well, i may probably be the only one who thinks this way, but i think the balance by banner was probably one of the things i most disliked about the patch. I'll keep it plain and simple why.
In a game like this where people NEED gold for upkeep, it gives large clans who have 10-20 people on at a time(ecspecially all on the same server and on a server as small as an 80man server) an unfair advantage(basically farming gold and xp). I've seen this happening lately where people who are clanless or have few clan members on at that time lose 3-6 maps in a row, causing them to lose a lot of gold even though they have cheap equipment.
I know people in clans love playing the game with tactics and teamwork, but a public server is NOT a place to do this. If you have a clan that is large and are teamwork-minded, they need to be playing on a private server, auto-balance off, and seperate teams by their choosing. basically an inter-clan scrimmage if you will.
(possibly invite other clan(s) to join if said clan doesnt want to split grouping)
Btw, i dont think something like an autobalancer like that which was put into place pre-patch would fix this. That is because if you ARE playing tactically and working as a team no one or two people will have the majority of the kills.