Strategus => Strategus General Discussion => Topic started by: tankmen on July 25, 2011, 10:40:09 pm

Title: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 25, 2011, 10:40:09 pm
Grey Orders Ultimatum
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My Reply
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As you can imagine, they are probably starting up their Polish war machine. Owning 10 villages i expect their armies to shake the ground.

We, The Brave Knights of the Lance, will try to drag down as many as we can. But We suffer a lack of Archers, I'd like any decent NA Archer to look for our battles.

Make no Mistake, we don't expect victory. But we will make Buillin run red with Polish blood. And maybe in the future this monster will be stopped. Right now they sent 1148 to us. I'm frankly annoyed at that, they haven't even half our troop count.

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: mimdras on July 25, 2011, 10:45:40 pm
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Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on July 25, 2011, 10:47:41 pm
Maybe you can count us templars in, we will have to check, we want a cup of plazekstinian and greykistan blood!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 25, 2011, 11:10:56 pm
now we play the waiting game  :| im sure they wont disappoint though
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on July 25, 2011, 11:16:10 pm
Ypu should have answered "NUTS" like the surrounded 101th troops encercled in bastogne by the germans asking them to surrender  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 25, 2011, 11:18:10 pm
totally wanted too, but id rather have it not American Representing an EU oppressor, we are Order of the Lance, This is what we do.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 25, 2011, 11:27:14 pm
They are scared
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Skrubb on July 25, 2011, 11:28:10 pm
Remember Tebandra!!!!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Casimir on July 25, 2011, 11:53:23 pm
Maybe you can count us templars in, we will have to check, we want a cup of plazekstinian and greykistan blood!

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 25, 2011, 11:57:17 pm
i did not truely expect you too, i know you have 0-2 villages at best
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on July 26, 2011, 12:02:45 am

bububbububu its 22nd :P
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: MadJackMcMad on July 26, 2011, 12:26:26 am
There is more afoot than is let on.  Upon the conquest of Builin, the Order of the Lance immediately passed laws stating that the local Bards may only recite verses from Ser Justin, son of Beiber.  Furthermore, a new language has been enforced.  This bastardisation of the native Caladrian tongue commonly manifests in unnecessary omission of vowels, jumbling prepositions, and the addition of the word 'man' at the end of a question or statement.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 12:29:32 am
There is more afoot than is let on.  Upon the conquest of Builin, the Order of the Lance immediately passed laws stating that the local Bards may only recite verses from Ser Justin, son of Beiber.  Furthermore, a new language has been enforced.  This bastardisation of the native Caladrian tongue commonly manifests in unnecessary omission of vowels, jumbling prepositions, and the addition of the word 'man' at the end of a question or statement.

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Sir_Hawkeye on July 26, 2011, 12:31:50 am
This is a simple example of bullying. They quite simply said join us, be our bitch or we'll kill you. Did they use those words exactly? Of course not, but the intent is the same.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 12:41:02 am
This is a simple example of bullying. They quite simply said join us, be our bitch or we'll kill you. Did they use those words exactly? Of course not, but the intent is the same.

My thoughts exactly
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 26, 2011, 12:46:27 am
There is more afoot than is let on.  Upon the conquest of Builin, the Order of the Lance immediately passed laws stating that the local Bards may only recite verses from Ser Justin, son of Beiber.  Furthermore, a new language has been enforced.  This bastardisation of the native Caladrian tongue commonly manifests in unnecessary omission of vowels, jumbling prepositions, and the addition of the word 'man' at the end of a question or statement.

Unnecessary omission of vowels?  I'd say using extra vowels is unnecessary.  Think of all the trees that could have been saved in the course of humanity if you gave up the extra (unnecessary) vowels.

The grey order is large, good luck against your oppressors.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: MadJackMcMad on July 26, 2011, 12:51:01 am

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 12:55:03 am
Let me tell you a story...

So one day the OotL moved into Buillin, their diplomat was wise and came to talk to me. He requested that they move into Buillin and I told them this would be no problem so long as they would be willing to pay, with their loyalty by becoming a vassal. They agreed to do this with little hesitation and they had my blessing to rule the village with the support and protection of the 22nd, with the promise of new territories being awarded in exchange for their support at wartime and even freedom when they are large enough to stand alone as our equals and allies.

This went well, Lord Voren seemed the reasonable and diplomatic type, however he had to go on leave for just 3 days. A day after he left I was sent a message from the OotL leader, Tankmen, he informed me that they were no longer our vassal and declared their independence, with no regard for our agreement, nor any respect for the 22nd domination of this area.

That they now complain when we bring in our good friends the Grey order to help crush their rebellion is laughable. They declared their independance, they declined the protection of the 22nd and they steal our fief. They break a treaty made just 24 hours earlier.

This is the result of revolt. Annihilation.

We can release private discussion too:
(click to show/hide)

The day after:

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Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_Hawk_Cmdr_Harlequin on July 26, 2011, 01:08:16 am
Have fun spreading some blood around, while we can afford that and will stronger your faction will be annihilated, lol  :lol:

That's what happens to those who does not keep the word given! Wahahah!  :evil:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 01:29:14 am
it seems vorren has done alot hasn't he, well,
Have fun spreading some blood around, while we can afford that and will stronger your faction will be annihilated, lol  :lol:

That's what happens to those who does not keep the word given! Wahahah!  :evil:
please post a thing about me in this? did i ever give my word? post where i admit vassalage? i talked once with plazek never did i swear it, as for back stabbed chaos, i was prepared to give them my 1700 troops to help them take a castle, but decided on glory in death. I didnt wish to be vassals( infact it even states vorren will iron it out)and had been working a lot lately IRL, after signing up for a battle and looking into it, i realized we had around the same amount of troops and had we wanted to take kulum, equal villages. But then again grey order does tend to tip the troops. Vorren did what every diplomat did offer up things to get what he thought best for his faction. So no i did not break my word, for i never gave it.

