cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: Mithus on September 21, 2011, 02:31:40 pm

Title: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Mithus on September 21, 2011, 02:31:40 pm
GK_MAGANDA - 14 - 0 in the first round. People can say is whine,yes its to illustrate how powerful is cav in hands of skilled player. And when is any nerf about cav, people using them are the first to scream in forums about that reverting anything.

So, something that is already good(cav) is multiplied by a excelent player.

before people saying it was a work of a team, he was the only one GK playing that map, all him.

Also NA server is getting ridiculous with amount of people playing with plated charges and heavy horses whitout paying maintance.. 1 generation under 25 level should not be except of paying maintance, I played my first generation paying maintance and didnt give up  cRPG.. at least they should be paying 50% of normal maintenance..   1 generation would be not a excuse to play 24/7 with plate and heavy horse!.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Dexxtaa on September 21, 2011, 02:34:28 pm
I have trouble keeping up with cav in terms of kills.

Someone mentioned this in the TeamSpeak server yesterday, which I thought was a perfectly fair comment

"If cav can cry and get their buffs back, we should be able to get our 38 pierce Sword of Tears (German Greatsword) back, too."
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Torben on September 21, 2011, 02:40:22 pm
so at what point of crpg history did cav not get nerfed,  but actually buffed?
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 21, 2011, 02:40:52 pm
Wait so what is the point of this? We know Maganda is good...
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Wookimonsta on September 21, 2011, 02:41:44 pm
here is a protip, grab a pike, stab his horse, aint nothing any cav can do about that.

The strength of cav has ALWAYS been killing off unaware player in hit and run attacks. Well, lancers anyways.
A little battlefield awareness will go a long way towards surviving cav attacks.

Also, don't keep counting how strong a class is in terms of how many kills it gets. Important is WHO it kills, if its just peasants then its not such a big deal to the team. If its cav killing people running around by themselves without any anti-cav support then its their stupidity.
The strength of cav is that they can hit stragglers and they do hit and run.
Hit and run means you stab one guy and when people look at you, you ride off. 20 seconds later those people have forgotten about you and you can kill another one.

So instead of whining about it, how about instead of running around 1 by 1 and splitting into many tiny groups, you do a little teamwork.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Christo on September 21, 2011, 02:41:59 pm
so at what point of crpg history did cav not get nerfed,  but actually buffed?

There was a time when cav bump multiplier got buffed up to 2x if I am correct, or was it 3x?

People went totally apeshit and got nerfed back after 2 days. But it was fun, horses were a real threat FRONTALLY.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: cmp on September 21, 2011, 02:45:39 pm
14 unawares on a 40+ people team... what's so strange about that?
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: MrShine on September 21, 2011, 02:47:08 pm
Yeah kills mean nothing when judging how strong a class is when we have an army of peasants charging forward with no regard for their safety every round.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Dezilagel on September 21, 2011, 02:48:05 pm
The only thing I think is bullshit about cav is the couch + turn + flunky sound system combo. Even if you are aware there is not much you can do against that.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 21, 2011, 02:48:46 pm
The only thing I think is bullshit about cav is the couch + turn + flunky sound system combo. Even if you are aware there is not much you can do against that.

Well you don't have to worry about many of those now.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 02:49:56 pm
14 unawares on a 40+ people team... what's so strange about that?

Exactly. MAGANDA can't kill anyone who has half a brain.

But he's pro when it comes to killing total noobs and afk people  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Largg on September 21, 2011, 02:50:44 pm
Also if you watch maganda play you'll notice him sprinting nearly always for enemy spawn killing the idlers, late spawners and peasants.
Don't get me wrong, he's good but stats don't always tell the whole story.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Gristle on September 21, 2011, 02:53:59 pm
I've never seen cav as a problem, but then I try to be very aware of them. For every 1 good cav player, there are 10 bad cav players, and that's the most useless thing to have on your team. I love every lancer that manages to lose to a 1 handed sword.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 02:54:59 pm
He's not good... he's actually one of the worst c-rpg veteran players.

But there's so many clueless people around (I believe DotA term is feeders) so no wonder MAGANDA and the likes of him can score free kills.

Kerrigan and Leed can do the same before Maganda does but they choose not to.

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Mithus on September 21, 2011, 02:55:08 pm
Wait so what is the point of this? We know Maganda is good...

"If cav can cry and get their buffs back, we should be able to get our 38 pierce pike of tears (German Greatsword) back, too."
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Amoebe on September 21, 2011, 02:57:11 pm
here is a protip, grab a pike, stab his horse, aint nothing any cav can do about that.

But if you aim your pike a tad too high (aim at the head/neck) he can activate his "horcefield" (downblock/shield) and run away unharmed and laughing about you.

The rest of that post is true though.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 21, 2011, 02:58:48 pm
He's not good... he's actually one of the worst c-rpg veteran players.

