Strategus => Strategus General Discussion => Topic started by: Keshian on September 12, 2011, 08:28:22 pm

Title: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Keshian on September 12, 2011, 08:28:22 pm
Well, we have the Strategus History above thats outdated.  Time for a new official Strategus 2.0 History thread.

Great Khans (GK_Overdriven)
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Free Companies of Calradia (Kalam)
(click to show/hide)

Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights (LLJK_Rikthorr)
(click to show/hide)

Risen (Risen_Thovex)
(click to show/hide)

Wolves (Wolves_Kingrimm)
(click to show/hide)

Bashibazouks (Bashibazouk_HarunYahya)
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: hamiler on September 12, 2011, 08:31:21 pm
Well, we have the Strategus History above thats outdated.  Time for a new official Strategus 2.0 History thread.

I'll start it off:

The FCC started fighting the third day of Strategus 2.0, we fought every day until the very end with some of our close allies, most notably the Kingdom of Veluca who were the the third clan to take a city (counter-strike style, 4 mercs assasinating the evil dictator, no deaths, 1 kill, in under 5 minutes) and still held most of the snow fiefs in the North before it was all wiped.  The end.
short simple and to the point i like it
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: The_Angle on September 12, 2011, 08:50:31 pm
It'd be nice to get an unbiased history of it all, but not until we're all too dead to disagree, haha.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Rikthor on September 12, 2011, 09:05:10 pm
A short time ago, in Strategus not so far away:

Operation: Party in the Desert

LLJK immediately took up residence in our most holy land Afgoonistan in the western most part of the desert. Howeaver, we soon found our holy lands infested by some Crusdaers of Acro who thought this to be their holy lands. They were wrong and cast aside for their blasphemies or so we thought.

Operation: I Have a Bad Feeling About This

It soon became apparent we were not alone in the desert as the middle of the desert was taking by SoA and the eastern fringe was taken by someone else. But, that was not meant to be the story as it were. Soon our Western lands of peace and freedom were infested by foreigners speaking gibberish and talking about their math skills. Through our not so careful spy network we found out a secret jihad been declared against us by the Coalition of the Not So Honorable™.

Operation: Afgoony Freedom

The original Coalition of the Not So Honorable™ consisted of Shogunate, VRN, Pecores, Sea Raiders, Knights Templar, Acre, and Sovereignty of Aegis and they launched their campaign of terror against us poor LLJK scrubs/noobs/gays/bads/(insert random insult). Pecores launched the first major offensive taking our beloved city.  These were dark times indeed as the gods(a hacker) mercilessly interfered in our battle and the subsequent battle to liberate our fallen city. Pecores were thrown out of Ayn Assaudi and VRN was torn to pieces. Then SoA, glory be to them, kicked out the Knight Templars from their lands realizing they would surely be betrayed by the not so honorable weeabo commander Ujin and his northern accomplice Ecko. While we celebrated a seemingly great victory, our enemies had amassed what was meant to be a final invasion force of Afgoonistan.

Operation: GoonD-Day

We said good by to our loved ones and our stash of Mountain Dews as we stared down the barrel at 5 armies amassed to our north and northwest, each numbering from 1-1.5k in men. ATS had sent supplies to the Coalition of the Not So Honorable™ and and 1k army led by the artist formerly known as Goretooth to aid 2 armies of Shogunate weeabos, 1 army of Templars, and 1 army of Sea Raiders. We saw the enemies coming and we smiled for that day we unleashed SUPERIOR GOON TACTICS™ and decimated all comers. Pecores and Templars were destroyed without mercy, and the grand weeabo Army 1 was routed. We also had another reason to smile, the Shogunate found out the hard way we goons were not as friendless as we were thought to be.

Operation: Risen/Legio/Bashi Smash

Our fine Eu friends decided that Shogunate_Ujin could not be trusted and smashed into the Shogunate lands from the North while we sent our humble army from the Southeast into the weeabo territory. The battles were fierce and plenty until a cold war appeared as all sides hunkered down to survive the impending winter and spawn rushing tactics.

Operation: Northern Empire is a Paper Tiger

Hearing a great war was raging in the North, we packed our bags and sent our army northward to help in the Great War Against Northern Aggression. However, be the slow and maybe chubby goons  that we are, it took us a few days to arrive. By that time, the fear inspiring Ecko_ATS had adorned Kesh in diamonds and had disappeared off into the wild blue yonder. We managed to snag a piece of Northern Empire property and sold it to the real estate conglomerate of the FCC.

Operation: Fall of the Shogunate Byzantium

With the cold war over, hostilities resumed and the blood flowed. the Pecores fought valiantly to very end but alas their city was taken and they were sent packing to other lands. The former weeabo menace was trounced time and time again until finally thier lands were no more. The Mountain Dew flowed and many bags of Cheetos were eaten that day as we celebrated the fall of our enemy. We settled down for a time of peace and rebuilding, for freedom had won out over two massive alliances as the Northern Empire had fallen sometime before the fall of the Coalition of the Not So Honorable™.

Operation: Wait, Who is Attacking Us?

So it came to our last battle of Strat 2.0 against a terrible and formidable foe of OCF, who none of us had even heard of. Through our superior spy network we learned they were vassals/friends/buddies/something of the evil French, Pecores. They threw themselves at a small village of ours but found themselves encircled and slaughtered by the forces of the Goontooth. We began to plan our next great liberation...