As to chaos, i have no comment for i do not know what vorren had been intending, or meant, he could just as easily given 22nd false info. But due to this "treachery" by vorren i will understand if you do not wish to help us.

Let there be blood regardless, let not the 22nd hide behind grey order, i know thats too much to ask, either way the armies grey order.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Nemeth on July 26, 2011, 01:40:57 am
It's good to know that for OotL, "iron it out" means taking the fief that has been offered to them in exchange of vassalage and then refusing to become vassals.

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: ManOfWar on July 26, 2011, 01:41:57 am
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 01:46:14 am
i planned on taking it regardless of what 22nd said, vorren went to talk to you guys, i went to work. Even so, did Denbrite not claim it too? what makes 22nd's claim greater? ah, grey order i forget....and thats why we are here, to oppose a snobbish kingdom who uses there allies to enforce their rule.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 01:55:13 am
Cut the crap Tankmen. Diplomats are here to make diplomatic agreements. If Voren was not authorized to make such treaties then why was he sent to make agreements with us?

Anyway let us look at this excerpt from your PM:

again sorry if this causes any disruption, but we entered vassal ship in haste,

It was your mistake that you wrongly assumed you were equal to us and decided to go back on your agreement. As I informed you in our discussion one of our greatest strengths is our diplomatic ties. Now you get to experience the protection and power of the 22nd that you could have had protecting you as you expanded to become an independent faction like I promised, but instead turned against you as we push you out.

You can accuse us of hiding behind our friends the Greys but trust me, we can live with having powerful friends. Problem is, you cant.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 01:56:49 am

I was appalled when I read what vorren wrote. None of this was discussed with our Knight Lords until after his conversations. I knew of the vassalege offer after we had already taken buillin, and never knew of any plans to back-stab.

Tankmen has been very clear with our Knight Lords that he wanted to be verbally open with his intent in Strategus this go around, and did not want to backstab anyone. (Our entire clan was shocked at what Vorren had written about Chaos).
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 01:59:35 am
As to the question, what makes the 22nd claim greater?

Well I can tell you right now.

The fact that we will be the ones who hold Buillin at the end of this and the fact that you broke your agreement with us which gave you the right to take it in the first place.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 02:08:15 am
i say
Cut the crap Tankmen. Diplomats are here to make diplomatic agreements. If Voren was not authorized to make such treaties then why was he sent to make agreements with us?

Anyway let us look at this excerpt from your PM:

It was your mistake that you wrongly assumed you were equal to us and decided to go back on your agreement. As I informed you in our discussion one of our greatest strengths is our diplomatic ties. Now you get to experience the protection and power of the 22nd that you could have had protecting you as you expanded to become an independent faction like I promised, but instead turned against you as we push you out.

You can accuse us of hiding behind our friends the Greys but trust me, we can live with having powerful friends. Problem is, you cant.
that because it would of looked bad on me for saying vorren, i am clan leader but as i have stated i WORK, as to who holds it in the end, well in the end of the battle grey will hold it, but trust me, they will bleed so much that YOU will have to hope no one attacks you because grey cant cover your ass forever, and thats just it, do we disappear? do we never get troops again? no we can wait and bide our time, i recommend you always watch your borders in the future.... because we will be.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 02:14:27 am
Good to know.

All you should know is you squandered your one opportunity to work with me in Strategus. You showed us all your lack of integrity and honour and how little you value your word losing yourself a dedicated ally in the process. We have no use for you nor does anyone who values honesty.

No doubt one of our enemies will be more than willing to pick you up and use you in their schemes though, enjoy your "independance".

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 02:16:55 am
again where did i break my honestly? or word? is vorren my voice? quit trying to paint me up as the bad guy, THERE IS NO BAD GUY ITS A GAME NOT A MOIVE  :shock:.
Good to know.

All you should know is you squandered your one opportunity to work with me in Strategus. You showed us all your lack of integrity and honour and how little you value your word losing yourself a dedicated ally in the process. We have no use for you nor does anyone who values honesty.

No doubt one of our enemies will be more than willing to pick you up and use you in their schemes though, enjoy your "independance".

id rather die than serve you, you are air headed IMO
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Kokosz on July 26, 2011, 02:18:24 am
West is crowded guys.You should search your "place" on East.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 02:19:37 am
Good to know.

All you should know is you squandered your one opportunity to work with me in Strategus. You showed us all your lack of integrity and honour and how little you value your word losing yourself a dedicated ally in the process. We have no use for you nor does anyone who values honesty.

No doubt one of our enemies will be more than willing to pick you up and use you in their schemes though, enjoy your "independance".

Your just an arrogant prick; that can't fight your own battles.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 26, 2011, 02:23:11 am
West is crowded guys.You should search your "place" on East.

The east has a pair of 800 lb gorillas that don't want to share, one of which has a powerblock in the center and the other is partaking in a massive free for all in the desert. Enter at your own peril.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 02:24:11 am
Cool I am an air headed arrogant prick. Sure  :mrgreen:
Crying about it and sending out insults won't win your Buillin back. You got better things to focus on, surely.

You did break your word. You confessed your self that you broke the vassalage agreement. I quoted it you know the size 18 underlined italic bold bit on page 2 of this thread.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 02:27:42 am

Crying about it and sending out insults won't win your Buillin back. You got better things to focus on, surely.

I think its funny your already talking about the battle in the pass tense... Lawl

Let Grey do the work you can't handle.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 02:30:45 am
Don't you worry, we have our own armies prepared as well. This is a joint effort.

