Author Topic: AEF_CRPG_AUS  (Read 36605 times)

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Offline dasocks

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« Reply #270 on: November 28, 2011, 12:41:09 pm »
Could one of the admins unban Gravskift please. When I made the previous post about him prolonging, I wasn't out to get him banned.

I don't feel the banning him will teach him a lesson, when he was prolonging he was really just mucking about.

The reason AEF would want to unban him is because AEF needs as many players as they can get to keep their server strong.
Dealing out harsh 7 day bans are very damaging to the CRPG's already small community.

Hutsume I remember you saying that you had to 'make an example' of Gravskift.
Up until fairly recently I feel that the AEF have done an excellent job of governing the server.

However 'making an example,' or using fear to govern a server is not very good practice.
I am sure this is because of the cross-fire between AEF and LPK, let's not let Grav get caught up in it.

I hope the admins of AEF can read this and talk amongst themselves, as Gravskift is a good player (while his axes are annoying) and has a place on the server.

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« Reply #271 on: November 28, 2011, 10:02:31 pm »
I knew it wouldnt take me long to get screenshots of LPK team wounding and killing on purpose,but i didnt think i would get them this quick.You can thank LPK_Ceaser for my mission in life is now to screen shot every LPK foul action.

LPK_Kracker team wounding me for no reason

this is a seaquence of LPK_Sausage_Fest and LPK_AnotherGroovy ganking a team member to death

LOL, for one,
I was giving you a well-needed prostate exam! That thing's getting mighty big...

Second of all,
 I thought you said you were ending the "battle of the voice". Don't mind what Sudo said.
Is there really a need for this debate? I don't see why we cant put this all behind us, 2 clans going at it, IT'S NATURE, Don't disturb it with bans!

I dream of a land without dictatorship, free of intentional TK's and Team wounding... I dream of course, of LPK_cRPG_AUS...
Coming to Cinemas this December

P.S i am a bit behind with the convo, just thought i'd throw this out there!

Offline HatsuneMiku

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« Reply #272 on: November 28, 2011, 10:29:19 pm »
Hatsune I would like to point out that HumV said himself said that the ID NUMBER needs to be banned twice to be a permabann.

And I would like it to be spelt out for me the reason iv been banned
And your ID has been met twice as Red_Corsair. What, did you really think you'd get a free pass if you bought yourself another key to circumvent it? No, we're done here.

Dasocks, the only examples I'm using are your fellow members - because right now there's 7 or 8 names here, either expired or active on the ban list all from LPK spanning a month or two. What you do as a group affects you as as a group and if Caesar doesn't get off his rear and size up his own members, I'm not prepared to house them much longer, no matter how decent or respectable a player in the group may be. Just yesterday, I've had Pewpew jump on our Teamspeak server with a name like "aef cunt suck dicks"  specifically to cause trouble - and has been moronic enough to do so in this thread as well. I've not the time nor the interest to listen to his sermon about injustice if he can't lead and control his membership - to which I can even contemplate his inaction as advocating disruptive behavior. Either way, someone's got to do the dirty work and if neither he nor his membership is concerned about it, things are only going to get harsher and our relationship will be far from salvaging.
That said, Gravskift's ban for a week can be lowered if he acknowledges his actions as inappropriate and doesn't do it again.

Miku im (Big_Russian) and me and some of the LPK clan members were having a joke on mumble no one on there server at the time were upset or mad at what we were doing no one came up to us to say they didnt like it. We did not harm anyone else that was not in mumble and in on the joke this is all so silly. Also im sure that you guys say yous will warn us befor someone is baned yous did not do such no admin was on at the time to see what happend. All you did was see a pic and thought it was LPK raging at me witch was not what happen. I had a talk with rosen today i dont know if you know but he said he will talk to you tomorrow about it i told him what went down i know its not up to him but i could not get my mic to work on team speak so i talked to him in steam chat. All i want is to play with my friends miku so can you please un ban them it was only a joke. Im sure if you were having a joke you wouldnt like something dumb and random like a ban happen to you we are all young and just want to have fun no one was mad at it dutchy didnt even say something at the time.
As a joke, it doesn't help. What I saw in the screenshot was two players team wounding another. It's all fun and games until someone else gets annoyed with the lack of teamwork because you and your friends are just messing around killing each other. That's not what friendly fire is there for and you should know better than to call it dumb when it's listed in the core rules. Call me a killjoy if you will, but we're on a thin piece of string with all the incidents.

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« Reply #273 on: November 28, 2011, 10:38:05 pm »
WEll, i can sort of see where you're coming from Hatsune, but could you give them a break. I know i'm saying what so many people have already said, and the cliche is  getting endless, but you are cutting down the australian community so much. I advise unbanning all permabans and enjoying what time AEF_cRPG_AUS has left.

For the record, as i have already said. ITS CAESAR, WITH AN AE!!!
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Nuff Said

Offline Count_Adhamar

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« Reply #274 on: November 28, 2011, 10:44:17 pm »
Hatsune, I would like to adress one more thing, you see, Dutchy was banned for ONE day for attempted tking. Then on the other hand you have me, the new guy, LPK, not many people know him, I was joking around and hitting a friend ( Argo, we were both on mumble having a joke. ) And then I get banned for 1 week. Am I the only one who finds this unjust?  :|. I'm over raging at you guys, just like to know why the AEF member gets special treatment then on the other hand the new LPK member ( From what I hear the AEF kinda hate the shit outta LPK ) me, gets a ban for 1 week?

