Total Members Voted: 54
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Fuck the pubbies.
Maybe you are not bad, but you are a boring person. Well, that's the end of the matter.
I disagree with the class system, but saved loadouts would be a very nice feature. Just 5 saved sets of gear you can name/change on the website, can have the same item in multiple sets. At round start you just pick which set to use and all the gear is loaded.
stupid idea...sort negatives the whole RPG aspect of the game
??IMO it amplifies the Role playing aspect even more..Having customizable classes means you can even create a role playing class.I really see no negatives to this.1. Spartan Loadout2. money making loadout3. Cavalry loadoutetc etc
classes implies DIFFERENT SPECS/build. LOADOUT is a completely different term. Dont confuse or interuse the 2. Saveable Loadouts (equipment) = good
You need to rephrase the OP, I voted no without reading the thread.
A lot of people in the NA community know that Dach rages and in the process of his uncontrollable rage, he tends to kick people.