It just so happened that the Grey want revenge for your factions dirty poll kick tactics from last Strategus. They volunteered for this and who are we to refuse them their sweet moment of revenge?
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 02:31:32 am
and i stated why i said WE as well, i have work, vorren does not, he was on talking to you guys , i was not, when i sent that letter i didnt think to put vorren, i put WE. No one besides vorren and myself and a select few knew of the "vassalage" i joined a battle to see how you guys played and was over all unimpressed. That is why with that day to think of the vassalage I declined it because i did not see a need for it, we could kill you, easily. Just not your polish war machine known as grey order.

but enough words lets let our swords and grey orders swords speak the rest

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 02:35:42 am
It will surely be epic no matter the outcome.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 02:37:43 am
Lol Tankmen, in that battle you watched you were the only person to die to the enemy. The other deaths were lulzy tk's.

As for "vassalage" it is a real word. No need for the " " though you should have probably used them in your PM with your made up terms of "vassal hood" and "vassal ship".

Quick get off the vassal ship it is sinking!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 02:41:11 am
i guess i didnt state it enough, but enough words, good day sir
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 02:41:35 am
Quick get off the vassal ship it is sinking!

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Phyrex on July 26, 2011, 02:48:21 am
The 1st Legion is always ready to root out all things evil in the Plazekstanian homeland.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 02:53:04 am
so 1711, plus 1148, plus some 22nd ... looks like i wont have long to wait for some fun
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: mimdras on July 26, 2011, 05:04:04 am
I shall stain myself with the blood of many of Grey order and 22nd kin
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Jarlek on July 26, 2011, 05:36:45 am
again where did i break my honestly? or word? is vorren my voice? quit trying to paint me up as the bad guy, THERE IS NO BAD GUY ITS A GAME NOT A MOIVE  :shock:.  id rather die than serve you, you are air headed IMO
Dude stop this and get back to the RP! I'm really enjoying this! Also he's your diplomat that means his words is your clans words. Sorry to say this.

Also, "You can start a war whenever you want, but you cannot end it as easily". Those words goes to both of you. NOW! Continue the drama and keep it RP!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 05:40:12 am
Dude stop this and get back to the RP! I'm really enjoying this! Also he's your diplomat that means his words is your clans words. Sorry to say this.

Also, "You can start a war whenever you want, but you cannot end it as easily". Those words goes to both of you. NOW! Continue the drama and keep it RP!
im glad it entertained some one else too, how ive missed strategus
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: CtrlAltDe1337 on July 26, 2011, 08:48:59 am
Let the blood begin to flow--we've had enough of these 0-casualty village AI battles!  To war! *grabs popcorn*
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 09:03:52 am
haha ive been to 3 "zero" casualty battles and they were pointless n time wasting
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Tristan on July 26, 2011, 09:30:38 am
Drama is back....

All hail strategus!!!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Harpag on July 26, 2011, 12:38:30 pm
We are just humble monks, but in the face of notorious violations of the words, permanent lies and deception, lack of honor and sense of normal human decency, it's time to quote you our motto fragmet:

„...You will not see our coat of arms, you will not see us bearing fancy titles, as we are humble and indigent, and do not seek fame or glory. Indeed, our brothers and sisters spend hours contemplating fragility of life, re-living the pain of death many times a day.


we will strike with great vengeance and furious anger upon those who attempt to poison and destroy our brothers, whoever and wherever they are...”

Time to redeem our sins in the noble fight against evil !

As has been said, so it happens.


Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on July 26, 2011, 01:05:13 pm
We are just humble monks, but in the face of notorious violations of the words, permanent lies and deception, lack of honor and sense of normal human decency, it's time to quote you our motto fragmet:

„...You will not see our coat of arms, you will not see us bearing fancy titles, as we are humble and indigent, and do not seek fame or glory. Indeed, our brothers and sisters spend hours contemplating fragility of life, re-living the pain of death many times a day.


we will strike with great vengeance and furious anger upon those who attempt to poison and destroy our brothers, whoever and wherever they are...”

Time to redeem our sins in the noble fight against evil !

As has been said, so it happens.


Nice sto... Hey wait a minute, stop trying to be us templars >: (
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Gnjus on July 26, 2011, 01:10:11 pm
„...You will not see our coat of arms, you will not see us bearing fancy titles, as we are humble and indigent, and do not seek fame or glory. Indeed, our brothers and sisters spend hours contemplating fragility of life, re-living the pain of death many times a day.

Cool story, bro. Too bad you forgot to tell it to Olwen while you were kissing his ass (or whatever part of his body) to make him join your...."brotherhood".   :twisted:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on July 26, 2011, 01:10:59 pm
Cool story, bro. Too bad you forgot to tell it to Olwen while you were kissing his ass (or whatever part of his body) to make him join your...."brotherhood".   :twisted:

Forgot about that, still they are stealing our backstory, goddam it.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Harpag on July 26, 2011, 01:36:05 pm
You are mistaken again. Our motto will never change. This is the original sound from the OLD forum.

Bell is loud because inside is empty.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: MadScientist22 on July 26, 2011, 03:33:51 pm
Slander and false humility.

Humility is not a trait I would associate with you, Lord of Praven. May I ask, when was this mighty city taken? When did it fall prey to your merciless horde? For I would like to remember the day where the free peoples of Praven came to be ruled by a tyrant.

You accuse of sins we have not committed, and furthermore accuse us of committing them in ages past at the death of an era when it little mattered. You say we have broken our word in this era as well? No agreement was made, it was merely considered. Words have weight, we acknowledge that. But it is a disservice to selectively ignore those that inconvenience your slanderous lies and false accusations. Have we declared war on the 22nd? Have we attempted to take Kulum, to deny them it? We even aided the village against DenBitre for 22nd wished a weakened foe when they engaged. We thought they may wish to save the lives of men but I now realize they did not have the strength to face a strong enemy alone. These are no fit masters for our vassalage. Still, we said we had no desire to fight and even proclaimed that we would aid them in battle if necessary on North American soil. As they were lacking allies who could do this and we ourselves thought we might be more of a hindrance when the battles are hosted across the pond, it was a friendly gesture with hopes of cohabitation.