Operation: Fat Tortoise
Coming Soon™

So I, LLJK_Rikthorrr, hereby report this day.

tl;dr version:
Knock out Acre
Get attacked by CotNSH™(Shogunate/VRN/Pecores/Acre/SeaRaiders/Templars/Acre/SoA*) with help from the Northern Empire (ATS/Hospitallers/TS/LL/KC/Occitan)
Knock out VRN and to a degree Pecores
Knock out Templars and Sea Raiders
Push back against Shogunate
Arrive late to the party in the North
Take out Pecores
Take out Shogunate/Byzantium with Risen/Legio/Bashi
Smack OCF for stepping in the desert
Still the worst players in the game
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Thovex on September 12, 2011, 09:08:06 pm
It'd be nice to get an unbiased history of it all, but not until we're all too dead to disagree, haha.

No we're getting all points of view from all factions:

From Thovex (Risen Diplomat)
(click to show/hide)

That's our story.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Overdriven on September 12, 2011, 10:14:52 pm
May as well for the hell of it:

Great Khans
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: vinnytk on September 12, 2011, 10:37:09 pm
Through our not so careful spy network we found out a secret jihad been declared against us by the Coalition of the Not So Honorable™.

the story of how we found out should be posted because damn the Shogunate dudes are dumb
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 12, 2011, 10:40:56 pm
the story of how we found out should be posted because damn the Shogunate dudes are dumb
Pro-Tip: Do not make your channel password "lljk is gay" because that's like the first thing we'll try.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Sharky on September 12, 2011, 11:11:27 pm
Nice story Rikthor, i especially liked that you revealed the NE participation in that war, with 1.000 troops and 1.000.000 gold confirmed, and probably much more hidden support.
It shows clearly that Byzantium words are mere propaganda(they whined about our being OP). We were indeed, but not because they lacked enough friends that's sure  :D
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: _RXN_ on September 12, 2011, 11:48:08 pm
Factions and their territories before wipe:

Grey Order   _of_Grey   16
Druzhina   Druzhina_   13
LLJK   LLJK_   11
Fallen Brigade   Fallen_   9
The Union   STR_/T_   8
Legio Italica   Legio_   7
Mercs   Merc_   7
Risen   Risen_   6
Camel Screamers   Camels_   6
Bashi Bazouk   BashiBazouk_   5
22nd   22nd_   5
Great Khans   GK_   4
HRE   _HRE   4
Caravan Guild (Guards)   Guard_   4
Chaos   _of_Chaos   4
The Kingdom of Veluca   _TKoV   3
Wolves   Wolves_   3
FCC   _BRD/Corns_/Cavaliers_   2
Brothers in Arms   BIA_   1
Horde of Khan   XKhanx_   1
RuCon quista   RuConquista_   1
Ninjas   Ninja_   1
Roaming Wolpertingers   Wolper_   1
The Pillagers   Pillaging_   0
Byzantium   Byzamtium_   0
The Eastern Tsardom (NE)   TS_   0
ATS (NE)   _ATS   0
Knights Hospitaller (NE)   Hospitaller_   0
Knights of Blackrose   Blackrose_   0
Wargs (The_Bandits)   Warg_   0
Knights Templar   Templar_   0
Schwert Bruder   SB_   0
Crusaders of Acre   _Crusader   0
The Company   Company_   0
Order of the Lance   _OotL   0
The Turks   Kapikulu_   0
Pecores   Pecores_   0
Royal Union   _of_Abay, ?,?   0
Ravens   Raven_   0
Sea Raiders   SeaRaider_   0
Varangians   VRN_   0

Factions and number of their enemies:

Druzhina   9
Chaos   9
The Eastern Tsardom (NE)   9
ATS (NE)   9
Knights Hospitaller (NE)   8
Fallen Brigade   7
Great Khans   7
HRE   5
Caravan Guild (Guards)   5
The Pillagers   5
Byzantium   5
FCC   5
The Kingdom of Veluca   5
Crusaders of Acre   5
Bashi Bazouk   4
Horde of Khan   3
The Union   3
Risen   3
Legio Italica   3
RuCon quista   2
Knights Templar   2
Brothers in Arms   2
Order of the Lance   2
The Turks   2
22nd   1
Grey Order   1
Camel Screamers   1
LLJK   1
Pecores   1
Royal Union   1
Sea Raiders   1
Varangians   1
Knights of Blackrose   0
Mercs   0
Wolves   0
Wargs (The_Bandits)   0
Schwert Bruder   0
Ninjas   0
The Company   0
Roaming Wolpertingers   0
Ravens   0

Source (
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Keshian on September 12, 2011, 11:55:04 pm
Not sure when this was taken, but things were hectic in the North. and at the time of the gold wipe, Chaos had dropped to 1 fief, TKOV had gone up to 5 fiefs, including a city and blackrose had ebcome Invictus and had gained at least 1 fief (they got the 2nd I think at the time of the gold wipe).

Lets get some more role-playing in these stories, I really enjoy those.

Can we bump this up to the "red-tagged" thread along with the old Strategus history?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Warcat on September 13, 2011, 12:08:25 am
Due to a leadership arrangement before things got going HRE took Zagush, no further arangements were made for Fallen to regain possession of it. And then some other stuff happened, battles and such.
tl;dr version:
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Keshian on September 13, 2011, 12:12:43 am
Due to a leadership arrangement before things got going HRE took Zagush, no further arangements were made for Fallen to regain possession of it. And then some other stuff happened, battles and such.
tl;dr version:

Poor warcat.  What a sad kitty. :( .  Hopefully you can have it in next Strategus.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: VVarlord on September 13, 2011, 12:18:37 am
My favorite part was when kesh said they had taken a village before actually winning the battle.

Then didnt actually win the battle.

Then editing his post.

But missing the fact the original post had already been quoted.


Kesh is cute.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Dan lol on September 13, 2011, 12:24:01 am
ecko fucked up

the end
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Ujin on September 13, 2011, 12:58:46 am
LLJK : Ujin is a betraying backstabbing asshole , hear us out !

Legio : Pibidi pa-bidi, indeed he is , cool story !

Risen : ta-ta boboo-blabla

Bashibazouks : ALLAAAH!!!!! JIHAAAAD !!!!!!

Me :

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Jarlek on September 13, 2011, 01:04:28 am
LLJK : Ujin is a betraying backstabbing asshole , hear us out !

Legio : Pibidi pa-bidi, indeed he is , cool story !

Risen : ta-ta boboo-blabla

Bashibazouks : ALLAAAH!!!!! JIHAAAAD !!!!!!

Me :

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
This is just sad. I was hoping for a real post about the Shogunate/Byzantiderp side in this, but if all you're gonna do is whine and troll, then please change to a different thread.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: VVarlord on September 13, 2011, 01:07:03 am
All the fun and games we had ujin can be done all over again after the wipe, it could also go totally different this time.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Ujin on September 13, 2011, 09:16:31 am
This is just sad. I was hoping for a real post about the Shogunate/Byzantiderp side in this, but if all you're gonna do is whine and troll, then please change to a different thread.

First of all, i will post wherever i want, thank you.

Second of all - i'm not here to entertain you. Our side of the story ? Why would i post it, i've done it many times before, yet this topic still started wtih LLJK, Legio and Risen leaders talking smack about me . I don't have to prove anything to anyone and by this time i believe most people have made their own conclusions.

So, above is the best you're getting out of me. Deal with it .

P.S.  VVarlord , i'm always up for good battles , but not on the forums.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Kalp on September 13, 2011, 09:26:05 am
Factions and their territories before wipe:

Grey Order   _of_Grey   16


Also remember Dusturil  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Bjarky on September 13, 2011, 10:29:20 am
Factions and number of their enemies:
Caravan Guild (Guards)   5
Source (
Just want to be clear on this as an diplomat and on behalf of the Guild:
We had no quarrels with LLJK and there was certainly not any hate either, LLJK defended themselves against aggressors and that was their right, that was something we didn't want to participate in, period.
so it was 4
Now because i know somebody is gonna trolllolo about us not helping our allies at all blablabla.
u don't have the right numbers, cus u didn't notice and thats just a good thing  :wink:
and if we knew there would be a wipe, we definitely would have send all the rest for the lulz and some kewl battles (atleast 1 where the female chars should wear Bride Dresses visitors can't see pics , please register or login
), leaving our territory totally defenceless  :mrgreen:

But now we're looking forward to the upcoming strat wich finally will have some trade goods, yay (chadz better not be trolling again, its getting old).
Gonna be interesting to see how the mapsplit is gonna be and if we could do some fun caravan'ing  :D
As last time we will try to be on good terms with everyone, as long we don't get pulled into something  :P
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 11:19:59 am
We had no quarrels with LLJK and there was certainly not any hate either, LLJK defended themselves against aggressors and that was their right, that was something we didn't want to participate in, period.

Well that is not entirely true, we would have eventually come into conflict because you held Mazigh, which is a Desert province.

It should also be noted that LLJK participated in the FCC vs Northern Empire war, however short is was.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Bjarky on September 13, 2011, 11:23:11 am
defenetly steppe i'm sure, it's behind the mountain chain   :wink:
even so, it wont matter now.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 11:26:09 am
defenetly steppe i'm sure, it's behind the mountain chain   :wink:
even so, it wont matter now.

Desert (, despite the chadzmap.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Bjarky on September 13, 2011, 11:32:42 am
hmmm, well what would and what would not have happened...
we could go on and on, strat is over for now.
so i'm not gonna have an issue with this.

hopefully trade will matter more in next strat  :D
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Sharky on September 13, 2011, 11:35:05 am
Lol ujin is just a game chill out, no need to keep raging just because we beated you.

Anyway somebody that played in the north of the map can explain why NE died without fighting? We know they sent a lot of stuff to help shogunate in the south, but seems strange they totally forgot to defend their fiefs  :o
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Bjarky on September 13, 2011, 11:36:29 am
i remember they had a huge battle in 1 castle, they pulled alot of forces in there.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Sharky on September 13, 2011, 11:43:32 am
i remember they had a huge battle in 1 castle, they pulled alot of forces in there.
Oh i see, like the roses clan in strat 1.0, they lost a lot of their troops against Suno and the day after a drz horde wiped them.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Bjarky on September 13, 2011, 11:52:27 am
no they owned this castle and defended it against FCC i think.
the numbers where 20k vs 20k i think, can't find the post about it now, but i'm sure there is one around in this forum :D
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Smoothrich on September 13, 2011, 11:57:59 am
ATS seems like they sent nearly half of their gold value to fund LLJK extermination within 1-2 weeks of Strat starting, because for some reason a neutral clan on the very opposite side of the map was a much, much higher priority then the enemies that surrounded Northern Empire lands.  Also they spent all of their remaining gold on 1 army with typical top end cRPG Battle server gear that got beaten by a spawn cap (where BRD got to loot it all) midway through a battle.  Seems like no one in ATS but Ecko  knew how to equip an army, manage gold, shuffle troop around, or anything because after this one over-excessively geared army lost they literally stopped fighting every single battle.  They must've had thousands of more tickets, could have had many smaller armies resist every siege but they just straight up refused.  Eastern Tsardom refused to participate in any battles and instantly abandoned the war after ATS lost one battle, and the Hospitallers bitterly defended every possession they had with whatever gear (mostly low quality)  they could buy.

