i told u to get down from your spot, i waited 10-15 secs and u still sat there firing bolts into enemies, so i kicked u from the server.
then you return to say my decision was wrong, that i never warned you. Bigbird and others in the server said they have read it and they continued to say "i saw the warning he didn't follow it, if he keeps arguing ban him". i gave u to benefit of the doubt and let you continue to rant on, i then muted you to be then abused in admin chat.
fair enough that the kick maybe was hasty, but the rant plus the abuse was overboard.
pewpew was on ts3 with us in channel, and i reminded pew 'pew u there' just because i dont make a gobal server announcement doesnt mean i havent warned/checked with pew was dragging it on.
As for AEF members being treated as 1st rate citizens, they are not. If members are doing something wrong, we do pull them up, (not in server usually over TS3 or steam). When someone is doing illegal acts, aka spawn without gear or in a unreachable areas, we usually are within ts3 so no gobal statements are made. Also We have our own code of conduct that must be followed.
For the millionth time, i cant set ban time lengths. It defaults to perma.