The bec is really short. Axes, poleaxes, etc are all shorter, too. The bill is much more effective for stopping horses (and generally killing them, 29p is a lot), supporting teammates (174 range makes it much eaiser), etc.
"Not so. It does huge damage from the overhead. Almost the same as thrust. No other polearm does that."
I was responding to the above (which is false), the other attributes of the weapons I mentioned are irrelevant.
Any way...
The bill doesn't really have a niche, there is no one saying "I want a weapon with less reach and thrust damage than a pike that also has an inferior overhead to a long voulge". It's above average at stopping cav, less than average at support, and useless in 1 on 1.
My suggestion for new stats,
English Bill
weight 4
requirement 14
spd rtng
88weapon length 174
swing damage
35, pierce
thrust damage
24 pierce
bonus against shields?___________
Just by looking at it, stabbing shouldn't be its' specialty. It should be for taking the rider off of a stopped horse (something that a pike isn't really able to do), taking the shield out of someones hand, dealing damage to an occupied knight...thoughts?