I got the impression that Ecko did not let anyone else learn how to play Strat, made all the NE clans pool money to him, blew most of the money in a failed alliance with Shogunate trying to wipe out LLJK at the very start (how rude) and buying inefficient gear.  I remember Ecko flaunting how he had meticulous plans on how to deal with every major faction in Strategus wars, but apparently he forgot to draw up the "buy gear, fight battles, defend fiefs" part of the game.  Which is basically the entire point..

FCC showed how effective a stubborn resistance could be, along with having good allies and knowing how to fight Strategus battles.  Obviously losing a war isn't too entertaining but actually having gear for all your troops and playing the battles is fun, jesus christ why didn't anyone show up,  most fiefs strongly favor defenders.

Special shout out to all the completely landless clans that decided mass attacking LLJK for their lands was more important then getting neutral fiefs or checking the expansion of organizations like The Grey Order.  See you all next Strat!
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 12:28:20 pm
Yeah, you will never know in precisely which battle something will fuck up, changing the entire course of the war.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Kalam on September 13, 2011, 02:32:02 pm
Can we bump this up to the "red-tagged" thread along with the old Strategus history?

When you add all the submitted accounts to the original post Boss Awesome-style.'s my account.
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Rikthor on September 13, 2011, 02:57:02 pm
First of all, i will post wherever i want, thank you.

Second of all - i'm not here to entertain you. Our side of the story ? Why would i post it, i've done it many times before, yet this topic still started wtih LLJK, Legio and Risen leaders talking smack about me . I don't have to prove anything to anyone and by this time i believe most people have made their own conclusions.

So, above is the best you're getting out of me. Deal with it .

P.S.  VVarlord , i'm always up for good battles , but not on the forums.

I just wanted to say thank you Ujin for the new sig, oh and stop getting mad about video games.

I will update my post about our history with the NE battle and that last random one with OCF.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Ujin on September 13, 2011, 03:16:44 pm
Lol ujin is just a game chill out, no need to keep raging just because we beated you.

Anyway somebody that played in the north of the map can explain why NE died without fighting? We know they sent a lot of stuff to help shogunate in the south, but seems strange they totally forgot to defend their fiefs  :o
I don't mind you and your allies winning the war, i just wish you fellas talked less bullcrap on the forums. But like i said, people have already made their conclusions. I always try to respect my enemies , but when there's shit constantly coming out of their mouths, why bother.

About ATS- They've sent a 1k army with some very good equipment, that's all. And afaik they were concentrating on producing gold in their fiefs, not troops, that's why they weren't prepared to fight.

@ RIcktor - you're welcome. My grumpy posts have nothing on your whole clan crying like little girls on the forums when we attacked you in previous strat.

Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Rikthor on September 13, 2011, 03:23:09 pm
I don't mind you and your allies winning the war, i just wish you fellas talked less bullcrap on the forums. But like i said, people have already made their conclusions. I always try to respect my enemies , but when there's shit constantly coming out of their mouths, why bother.

About ATS- They've sent a 1k army with some very good equipment, that's all. And afaik they were concentrating on producing gold in their fiefs, not troops, that's why they weren't prepared to fight.

@ RIcktor - you're welcome. My grumpy posts have nothing on your whole clan crying like little girls on the forums when we attacked you in previous strat.

You do know Goretooth, the one leading that 1k army joined our clan and told us exactly what he gave you right? You have tried taking us out both times in strategus and failed both times. How many battles did you even win in this strat against us? Answer: None. Keep being mad at vidja games bro.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Ujin on September 13, 2011, 03:29:44 pm
You do know Goretooth, the one leading that 1k army joined our clan and told us exactly what he gave you right? You have tried taking us out both times in strategus and failed both times. How many battles did you even win in this strat against us? Answer: None. Keep being mad at vidja games bro.
We did wipe you out in previous Strat, what are you talking about? You came back and took the desert lands long time after we did our pub crawl thing.

We've had 1 open field battle against you, in which we've discovered the wonderful (let's admit it , it hurt pretty much everybody) spawn system for attackers, i think we've managed to hold our spawn for about 5 minutes but eventually you took it with massive cav usage. Than we got attacked by our northern neighbours and pulled back. Keep making your e-peen look bigger than it actually is.

Again, ATS brought 1k army and very good equipment  (worth about 1kkk). Keep overexxagerating stuff, like you do when you talk about our "GRANDIOSE COALITION AGAINST LLJK".
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Razzen on September 13, 2011, 03:44:28 pm
Ujin dont be so butthurt.

Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Cicero on September 13, 2011, 03:52:23 pm

Again, ATS brought 1k army and very good equipment  (worth about 1kkk1MILLION). Keep overexxagerating stuff, like you do when you talk about our "GRANDIOSE COALITION AGAINST LLJK".
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 04:34:09 pm
Again, ATS brought 1k army and very good equipment  (worth about 1kkk). Keep overexxagerating stuff, like you do when you talk about our "GRANDIOSE COALITION AGAINST LLJK".

You realize we actually have you talking about it right? How can you say we are exaggerating when we have you on record about all the clans you are bringing in to bring us down?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 05:10:27 pm
About ATS- They've sent a 1k army with some very good equipment, that's all. And afaik they were concentrating on producing gold in their fiefs, not troops, that's why they weren't prepared to fight.

This can't be true, otherwise we would not have encontered army after army of naked troops with no gold. Where did all the gold go?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Keshian on September 13, 2011, 05:17:45 pm
This can't be true, otherwise we would not have encontered army after army of naked troops with no gold. Where did all the gold go?

