timeslot or good ping and a horrible timeslot and neither were fun (though it was still more fun than this strategus).  We haven't done that at all in Strat 3.0 and neither have the Mercs.  With people actually very active in Strategus 2.0 as it was fun and interesting, yeah people would show up for thse fights.  But 5 am in this INCREDIBLY SLOW-MOVING strategus is like saying insta-win with no real battle taking place, just flag capture, people simply dont stay verya ctive when events take days and weeks to happen.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Gristle on December 21, 2011, 08:28:52 pm
In fact that war was a major contributing factor to why the Night Time feature was added.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: rubicon_crossed on December 21, 2011, 08:58:07 pm
What a bunch of bullshit. You only realized it was not fun when YOU started getting attacked at impossible hours. You were calling Mercs a bunch of whiny noobs previous to that for daring to suggest that it was a dick move.
One of the reasons you signed the peace treaty was because you felt bad about attacking Mercs at off hours? Do you even listen to yourselves anymore? Does having Kesh in a clan make ridiculous face-saving propaganda 100% more effective or something?

It wasn't fun back then for the Mercs or us when we also were attacked at bad time slots.. hence peace treaty. Why don't you take a step back and see who's playing the part of the fool here. I'm pretty sure everyone has a lot more fun when both sides can actually show up and fight, yet all of sudden it's not true because we're the ones saying it?

edit: Here are some quotes from the truce and the actual peace treaty thread:
Great news, less lag and less 5 AM fights. Good job all for coming to an agreement. Thanks!

Im sorry I saw this and I just couldnt resist...
The fellas at the friggin FCC!!!!!!!

Thanks for the end to 5am battles.

@gotetooth dont worry we stil luv ya enough to let ya fight for us anytime  :D


Frankly, I love this pact.
But it should be called "weekend pact" or "I-need-to-work pact", or just "real life pact" %)

confirmed, toilet pact renewed,  thank god for sleep

Sleep > Strat

I'm sorry I don't have audio recordings from our Vent or steam/irc logs as well to sate your quest for truth but is it really that hard to believe that fighting at terrible times was not very fun for everyone involved?
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Tydeus on December 21, 2011, 09:44:30 pm
Then we attack you with our 1k army made up of peasant equipment that probably costs way less and you lose.
Too bad your 1K army would never catch up to his.

Most of the complaining I've seen over strat 3.0 is about people not being able to craft the gear that they want. You guys sound like selfish four year olds. I fail to see how simply have a lower armor value and a lower damage value on your weapons, has ruined strategus. Horse complaints are legitimate, archery effectiveness is a legitimate complaint, but crying because you can't have 5K armies and half of them in plate is fucking retarded. No one can, it's an even playing field across the board.

If it's that big of an issue, just change your models and pretend you're playing with everyone having higher end gear, the game plays the same way regardless of what the average gear level is.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: BADPLAYERold on December 21, 2011, 09:56:50 pm
Too bad your 1K army would never catch up to his.

Most of the complaining I've seen over strat 3.0 is about people not being able to craft the gear that they want. You guys sound like selfish four year olds. I fail to see how simply have a lower armor value and a lower damage value on your weapons, has ruined strategus. Horse complaints are legitimate, archery effectiveness is a legitimate complaint, but crying because you can't have 5K armies and half of them in plate is fucking retarded. No one can, it's an even playing field across the board.

If it's that big of an issue, just change your models and pretend you're playing with everyone having higher end gear, the game plays the same way regardless of what the average gear level is.

Yeah cause running away is a valid tactic in wars? At some point armies have to engage.

The gear thing is just how cost effective peasant weapons are, it's not the fact that noone can afford the good armour and weapons it is the fact that it is better to buy 10 scythes than 1 hafted blade ect. Last strategus it was the same but people had a better ratio of gold:troops so they could afford to equip all their troops in decent gear, right now that ratio is much lower so most factions will always have a surplus of troops and it is better to equip as many as your troops as possible in poor gear than it is to equip just a small portion in good gear and leave the ones left unarmed.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Gristle on December 21, 2011, 10:19:13 pm
but crying because you can't have 5K armies and half of them in plate is fucking retarded.