Hatsune are you going to answer this or are you just going to let it slide.

Offline HatsuneMiku

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« Reply #275 on: November 28, 2011, 10:45:53 pm »
Hatsune are you going to answer this or are you just going to let it slide.
I just did.

Offline Count_Adhamar

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« Reply #276 on: November 28, 2011, 10:58:25 pm »
I just did.

I'm sorry but you haven't answered why Dutchy was banned for only a day for intentionally team killing and sausage was banned for a week for joke team killing. This is very unfair, what he gets a longer ban because he's in LPK? It's pretty clear that you conspire against us Hatsune, even you said "right now there's 7 or 8 names here, either expired or active on the ban list all from LPK " . Yesterday, even Roman said to Rosen the way he administers is wrong which many other people agreed with him on the server. This is pretty big coming from another Australian server hoster, and it shows how strict you AEF really are compared to other servers. You are killing your server, and at the end of the day you'll lose.   

Offline HatsuneMiku

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« Reply #277 on: November 28, 2011, 11:16:19 pm »
WEll, i can sort of see where you're coming from Hatsune, but could you give them a break. I know i'm saying what so many people have already said, and the cliche is  getting endless, but you are cutting down the australian community so much. I advise unbanning all permabans and enjoying what time AEF_cRPG_AUS has left.

For the record, as i have already said. ITS CAESAR, WITH AN AE!!!
Pewpew can forget about it, she/he/it made this personal.
I don't know about the others, there's only 2 or 3 permanent bans relevant here and they're there for fairly good reasons (Corsair hasn't learned to stop being a racist). The rest aren't from Australia and decided to team kill everyone right from the get go.
I heard Skyrim's release killed the numbers and I suppose recent actions aren't helping. Can't really he helped though, it's a simple solution - keep in line and I nor the rest of the admin team have a problem.

I did get his name right, though.

I'm sorry but you haven't answered why Dutchy was banned for only a day for intentionally team killing and sausage was banned for a week for joke team killing. This is very unfair, what he gets a longer ban because he's in LPK? It's pretty clear that you conspire against us Hatsune, even you said "right now there's 7 or 8 names here, either expired or active on the ban list all from LPK " . Yesterday, even Roman said to Rosen the way he administers is wrong which many other people agreed with him on the server. This is pretty big coming from another Australian server hoster, and it shows how strict you AEF really are compared to other servers. You are killing your server, and at the end of the day you'll lose.   
If you didn't pick up on the glaringly obvious of what was written, then I can't help you. You aren't doing your part to fix this mess - unless I have it wrong and you aren't the leading figure of your group. Roman can let me know if there's a problem with Rosen - Bigbird's away on holidays, myself and HumV are busy due to work and study commitments. Rosen's a team leader for another gaming section in our community which I believe counts for something but perhaps some adjustments need to be made. The bans count towards the maximum of two either way.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 11:18:06 pm by HatsuneMiku »

Offline Count_Adhamar

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« Reply #278 on: November 28, 2011, 11:30:35 pm »
Pewpew can forget about it, she/he/it made this personal.
I don't know about the others, there's only 2 or 3 permanent bans relevant here and they're there for fairly good reasons (Corsair hasn't learned to stop being a racist). The rest aren't from Australia and decided to team kill everyone right from the get go.
I heard Skyrim's release killed the numbers and I suppose recent actions aren't helping. Can't really he helped though, it's a simple solution - keep in line and I nor the rest of the admin team have a problem.

I did get his name right, though.
If you didn't pick up on the glaringly obvious of what was written, then I can't help you. You aren't doing your part to fix this mess - unless I have it wrong and you aren't the leading figure of your group. Roman can let me know if there's a problem with Rosen - Bigbird's away on holidays, myself and HumV are busy due to work and study commitments. Rosen's a team leader for another gaming section in our community which I believe counts for something but perhaps some adjustments need to be made. The bans count towards the maximum of two either way.

Lol for a host you are not clear with your explanations in regards to bans. Oh well I guess some one higher in the chain (not in AEF) has to be called in. Also I am one of three leaders of LPK. Yes, adjustments REALLY need to be made with the structure of AEF, and other things.

Offline Count_Adhamar

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« Reply #279 on: November 29, 2011, 02:11:12 am »
I'm not prepared to house them much longer

I don't think you realise how many people are in LPK or who is in it. We have over 30 members and a lot of the time we make up most of the server. Doing this would just kill the server quicker.

Offline avmana

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« Reply #280 on: November 29, 2011, 02:29:26 am »
Update the sherver pleashe
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

Offline LPK_Blue_Corsair

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« Reply #281 on: November 29, 2011, 06:13:24 am »
Hatsune's arrogance doesn't phase me as ill just play native until the server is up then I can game in a community free of persecution and the scum of the earth.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 06:36:19 am by LPK_Blue_Corsair »

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« Reply #282 on: November 29, 2011, 06:18:38 am »
Hatsune's arrogance doesn't faze me as ill just play native until the server is up then I can game in a community free of persecution and the scum of the earth.

Your attempt to use larger words, and look more intellectual was negated as you spelt phase incorrectly.
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Here in PK, we're better than you! And we know it.

Offline Count_Adhamar

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« Reply #283 on: November 29, 2011, 06:21:09 am »
:O lol

Offline LPK_Blue_Corsair

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« Reply #284 on: November 29, 2011, 06:35:55 am »
lol ill fix that