They spent a million worth of equipment defending Rebache and accidentally left 320K in the village gold coffers.  Then they spent a another million and half gold worth of equipment trying to take Rebache back and we were beating them soundly in that one too, and eventually took their spawn halfway through and got it all.  We were all screaming "We're rich, biatch."  Also, the 12.3K defending the last castle held by Hospitallers that we took with 11.5K had over a million worth of gear, something like 3000 xbows or more with almost everyone using heraldic mails on defense side.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: sWalker on September 13, 2011, 05:33:52 pm
Ahhh...the sWalker looks back fondly on these young days of life...but more great adventures and battles are in store for our hero soon...
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Teeth on September 13, 2011, 05:38:09 pm
It warms my old ninja bones that Ninja ended higher on the fiefs ladder than about ten clans. Not that we did anything though.

Pro-Tip: Do not make your channel password "lljk is gay" because that's like the first thing we'll try.
You seriously went to the channel and typed 'lljk is gay' as your first guess and it worked?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 05:42:47 pm
It is a surprisingly common password, especially counting the small variations.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: SPQR on September 13, 2011, 06:40:01 pm
You seriously went to the channel and typed 'lljk is gay' as your first guess and it worked?

Its the password to our TS as well.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on September 13, 2011, 07:02:51 pm
ahh jeez, Did you LLJK really destroy us?

Also everytime I see these types of threads I see more and more and more of dicksucking both there own clans and there allies, atleast kallam dosen't say ''WE ARE TEH BEST LOLZ EVERYBODY ELSE my old friendS LOST NOOBS! BYZANTIDERPS SUX MAH BAWLSSSS!!!11one11!'' (well he shouldn't since he had nothing to do with it :3) and then when Ujin tries to say it in a mature manner Riderps (two can play at that game) come here to troll ujin, the community has come from a nice friendly community to a shit fest so infected that it can't be washed out... EVER.

Guys, just shut the hell up, you don't need to verbally abuse you're enemies because... well there you're enemies. Its like one war, 10 threads of hate.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 07:08:29 pm
I blame strategus.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Teeth on September 13, 2011, 07:08:56 pm
Luckily noone expected LLJK nor Risen to behave in a mature way after winning shit.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Jarlek on September 13, 2011, 07:26:43 pm
ahh jeez, Did you LLJK really destroy us?

Also everytime I see these types of threads I see more and more and more of dicksucking both there own clans and there allies, atleast kallam dosen't say ''WE ARE TEH BEST LOLZ EVERYBODY ELSE my old friendS LOST NOOBS! BYZANTIDERPS SUX MAH BAWLSSSS!!!11one11!'' (well he shouldn't since he had nothing to do with it :3) and then when Ujin tries to say it in a mature manner Riderps (two can play at that game) come here to troll ujin, the community has come from a nice friendly community to a shit fest so infected that it can't be washed out... EVER.

Guys, just shut the hell up, you don't need to verbally abuse you're enemies because... well there you're enemies. Its like one war, 10 threads of hate.
Actually my comment was about how he was just shitting in a serious thread about Strategus history (what happened?) instead of actually posting their history in Strategus 2.0. All I wanted was to hear how they viewed it all, instead of the random whine/bs/paranoia they posted in the other threads. This thread was meant to be a history thread like the other one, and it just saddened me that he started trolling/whining/whatever instead of actually doing some rp/semi-rp history recap.

PS: When people say stuff like GLORIOUS X and DISHONORABLY Y it's RP in the History thread.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Lizard_man on September 13, 2011, 07:31:10 pm
When you add all the submitted accounts to the original post Boss Awesome-style.'s my account.
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Good post...
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Keshian on September 13, 2011, 07:36:12 pm
Good post...

Yeah, i'll start compiling the ones like Kalam's in the first post once I get home from work.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Thovex on September 13, 2011, 07:50:20 pm
Factions and their territories before wipe:
Risen   Risen_   6
Source (

7.  :wink:

Dirigsene, Dumar, Ilvia, Reveran, Glunmar, Istiniar and Maras Castle.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Varyag on September 13, 2011, 07:53:37 pm
The Call for Blood

Cool story bro  :wink:
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Franke on September 13, 2011, 07:59:57 pm
HRE   _HRE   4

5: Tash Kulun, Zagush (sorry Warcat), Kedelke, Rduna and Rindyar castle.

When you add all the submitted accounts to the original post Boss Awesome-style.'s my account.
(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Jarlek on September 13, 2011, 08:02:35 pm
Good post...
Agreed. I love to read ALL the faction histories.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Classical on September 13, 2011, 10:36:59 pm
Looks like Ujin's feeling a little butt pain due to his failed coalition, huehuesan~!
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on September 13, 2011, 10:49:13 pm
Eh, Don't worry, you're butt won't be safe when you fail.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Lizard_man on September 13, 2011, 11:00:40 pm
Yeah, i'll start compiling the ones like Kalam's in the first post once I get home from work.

good stuff... :wink:
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Tot. on September 13, 2011, 11:27:09 pm
Grey Order   _of_Grey   16

*cough*   :rolleyes:

Other than that its accurate.  :wink:
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: RamsesXXIIX on September 14, 2011, 12:28:43 am
Ujin dont be so butthurt.

Let the man speak out.

Damn, its like everyone is jumping on him every time he's trying to post something.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Jarlek on September 14, 2011, 02:35:06 am
Let the man speak out.