But there's so many clueless people around (I believe DotA term is feeders) so no wonder MAGANDA and the likes of him can score free kills.

Kerrigan and Leed can do the same before Maganda does but they choose not to.

He's good at picking his targets. Kerrigan and Leed are better, but they largely do the same as Maganda does and pick their targets...aka unaware or engaged players. Same as all good cav do.

Watching Maganda just now...he only picks up 1-2 kills if he goes near spawn so it's not really to do with afkers ect.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 02:59:25 pm
Well Mithus, I don't see how you'll profit from stab buff. All you do is spam left to right swing  :P
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Wookimonsta on September 21, 2011, 03:00:14 pm
cav seems in a pretty good place now tbh, the recent change to requirements removed quite a few cav.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: BlackMilk on September 21, 2011, 03:00:21 pm
so at what point of crpg history did cav not get nerfed,  but actually buffed?
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Mithus on September 21, 2011, 03:00:35 pm
14 unawares on a 40+ people team... what's so strange about that?

Exactly. MAGANDA can't kill anyone who has half a brain.
But he's pro when it comes to killing total noobs and afk people  :mrgreen:

Wrong concept, he doesnt kill afk and noobs, he actually kills people engaged in melee combats against other enemies, come fast-hit-and go :P, also bumping and knocking to the ground.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 03:07:51 pm
He's good at picking his targets. Kerrigan and Leed are better, but they largely do the same as Maganda does and pick their targets...aka unaware or engaged players. Same as all good cav do.

Watching Maganda just now...he only picks up 1-2 kills if he goes near spawn so it's not really to do with afkers ect.

And that's the reason why I say that only 2H are really skilled in this mod.

To be solid cav all you need is battle awareness or what you said, to have knowledge who to strike and who to leave alone (for example even if he can lance me most of the time Leed choose not to because there are far easier targets aka I can down block , he only goes after me when I'm super busy :wink:)

To be good archer you need some pratice to get familiar with arc, after that it's all about battle awareness, again.

Sword&board is all about battle awareness, some feints and good momentum, blocking is super easy.

Xbow is all about battle awareness and good camouflage skills (or roof camping). Sir Agor is scoring kills as xbowman and I know for a fact that he can't kill shit with 2H or polearms.

HAs and mounted xbowmen are annoying and useless as much as they are retarded. Trolling classes.

2H/polearms requires great battle awareness, good dodging skills, good attacking skills and excellent blocking skills. Many people try to play 2H but only portion of them have good scores and those people can play any other class and be epic with no problem at all.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 21, 2011, 03:12:13 pm
blah blah blah


Because that wasn't a ridiculous, biased post at all  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 03:13:43 pm
Sorry Overdriven but only people I recognize as skilled are those who can play every class and be good with it.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Dexxtaa on September 21, 2011, 03:15:29 pm
Horses don't make sounds when running in shallow water (puddle depth water)
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 03:20:44 pm
I really don't see point of this thread or any balance thread. Whatever input we give them they somehow twist it and create horrible balance. As Gorath said, only thing we players can do is to adapt.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on September 21, 2011, 03:40:49 pm
Overdriven talking about bias... the irony hurts my eyes

P.S. Another one of these pointless threads wtf? There is plenty of them already so i cant understand why dont people post in the old ones istead of making a new thread every time...

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Keshian on September 21, 2011, 04:01:09 pm
They increased the bump damage on horses, which yes I have seen a ridiculous number of horse bump kills.  I literally watched a guy on plated harger just hold a shield up and never atatck and rack up 25-2 score yesterday.  Another cav guy on same team went 23-2 and the next highest was 8-4.  Puts it in perspective, especially since it was justa  regular map not specifically a cav map.  And the unaware excuse is so old hat.  Most cav kills are not unawares/afks getting hit becasue theya re not constantly turning around witha  pike, they are cav taking advantage of high speed and maneuverability to hit people in the back in the middle of a melee (not exactly conducive to spinning around just in case cav might come) just like other melee try to do but are far too slow.  But with a huge buff to speed bonus damage on the couch and bonus damage multiplier on the bump, the cav just need to run people over most of the time to rack up tons of kills.

Bring back horse bump jostling the rider, actually forced skill on cav, I'm bored with going 18-2 on my cav alt and seeing every joschmoe with a  horse being a hero.  Lets only have the best cav (I dont include myself in that) do well like every other class.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Wookimonsta on September 21, 2011, 04:05:05 pm
And that's the reason why I say that only 2H are really skilled in this mod.

To be solid cav all you need is battle awareness or what you said, to have knowledge who to strike and who to leave alone (for example even if he can lance me most of the time Leed choose not to because there are far easier targets aka I can down block , he only goes after me when I'm super busy :wink:)

2H/polearms requires great battle awareness, good dodging skills, good attacking skills and excellent blocking skills. Many people try to play 2H but only portion of them have good scores and those people can play any other class and be epic with no problem at all.

And that's the reason why I say that only cav are really skilled in this mod.