But all of that is irrelevant now. Your army has been on the march before diplomatic missives were exchanged. You were hoping to either cow us or annihilate us from the outset. No ser, you are not a humble monk seeking balance. You are a tyrant and warmonger seeking only the flimsiest excuse to expand your territory and cow other factions into vassalage by picking on a small clan. But we will not stand for this and we shall see how you perform once the gauntlet is thrown down.

- Sir Alchemist, Knight Lord of the Order of the Lance.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: sir_Luca_the_Grey on July 26, 2011, 03:46:05 pm
(...) Polish war machine. (...)

Sounds great :mrgreen:
Harpag, did you think of the faction name change?
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: ManOfWar on July 26, 2011, 04:02:01 pm
Polish war machine sounds like a contradiction xD
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 04:03:13 pm
Humility is not a trait I would associate with you, Lord of Praven. May I ask, when was this mighty city taken? When did it fall prey to your merciless horde? For I would like to remember the day where the free peoples of Praven came to be ruled by a tyrant.

You accuse of sins we have not committed, and furthermore accuse us of committing them in ages past at the death of an era when it little mattered. You say we have broken our word in this era as well?  No agreement was made, it was merely considered. Words have weight, we acknowledge that. But it is a disservice to selectively ignore those that inconvenience your slanderous lies and false accusations. Have we declared war on the 22nd? Have we attempted to take Kulum, to deny them it? We even aided the village against DenBitre for 22nd wished a weakened foe when they engaged. We thought they may wish to save the lives of men but I now realize they did not have the strength to face a strong enemy alone. These are no fit masters for our vassalage. Still, we said we had no desire to fight and even proclaimed that we would aid them in battle if necessary on North American soil. As they were lacking allies who could do this and we ourselves thought we might be more of a hindrance when the battles are hosted across the pond, it was a friendly gesture with hopes of cohabitation.

But all of that is irrelevant now. Your army has been on the march before diplomatic missives were exchanged. You were hoping to either cow us or annihilate us from the outset. No ser, you are not a humble monk seeking balance. You are a tyrant and warmonger seeking only the flimsiest excuse to expand your territory and cow other factions into vassalage by picking on a small clan. But we will not stand for this and we shall see how you perform once the gauntlet is thrown down.

- Sir Alchemist, Knight Lord of the Order of the Lance.


   I am sorry to say, but I and many of my Knight Lords have come to the conclusion that Vassal ship will not be beneficial further down the road, I also feel that we would be unable to fulfill our obligations to you as vassals, due to different time zone and EU ping. This is not a declaration of war nor do I want it to be, Id like to remain neutral or even still help you NA server wise. We again do not plan on starting war, and i wish you luck with defending Haen from Brothers in Arms, who sadly are EU so we would be unable to help, though im sure you wouldn't need it. Again sorry if this causes any disruption, but we entered vassal ship in haste, and in many of my Knight lords mouths it tasted ...Bitter

Lance L Tankmen
Grand Master of the Order of the Lance
ex-White Knight     

we entered vassal ship

we entered vassal ship

we entered vassal ship

we entered vassal ship
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Olwen on July 26, 2011, 04:13:35 pm
(@templars, templars are catholics, we ain't ;))

btw, Grey Order is european, not only polish :x

/RP on

Your diplomat is supposed to have rights to speak on behalf of your faction. It's the whole point of having a diplomat. He took the liberty to agree on behalf of your faction to accept an oath under the protection of 22nd. Like it or not, it is as if your whole faction accepted it through him. Your leader can speak too on behalf of your faction and he broke the oath that was previously made. It's a betrayal. You lost your honor there as being a traitor is against chivalry's code. Betrayal is sentenced by death or exile. You choosed death.

We offered you to redeem your sins through redemption and humility. You refused once again.

On the contrary, we do stick to our word and we will throw you out of their lands as you started a war there. If your people wanted to leave the lands you stole they are free to do so. We will let them make their way.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: mimdras on July 26, 2011, 04:18:34 pm
"I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold,
See inside, inside of our heads
Well now that's over, I see your motives inside, decisions to hide.
Back off we'll take you on,
Headstrong to take on anyone,
I know that you are wrong,"

The time for your petty politics is over.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Casimir on July 26, 2011, 04:25:09 pm
Cant we all just be monks together!?
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Olwen on July 26, 2011, 04:28:38 pm
sounds gay  :lol:

catholics tried to wipe other christians you know :)
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Kokosz on July 26, 2011, 07:02:58 pm
Polish war machine sounds like a contradiction xD

Sounds like stupid ignorat.

BTW: Kulum and Buillin for sure are full of oil ;P
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 07:14:23 pm
BTW: Kulum and Buillin for sure are full of oil ;P

Oh now I understand Grey Order's interest in the area
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: ManOfWar on July 26, 2011, 07:19:37 pm
Sounds like stupid ignorat.

BTW: Kulum and Buillin for sure are full of oil ;P

Hah, just jokin around mate

Cant we all just be monks together!?

Just leave the children alone
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Kokosz on July 26, 2011, 07:21:00 pm
Oh now I understand Grey Order's interest in the area

C'mon guys!We are just  bringing you democracy, freedom and  fastfood!You should be gratefull for this!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 07:24:49 pm
C'mon guys!We are just  bringing you democracy, freedom and  fastfood!You should be gratefull for this!

