Hi guys, I'm new in this game, and i'm going to create a new charatcher. I want to be good in1h(but no shield) because i will use a bow or a crossbow, and be a kind of hibrid between melee and range. Is this possible without too much penalties? (I don't won't to be killed with only a hit by 2h or polearms guys, or to be useless with both my waepons).
-what do you consieder the best build for one who will use range and 1h waepons?
-do you suggest me to be more speed or it's useless?
-crossbow or bow? I suppose that the former is better for a build that do much damage, and the later for one that is fast, right?
-What melee weapon do you suggest me?
-And about the range one?
Thanks very much for every kind of help and sorry for the (veryveryvery) bad english!
I've already done a topic, but i suppose this is the plece where someone can ask a build, right?