No, what's fucking retarded is reading "I want to wear something better than Light Leather" as "I think everyone should be wearing Transitional Armor at the very least." No one is saying that. Shut up.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: SHinOCk on December 21, 2011, 10:35:53 pm
The real problem i see with this strat beside some game breaking bugs is how it turn usually normal peoples into a bunch of raging/whining assholes and i probably don't need to point a finger at anyone there, those people are well known.

The community would certainly benefit from having less bullshit/rage/whining threads on the forums. I find it sad that i have come to hate some people with a passion on this game because of their shitty attitude when i used to respect them before strat came out
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: rubicon_crossed on December 21, 2011, 11:40:16 pm
Yeah cause running away is a valid tactic in wars? At some point armies have to engage.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Visconti on December 22, 2011, 04:19:38 am
Too bad your 1K army would never catch up to his.

Most of the complaining I've seen over strat 3.0 is about people not being able to craft the gear that they want. You guys sound like selfish four year olds. I fail to see how simply have a lower armor value and a lower damage value on your weapons, has ruined strategus. Horse complaints are legitimate, archery effectiveness is a legitimate complaint, but crying because you can't have 5K armies and half of them in plate is fucking retarded. No one can, it's an even playing field across the board.

If it's that big of an issue, just change your models and pretend you're playing with everyone having higher end gear, the game plays the same way regardless of what the average gear level is.

The reason i thought that strategus was so fun was because you could fight as an actual soldier in a proffesional army, with large scale battles, not as a peasant with a pitchfork. Last strategus was fine, majority of battles were in light mail armor/kuyaks, with mid tier weapons like arming swords, longswords, crossbows etc. Not sure where you got the idea that armies in plate were the norm, or that this is what people want this strat.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on December 22, 2011, 05:26:57 am
I think Kesh makes a really good point: we need to nerf cavalry NOW, before strat gets even more broken.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Casimir on December 22, 2011, 05:32:06 am
Strat is what you make of it.

Unlike most people I don't think its really worth commenting in depth about the post made by keshian in relation to strat, so i'll move on to the player base at large.

Acting like a little whinny bitch on the forums about all the problems wont make you enjoy the game any more. It might take your mind off the fact you've just lost all your important e-territory, and now when you join a server no-one knows!

Strat is way better now than it was in the first one by a long shot, suggesting otherwise is just fucking retarded - rose tinted glasses.

All in all some people need to man the fuck up when they loose and decide either to carry on and try again or fuck off and shut up.  Not this bullshit half way whinny bollocks.

If something bad happens, make a thread, but please don't keep infecting every single fucking topic with the same bullshit complaints. NO-ONE CARES!

Some of you should try and be more like HRE (except don't keep on allying to the 'evil' faction). Great enemy, nice enjoyable fights, civil guys and once they know its over they don't give up, they just move on and try somewhere else.  Would be an honour to fight them again.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Gristle on December 22, 2011, 06:30:28 am
Was that post meant for another thread? People in this thread are mostly complaining about boredom and an inability to sustain a well geared army, not about losing battles.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Keshian on December 22, 2011, 07:06:52 am
Strat is what you make of it.

Unlike most people I don't think its really worth commenting in depth about the post made by keshian in relation to strat, so i'll move on to the player base at large.

Acting like a little whinny bitch on the forums about all the problems wont make you enjoy the game any more. It might take your mind off the fact you've just lost all your important e-territory, and now when you join a server no-one knows!

Strat is way better now than it was in the first one by a long shot, suggesting otherwise is just fucking retarded - rose tinted glasses.

All in all some people need to man the fuck up when they loose and decide either to carry on and try again or fuck off and shut up.  Not this bullshit half way whinny bollocks.

If something bad happens, make a thread, but please don't keep infecting every single fucking topic with the same bullshit complaints. NO-ONE CARES!