We are american we already have instated democracy, and freedom; Which has resulted in a fast-food resturant on every corner. We will be fat and happy by the time you attack.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 07:29:33 pm
again it seems i have to restate why i put WE since you cant read my other posts, i did not think to put vorren, i did not know you would jump on one word, i know it doesn't matter because you will turn n twist it around but you can read again that even in the chat log you show vorren said he will have to hammer out the details, he was up for vassalage because he though you were big as well as strong. When i finally had time to sit down and look , i saw you were neither, having merely gave villages away and told them to become vassals because you could not fight them all at once. i saw you were not strong enough to with hold us, and you still are not, the grey order though is, they have the power to do so, but had i known your ties with grey order from the beginning i would never had to consider vorrens proposal of vassalage, i would of said No in a heart beat. I did not like grey order in the last strategus i do not like them now, they sneak attacked kindgom of the rose with DRZ and attacked both my castle and village with out heeded warning. no matter what you say or do, you are not strong enough YOURSELF to be allowed vassals imo, you are piggy backing grey order and acting as though you have real power.

good day sir
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 07:43:43 pm
Yea you know "we" includes "I" right? "We are your vassals" includes "I". I mean is this so hard to grasp?
You do speak English in 'merica yea?

I am not jumping on one word I am just reading what you said. You said "we entered vassal ship" you said it not me. If you know English you should know what this means unless you are a total moron. Are you a total moron?

If you do not include diplomatic ties (which I warned you was one of our greatest strengths) in your appraisal of the strength of a faction then you really must be!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Kokosz on July 26, 2011, 07:45:19 pm
We are american we already have instated democracy, and freedom; Which has resulted in a fast-food resturant on every corner. We will be fat and happy by the time you attack.

You forced me to this!We are bringing to you also ZALEWAJKA AND WODZIONKA!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 07:59:43 pm
Yea you know "we" includes "I" right? "We are your vassals" includes "I". I mean is this so hard to grasp?
You do speak English in 'merica yea?

I am not jumping on one word I am just reading what you said. You said "we entered vassal ship" you said it not me. If you know English you should know what this means unless you are a total moron. Are you a total moron?

If you do not include diplomatic ties (which I warned you was one of our greatest strengths) in your appraisal of the strength of a faction then you really must be!
again can you read? i said i did not think to put vorren? as stated due to work him and I have been on different pages, as for diplomatic ties, thats a way of trying to make hiding behind grey look better IMO. If you could not hold all this land by YOURSELF why claim it? why not just join grey order rather than use them as your shield and sword? and again all i see is you trying to paint us as the bad guys, idk why nor care if you care about PR that much, good for you? never had much PR in NA due to for the greater part of my clans history being shadowed by ATS, so again why are you trying to paint us as in the wrong, when ive clearly stated vorren made plans i did not have on my agenda? i feel your using one misthought/mistype of the word we to say i type "i hear by  declare my vassalage"etc which i never typed, if you PR and RP so much why is it you never personally asked me to say that? or have anything besides "WE" which as i stated 3 times now was put without thought of putting vorren. So ill state one last time 
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_Hawk_Cmdr_Harlequin on July 26, 2011, 08:05:49 pm
QQ, total fail in clan management is what brought you here.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 08:19:24 pm
Hereby*  l2english plox.
Then maybe you will not "accidentally" agree to be a vassal.

I am not painting you as "bad guys" I am painting you as treaty breakers and liars. I do not care about PR I am just telling the truth of what happened here. That you guys are so disorganized that you cannot even organise your diplomatic agreements is your problem. So pay the price already, feel free to continue calling us names. If it makes you feel better.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Thick on July 26, 2011, 08:22:19 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 26, 2011, 08:33:50 pm
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Thick on July 26, 2011, 09:09:59 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 09:29:46 pm
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Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Anwyl on July 26, 2011, 09:31:36 pm
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: BaldRider on July 26, 2011, 09:45:31 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Sir Henry on July 26, 2011, 09:47:53 pm
now that spawn has the 60 second delay for attackers and only spawning 1 per second, it will be much easier for defenders to spawn rape :D
this may delay your attack plans
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 10:05:26 pm
They are so scared, I see 4,600 marching to take our single fief... lol

Edit** I think these would be better spent taking a Castle, but we will gladly Slaughter as many 22nd and Grey as possible.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 10:58:48 pm
O DEAR ME!  whos guarding rizi? i hope its more than 2000  :lol:

also ill take disorganization over breaking my word, which I didnt break. because we are disorganized, many of us cant get on daily, only weekly and have work, so im glad we got that out of the way. We are not liars nor oath breakers, im glad you finally decided to clear that up
  That you guys are so disorganized that you cannot even organise your diplomatic agreements is your problem.
and im sure you''ll turn around and say no your disorganized and liars, but yet many of our clan didnt know about it and the higher ups hadn't given you a confirmation of well anything, besides my mistype you haven't anything typed of me agreeing to anything. So rather than destroying "traitors" as you so wrongly branded us, its more of invaders. King Palzek before you reply please post where i agree to vassalage, not that same "we" letter i sent you. because at the moment your using a mistype to say i agreed to something. 
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Punked on July 26, 2011, 11:42:59 pm
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O DEAR ME!  whos guarding rizi? i hope its more than 2000  :lol:

also ill take disorganization over breaking my word, which I didnt break. because we are disorganized, many of us cant get on daily, only weekly and have work, so im glad we got that out of the way. We are not liars nor oath breakers, im glad you finally decided to clear that up  and im sure you''ll turn around and say no your disorganized and liars, but yet many of our clan didnt know about it and the higher ups hadn't given you a confirmation of well anything, besides my mistype you haven't anything typed of me agreeing to anything. So rather than destroying "traitors" as you so wrongly branded us, its more of invaders. King Palzek before you reply please post where i agree to vassalage, not that same "we" letter i sent you. because at the moment your using a mistype to say i agreed to something.

I agree with that last statement tank, yet they are painting us like we did something wrong when all we said was we would like to "Iron out the details" not "I swear our Vassalage" LOL i LAWLYGAGED cuz u guys are all raged over here for something you said we said :) so send those 4.7k troops you just better hope u have rizi protected Mr. Strong dawgg  :wink:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_Hawk_Cmdr_Harlequin on July 26, 2011, 11:43:17 pm
Ohohoho cry moar, you'll be wiped out soon anymore, and we can replace the losses while you can't replace your existance in such a place  :lol:

P.s. Lol, come at Rizi if you like losing even quicker
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 26, 2011, 11:48:10 pm
i said i was attacking? no rizi isnt what im looking at?

