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Messages - Dr_Device

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General Discussion / Re: THE DANKEST DUNGEON: cRPG Edition
« on: June 27, 2017, 07:27:14 am »
Quick spoiler that might as well not be a spoiler because it's bullshit but maybe you'll want to skip this post if you really want to keep the run blind.

Darkest Dungeon's difficulty curve is bad. The jump from novice to veteran dungeons isn't too bad, it's mostly just slightly tougher base enemies and a few new ones who are basically just beefier versions of what you've fought before. Stacking damage is viable and feels recommended because some of those new enemies have very large health pools. Then you'll get up to champion (level 5) dungeons and all of a sudden enemy critical hit and dodge rates and resistances explode out of fucking nowhere and if you're not stacking dodge and accuracy on your characters you're going to be repeatedly missing your attacks while enemies land critical hits on you back to back. Then not only do you have to grind out more high level characters to replace the ones you lose but you'll also need to grind out new items since you were probably farming for bonus damage and sanity reduction before and don't have any really good dodge/accuracy items.

Basically, resistance and accuracy trinkets are kind of pointless early to mid game because you can stack damage through veteran dungeons without much issue, but if you don't have good accuracy/dodge/resistance items and quirks by level 5 you're going to get screwed because all of a sudden those stats become king.

Fight me.

Personally I'd love a duel or 2v2 tournament.

General Discussion / Re: i am sad(rip crpg thread)
« on: June 20, 2016, 05:28:20 am »
I spent so long grinding up rep so I could +/- posts on these forums then you fuckers went and let the game die. Thanks.

A c-rpg discord is definitely a thing that should happen though. If for no other reason than to keep the community together for okam and mb2.


This is the deal though. Everyone that was involved in this gets a 2-day ban with the exception of Mcdeath due to his extensive ban history

The catch is though if anything like this happens again in the future they will wipe your characters to anyone that decides to get involved.

Thank you for compromising at least. I still don't agree with banning 19 active players, even for two days, because I don't think aggravating this mod's already bleeding community is the smart move for securing its continued existence. That said, I can understand an admin wanting to stop people spamming "friend" in chat, and two days is a hell of a lot better than what they were looking at before.

Skipping the usual ban thread format because this is a very unusual case. I don't have a list for everyone banned but I'm sure Desire made a list to keep track of her kill count lol.

Personally, throwing around racial epithets and joining in on general chat stupidity isn't my cup of tea, but I do prefer it when c-RPG actually has players.

General Discussion / Re: fuck bows
« on: March 30, 2016, 05:46:50 am »
But have you guys seen this video?

Lars is an impressive trick shooter, but the historical claims made in the video are largely wrong, and he uses light bows with only a partial draw to do most of these stunts.

General Discussion / Re: Upcoming patch
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:12:47 am »
Why the hell do people want to buff cavalry against archers. One of the major benefits of archers in medieval times was arrows being a massive "fuck you" to horses.

An easier solution would be to save a point or two to carry a shitty shield on your back you can use while closing with archers. If you're going to spec 100 % into your heavy weapon melee build you need to accept the vulnerability you're putting yourself at with arrows.

General Discussion / Re: Upcoming patch
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:37:04 pm »
EU and NA on same map? Otherwise it's pointless for EU side as there are no players at all. Just make defending faction decide which server it's played on.


Fuck that. Fuck everything about fighting EU as NA. I'm done with dealing with EU nighttime settings set for NA prime time. We just got done with a big war with EU and the stupidity of the geography difference made the whole experience bad.

General Discussion / Re: Upcoming patch
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:05:03 pm »
-Strat reset - confirmed with chadz

Made my balls tingle.

General Discussion / Re: LOTTERY 45 MIO GOLD 42 LOOMPOINTS over 60 +3 ITEMS
« on: November 26, 2015, 12:48:00 am »
4 8 15 16 23 42

You are such a fucking nerd.

Anyways my numbers:

4 8 15 16 23 42.

..Jokes aside I'm going with 12 21 41 25 36 72

NA (Official) / Re: Ban DEPLOY_SHIELDS and Tiny_Glancer
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:09:52 pm »
Yes that was me, I had drank a lot last night. I forwarded this topic to the head admin and I am willing to face whatever punishment or demotion that is given to me.

I apologize profusely for this, I do not even remember doing this at all, I was rather shocked when I came to check the ban section and saw a thread for me here.

Well damn it. It's always easier to throw up a ban thread when the person you ban thread is a massive douche about it.

Anyways, I slept on it and regret putting this thread up. It was annoying, but not really a big enough deal to ban thread people over, especially since he was very obviously drunk at the time. Not sure what it'll accomplish since he's already forwarded this thread, but I'd like to retract my complaint.

NA (Official) / Ban DEPLOY_SHIELDS and Tiny_Glancer
« on: October 28, 2015, 07:01:49 am »
1. Name of your character involved - Devak
2. Name of offending character(s) - DEPLOY_SHIELDS and Tiny_Glancer
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible - NA1 ~10:50 PM PST, October 27th.
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. - Tiny_Glancer and DEPLOY_SHIELDS started team killing each other. When one died they would reconnect to the server and double spawn then go kill the other. The server was getting smaller at that point so having 2 useless teammates was basically a guaranteed loss.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did. - They're idiots.
6. Multiple Screenshots
(click to show/hide)
7. Names of players that can witness what happened. - Gallonigher, Gigglebyte, Davic.

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