Caravan Guild Bazaar - Buy
Please check our sell thread here:
Caravan Guild Bazaar - SellOk, so the Caravan Guild, being a guild full of merchants, is putting together this thread for everything that they would like to buy and sell.
Items without a price are open to offers.
We are looking to buy ANY heirloomed items so please contact us if you believe you have something that you think we'll need!
Search and Find ServiceThe Guild also offers a search and find service for people who are unable to obtain a certain item either because they are too busy or they are unable to pick up the right deals. We all know how difficult it is to find the right items, troll through the massive number of threads to find the ONE item that you need, well now the Caravan Guild will help you in your time of crisis and all we ask is that if a deal goes through that we gain a finders fee for the items.
Furthermore, if you find the item yourself then just throw us a message and you'll pay no fee!
We also help people sell their items by using our range of contacts and merchants to get you the prices YOU deserve!
For more information please contact
Tennenoth (Guard_BD_Tenne) and he'll explain everything or start the search for you!
Format: Name of Player - Item [Price &/or Item] - [Offers in place]