22nd dont think every one is your friend just cause grey order is
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Punked on July 26, 2011, 11:49:22 pm
Ohohoho cry moar, you'll be wiped out soon anymore, and we can replace the losses while you can't replace your existance in such a place  :lol:

P.s. Lol, come at Rizi if you like losing even quicker

O cuz im sure this defence is gonna make us wipe our strat accounts LOL man ur a cocky bastard u think your the only ones that can get ur troops back? LOL we'll do the same and come back stronger! I guess guys they think we are gonna quit strat if they win this battle. :) We are Order Of the Lance AKA Order Of the Camp AKA Owning On Top of Leaderboards. Man im mad  8-)
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 26, 2011, 11:49:28 pm
Ohohoho cry moar, you'll be wiped out soon anymore, and we can replace the losses while you can't replace your existance in such a place  :lol:

We are waiting
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Thick on July 26, 2011, 11:56:56 pm
Less talking more fighting.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Olwen on July 27, 2011, 12:02:15 am
No need for pathetic taunting guys. We all know that the game is bugged atm.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 27, 2011, 12:07:05 am
actually i just found out .... :|
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Alex_C on July 27, 2011, 12:36:55 am
I remember the spawning walls, at the famous Battle of the Plates of Buillin.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_Hawk_Cmdr_Harlequin on July 27, 2011, 12:48:50 am
Send who you prefer, they'll be either wiped out on their way or once arrived  :wink:

You can rebuild yourselves where you prefer, yet you'll have to journey through the lands of many clans and find our land even stronger, just to be raped once again, just for the lol of it  :lol:

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 12:49:50 am
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 12:54:07 am
There you guys go again talking like this battle is already pass tense.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_Hawk_Cmdr_Harlequin on July 27, 2011, 12:57:59 am
Well, the point itself is about how many troops we'll lose, not whether you'll win or lose  :lol:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Punked on July 27, 2011, 01:30:19 am
Well, the point itself is about how many troops we'll lose, not whether you'll win or lose  :lol:

Like i said WE ARE : OotL: Order Of The Lance / Order of the Camp / Owning on the Leaderboards.
You can taunt us all u want but that is all i have to say bout ur so called "taunts"
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 01:34:19 am
Well, the point itself is about how many troops we'll lose, not whether you'll win or lose  :lol:

I'm just going to say enjoy your ping.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Renay on July 27, 2011, 02:43:54 am
A highly entertaining thread.
Sticky this please  :o
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 03:50:42 am
I can't believe the Ninja Clan would be Vassals for that pompous ass Plazek
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Sir Henry on July 27, 2011, 03:50:49 am
A highly entertaining thread.
Sticky this please  :o
Yes this :D
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 27, 2011, 04:29:46 am
OotL Diplomat: Hai guis mind if we have Buillin?

Plazek: Sure but you will have to be our vassal, is this acceptable to you?

OotL Diplomat: Sure

Plazek: Cool then you may have it and we can be pals.

Ootl Diplomat: Cheers guy


Later that night!

Tankman: Lal I think we can take these 22nd guys out they not so big! We has independance!


Obviously no treaties were broken!  :rolleyes:
The OotL guys are soooooo honest.

It sure is impressive how you can make judgments on the character of a person you have never even spoken with DANK. You guys are charming.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 04:39:38 am
It sure is impressive how you can make judgments on the character of a person you have never even spoken with DANK. You guys are charming.

Just the impression I got reading what you have written (and i'm not the only one). You lay claim to an area of strategus that you could not hold by yourself's or take by yourself's. You offered us Vassalage after we had moved to the area, and was not interested in an alliance.

You named the area on the map after yourself.... yes I think your pompous
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 27, 2011, 04:48:53 am
Plazekstan is a lulzy name.
It is awesome  :mrgreen:

Of course we claim the area. We have the ability to hold and take it for ourselves as is currently being demonstrated. Sure we happened to use the support of the Greys, this is what diplomacy is for. Diplomacy is part of the game and a part I enjoy a lot. That you OotL seem to have trouble grasping it compared to us does not mean the real benefits it has do not apply to us. You might think me big headed for some things I might have said here but this is a thread where it requires me to state in plain terms the facts of what we will and will not allow. We will not allow you to hold Buillin having gone back on the vassalage agreement. Fact. If saying this is arrogant then so be it. The victors write history and victors we shall be.

I guess that comment is arrogant too right  :lol:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 04:52:05 am

Of course we claim the area. We have the ability to hold and take it for ourselves as is currently being demonstrated. Sure we happened to use the support of the Greys, this is what diplomacy is for.

LOL They gave you 2800+ Troops that is more than twice your army.... support of the Greys
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Renay on July 27, 2011, 05:00:45 am
You guys take this all way too serious, it's just a game.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Matey on July 27, 2011, 05:02:28 am
fight first, talk second (or not at all).
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 27, 2011, 05:06:14 am
But talking is half of the fun  :wink:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Cyclopsided on July 27, 2011, 05:25:30 am
If i am on when this fight goes down, count me in. Uumdi, too.
Highest bidder gets me. If you buy me a few sets of heavy armor to spawn in, then there is no price to hire me.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: MadScientist22 on July 27, 2011, 09:55:35 am
But talking is half of the fun  :wink:

Indeed. I'll be honest, you seem like a decent guy. Disorganization got us into this mess as one hand wasn't noticing what the other was doing. We got backed into a corner. Perhaps if it was just you making a show of strength, it could've ended diplomatically (though the chance of it ending amicably had been lost).

