Retired from cav to 2 hander because cav was too easy to get kills, my first gen as 2hander in 6 months i have 3 KDR on website, have been killed by cav like 4 times entire gen and murdered at least 100 horseman just by being aware of cav movements and juking their lances/counter thrusting with German Greatsword
I don't know what point I'm trying to make here except stop complaining, 2 hander strength build with a great sword is even more of an easy mode then cav, bad cav will get wrecked by other cav, arrows, and good footmen, good 2hander infantry will just kill everything as long as your armor is 60+
You will die to cav if you are exposed archer or unaware infantry, think like a cav man and check your rear when you have no support and you will be brutally murdering horses
Thomek stop shitting up cav threads, any bro can bring a long spear, bamboo spear, pike, long awl pike, xbow, it doesn't matter, most loadouts have 2 free spots and if your team is getting owned by cav and doesn't have good cav of its own to handle it, bring pikes. I suppose it doesn't match your ninja theme though, so you better just fuck up the game balance instead of adapting your playstyle instead.