To be a solid 2h all you need is dodging skills, attacking skills and excellent blocking skills.
Cav requires great battle awareness to have knowledge who to strike and who to leave alone. Many people try to play cav but only a portion of them have good scores and those people can play any other class and be epic with no problem at all.

Leshma, while I try to avoid insulting people on the forum, you are an exception. 2h/Polearms is ONE skillSET. Saying they are the only ones skilled just means you only accept THAT skillset as an actual skillset.
Good cav is one skillset. Good ranged is another skillset. Sword and board is another skillset.
Someone who is good at THEIR skillset will do better than someone who isn't. Therefore they too are skilled, just in a different skillset than you.

As for "those people [2h/polearm] can play any other class and be epic with no problem at all.", its complete bullshit, I see plenty of people switch from 2h to archery and be not nearly as good as dedicated archers. You know why? because they aren't skilled at THAT skillset.

As usual you say a bunch of made up stuff and when people counter with good arguments you will go "LOL I R TROLL". It's a common tactic used by idiots all over the internet whenever they spout a bunch of shit and people recognize it.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: dynamike on September 21, 2011, 04:09:16 pm
Cav is the one class that benefits the most from pubbie servers and teams with no cohesion and coordination. In a flat battle map with unaware people running around by themselves cav will ALWAYS dominate.

And that is the way it should be.

In Strat and coordinated scrims - different story. Nobody wants to be a support character (pike) in a pubbie battle since there is noone to support. When you have designated support characters in a coordinated battle cav is harmless if not for coordinated maneuvers and flanking on their part.

As it should be.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Phew on September 21, 2011, 04:16:18 pm
I made a Skip the Fun lancer, and it's not as easy as I thought it would be. I had stretches of over an hour without a kill (I got more kills after being de-horsed). Granted, that was with a Courser, so 1 crossbow bolt kills my horse. Whenever I found a riderless plated charger on the battlefield, it was On like |)onkey Kong though.

I'm fine with the plated chargers, as long as people are paying the upkeep on them. These <lvl 25 guys with free plated chargers/milanese need to go though. The spirit of that change was to encourage new players to get into CRPG, not so veterans could steamroll people without paying upkeep.

EDIT-Silly devs, try to use the word |)onkey but spelled correctly in a post, it changes it to the Latin genus species.

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 21, 2011, 04:19:10 pm
I'm fine with the plated chargers, as long as people are paying the upkeep on them. These <lvl 25 guys with free plated chargers/milanese need to go though. The spirit of that change was to encourage new players to get into CRPG, not so veterans could steamroll people without paying upkeep.

That's actually a good point. I went through 3-4 different armour/weapon sets on my shielder, some of them very expensive, and it's not even level 25 yet so I can see that being quite possible with plated charger ect. Maybe they could add a mechanic to say that if you have another char above gen 1 you don't get the upkeep taken off new chars.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Jambi on September 21, 2011, 04:20:17 pm
GK_MAGANDA - 14 - 0 in the first round. People can say is whine,yes its to illustrate how powerful is cav in hands of skilled player. And when is any nerf about cav, people using them are the first to scream in forums about that reverting anything.

So, something that is already good(cav) is multiplied by a excelent player.

before people saying it was a work of a team, he was the only one GK playing that map, all him.

Also NA server is getting ridiculous with amount of people playing with plated charges and heavy horses whitout paying maintance.. 1 generation under 25 level should not be except of paying maintance, I played my first generation paying maintance and didnt give up  cRPG.. at least they should be paying 50% of normal maintenance..   1 generation would be not a excuse to play 24/7 with plate and heavy horse!.

Meh, there prolly werent any archers on. Usually when i play against GK's there somewhere bottom/middle of the scorelist  :P

All trolling aside. I think cav is still fine atm. But i dont think the horses were the problem.. but the lances are.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Mithus on September 21, 2011, 04:21:00 pm
Cav is the one class that benefits the most from pubbie servers and teams with no cohesion and coordination. In a flat battle map with unaware people running around by themselves cav will ALWAYS dominate.

And that is the way it should be.

In Strat and coordinated scrims - different story. Nobody wants to be a support character (pike) in a pubbie battle since there is noone to support. When you have designated support characters in a coordinated battle cav is harmless if not for coordinated maneuvers and flanking on their part.

As it should be.

I agree, but only to a certain degree.
Also I like to point something that´s unbalanced, horse legs are made of steel in MB because horse armor apply to their legs, its too much unbalaced and unrealistic, you cannot protect a horse leg, and that´s  a reason why heavy horses are tanks only in Mount and Blade.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 21, 2011, 04:21:17 pm
Meh, there prolly werent any archers on. Usually when i play agaisnt GK's there somewhere bottom/middle of the scorelist  :P

That's because you are annoyingly good at shooting us off horses...I hate being cav when you're playing  :P
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: BlueKnight on September 21, 2011, 04:21:40 pm
Guys.... 14-0 in first round by maganda. 15-0 or more by Phyrex and all the other awesome 2h ( I won't tell you names because I don't want them to be big-headed ) 8-0 or more by Jambi ( archer is a support class.... who believes in it now... ) Kinngrimm, Kansuke etc. also a lot of kills. I remember even myself when I had 13-0 in the first round as a footman-polearmer. Score like 15-0 means that player is good. it doesn't mean that class is op. If you ever see 30-0 after the first round, it will mean that class is op.

