Grey Orders Ultimatum
In the first Strategus, you were our enemy. You certainly remember well the pseudo-battle (Balanli).
I'm sure you remember what methods you used (poll on kick and ban + bug abuse)
Now our friends have trouble with you (22nd). You broke the word and have lost trust.
I have over 10 000 trooops and I can afford to lose the 1000 or 2000, and completely destroy you. I do not like to lose troops, but you annoy me and I have no problem with the loss.
Say, do you want it? If not, I have a suggestion for you. Proposal not to the reject. Become our friend, have the support in roster from the whole alliance, but you have to leave Buillin.
King_Plazek will show you a place where you have to move and fight with our enemies. If you do as I say, it will be a new opening in our relations. If not, you will pay dearly. Remember that I always keep my word.
Today I want to see on the map, as you leave Buillin. If you do not see, I treat it as a refusal.
If you think about the development of your faction, listen to me. For a given you the chance , thank King Plazek.
My Reply
As you can imagine, they are probably starting up their Polish war machine. Owning 10 villages i expect their armies to shake the ground.
We, The Brave Knights of the Lance, will try to drag down as many as we can. But We suffer a lack of Archers, I'd like any decent NA Archer to look for our battles.
Make no Mistake, we don't expect victory. But we will make Buillin run red with Polish blood. And maybe in the future this monster will be stopped. Right now they sent 1148 to us. I'm frankly annoyed at that, they haven't even half our troop count.
Let me tell you a story...
So one day the OotL moved into Buillin, their diplomat was wise and came to talk to me. He requested that they move into Buillin and I told them this would be no problem so long as they would be willing to pay, with their loyalty by becoming a vassal. They agreed to do this with little hesitation and they had my blessing to rule the village with the support and protection of the 22nd, with the promise of new territories being awarded in exchange for their support at wartime and even freedom when they are large enough to stand alone as our equals and allies.
This went well, Lord Voren seemed the reasonable and diplomatic type, however he had to go on leave for just 3 days. A day after he left I was sent a message from the OotL leader, Tankmen, he informed me that they were no longer our vassal and declared their independence, with no regard for our agreement, nor any respect for the 22nd domination of this area.
That they now complain when we bring in our good friends the Grey order to help crush their rebellion is laughable. They declared their independance, they declined the protection of the 22nd and they steal our fief. They break a treaty made just 24 hours earlier.
This is the result of revolt. Annihilation.
We can release private discussion too:
Lord Voren: Hey boss, I will not be able to make the 22nds battle, but you tihink Tankman could go just to represent us as allies?
Plazek: sure
Plazek: we will sign him up
Plazek: good job btw
Plazek: on taking buillin
Plazek: low casualties i hope?
Lord Voren: 0
Plazek: haha
Plazek: nice one
Lord Voren: Thanks, some of our guys are getting restless, anything for us to kill? [CHAOS]
Plazek: i sent them some PMs yesterday and they seem to be backing off some
Lord Voren: have you told them about us yet?
Plazek: not yet
Lord Voren: good
Lord Voren: give us the element of supprise when and if they do something stupid
Plazek: indeed
Plazek: also
Plazek: i will probably need to speak to you guys later
Plazek: about formalising our agreement
Plazek: as you should remember
Plazek: when we spoke of you holding buillin
Plazek: i said there would be possible things you might have to agree to
Plazek: vassalage/tribute and the like?
Lord Voren: indeed
Lord Voren: Well, I will be gone till sunday for my birthday, so if we need to do that now we can.
Plazek: ok
Plazek: well
Plazek: i will need to speak to my people
Plazek: to sort out the final version
Plazek: but for now
Plazek: i can tell you what soret of deal i will be wanting
Lord Voren: alright
Plazek: if you are prepared to be a vassal of the 22nd
Plazek: then you will get a similar deal to the ninja
Plazek: you will get our protection
Plazek: our support
Plazek: this includes
Plazek: rewarding you with fiefs
Plazek: in the event of winning them in wars
Plazek: and the POSSIBILITY
Plazek: of being granted a castle in our current area
Plazek: but do not take that to be a promise
Plazek: we have already handed out
Plazek: 5 villages
Plazek: 3 castles
Plazek: from our initial claims
Plazek: for diplomatic reasons
Plazek: but war rewards are assured
Plazek: so
Plazek: that is what you would get from us
Plazek: in exchange
Plazek: you would answer to us
Plazek: fight where we ask
Plazek: support us in wars
Plazek: and should we require it
Plazek: (we will not be unreasonable)
Plazek: provuide gold and troops
Plazek: we can go over details
Plazek: as specific as you like
Plazek: if you wish to make it a tight contract
Plazek: or leave it more open
Plazek: with ninja
Plazek: it is pretty open
Plazek: but that is because they know us
Plazek: and we know them
Plazek: obviously our clans are not so close
Plazek: so we may want a tighter contract
Plazek: i think that is
Plazek: the general idea
Plazek: sound reaosnable to you?
Lord Voren: Yeah, like you said, iron out the details, and we will make it final on sunday or monday upon my return
Lord Voren: Tankman knows little of diplomacy
Plazek: that is fine by me
Plazek: ther eis no rush
Plazek: so far
Plazek: you have prioven yourselves to be reasonable
Plazek: and of course
Plazek: should the rewards of wars
Plazek: prove to be great
Plazek: and you are able to gain a decent number of fiefs elsewhere
Plazek: you can be free of you8r vassalage one day
Plazek: with our blessing
Plazek: and be allies
Plazek: as equals
Plazek: so long as we get back our initial fiefs Smile
Plazek: ie
Plazek: buillin
Plazek: btw
Plazek: you may not be aware
Plazek: an army of den bitre
Plazek: appears to be approaching buillin
Plazek: you may wanna check that out Wink
Lord Voren: Oh, I have been
Lord Voren: unfortunatly though I cant find out ANYTHING on them
Lord Voren: other then everyone thought they were gone from last strat
Plazek: i will see what i can do
Lord Voren: Also, We upped our tax and scattered the ones who were in here so fair warning to you as well, they might scurry to kulum or more east
Plazek: ok
Plazek: good to know
Plazek: either way
Plazek: they will be dealt with
Plazek: if they do attack buillin
Plazek: and are able to beat you
Plazek: then should you agree to vassalage
Plazek: our first action will be retaking the village
Plazek: and giving it back tot he right fukl owners
Plazek: ie
Plazek: yourselves
Lord Voren: well, im going to tell you a secret
Lord Voren: Chaos treats us like 2nd hand citizens because we are not a LARGE clan, so they were "helping" us in the begining, insulting us but giving us some tips. In doing so, and after that scrim were we beat them, they lossend up a bit and they think we are on friendlly terms. We can use this, and give chaos false information
Plazek: cool
Plazek: well
Plazek: should it be required
Plazek: that could be useful Smile
Plazek: personally
Plazek: i like to try and be up front as much as possible
Plazek: and not resort to such sneaky tactics Tongue
Lord Voren: I have more information too, but I will wait, cant give it all up right away right? Tongue
Plazek: hehhe
Plazek: best keep an ace or few up your sleeve Wink
Plazek: anyway
Plazek: rest assured
Lord Voren: well, you should know now that we have no thought plan or anything to backstab you
Plazek: if you guys do agree to this vassalge deal
Plazek: you will have us at your back 100%
Lord Voren: All we want is reasurance
Plazek: we will honour our treaties tot he letter
Lord Voren: that you wont attack us
Plazek: as we always have
Plazek: and will put the wellbeing of the OotL on a level equal with 22nd and ninja
Plazek: you will be a client state of the 22nd
Plazek: but
Plazek: i like to think
Plazek: for a small faction
Plazek: it is worth it for the benefits Smile
Lord Voren: I think we will prove ourselves for you soon enough
Plazek: and as said
Plazek: should you seek independance
Plazek: then one day
Plazek: i am sure you will achieve it
Plazek: when you prove your abilities in battles against our wenemies Laughing
The day after:
I am sorry to say, but I and many of my Knight Lords have come to the conclusion that Vassal ship will not be beneficial further down the road, I also feel that we would be unable to fulfill our obligations to you as vassals, due to different time zone and EU ping. This is not a declaration of war nor do I want it to be, Id like to remain neutral or even still help you NA server wise. We again do not plan on starting war, and i wish you luck with defending Haen from Brothers in Arms, who sadly are EU so we would be unable to help, though im sure you wouldn't need it. Again sorry if this causes any disruption, but we entered vassal ship in haste, and in many of my Knight lords mouths it tasted ...Bitter
Lance L Tankmen
Grand Master of the Order of the Lance
ex-White Knight