Author Topic: Spam wise, patch failed  (Read 6731 times)

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Re: Spam wise, patch failed
« Reply #60 on: January 15, 2011, 07:10:03 pm »
I have noticed  alot of great axe spammers and especially poleaxes (which didnt seem to have their speed nerfed unlike katana, scimitars, mauls, etc.)  You block their first swing and try to swing back and they already are hitting you with their 2nd swing before you can get a hit back.  That kind of spamming seems too fast as all you can do is block and hope you can circle around them and hit them well they whiff the air.  And if you were wondering I was usually using a bastard or long sword which are pretty fast weapons to begin with.
I've met fighters who can do this; their weapon's Speed combined with their Agi and WPF is such that you never dare counter, because you get hit whenever you try it. All you can do is block, until eventually you miss a block and die. Long Maces and Katanas seem to produce this effect most: if a ninja attacks me I get one shot at him while my sword outranges his and if he blocks it, I will be spammed to death.
The word is "anyway" not "anyways". You are not Gabby Hayes.
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