Some of you should try and be more like HRE (except don't keep on allying to the 'evil' faction). Great enemy, nice enjoyable fights, civil guys and once they know its over they don't give up, they just move on and try somewhere else.  Would be an honour to fight them again.

Yeah, the game is boring.  We have been "winning" with 4-5 fiefs the whole time, but its fucking boring with all its endless micromanagment with 1 battle as a a reward for 3  weeks grinding on strategus, to the point most of my clan has given up on Strategus 3.0, including me.  This thread was supposed to give a kick in the ass to developers that the changes have mostly not been for the better if they add to tedium and take away fun.  Now maybe we are more of an action-oriented, battle-hungry clan rather than kumbaiya-singing carebears, so maybe this is what chadz and company want - endlessly monotonous trading and crafting with only an occasional battle.  If that is the case, then no point in coming back for 4.0.

Oh, yeah.  Its probably about time I posted this:

Are all of your neighbors your allies, yet you do not have enough land? Are you a landless knave wandering looking for a home? Do you fancy owning a vilage just to turn it into a gay bar?

Well come one, come all to the land of the NORTH, we have an auction for property, troops, gear and strategus gold going on. Everything must go. We have 4 villages for sale and are willing to accept heirloomed items, cRPG gold, strategus gold, and even a bit of rub and tug . Please pm Gristle, Snoop, BaleOhay, Matey, or Keshian on the forums or post in this thread your offers. EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! Clearance sales event.

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Vibe on December 22, 2011, 07:30:43 am
Strat is what you make of it.

Unlike most people I don't think its really worth commenting in depth about the post made by keshian in relation to strat, so i'll move on to the player base at large.

Acting like a little whinny bitch on the forums about all the problems wont make you enjoy the game any more. It might take your mind off the fact you've just lost all your important e-territory, and now when you join a server no-one knows!

Strat is way better now than it was in the first one by a long shot, suggesting otherwise is just fucking retarded - rose tinted glasses.

All in all some people need to man the fuck up when they loose and decide either to carry on and try again or fuck off and shut up.  Not this bullshit half way whinny bollocks.

If something bad happens, make a thread, but please don't keep infecting every single fucking topic with the same bullshit complaints. NO-ONE CARES!

Some of you should try and be more like HRE (except don't keep on allying to the 'evil' faction). Great enemy, nice enjoyable fights, civil guys and once they know its over they don't give up, they just move on and try somewhere else.  Would be an honour to fight them again.

swing and miss
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lepintoi on December 22, 2011, 12:51:41 pm
+1 to Casimir!
If everyone would be more like HRE this would be fun :p

Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Casimir on December 22, 2011, 01:25:32 pm
Posting at half 4 in the morning is niever a good idea... especially after a night of poker and shots...

Nevertheless i do think some of what i said makes sence and some people should just motivate themselves.

If you want a war go and attack someone?
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: bredeus on December 22, 2011, 02:27:20 pm
I feel motivated again, red potatoes here I come!
(my duty in strat)
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lordark on December 22, 2011, 05:25:41 pm
I dunno about you FCC/Fallen pukes but Hospitaller is having a GAY ol time'  :mrgreen: 

After 3 strats were finally 'winning' ! (insert Chalie Sheen.jpg_)  Tebandra! Tebandra! Lando! Star Wars! Knights of Veluca! Etc etc. 

I dunno any Fallen slogans but I wanna post here thanks for giving up in the steppe much appreciated abandoning it so we can start working on being the 1st

Strat faction to get a castle 1st  a second time in  a  row in strat.   Ty ty.  :lol:
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Gristle on December 22, 2011, 08:41:45 pm
That's right, Lordark. When everyone else has quit out of boredom, you'll finally be winners.

If you want a war go and attack someone?

My issue is that I don't want to go to war armed with a cudgel. We might return when the economy doesn't suck.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Sphinxer on December 22, 2011, 11:16:50 pm
To be honest , I feel bad and sorry for you guys.

