i was asked lately several times what char builds the wolves would need, as always it is up to you lads, but if you think you would be fine with the idear of a fast troop rolling over the flanks, than i would suggest a minimum athletics requirement of 8.
Keep in mind on the flanks there are always a) Cav b) ranged my old friends c) ninjas (love you guys
) d) other high athletic builds.
So you need to be prepared for these or be like them in some ways. If you wanna go ranged i would prefer thrower hybrids over bow/xbow hybrids as they need too long to aim and get often easily separated. Flanking needs movement and surprise through using the terrain to get out of sight of these troops we encounter. Still this wont be a strict requirement or rule for this clan, we are mercs we pick up what is left from the dead on the fields of blood and gore
also i want to welcome the new wolves Ironclaw, Prance and Manwe within our ranks.
Prance you had been with the wolves earlier on you don't need the recruiting tag.
If you have steam, please take me into the steam list so i can add you to the wolves group,
which is used for some organizational stuff.
Don't forget to check on ts or camp it so we all get know each other and have some fun.