Also I like to point something that´s unbalanced, horse legs are made of steel in MB because horse armor apply to their legs, its too much unbalaced and unrealistic, you cannot protect a horse leg, and that´s  a reason why heavy horses are tanks only in Mount and Blade.

yeah come and try hitting my horse in the legs... Good luck man
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Lord_Panos on September 21, 2011, 04:44:32 pm
bithes whinning about cav again...

hey i have an idea,buy a fucking pike.

and Maganda is fucking good,whether u like it or not :)
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 21, 2011, 05:19:07 pm
I have seen many other top tier players get those scores. Last night like every night there was 120 people online and it was always full... When you have 60 targets you should expect such scores from some players.

This is not special enough to warrant any kind of buff/nerf.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Thomek on September 21, 2011, 05:22:03 pm
so at what point of crpg history did cav not get nerfed,  but actually buffed?

The single biggest buff to cav was indirect. The simultaneous removal of:

1slot pikes and spears, hidable pikes and spears and non sheathable pikes and spears.

I'm not saying that was all bad, it's just that it didn't come with a big enough nerf to cav to weigh it out.

Effectively that change took away most of the anti-cav counters. Before one could surprise cav with a pike (now long spear), now they don't even engage. The only way to catch them is to hide behind a corner or pretend you don't see them. (Which no cav really buys anymore)

Also since pikes are now a worse 1vs1 weapon, the chance is that more people will just drop them to the ground before they engage the enemy. That means even fewer anti-cav counters on the field.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Teeth on September 21, 2011, 05:28:41 pm
Whenever I check the scoreboard and I see myself in the 2nd or 3rd place on my team with only cav above me, I see myself as the best player on my team that map. Cav can score so much kills with ease that I do not see them as fair competition.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Kafein on September 21, 2011, 05:38:38 pm
Cav kills are comprised of 95% of oppurtinuties. Don't let them have opportunities and they don't kill. Kill their squishy horse from range and they become low-level footmen.

Atm cav is good in pub matches but nearly useless in Strat. If we nerf it more it will be completly useless in Strat.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Bulzur on September 21, 2011, 05:41:52 pm
Whenever I check the scoreboard and I see myself in the 2nd or 3rd place on my team with only cav above me, I see myself as the best player on my team that map. Cav can score so much kills with ease that I do not see them as fair competition.

Agreed. Cav is in another category.
If a melee players gets more than 6 kills in a round, he's good.
If a cav player gets less than 6 kills in a round, he's bad.
Of course, that's in general, not speaking of melee killing 5 peasants, nor a cav killing "only" the top 4 of the other team.
No use comparing them. On a side note, thanks to the useless pierce buff, there's more noobs archers wandering around and shooting at... melee clusterfucks... seriously... How do you want to win when all the range in your team shoots at allies and shielders ?  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on September 21, 2011, 05:45:22 pm
14-0 is a good score but its not unheard of... I'm a very average player at best (tbh using Bulzur's definition I am a bad player :P) but if I can kill Maganda then so can anyone else ;) Same applies to other good cav players, all I need to do is concentrate a bit and use my advantages (javelins) wisely and I can at least engage and distract the player for enough time for the 'skilled' 2h's to be unharassed during first few minutes of combat.

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Huey Newton on September 21, 2011, 05:46:09 pm
They increased the bump damage on horses, which yes I have seen a ridiculous number of horse bump kills.  I literally watched a guy on plated harger just hold a shield up and never atatck and rack up 25-2 score yesterday.  Another cav guy on same team went 23-2 and the next highest was 8-4.  Puts it in perspective, especially since it was justa  regular map not specifically a cav map.  And the unaware excuse is so old hat.  Most cav kills are not unawares/afks getting hit becasue theya re not constantly turning around witha  pike, they are cav taking advantage of high speed and maneuverability to hit people in the back in the middle of a melee (not exactly conducive to spinning around just in case cav might come) just like other melee try to do but are far too slow.  But with a huge buff to speed bonus damage on the couch and bonus damage multiplier on the bump, the cav just need to run people over most of the time to rack up tons of kills.