Harpag the Grey however is arrogant and a warmonger. He lays claim to the title Lord of Praven when neither he nor anyone owns a city yet. His so-called terms mock us with every word and slander our name. The Grey Order needs to be defied before it manages to cow every faction into vassalage simply by threats. It is unfortunate that we must fight you as well, for I think we could've cohabited had it not been for The Grey. But if we must fight, so be it. I will saddle up with my fellow knights and refuse to go quietly into the night.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Darkkarma on July 27, 2011, 10:10:18 am
fight first, talk second (or not at all).
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_Hawk_Cmdr_Harlequin on July 27, 2011, 10:21:38 am
But.. but... The pre-battle trolling is part of the battle itself  :(
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Amo_the_Grey on July 27, 2011, 10:42:17 am
Nothing else can do much better than good troll before battle. I'm glad to OotL gave good food for troll. All in all this whole "talk" is deprived sense becouse history is described by winners. In future OotL will be exist only in mind of citizens of this little country. ;) I can't stand this waiting for battle.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: MadScientist22 on July 27, 2011, 10:55:37 am
I know, what are you waiting for? We see your 4541 troops parked right outside of Buillin. The most epic battle ever in Strategus on the horizon and you decide to just remain teases. Whatever the result, this is going to be a battle to remember.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Anwyl on July 27, 2011, 11:05:35 am
I know, what are you waiting for? We see your 4541 troops parked right outside of Buillin. The most epic battle ever in Strategus on the horizon and you decide to just remain teases. Whatever the result, this is going to be a battle to remember.

Teasing just makes it that much sweeter when it goes in.  :lol:

Couldn't help myself.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 27, 2011, 11:08:33 am
also chadz royally fucked the whole spawn thing, so i expect a day or so til patch is out, god waiting for death and glory gets... boring
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Kalp on July 27, 2011, 11:27:16 am
I'm just going to say enjoy your ping.
When the shadows come, your ping will disappear in darkness and then your souls find peace  :twisted:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Gheritarish le Loki on July 27, 2011, 12:16:49 pm
This thread is to funny...

Guys trying to justify why they attack another faction... (Just like bush with mdw).

Justify what is the goal of the mod : battles...

Too funny...

Hey i'm the knight it´s me that have valour and honor!!

No it´s me, i have the honor!!

Seems someone has stopped to rp and realy think he´s a knight...
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on July 27, 2011, 12:25:08 pm
This game involves politics what do you expect?
This is not even the tip of the iceberg.

Anyway the similarities with Bush and Iraq are practically nil, l2analogy.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 27, 2011, 12:28:46 pm
guys i went TWO hand  :shock: just though every one should know.. since every one reads this for drama.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on July 27, 2011, 12:34:51 pm
I'm two-hander aswell! We can be buddies!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Punked on July 27, 2011, 01:03:28 pm
2Hander as well.  8-)
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Gheritarish le Loki on July 27, 2011, 01:19:15 pm
hey you are the good guy, he´s the bad guy with no game honor!

But who cares if he has no honor, its a game, they just try to protect their small clan against a bigger one (or alliance).
Did they have any choice from the begining? Be our vassals or die, its not realy a choice...
Is it honorable to say be our vassal our die?

The goal of strat is total supremacy, big clans will always pwn smaller one, what do they have to justify their action on the forum? (talking in general, not only you your highness)

Anyway thx for the drama!

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: BaldRider on July 27, 2011, 01:26:06 pm
hey you are the good guy, he´s the bad guy with no game honor!

But who cares if he has no honor, its a game, they just try to protect their small clan against a bigger one (or alliance).
Did they have any choice from the begining? Be our vassals or die, its not realy a choice...
Is it honorable to say be our vassal our die?

The goal of strat is total supremacy, big clans will always pwn smaller one, what do they have to justify their action on the forum? (talking in general, not only you your highness)

Anyway thx for the drama!

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Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Kokosz on July 27, 2011, 01:50:11 pm
I know, what are you waiting for?

5 O'CLOCK!   (02:45)
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Nemeth on July 27, 2011, 02:03:30 pm
Good thread, would read again.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Phyrex on July 27, 2011, 02:05:19 pm
Overlord Phyrexus Maximus E-Peenus the Conqueror, General of the 1st Legion, is now laying siege to the village of Buillin.

Buillin which is known throughout the land as a place of villainy, decievers and traitors will see no tomorrow.

The Plazekstanian Nation with its most honorable ally, Order of the Grey, will show no mercy to traitors.

Let the destruction of Boullin serve as an example of what happens when you don't keep your word.
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Harpag on July 27, 2011, 02:06:51 pm
Three times I warned you. The fact that you do not know how to read in your native language, it's not my fault. All the nonsense that you writes here, show a fundamental inability to think logically. Look again at the ultimatum. In the case if we came to an agreement then we offered support (read - another village for your faction) and the new opening in relations. Of course, now when I know that you have problems with your head, there is no such possibility. The only argument of what you understand, is a primitive force.
Now, when I look at your wailing and crying, is born in me compassion. Meet my generosity.
If King_Plazek will allow you to escape to the east, I have nothing against it... but, if I see that you have the audacity to shoot one's mouth, change my mind.

PS. Yes, in fact I forgot to update the signature. "Lord of Praven" is a remnant of an earlier Strategus, hehe, I will keep it specially for you  :)

As you do not know, do not write stupid things. You really have problems with your head ...


hehe, too late  :twisted:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Magikarp on July 27, 2011, 02:10:17 pm
Remember remember, the fifth of november.

Forget the idiots who go against the Greys though =).
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Babelfish on July 27, 2011, 03:00:32 pm

But who cares if he has no honor, its a game, they just try to protect their small clan against a bigger one (or alliance).
Did they have any choice from the begining? Be our vassals or die, its not realy a choice...
Is it honorable to say be our vassal our die?

The goal of strat is total supremacy, big clans will always pwn smaller one, what do they have to justify their action on the forum? (talking in general, not only you your highness)

Yeah, instead of just annihilating them from the outset (when they wanted to settle in 22nd's territory), they gave them the honor of becoming vassals to one of the major players in the last & current strategus. 