Damn, its like everyone is jumping on him every time he's trying to post something.
But that's the thing. He didn't post anything except whining and arguing with LLJK. All I want is some more juicy Virtual History! Which reminds me... You Fallens gonna write something or not?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Flawless on September 14, 2011, 05:40:37 am
Kalam, that post is awesome. I am waiting in anticipation of the next chapter.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Classical on September 14, 2011, 10:20:57 am
Let the man speak out.

Damn, its like everyone is jumping on him every time he's trying to post something.

Well, it seems most of the snide comments are not being taken as jokes.

Honestly, LLJK really holds no standing grudges and hostilities to the clans involved in the little Coalition that could, you tried, and failed, the only real threat in all of this was the Shogunate, who were toppled upon by another coalition far greater than theirs. They got out-coalitioned I guess, either way, like I said before here (,13653.msg200754.html#msg200754), I respect the fact you guys fought to the very last fief, it was fun.

So until Strategus 3.0 then..

e: Also, how much did people spend cRPG gold wise on this beta before it was wiped? I know Tydeus spent a small fortune.

For anyone unfamiliar with the coalition that was originally formed that launched us into attack, since this is a history thread, you can listen to this recording ( for a little bit of a laugh.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Thovex on September 14, 2011, 11:26:54 am
Let the man speak out.

Damn, its like everyone is jumping on him every time he's trying to post something.

95% of his posts is just whining, Ramses.  :)
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: VVarlord on September 14, 2011, 11:30:39 am
95% of his posts is just whining, Ramses.  :)

Let face it most of ramses posts are him crying for more cheese to go with his whine.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 14, 2011, 11:32:33 am
Let face it most of ramses posts are him crying for more cheese to go with his whine.

What? Most of ramses posts have to do with events... What are you babbling about now?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: VVarlord on September 14, 2011, 11:38:54 am
What? Most of ramses posts have to do with events... What are you babbling about now?

Dont you ever sleep? Im only entering the thread to stir shit up, please leave me be.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 14, 2011, 11:42:09 am
Dont you ever sleep?

Would you even believe me if I said anything other then no?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: VVarlord on September 14, 2011, 11:51:52 am
Would you even believe me if I said anything other then no?

I would be it upsets me when you pull me back to reality with your posts : P

Work time now, back in 8-9 hours to have another attempt...
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Razzen on September 14, 2011, 02:49:18 pm
Let the man speak out.

Damn, its like everyone is jumping on him every time he's trying to post something.

I just dont want him to whine everytime a Risen post something, thats all.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Hauptmann on September 14, 2011, 02:53:16 pm
I would love to hear a fictionalization of both the FCC's dealings as well as our (Chaos/DRZ) in strat. Sadly, I don't know much of anything about either so I couldn't really make one.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Blueberry Muffin on September 14, 2011, 05:16:25 pm
Ill make a post on the Mercs aspect of this war at some point... Its gripping stuff, I warn you..    :lol:
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on September 14, 2011, 07:04:13 pm
Nice to see the risederps have moved to Ramses now.

Just fuck of if you have nothing nice to say, fucking hell.
Yes I am a hipocrite for posting this, but still... You aren't helping the reputation of being kids by going around being unbearable little gits.

Yes VVarlord, going around ''stiring shit up'' isn't a good reason to post, we call it threadshitting.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: The_Angle on September 14, 2011, 07:21:30 pm
Ujin is correct. We did wipe you from Strategus last year. Fair game, hand shakes and all, water under the bridge.

What needs to happen is that some people need to step down from their high(Plated chargers) horses and shake eachothers hands. Honestly, like maybe invite eachother for karoake on the Teamspeak or somethin'. Just to get to know eachother alittle more and clear some misunderstandings. Both sides are clearly up for some fun.

The arguing and trolling is getting alittle tedious and annoying, guns ablazing doesn't seem to get anything done(Especially over the internet  :o ). So a peace movement of sorts would be ideal(Utopian maybe).
So if people can drop their weapons and just try to be nice to eachother, it'd be pretty awesome. Despite whoever did what, when where and why. Forget about that stuff, because its getting old.

Sounding like a hippy, talk about 60's love!
Title: Journey of the Wolves
Post by: kinngrimm on September 14, 2011, 07:32:20 pm
Journey of the Wolves

A whelp was born and looked around in the vicinity of Shariz.
He saw lots of others already close to him and so he decided to go to the far west in hope to find some land to settle.

When he reached the west around Yalen with a small group of companions he talked to the local crowed those called Risen. There the whelp had to learn that all was already splitted between an alliance and he was told to leave.

In a sad mood he went to the center of Caladria where he then contacted the proud warrior folks called "The Mercenaries", he struck his first deal, the word was given and a goal from now on to be seeked. Support those who are willing to support him till the claims would be realised.

What a glorious day when we took Ayyike and had a home, but our friends were attacked and we come to their aid, in the process we lost our home but didn't brake our word. Mistakes were made, battles lost and won, in the end we were exausted by a 20 days war with lots of fierce battles. Enemies of our contract partner were pushed back on and on and new once seem to came all along and over again. At last it seemed we got the upper hand, but then Chaos intervened, 8.5k troops after all that war, we could have taken them but it was decided to go with peace. 3 days talking, compromises on both sites and peace in the end. Through these talks we came to our claims Ayyike, Tebandra and Ulburban and the former enemies left to strike war in another place in the north.

Still it wasn't peaceful, more misunderstandings, Raven tried to attack, but diplomacy brought a solution.
Afterwards the a good bunch of friends joined us as vassals, Bandits/Wargs, however you would call them we call them friends.