Bring back horse bump jostling the rider, actually forced skill on cav, I'm bored with going 18-2 on my cav alt and seeing every joschmoe with a  horse being a hero.  Lets only have the best cav (I dont include myself in that) do well like every other class.

t'was me, therefore not just some guy. it's not like some new cav bought a horse and got that many kills. lets not get too bias here kesh

Nvm I'm new
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 05:48:52 pm
14-0 is a good score but its not unheard of... I'm a very average player at best (tbh using Bulzur's definition I am a bad player :P) but if I can kill Maganda then so can anyone else ;) Same applies to other good cav players, all I need to do is concentrate a bit and use my advantages (javelins) wisely and I can at least engage and distract the player for enough time for the 'skilled' 2h's to be unharassed during first few minutes of combat.

I can kill MAGANDA whenever I want, with every weapon I find on the ground :D

I'm slightly bellow average player.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on September 21, 2011, 05:50:47 pm
I can kill MAGANDA whenever I want, with every weapon I find on the ground :D

I'm slightly bellow average player.

then why dont you make it your plan to neutralise him asap before he does the damage :)
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 05:52:03 pm
then why dont you make it your plan to neutralise him asap before he does the damage :)

I actually like to watch him while he's killing noobs around me :mrgreen:
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 21, 2011, 05:52:26 pm
(tbh using Bulzur's definition I am a bad player :P)

You're jav cav though. Thus excused  :P
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on September 21, 2011, 05:52:55 pm
I actually like to watch him while he's killing noobs :mrgreen:

well as long as you dont stop him then you have all the entertainment you need ;)
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 05:54:10 pm

And then he goes for me, and dies :wink:
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 21, 2011, 05:55:15 pm

And then he goes for me, and dies :wink:

And then I crack my 0 wpf Arbalest out and kill you twice out of only 9 kills in an hour  :)
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on September 21, 2011, 05:55:33 pm

And then he goes for me, and dies :wink:

maybe then people should blame you for his destruction trail ;)

You're jav cav though. Thus excused  :P

hurt much :(
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Xant on September 21, 2011, 06:44:28 pm
Sword&board is all about battle awareness, some feints and good momentum, blocking is super easy.

2H/polearms requires great battle awareness, good dodging skills, good attacking skills and excellent blocking skills. Many people try to play 2H but only portion of them have good scores and those people can play any other class and be epic with no problem at all.

Not true. Manual blocking isn't any harder to me than blocking with a shield. Maybe a bit easier, more room for mistakes in distance control. And distance control plays a huge part in 1h, it's a no-brainer with 2h. Attacking is also harder, much harder... and easier at the same time. With 2h you can just swing your mouse around and make any attack you want to, doesn't really matter, but with 1h it's easier to miss and if you do the wrong attack you'll get spammed by decent players. On the other hand,  against most players you can go for hit-block-hit-block routine until they fail. Easier to kill those kind of players with 2h earlier though, due to more trickery being available to you with feints and footwork.

Sure, it's easier to be bad-to-mediocre sword&board because you can hide behind your shield and only attack when you have a sure kill.. but it's not much harder to go spam people with long a weapon, getting a kill or two before you're killed.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: rufio on September 21, 2011, 06:46:19 pm
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Sergee on September 21, 2011, 06:47:34 pm
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Dexxtaa on September 21, 2011, 06:49:19 pm

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Keshian on September 21, 2011, 06:52:49 pm
t'was me, therefore not just some guy. it's not like some new cav bought a horse and got that many kills. lets not get too bias here kesh

Nvm I'm new

It's true - he's new. and he did go 23-2.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 06:55:23 pm
Not true. Manual blocking isn't any harder to me than blocking with a shield. Maybe a bit easier, more room for mistakes in distance control. And distance control plays a huge part in 1h, it's a no-brainer with 2h. Attacking is also harder, much harder... and easier at the same time. With 2h you can just swing your mouse around and make any attack you want to, doesn't really matter, but with 1h it's easier to miss and if you do the wrong attack you'll get spammed by decent players. On the other hand,  against most players you can go for hit-block-hit-block routine until they fail. Easier to kill those kind of players with 2h earlier though, due to more trickery being available to you with feints and footwork.

Sure, it's easier to be bad-to-mediocre sword&board because you can hide behind your shield and only attack when you have a sure kill.. but it's not much harder to go spam people with long a weapon, getting a kill or two before you're killed.

archers pwn 2H
2H pwns shielders

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Xant on September 21, 2011, 07:08:30 pm
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 07:09:32 pm
Welcome to c-rpg, one class wonder. That's wut :D
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Christo on September 21, 2011, 07:10:31 pm
2H pwns shielders

Nah. Shielders, heck 1h became the jack of all trades, master of melee.

Think about it. They have the shield protection, messed up uber fast weapons, which can kill you in heavy armor with almost one, most of the time 2 slashes.

Shielders, especially their onehanded toys deserve either a speed, or a damage nerf. Or both.