The choice was, become vassals of a powerful clan whom is one of the few able to win this shit, or leave the area. They took 22nd's offer, when they kept the village. They were now by all accounts vassals to a greater clan, only some details needed to be sorted out.

I think some people have skewed perspective on strategus. This is not 'hello kitty adventures' but a cutthroat risk style game.

The strong prey on the weak.
  Thu, 14:00 we Feast!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on July 27, 2011, 03:39:41 pm
Someone fraps this and use this music, do eet!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: ManOfWar on July 27, 2011, 03:57:47 pm
Can someone talkt to chadz and have that satupid 4v0 battle removed.

If the bullian battle is 1 hour earlier or even better 2 hour earlier, I could actually make it
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 04:12:40 pm
Guess I get to wake up at 8am tomorrow
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Kokosz on July 27, 2011, 04:44:48 pm
Someone fraps this and use this music, do eet!

With Our ping and Ootl skill this music is better -  ,
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 04:48:53 pm
With Our ping and Ootl skill this music is better -

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Amo_the_Grey on July 27, 2011, 05:52:45 pm
Dear friends from 22nd. I have one big request. May you buy some Swiss Halberds for me :*

yeaa... we still feed troll
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: ManOfWar on July 27, 2011, 07:09:13 pm
Can someone talkt to chadz and have that satupid 4v0 battle removed.

If the bullian battle is 1 hour earlier or even better 2 hour earlier, I could actually make it

I go to work at 8 am, can the battle be made an hour earlier?
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: 22nd_Hawk_Cmdr_Harlequin on July 27, 2011, 07:09:49 pm
Eeeeh no!  :lol:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Torak on July 27, 2011, 07:27:01 pm
Knuckle up boys! Put on your wizard caps and ready the photon torpedoes because evil has come to middle earth. Megaman and the flash can't defeat ganondorf alone. They'll need our help to retake the moon and vanquish Sephiroth. Spam trade and build an army, because tonight, the spartans will crush the puny balrocs of morgoth and take Narnia back in the name of the space federation! FOR SCOTLAND! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!

This battle will be epic OoL fight for there freedome 22nd for what's right glory to us al!
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 07:52:26 pm
What would we do without Freedom... Fight for you? Run? You shall pay for you wickedness with your lives. You are cowards, and fear to face us even with an army twice the size. You come to ransack our village while we are sleeping, and think you have already won. I would rather die then bow to a Tyrant such as Plazek or his Allies.

<---Your going to be the Colorful Fish
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 27, 2011, 08:28:16 pm
BLESS THE LADY OF THE LAKE I CAN FIGHT!!! no work for the next 3 day  8-)
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Kalp on July 27, 2011, 08:34:17 pm
We rape this lady also  :twisted:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Punked on July 27, 2011, 08:40:13 pm
All Hail GrandMaster_Tankmen_OotL for his courageous attempts to ward off those filthy tyrants that command the Grey/22nd.

You have combined your numbers just to attempt to take out a small faction like our selves, now we shall see who will Conquer nd decimate this battle we call Remember Buillin. Correction, we shall now see who will conquer and decimate this battle for Our HomeLand Buillin. You better pray for a miracle Grey and 22nd for we will not be a easy faction to step on.

You Shall now bow to us you not just to our courage to ward off you filthy blood thirsty tyrants but also to our Bravery in battle to stand up to an army that is twice our size nd not Noble enough to attack at a Decent time for both parties, we shall now see ur numbers in battle, Let the RoflStomping commence.

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: New_Player_FTW on July 27, 2011, 08:50:12 pm
You better pray for a miracle Grey and 22nd

*yawn* Yeaaa. Who cares? You guys know so small about this game. Once the Greys were in one small Village. Gisim. All together. We were small faction. Just like you. When we decided to stand up and fight just like you we were given almost the same proposal you were. We took advantage of our actions - we backed ooff our battles. We lost almost 8k tickets i think. Fully equiped. Not a single shot was fired in the battles we lost. Because we were smart. We made our mistake our stenght. We got new allias and perspective to expand our borders. Now you can see where we came. "Polish war machine". We will always remember Gisim and our origins. We were smart. The history came in our favor for now. I'm amazed by one thing tankmen - how can you just loose all your players hard effort and ruining it with this bad moves.

Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: Olwen on July 27, 2011, 08:58:13 pm
All Hail GrandMaster_Tankmen_OotL

chocolate chip cookie KKK ? :x
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 27, 2011, 09:03:24 pm
let me say on last thing, its a game, had we back down who knows if we will ever get to fight you guys again? already chadz is planning to split the continents into NA/EU Too many people have cried out for it due to, well for example what you did, attacked at 5 AM for us, no one has fun after 5-8 battles like that. So if it is split and wiped after a few weeks from this battle, we shouldn't really care, personally id like the "hate" we have to cease to exist, if the strategus's are split we will never see you guys again  :( . no reason to dislike some one you will never encounter again. So you have my Word(copying it,save it,idc) that if in the unlikely chance we win, I personally will not say or do anything to you guys bragging wise, for the battle will be fun and historical in the sense it is the largest so far in this beta. With that out of the way i look forward to seeing you guys on the battle field, LET THERE BE BLOOD!!!

chocolate chip cookie KKK ? :x
im german   :lol:
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: DANK on July 27, 2011, 09:07:58 pm
So you have my Word(copying it,save it,idc) that if in the unlikely chance we win, I personally will not say or do anything to you guys bragging wise

You will not receive such a luxury from me muhahaha
Title: Re: Remember Buillin...
Post by: tankmen on July 27, 2011, 09:09:23 pm
to those trolls looking to enjoy more talking im sorry, locking this thread another will be made after the battle by me posting the results and KD of the defenders