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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2011, 06:45:08 pm »
I use 46k equipment and i still earn gold.

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2011, 07:16:13 pm »
Well, while Battle mode only calculates after round 1 and rarely swaps players from team to team after that, Siege mode does it near constantly, so perhaps the OP may like siege mode more as it is more "balanced" when it comes to the autobalancer shoving people around and breaking up clans.

Oh, and To The Original Poster:
The Texas Battle Server does Not use bannerbalance. Check it out.
We use it sometimes, but generally it stays off because with less than 30 people on the server it doesn't work (especially when half or more of them have the same banner).

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2011, 08:06:48 pm »
im confused though because the OP says crpg is medieval counter strike....are they saying they like native?  or is native ALSO like medieval counter strike?

i disagree on both terms, and if either was more like counter strike it would be native imho because crpg adds individuality and some progression instead of 100% personal skill (still like 90%+ personal skill). 

but, i dont know, for me - I LOVE THE CRPG IS STILL 90%+ player skill, if it wasnt i wouldnt play it.  i guess i agree that if you want  better carrots and want those rewards to influence your advantage more, Id go play an MMO.

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2011, 08:24:44 pm »
you should have seen it when i started!

anyways. repair cost is important to prevent everyone wearing plate all the time. as for team stacking... banner balance exsists to let clans play together... this is one of the advantages of a clan... strategus is (when its up) a very important part of crpg, and teamwork is everything, and its a clans only kind of place. I recommend finding a clan with players you like... the game is more fun when played with others, and its meant to be played with others.

p.s. if your number one priority for your heirloom is armour, then i think you are relying on armour too much. there a lot of very good players who wear no armour to medium armour. spend some time in the duel server and practice up your manual blocking, your survival time in combat will increase.

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2011, 08:36:07 pm »
siege suffers 'stacking' problems alot less than battle, but the doors being weak first round is a cause of alot of unfair multi's.  Devs really need to address it.  Other than that, its the server admins fault for having unbalanced maps, so people will want to jump to the side thats easiest to win on.

This community is 100x better than shitty CS players, plus they dont cheat.

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2011, 09:37:20 pm »
OP thought cRPG was a different game. He though that it was possible through the game mechanics of Warband to have leveling, item progression and an endgame.

What he did not realize is that the progression part is aprox one day and the endgame is as any other pvp fps. However, it is not like other fps because its medieval and because of the combat system.

What I am trying to say is that this game is not what you are looking for and I don't know how you got the impression that cRPG was what you were looking for?

The "endgame" of cRPG starts after you reached lvl 20. At that lvl the game is not a matter of item and stats increase but a matter of personal skill increase.
My biggest grip with MMO's is that wtf is the difference between fighting the green monster with a +1 sword than fighting the yellow one with a +5?
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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2011, 10:18:24 am »
Right now the mod is going in the way I'd expected it to go, and it's the good way. The only thing I kinda regret is the loss of xp bonus after a retirement.
I'm gen 4 and I barely feel like I got a bonus. Now obviously prepatch people were like GEN 20+ and stacked heirlooms in 2 days or such. But it was cool for a beginner to feel he was not going to have to XP as long as before.

I thought the devs were kinda trying to make this mod less MMORPG-style. So maybe find a way, to start of with high retirement bonuses and end up with very little ones as you get higher in genertations, to avoid masterwork stacks.

About the team switching, I was non aware of that, since it's pretty difficult to join a team you choose. The game often puts you in the "loosing" team.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2011, 10:19:47 am by MrExxc »

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2011, 12:37:03 pm »
Before the repair cost patch, ppl were running around in the full black armor with a plated charger and steel shield....
Trust me, no one wants to get back to that.
I used to walk around in heavy armor items aswell and it was boring as hell.
I like running around in light armor and using the footwork to get "behind" ppls block

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2011, 01:26:43 pm »
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I don't know what type of gamer you are, but if cRPG is not your bowl of soup, I can only wish you good luck on finding another game that suits your taste.

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2011, 02:19:04 pm »
I don't find it very constructive to hear remarks from someone who was right at the start incorrect in his choice of games. A lot of people dislikes some games, and like others. But they don't try to change a ALL game just because THEY didn't like it.

I really don't see the similitudes with cRPG and a medieval counterstrike anyway... Have you ever played the melee monday ? Have you ever played a jousting tournament, a fallen tournament ? Have you ever played and like Native before starting cRPG ?

Anyway, seeing your post, i'm pretty sure cRPG is not for you. And seeing the wide market, i'm sure you'll find other games wich suits your taste better. Hope you have fun there.

And for the banner balance, it sure is not perfect, but maybe, just maybe, consider your team is loosing because of lack of organisation, rather than lack of good players. I see a lot of mindless charges, and only organized battles when there's some clans. But seeing we have a chat and all, what prevents clanless people from doing organized battles, except their own laziness/not suit their style, etc.. ? It can be frustrating to play again a clan when alone, but... how to fix it and make clan members happy too ? All i wan see in your post is "no rewards". But.. you're here to play to have fun, or do you need rewards to have fun ? :shock: Just go to one of thoses achievements games then. Good for e-penis, all thoses rewards. :P

I really just saw a sort of plain critics with not even one solution, from someone who was just disapointed because it's not what he was looking for. Too bad, you wasted 5 euros for a game some people love, and others don't. That shouldn't be too hard.