Our vassals then were restless and seeked war on themselves, something which was told before they were accepted not to do.
We helped them in a defence against Grey Order which were disturbed by my vassals public appearance. To not loose my face and get something out of a bad situation we made a deal with the Grey Order about Dramug Castle which they helped to conquer and then handed it over to the Wolves Pack Mercenaries.

Through gold shortages we disbanded some of our troops to protect Reyvadin ;) and shortly afterwards the night fall over Caladria.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 14, 2011, 10:54:08 pm
What needs to happen is that some people need to step down from their high(Plated chargers) horses and shake eachothers hands. Honestly, like maybe invite eachother for karoake on the Teamspeak or somethin'. Just to get to know eachother alittle more and clear some misunderstandings. Both sides are clearly up for some fun.
Conspiring and organizing an effort to wipe out a faction at the beginning of the game for no real reason sort of poisons the well.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Dehitay on September 15, 2011, 01:45:29 am
Conspiring and organizing an effort to wipe out a faction at the beginning of the game for no real reason sort of poisons the well.
aka somebody sucks at singing
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: PhantomZero on September 15, 2011, 04:24:43 am
What needs to happen is that some people need to step down from their high(Plated chargers) horses and shake eachothers hands. Honestly, like maybe invite eachother for karoake on the Teamspeak or somethin'. Just to get to know eachother alittle more and clear some misunderstandings. Both sides are clearly up for some fun.

This is what happened last time, we had no problems with Shogunate setting up next door to us until they started plotting to take us out. To us it seemed as though you guys just hate us for enjoying the game. You guys didn't wipe us from Strategus 1 either, you knocked us around a bit because we only had 3 villages and were in the middle of sieging a castle when your 10 villages decided to attack. But in the end we occupied half the desert.

But at this point we probably won't trust you guys as long as Ujin is in a position of power.  But it is just as important that we are on opposite sides of the map. :D

We sort of like this rivalry now and you shouldn't take insults or whatever on the forums personally or seriously.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: HarunYahya on September 15, 2011, 08:37:54 am
We BashiBazouks had 6 fiefs not 5.
Fedner,Chaeza,Emer,Sarimish,Saren,Almerra Castle.
History of Strategus v2 by BashiBazouk point of view.
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Matey on September 15, 2011, 08:58:52 am
They supported FCC against Merceneries

That's not really accurate. They were in the Dhirim/Reyvadin area and were looking out for their own interests and trying to side with whoever they thought was winning. That explains why they attacked Ayyike right after TKoV took it in a really hard fight against Wolves (abays lost that fight really badly as it was the first fight with the new spawn system.. and it was extra bugged in that anyone with a negative KDR could not spawn.. so took their spawn easy).
Later when HRE sent an army against the Mercs, the abays decided to attempt to take a village from Mercs as they thought things had turned against the mercs.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: HarunYahya on September 15, 2011, 09:08:41 am
Well "Enemy of my enemy is my friend." They fought against Mercs which means they supported enemies of Mercs, and their main enemy was FCC by that time amirite ?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Classical on September 15, 2011, 09:19:47 am
I always wanted to know what the Wolves history was, and now I know!

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Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Matey on September 15, 2011, 09:29:25 am
Well "Enemy of my enemy is my friend." They fought against Mercs which means they supported enemies of Mercs, and their main enemy was FCC by that time amirite ?

well, the quote is true.. but i dont know if it applies to abays or not, i dont think they cared which side won, they just hoped to get something out of helping whoever looked to be winning... i dont think they saw either side as an enemy or a friend.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: The_Angle on September 15, 2011, 09:30:43 am

Alrighty then, well feel free to pop into the teamspeak if you like.

Perhaps the EU/NA split will spread us far apart and we may not have to deal with eachother unless somebody border crosses, for the best probably.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: HarunYahya on September 15, 2011, 09:38:44 am
well, the quote is true.. but i dont know if it applies to abays or not, i dont think they cared which side won, they just hoped to get something out of helping whoever looked to be winning... i dont think they saw either side as an enemy or a friend.
Oh so FCC wasn't in a friendly diplomatic relations with Royal Union ?
I just wrote what i know/understand from far west corner of the map =)
Correct me if i posted something wrong so i can change .
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 15, 2011, 09:46:15 am
Remember to write history from your perspective! Keep it!
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Matey on September 15, 2011, 09:54:27 am
yeah we never had any deals with abay. he tried to make a deal with us early on and offered a bunch of gold, but due to some interesting circumstances... that fell through, then he attacked TKoV after they got Ayyike, then he offered us peace later and we were like "sure." so then he was going to attack mercs, things went badly for em, and i dont really know what all happened to them after. So, like I said... he was never really on anyone's side, he was just hoping to secure some land from the conflict.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: HarunYahya on September 15, 2011, 10:34:36 am
yeah we never had any deals with abay. he tried to make a deal with us early on and offered a bunch of gold, but due to some interesting circumstances... that fell through, then he attacked TKoV after they got Ayyike, then he offered us peace later and we were like "sure." so then he was going to attack mercs, things went badly for em, and i dont really know what all happened to them after. So, like I said... he was never really on anyone's side, he was just hoping to secure some land from the conflict.
Thanks for da info.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Overdriven on September 15, 2011, 10:39:14 am
I would like to know why the great khans one wasn't added to the first post  :o
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Loki on September 15, 2011, 10:52:28 am
Factions and their territories before wipe:

