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Topics - Ecko

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cRPG Technical problems / Leech XP exploit
« on: April 30, 2011, 08:14:00 pm »
I hate posting stuff on the forums like this because it could allow more to exploit...

I just was told that if someone calls an admin a leecher via the system, and the admin does not respond, the player gets a multiplier and the admin doesn't get kicked.

Easily exploited without a way for me to know.

General Discussion / 250 NA Accounts Banned
« on: April 30, 2011, 06:49:14 pm »

Dear chadz,

Your bans were not 100% accurate.

I have always, even with garguro, have been against exploiting.

Had i known that CTF was bugged, i would have shut it down.

I was on for a good 12 hours yesterday monitoring servers and the CTF server under my control was never at peak load. No problems were reported to me, nor did any ATS play for more than 5 or 10 minutes without realizing that without a proper map (spawn points Airith_ATS needs in order to make) makes the game mode shitty.

Its come to my conclusion that you banned based of XP. Great, you banned the ATS who were testing defend the village.

Almost 24 hours ago I reported to CMPX that the mode is majorly flawed and if left open to the public could be exploited. I EVEN warned other servers not under my management in order to prevent what you just did.

10 ATS, myself included played on a private 10 person pw locked defend the village server where it was carefully watched and tested. We played for a good 6 hours with good teamwork in which we earned a lot of XP. But in no instance did we break or abuse the game.

I locked the 10 man Defend the village server after doing testing in which I reported to cmpx that it was majorly bugged. I stat there and monitored the players and no exploiting was going on. Nor was the server ever CTF.

Might i mention that other servers that you decided to hook up to your database not under my control were also at some point running Defend the Village, in which i contacted the server owners and warned them not to let the public play because of something as crazy as this might happen.

I am very disappointed that after the many months I've been running the NA servers out of my own pocket and time you would go about doing something like this. I've done nothing but try and help you and the NA community.

ps. I wanted to talk to you in private but i couldn't even get 5 minutes of your time.

Events & Tournaments / ATS vs Acre Scrim
« on: April 24, 2011, 08:22:24 pm »
I challenge you guys to a 20v20 scrim. First to 5, best out of 3 maps. To be fought on the NA Strategus server. Maps will be native(Snowy village, Nord Town, Field by a River, ect). You get to pick 2 maps, ATS gets to pick the 3rd if it gets that far.

If Acre wins, we will close down the siege server.

If ATS wins, you close down your battle server.

Or we can just play for fun :P

Closed Requests / Construction Sites
« on: April 23, 2011, 07:02:12 pm »
Dear Community....

Recently i attempted to allow construction sites but i didn't realize how hard i made it for the admins. Therefore i retract my statement.

Don't use construction sites even for healing tents.

Game On.

General Discussion / Admin Changes (NA)
« on: April 05, 2011, 10:38:57 pm »
Two admins recently have decided to step down as admins. They are:




Both, though they've had conflict with players, have done the task for the most part that i asked them to do. This is not a troll post just a statement. New admins will be decided by Hospitaller_Devilize and Gash_ATS. Please do not troll these players for their actions if you have a grudge. They have helped the NA community more than most know.

Spam / Varric
« on: March 31, 2011, 05:28:29 pm »
It goes like this:

I joined IRC....minding my own business...when all of a sudden i read the Topic for the channel.  It gave away the ending to Dragon Age 2 by stating
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I asked who did it and braeden told me it was Varric.

He just cost me 60 bucks. I demand he loses his admin and be shunned!  :evil:

Closed Requests / MOVED: Unban please
« on: February 15, 2011, 02:12:38 am »

Closed Requests / MOVED: Unban
« on: February 08, 2011, 05:48:08 pm »

Closed Requests / MOVED: [UNBAN] Banned for profanity
« on: February 01, 2011, 10:02:40 pm »

« on: January 24, 2011, 08:46:15 pm »
I've read most of the topics, and heard most of the complaints.

Most of you know me, and for those of you who don't....I used to be the guy who did the unbanning rather than the other way thats so popular. Recently change in my personal life has made it difficult for me to give full attention to the ban list which is frustrating to some (mainly the ones who are banned).

I'm here to discuss and state my opinion on the so called ATS servers.

Fact 01. How the hell did ATS get the permission to run a server?
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Fact 02. How do the rules get determined? And who picks the admins?
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Because of the bitching that has been going on, its had me cross examine the situation. I've noticed a couple of things.
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The solution will be as follows:

I will be leaving due to personal reasons for a time period not yet determined.

Gash_ATS will be taking up my role. He's a good guy, unbiased, and respectable. The only problem some of you might have is that he is french Canadian, other than that, treat him with respect like most of you have me.

The Hospitaller 100 Man server will combine (if Devilize approves) with the rest of the NA server ban lists, besides STO.

New admins will be appointed. Gash_ATS will pick 6 admins, and Devilize will picks 6. Then at the end of the day they will both look at the lists and discuss any disputes. PLEASE NOTE: These lists will not pertain to just ATS or Hospitaller. I know for a fact non ATS members have already been chosen.

Further more, if there is any questions please direct them to this thread. This isn't a thread to ask to be unbanned, or a thread to mock or troll. Constructive suggestions are requested.

General Discussion / Bringin It Back
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:20:57 pm »
Time for Spartans again. Heed the call on NA!

Faction Halls / [ATS] Among the Shadows (North American)
« on: January 09, 2011, 08:30:02 am »
Among the Shadows
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ATS Summary:
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ATS Games:
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ATS CRPG Warband:
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ATS CRPG Ranking System

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ATS CRPG Warband Alliance:
Currently ATS is proud to be part and one of the founders of the Northern Empire. This alliance consists of nK, Takeda, Hospitaller, Eastern Tsardom, Occitan, and of course ATS.
Our Claims:
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Strategus History
Part 1:
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Part 2:
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ATS CRPG Warband Roster:
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Faction Halls / The Northern Empire Official Thread.
« on: January 09, 2011, 08:25:26 am »
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Today I'm please to announce the official declaration of the first Northern Empire. Territory originally known to belong to the Northern Republic(Consisting of ATS, NK, and Takeda) will be no more. Instead, NK and Takeda will be merging into ATS on strategus, and giving up their land to Hospitaller and Eastern Tsdardom.

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A new power is arising. ATS, NK, Takeda, Hospitaller, Occitan, Eastern Tsardom, and Chaos will be creating the first Northern Empire. Separate factions operating as one body.


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*Concept Art*

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