You just started being descent foes right when people got bored of waiting after you and ended up quitting the game ...

Sucks to be you
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lordark on December 22, 2011, 11:44:05 pm
qq dont goo :P
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Vibe on December 23, 2011, 07:26:11 am
After 3 strats were finally 'winning' !

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Fips on December 23, 2011, 01:06:51 pm
Strat 3.0:

(Ok, not exactly women or awesome RL-adventures, more like Skyrim and BF3 or other games, but still xD)
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on December 23, 2011, 02:13:43 pm
After 3 strats were finally 'winning' ! (insert Chalie Sheen.jpg_)  Tebandra! Tebandra! Lando! Star Wars! Knights of Veluca! Etc etc. 

Congrats you 'won' strategus v3 : rise of the peasants :D

Seriously most of the armies fielded this strat could have been dealt with by a 3 x smaller armies with some 100 cavalry :P

Anyway didnt Occitan help you take that land?  From what I saw it was them fielding the large armies :P

If you want a war go and attack someone?

I did try and start a war with you guys but then some spanner got in the works... something about a bug that lost us 100 arrow quivers, 20 mw horn bows, 14 horses and large amounts of other gear (still very bitter about that templar)
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lordark on December 23, 2011, 03:03:49 pm
Ya they helped us out tons no doubt! Guys good luck in life and love, we will take care of the strat map for ya be sure to come back soon tho.  chadz will reset strat for another go.

After loosing 3 times one thing you learn is to persevere and fight on! And be sure your clan leader doesn't boast about cheating that can lead to some bad things as well..
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Casimir on December 23, 2011, 05:35:35 pm
I did try and start a war with you guys but then some spanner got in the works... something about a bug that lost us 100 arrow quivers, 20 mw horn bows, 14 horses and large amounts of other gear (still very bitter about that templar)

Feel free to express your anger whenever you like my friend, we will be waiting.

Anyway you attacked us, unprovoked, and then didn't bother again... doesn't seem like your that hungry for war.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on December 23, 2011, 05:38:57 pm
Feel free to express your anger whenever you like my friend, we will be waiting.

Anyway you attacked us, unprovoked, and then didn't bother again... doesn't seem like your that hungry for war.

Haha we didnt research much into SB before we attacked, we didnt realise the crusaders had all united.

As for the follow up some of the clan were insistent on peace :P also seemed pointless going to war on horses that fall dead for no real reason after each fight :P
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on December 23, 2011, 05:39:18 pm
I do find my lack of enthusiasm for this round of strategus unsettling. As a dedicated cav player, and a member of the (worst) cav clan to ever exist, I'm a little upset by the lack of horses.

Cavalry's literally the only thing I do well, and I can't do it in strat.

Yes, I'm sure if my clan really tried they could have bred a few nice horses and heavy lances, but as has been pointed out many, many times in this thread 'cost effectiveness' is the name of the game this strat. Cavalry is probably the least cost effective class in strategus, what with the inane expense of horses, coupled with their nasty habit of dieing in a few shots and the preponderance of archers this round. Archers are the most all-round effective class in strategus at the moment. They're low risk, high reward, for they fight and kill from a distance; they also do not require expensive armor, only a bow and decent arrows.


Side note: I'm a lazy piece of shit, who is also busy living quite the exciting little life, so the current trading/crafting system only naturally upsets me. Thankfully there are other, more dedicated gamers playing strat and cRPG who are willing to take a little extra time to make weapons and trade shit. For this reason, and the sexier equipment, I enjoyed last strategus more.
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Casimir on December 23, 2011, 05:57:04 pm
Haha we didnt research much into SB before we attacked, we didnt realise the crusaders had all united.

As for the follow up some of the clan were insistent on peace :P also seemed pointless going to war on horses that fall dead for no real reason after each fight :P

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Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on December 23, 2011, 06:02:35 pm
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cursed creepers :/
Title: Re: strat 3.0
Post by: Sir_Rodrick on January 02, 2012, 07:37:26 am
Someone's a- Smart nerd.