Also, don't say that "stfu they are short." That's why they use a shield right? They just faceturtle you and get the closerange-advantage, they hardly bounce.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Casimir on September 21, 2011, 07:17:46 pm
14 people that spawned late if its MAGANDA
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Xant on September 21, 2011, 07:20:41 pm
Welcome to c-rpg, one class wonder. That's wut :D

My hovercraft is full of eels.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Siiem on September 21, 2011, 07:33:57 pm
2h pwns shielders? Wat?
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Dalhi on September 21, 2011, 07:38:56 pm
which can kill you in heavy armor with almost one, most of the time 2 slashes.

If someone is dumb enough to wear heavy/plate armor without any helmet, then yes... gues where to aim, otherwise it takes 3-6 (depends on body armor ofc) slashes in the chest. The only exeption is steel/military pick, then it may be right.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Quallen on September 21, 2011, 07:40:29 pm
Cav is op, blah blah blah... anyway now that i've successfully snuck into this thread lets bring more attention to something actually worth discussing

I'm fine with the plated chargers, as long as people are paying the upkeep on them. These <lvl 25 guys with free plated chargers/milanese need to go though. The spirit of that change was to encourage new players to get into CRPG, not so veterans could steamroll people without paying upkeep.

Also NA server is getting ridiculous with amount of people playing with plated charges and heavy horses whitout paying maintance.. 1 generation under 25 level should not be except of paying maintance, I played my first generation paying maintance and didnt give up  cRPG.. at least they should be paying 50% of normal maintenance..   1 generation would be not a excuse to play 24/7 with plate and heavy horse!.

Glad I'm not the only one that's fed up with lvl 24 panzers driving around.  Autobalance is enough of a struggle bear already without throwing these clowns into the mix. Props to clans like chaos who don't abuse the mechanic. I think if they limited this mechanic to mains it would still help new players as intended and it would really cut down on the abuse.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 21, 2011, 07:42:44 pm
Technically if you convert the points, you can make a panzer at level 22 with 18 STR 15 AGI 5 riding 6 PS and lol around in black plate and a huge horse...
Regardless, I don't have a problem with those builds as they are worthless in strategus battles (of which a lot of this game is balanced for), and are not that durable even with black plate. Most people are even doing it wrong and respecing the instant they hit level 25 not 26 (which is when upkeep hits in).
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Siiem on September 21, 2011, 07:45:17 pm
AND SOMEONE SHOUTS "KEEP OFF THE GRASS" 'and you think how abzurd' SQUILSH you find why farmers all wear wellies.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 21, 2011, 07:46:17 pm
AND SOMEONE SHOUTS "KEEP OFF THE GRASS" 'and you think how abzurd' SQUILSH you find why farmers all wear wellies.

Are you perchance inebriated as of this moment?
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on September 21, 2011, 07:47:52 pm
The 2h pwn shielders statement must be viewed on a individual basis not class v class, it aint that simple meaning:

Some 2h pwn some shielders
Some shielders pwn some 2h
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Xant on September 21, 2011, 07:49:12 pm
It was just an extremely random thing to say from Leshma.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Siiem on September 21, 2011, 07:49:44 pm
The 2h pwn shielders statement must be viewed on a individual basis not class v class, it aint that simple meaning:

Some 2h pwn some shielders
Some shielders pwn some 2h

I find it equally the same to fight a 2h with my 1h. Takes abit longer sure and I play different. But I don't see any basis of "2h pwns shielders"
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on September 21, 2011, 07:55:28 pm
I find it equally the same to fight a 2h with my 1h. Takes abit longer sure and I play different. But I don't see any basis of "2h pwns shielders"

Hm, perhaps is based on the fact that there are not so many great shielders around and that new players that want to melee in most cases take a shield for obvious reasons becomming fodder because their sense of timing isnt that good yet.

Btw, as far as im concerned, the enemy i would least want to meet in melee is a good shielder.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Xant on September 21, 2011, 07:59:05 pm

Btw, as far as im concerned, the enemy i would least want to meet in melee is a good shielder.

Yup, likewise.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Siiem on September 21, 2011, 08:00:13 pm
Btw, as far as im concerned, the enemy i would least want to meet in melee is a good shielder.

Yeah, those fights can get really boring and drawn out :(
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Vibe on September 21, 2011, 08:00:17 pm
Btw, as far as im concerned, the enemy i would least want to meet in melee is a good shielder. with a scimitar or a steel pick
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Dezilagel on September 21, 2011, 08:00:57 pm
Btw, as far as im concerned, the enemy i would least want to meet in melee is a good shielder.

Same, but really the only difference is that I need to beat through 500 hp of shield when facing the 1h...

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Kato on September 21, 2011, 08:20:12 pm
14 people that spawned late if its MAGANDA

haha exactly, first round => everybody downloading map and MAGANDA is most afk and late spawners kiling greedy cav i've seen in while :D

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Quallen on September 21, 2011, 08:35:15 pm
Technically if you convert the points, you can make a panzer at level 22 with 18 STR 15 AGI 5 riding 6 PS and lol around in black plate and a huge horse...
Regardless, I don't have a problem with those builds as they are worthless in strategus battles (of which a lot of this game is balanced for), and are not that durable even with black plate. Most people are even doing it wrong and respecing the instant they hit level 25 not 26 (which is when upkeep hits in).