And i lol'ed at the "takes too long from lv30 to lv31 to retire" "no point in retiring, useless heirloom" "damn old players with their heirlooms". A bit too much contradiction in all this. If a old players owns you, it's maybe more because of his experience than of it's heirlooms, don't you think, Mr i-played-two-weeks ?

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« Last Edit: July 02, 2011, 02:22:26 pm by Bulzur »
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
[19:32] <@chadz> if(dave_ukr_is_in_server) then rain_chance = 98%;

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2011, 03:14:27 pm »
/in before 'then don't play'

Hopefully some developer will consider this as constructive feedback meant to make the mod better, otherwise why would I bother typing this out?

That having been said, after 2 weeks of seige and some battle servers, these are the conclusions I've reached regarding crpg:

crpg is essentially medieval counter-strike.  All the old problems of team stacking, poor auto-balance, and the like are still unaddressed.

The multiplayer gold/xp teaches the player that their individual skill matters little, and that joining the team that will win (the one with all the clan labels) determines if you win or lose.  90% of the time it's plain as day before the round starts which team will win, and everyone is desperately trying to switch over because they know they will lose their hard earned mult, or just keep losing gold from outrageous repair costs.

From 1-20 crpg feels like an rpg/mmog as you raise skills, attributes and get better gear.   At about level 25 this illusion crumbles as you see your bank account withering away just wearing mediocre weapons and armor (unless you know how to team stack).

I see players deliberately auto-rejoining a faction constantly to get on the winning team, with the winning team leeching the newb/peasant side to maintain their x5 mult.

I'm not saying I have any solutions to this, and maybe some people are fine with the way things are, but the gameplay here is very poor.  There is no real reward system, and the current 'team wins determine mult' does nothing but encourange team stacking and similar abuses 'gaming the system'.  A player is not rewarded for how well they do personally, if they are stuck with a team full of poor players and they can't switch teams, they are screwed, end of story.

Also, at level 30 (which I'm currently at), 31 is eons away, and the only reward I see is upgrading a piece of armor for a measy 2 AC, or upping a weapon to 1 more point of damage.  Then when I do retire I get the 'fun' of walking around like a zombie (3agil) for another few days in a completely crippled build.  It's horrible.

I know all the old-timers who started 6 months ago are having a great time in their fully loomed sets sitting on their money pile trading away and gaming the system to hell and back, but the only kind of new player who would enjoy this mod is somene who wants simple pvp for pvp's sake, or a masochist.  The illusion of progression in any form (other than raw skill gained through practice) is just that, an illusion.  If you weren't playing this mod from the start, you are boned.

summary: crpg anti- casual player and wow clone game
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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2011, 03:28:09 pm »
I joined when everyone had 2h spammy tin cans. I died a lot but then I adapted. I didn't come in with a class I wanted to be, my class reflected the players around me. I had the warhammer, shield and sniper xbow. I only got up to tourney armour but I could rape some tin cans at much lower levels than they were.
At the moment, I see the game as ranged and cavalry based. So I have 1 pole cav, 1 2h/xbow (Dave style) and 1 2h (just in case it comes back)
And it's all about experiomentation. I started as a 1h, cos I sucked ass at blocking. Then I forced myself to learn how to block. Now I've played every possibly class I can think of and have found my fav's
Just stick at it, if you want some help choosing your equip or w/e just pm me, I don't mind helping :)

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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2011, 05:07:07 pm »
I see players deliberately auto-rejoining a faction constantly to get on the winning team, with the winning team leeching the newb/peasant side to maintain their x5 mult.

No, you don't. Leave the game and pick whatever team you want, it won't allow you to change sides.
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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #28 on: July 03, 2011, 06:11:28 pm »
Yeah, you had me up until talking about "teamstacking".

There is no intentional teamstack aside from something called "bannerbalance" where people with similar banners are more LIKELY (not always) to get put onto the same team. This was done so clans could play together on the same team and prevent "Bro" events where two clansmen would find themselves on the battlefield and choose not to fight.

You should join a clan, I can't think of any reason to play this game solo.

If there was no upkeep you would be complaining about the prevalence of all the plate mail armor and champion plated chargers growing out of the ground. Siege is horrible for making money as all of your shit is going to break, all the time. If you switch weapons, both of those weapons will now break.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 06:13:33 pm by PhantomZero »
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Re: Ready to quit, a new player's perspective after 2 weeks
« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2011, 07:11:26 pm »
Sure there is intentional teamstacking. I.e. people trying to get to the highest possible multiplier through clanstack.
Though,  that's often not really bad as there's many different clans and each team will often get good playere (also autobalance kicks in and moves people to the other side), it's certainly not the case that you can't win without clan.