UIF 2.0   _of_Grey, Druzhina_, STR_/T_/Legio_/Risen_/22nd_/_of_Chaos/RuConquista_/BIA_/BashiBazouk_   66
LLJK   LLJK_   11
Fallen Brigade   Fallen_   9
Mercs   Merc_   7
Camel Screamers   Camels_   6
Great Khans   GK_   4
HRE   _HRE   4
Caravan Guild (Guards)   Guard_   4
The Kingdom of Veluca   _TKoV   3
Wolves   Wolves_   3
FCC   _BRD/Corns_/Cavaliers_   2
Horde of Khan   XKhanx_   1
Ninjas   Ninja_   1
Roaming Wolpertingers   Wolper_   1
The Pillagers   Pillaging_   0
Byzantium   Byzamtium_   0
The Eastern Tsardom (NE)   TS_   0
ATS (NE)   _ATS   0
Knights Hospitaller (NE)   Hospitaller_   0
Knights of Blackrose   Blackrose_   0
Wargs (The_Bandits)   Warg_   0
Knights Templar   Templar_   0
Schwert Bruder   SB_   0
Crusaders of Acre   _Crusader   0
The Company   Company_   0
Order of the Lance   _OotL   0
The Turks   Kapikulu_   0
Pecores   Pecores_   0
Royal Union   _of_Abay, ?,?   0
Ravens   Raven_   0
Sea Raiders   SeaRaider_   0
Varangians   VRN_   0

There ya go, I fixed it for you.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: VVarlord on September 15, 2011, 11:05:12 am
Mad bro.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Jarlek on September 15, 2011, 02:15:33 pm
There ya go, I fixed it for you.
That's funny. I didn't know there was an UIF 2.0. Neither does any of our leaders/diplomats. Also who the fuck is T_ and when did Chaos join? Why is RuConquista there when they were attacked and driven away by Grey? It seems like you just said "everyone I don't like and that is european is now in the UIF that I just made up!" But of course you didn't do that :D Must be me who knows nothing.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Razzen on September 15, 2011, 02:49:12 pm
Lots of QQ in this thread, I sense. I thought this was about history!
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: HarunYahya on September 15, 2011, 02:49:38 pm
... Also who the fuck is T_ ....
It's not T_ , it is T_T  which represents Loki crying .
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: _GTX_ on September 15, 2011, 03:17:00 pm
Guys cut the fucking crying, this is about history. What happened has happen. If you lost, bad luck for u. If you didnt, good for u.  :rolleyes:

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Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Keshian on September 15, 2011, 03:44:37 pm
There ya go, I fixed it for you.

Nice fix  :wink:

Though the correct number should be:

Vassals of BIRD clan - 111 fiefs

P.S. Also, updated histories/stories so far - keep them coming.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Jarlek on September 15, 2011, 03:57:10 pm

Acutally, Bird clan should make a history recap of themself. It would be the most important literature in Strategus/cRPG!

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Cicero on September 15, 2011, 04:04:11 pm
There ya go, I fixed it for you.
lets smile to him guys he is so funny
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Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: HarunYahya on September 15, 2011, 06:17:48 pm
Thanks Kesh, i forgot something .
Can you change our name's color to green ?
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: The_Angle on September 15, 2011, 09:45:32 pm
Guys cut the fucking crying, this is about history. What happened has happen. If you lost, bad luck for u. If you didnt, good for u.  :rolleyes:
Its not really crying about who lost, the thing that people are 'crying' about is how the Union folk are hounding our members and Ujin on the forum(or trolling).
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Keshian on September 16, 2011, 12:36:52 am
Thanks Kesh, i forgot something .
Can you change our name's color to green ?


Also, if anyone sees Partyboy - tell him I need his story of BIRD clan to put on top.  Also, there is at leasta  dozen more clans with stories, keep them coming, we only have a day or so before new strategus is up (then again chadz time = 2 months).
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Goretooth on September 16, 2011, 01:23:51 am
I got some storiez
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Harpag on September 16, 2011, 02:01:20 am
There ya go, I fixed it for you.
Your head should be fixed rather than this post  :rolleyes:  Write about Dusturil, because it's right place for such interesting stories from Strategus 2.0  :lol:
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Thovex on September 19, 2011, 09:24:28 pm
There ya go, I fixed it for you.

I like the looks of the amount of NA fiefs achieved compared to EU fiefs and several NA people whining about the amount of fiefs they getting.

However the UIF 2.0 is kinda funny as well, loki just mad.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 20, 2011, 02:16:49 am

Acutally, Bird clan should make a history recap of themself. It would be the most important literature in Strategus/cRPG!
A chronicling of BIRD Clan is impossible. Partyboy's thoughts are unintelligible to mortals, and BADPLAYER is an untrustworthy traitor.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Jarlek on September 20, 2011, 02:53:15 am
A chronicling of BIRD Clan is impossible. Partyboy's thoughts are unintelligible to mortals, and BADPLAYER is an untrustworthy traitor.
Not all of us are mortals and they could further translate it so that we mere mortals can survive it's awesomeness.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Warsloth on September 23, 2011, 02:41:18 pm
I got some storiez

*insert troll*
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: Keshian on October 11, 2011, 08:41:41 pm
Well many of the same old claims as Strat 2.0 are showing up in Strat 3.0.  Maybe we could have some role-playing or story development to go along with the claims.
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: dodnet on October 14, 2011, 03:22:18 pm
BTW: Roaming Wolpertingers isn't  "Wolper_" but "_Wolper"  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Strategus 2.0 History
Post by: LLJK_Korea1 on October 25, 2011, 07:20:45 am
I would like to know why the great khans one wasn't added to the first post  :o

Yea because steamrolling some third-world backwater 1k troop fiefs with help of one of the biggest clans in the game is so goddamn interesting!