cRPG can be quite entertaining, but after some days, or weeks, you realize that there are two groups who just meet at some part of the map, and spam the crap out of each other, no tactics, no fun, no teamwork, at all.
Siege was the first step in breaking the line of "two teams slaughtering everything that moves, until one team dies out" mode. It can be a bit boring.
So, what about making maps, suited for objective-based game-modes? We could have a map with Two castles for an example, (Like the face2 towers map in Unreal Tournament) it would be an excellent CTF type of map. Or whatever.
Also, Conquest would be awesome.
It would play out like a Medieval Battlefield game.
These would reintroduce some basic teamplay, and tactics.
Some new and fun experiences are needed for the somewhat tired-bored community of cRPG.
I'll add a poll as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading.