Let me teach you a lesson, you little son-of-a-miserable-whore-who-should've-been-better-if-she-never-gave-birth-to-any-children-at-all-instead-of-heaving-so-much-troubles-delivering-such-a-failure-onto-this-world: You fucking tea-timing retard QML-ed a player who was persistently fighting his enemies, if you weren't so retarded you could've seen it with your own two eyes, but oh: sorry, you're a fucking BLIND GUY (READ=COMPLETELY FUCKING STUPID IMBECILE WHO CANT EVEN DRINK HIS OWN TEA WITHOUT SPILLING IT ACROSS HIS KEYBOARD AND THUS CAUSING HIS POSTS TO LOOK EVEN MORE RETARDED THEN THEY SHOULD!!!!!!). You fucking poor excuse for a living being. Judging by your writing style on this forum I'd say your mother is just about my size, let me be your substitute father and give you a little bit of advice: DO WHAT YOU DID AGAIN PLEASE, SO I CAN FUCK YOUR MOTHER AGAIN AND MAKE SOMETHING MORE SMARTER THE NEXT TIME SHE GIVES ME THE URGE TO GIVE HER ONE !!!!!!
Fucking retard, just go ahead and QML someone again, can't wait to see how long it will take before you get banned.
Seriously Templars: are you so fucking desperate for numbers that you recruit fucking idiots in your ranks ?
Ok, so let's have a look at what we have here, and put it some things straight:
1/ I dont drink tea very often, there is ciggy ash in my keyboard only thanks. And maybe dog hair.
2/ I will QML who ever I feel like son, I don't QML active players because that defeats my entire point in QML'ing: To get multi when Im on your team, cause I ain't getting it any other way XD
3/ Don't rant and rage about my stupidity when you type the likes of "...SOMETHING MORE SMARTER..." because that ain't English my boy.
4/ I'm a lovely person, you and I have had many nice and productive conversations in the past, but this is a RP game: IRL I am a well meaning and helpful person, online I RP a cunt because I can, and it's fun to make little boys shit their pants in rage while they smash the goat out of their keyboards,
5/ If you really believe I QML'ed an active player, then I really am sry, refer to the bug Ninja_panpan has documented, it's not uncommon, I have witnessed it in Duel, Siege, and Battle, and since teamwounding someone's doppleganger allows their real char to M, I imagine QML'ing a doppelganger will show redtext on the actual players screen.
6/ Before raging and ranting, investigate, fucker.
Now it's your turn to reply. O wait, you cant, you got yourself muted by your repeated ragepost insults. Have the best day.