Hello everyone.
I come to you with a HUUUUUGE small problem, which I might not be the only one to have :
A friend of mine who will be my roommate for a little while, finally decided to start playing cRPG. He does not have a steam account and bought Warband from talesworld directly : so I downloaded the last version of Warband on their site, installed it so I would have 2 different versions of the game installed, one on Steam, and the Talesworld's one.
But it appears every character he creates is created on my account, with my key. I just can't dissociate the two accounts so that he can play without accessing all my stuff (he almost did "skip the fun", I would have lost 6 characters and 9 heirloom points... And I would have had to murder him, which would have lead to greater problems...), I don't know why.
Anybody has an idea ? He tried to create a Steam account, but can't activate Warband on it with the key he got from Talesworld.
I tried a lot of things, uninstalled and installed back both games, or only one : we even validated his key while logging on a Native server with his version of the game, but it didn't helped, when he created another character, it xas just considered one of my alts.
I searched this forum, and Talesworld's one, try to look for keys in the registry (Currrent user, software, warbandkeys), and it seems that I can have only one key registered on my computer at the same time...
Sorry to bother you guyz with that... The most simple thing would be to successfully activate his warband version on Steam, but he just can't... (he has a regular 4x4 key).
If anyone has a solution, I'd be most gratefull.