"lvl 24 panzers" was just a generalization but yeah its definitely not a surprise that these brilliant players aren't even doing it "right." Its true with the new strat gold system exploiting clans riding a 5x doesn't really make a difference in strat gold income anymore but I don't think that's cause to totally ignore it.  Even if the game is mainly balanced around strategus upkeep is an example of a balancing mechanic for just c-rpg so its not like it has to be strat to matter to the devs. I like upkeep I just don't see the point in having upkeep while at the same time keeping a mechanic around that lets you sidestep it.

Oh well at least I when I get tired of panzers I can play siege now (a.k.a. people finally realized they can play on the official one and not the laggy ATS box.) Oh speaking of siege and brilliant players I'm glad the devs fixed being able to respond to leecher nominations after death.  I'd say gg no re but I'm sure R_Kelly will just find another way to be a pain in the ass once he realizes that isn't working. =/
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Jambi on September 21, 2011, 08:47:18 pm
Cav kills are comprised of 95% of oppurtinuties. Don't let them have opportunities and they don't kill.

True dat, its funny. Jsut experiment with it yourself. Stand in the spawn for like 10 seconds after the batle started. You will see shitloads of cav b lining towards the spawn, looking for AFK players too kill :D

Every round its the same thing, cavs always check enemy spawn first :D
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 08:47:40 pm
The 2h pwn shielders statement must be viewed on a individual basis not class v class, it aint that simple meaning:

Some 2h pwn some shielders
Some shielders pwn some 2h

I will pwn any shielder who's equally skilled as me. Every frakkin time!

Better players will kill me, of course.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Xant on September 21, 2011, 08:51:21 pm
I will pwn any shielder who's equally skilled as me. Every frakkin time!

Better players will kill me, of course.

How do you know they're as skilled as you if you kill them "every frakkin time"?
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 08:58:47 pm
Because they are like me, they wait for enemy to strike, then they block, then they get a seizure while trying to stab me which is exactly the same thing I do every time I encounter an enemy.

But thankfully for me, my left mouse button gets magically released at some point and I hit them in the legs first, they are pissed off try to get me and I again release left button by mistake and somehow hit them in the jaw. Game over, I won!

They do everything as I usually do, difference is that I have longer weapon, do more damage and has a magical mouse which works on it's own :D
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: balbaroth on September 21, 2011, 09:00:39 pm
archers pwn 2H
2H pwns shielders


1h pwn 2handers (when they know what they are doing)

i can count with the fingers of my hand the numbers of 2h people that i have a ruff time with , the rest is pretty easy to deal with
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 21, 2011, 09:02:33 pm
1h pwn 2handers (when they know what they are doing)

i can count with the fingers of my hand the numbers of 2h people that i have a ruff time with , the rest is pretty easy to deal with

You have insane skill, I doubt there are many of any class that gives you trouble to count as a rough time.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: balbaroth on September 21, 2011, 09:04:52 pm
You have insane skill, I doubt there are many of any class that gives you trouble to count as a rough time.

there is a few people that make me rage , one is Beer i hate  that perfect backpedalling blocker :p
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Torben on September 21, 2011, 09:11:03 pm
lol start any cav-bitchen post and be sure to hit 15 pages of whine -.-
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: balbaroth on September 21, 2011, 09:16:42 pm
lol start any cav-bitchen post and be sure to hit 15 pages of whine -.-

i think cavs are fine as it is , the problem lies within their numbers and the bad autobalance,

 they always knock me down while  i fight 3-4 enemies (friendly cavs as well) when they try a frontal attack they die 95% of the time, which is why i love to call them cowards :D
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Torben on September 21, 2011, 09:21:00 pm
im trying to help with that:,16078.0.html
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: justme on September 21, 2011, 09:23:26 pm
how exactly is cav nerfed?
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: vinnytk on September 21, 2011, 09:24:31 pm
Dumb thread, 1st rnd is the best rnd for cav as it has the most late spawners/afkers for us to spawn rape
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Grey on September 21, 2011, 09:38:10 pm
14 people that spawned late if its MAGANDA

Read all the way thru to this comment thinking: "LoL, 14 peasants levelled up and alt tabbed and got killed by MAGANDA"

KESHIAN: stop whineing.

Thomek: You must include in "Indirect Buffs" the archerjumpshoot removal: Archers now CANNOT seriously fight cav unless they swap to melee, no longer can you just dodge by jumping and headshoot the guy as he passes...
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 21, 2011, 09:54:21 pm
Thomek: You must include in "Indirect Buffs" the archerjumpshoot removal: Archers now CANNOT seriously fight cav unless they swap to melee, no longer can you just dodge by jumping and headshoot the guy as he passes...

Weird, Loki has no problem, and even I can get away with it if it is a lancer when they hug instead of moving on.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Bonze on September 21, 2011, 10:11:47 pm

2H/polearms requires great battle awareness, good dodging skills, good attacking skills and excellent blocking skills. Many people try to play 2H but only portion of them have good scores and those people can play any other class and be epic with no problem at all.

 Melee class with the longest weapons required the most skill   :?: hilariously and logical :mrgreen:
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Tzar on September 21, 2011, 10:52:55 pm
Killing peasants is serious business
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Leshma on September 21, 2011, 11:10:30 pm
Melee class with the longest weapons required the most skill   :?: hilariously and logical :mrgreen:

Not everyone has your epic teambumping and teamkilling skills...
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on September 21, 2011, 11:39:42 pm
Melee class with the longest weapons required the most skill   :?: hilariously and logical :mrgreen:


Pikes, halberds?
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Siiem on September 21, 2011, 11:43:43 pm

Pikes, halberds?

I always thought it was the great maul, which is kinda funny considering it's even shorter then some 1hs.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Smoothrich on September 22, 2011, 12:00:34 am
Retired from cav to 2 hander because cav was too easy to get kills, my first gen as 2hander in 6 months i have 3 KDR on website, have been killed by cav like 4 times entire gen and murdered at least 100 horseman just by being aware of cav movements and juking their lances/counter thrusting with German Greatsword

I don't know what point I'm trying to make here except stop complaining, 2 hander strength build with a great sword is even more of an easy mode then cav, bad cav will get wrecked by other cav, arrows, and good footmen, good 2hander infantry will just kill everything as long as your armor is 60+

You will die to cav if you are exposed archer or unaware infantry, think like a cav man and check your rear when you have no support and you will be brutally murdering horses

Thomek stop shitting up cav threads, any bro can bring a long spear, bamboo spear, pike, long awl pike, xbow, it doesn't matter, most loadouts have 2 free spots and if your team is getting owned by cav and doesn't have good cav of its own to handle it, bring pikes.  I suppose it doesn't match your ninja theme though, so you better just fuck up the game balance instead of adapting your playstyle instead.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Torben on September 22, 2011, 12:13:05 am
yabba yabba : )

i think that veteran cav players on foot are just more aware of the threat.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Thucydides on September 22, 2011, 12:15:00 am

i think that veteran cav players on foot are just more aware of the threat.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Thomek on September 22, 2011, 01:01:05 am
Grey is right..

Indirect buffs include removal of archer jump and also,
polearms no longer rear horses. (except spear types)
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Smoothrich on September 22, 2011, 03:35:20 am

i think that veteran cav players on foot are just more aware of the threat.

Diversifying classes you play makes you better at the game and brings overall game balance into better perspective.  Who would've ever had such an absurd notion..
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 03:42:17 am
Diversifying classes you play makes you better at the game and brings overall game balance into better perspective.  Who would've ever had such an absurd notion..

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: cmp on September 22, 2011, 04:19:41 am
and also, polearms no longer rear horses. (except spear types)

Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 04:30:38 am
Meh they do. Hafted blade on the thrust for instance rears a horse.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 22, 2011, 04:36:56 am
My poleaxe seems to rear them just fine.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Wookimonsta on September 22, 2011, 01:43:49 pm
The single biggest buff to cav was indirect. The simultaneous removal of:

1slot pikes and spears, hidable pikes and spears and non sheathable pikes and spears.

I'm not saying that was all bad, it's just that it didn't come with a big enough nerf to cav to weigh it out.

Effectively that change took away most of the anti-cav counters. Before one could surprise cav with a pike (now long spear), now they don't even engage. The only way to catch them is to hide behind a corner or pretend you don't see them. (Which no cav really buys anymore)

Also since pikes are now a worse 1vs1 weapon, the chance is that more people will just drop them to the ground before they engage the enemy. That means even fewer anti-cav counters on the field.

so the reduced turning range is just in my head? good to know

and to be honest, i can take care of most cav once im downed with my heavy lance, often with my danish great.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: Kophka on September 22, 2011, 01:54:04 pm
Pretty funny that even on open plains, you see 2 handers with 50+ armor dominating the scoreboards.  :lol: I like watching them go 15-0 the first round, and 31-0 by the third.
Title: Re: 14 kills in the first round - that's amazing and scary
Post by: RandomDude on September 22, 2011, 04:21:42 pm
Some good points made on both sides of the fence.

The days are long gone when 2h could own most shielders (in my case anyway). You cant just circle round them and hit them from behind, or feint them into making a mistake, they got better and they dont fall for it any more. Most kills for most people come from killing unaware people and backstabs, no? Cav can just get there faster.

Its possible with any class to get 14 kills in one round and I believe most people are capable of it when they're "in the zone." You dont even need to solo, just get the killing hit on a lot of nme's as melee.

I would imagine it's harder for ranged than any other class to accomplish but not impossible is it?