I got a couple of questions:
Is it possible to allow randomers to join your team? I believe this kind of event should also try to allow clan less people to join on big organized battles. cRPG isn't all about the clans.
Following up to this: Is it a problem to have a player in your team without the associated clan-tag? I my clan we have a "testing period" where the recruits aren't allowed to wear the tag, but i would still like them to join the fight sometimes.
Any restrictions on spectators?
Also, to this: "§4a: The maps used will be snowy village and ruins."
These maps are not made for big battles, they are designed for a
maximum of 64 players. I think we should use other maps if possible, there is not many opportunities for strategy on those maps IMO.
There will probably be more questions later on
Furthermore, I am willing to help you with being a Judge and Co-organizer if you need it.