Author Topic: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.  (Read 28337 times)

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Offline tankmen

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2011, 05:09:54 am »
so glad i own a armored horse and fully heir loomed plate,  i enjoy hearing the soft plink of arrows as they glance. Also we don't have forced duels against the rules on my servers so that last guy alive isn't torn to shreds by arrows, he gets to die by a sword not a archer my old friendot.

As for the argument that you need to go 1h/shield, well it would be a nice change from the 80% of the 2h players. Honestly if new players don't go archer they go 2h due to seeing plate monsters destroying dozens of people, due to cavalry costing $ and the other classes rarely used.
The purpose of wearing plate has become nothing more than crippling yourself to look like a knight... or maybe its my lack of athletics

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2011, 05:18:28 am »
Xbowers nearly never kill me beside the ones i know dedicated (like Dark Karma). im just tired of squads of archers (like the NA fallens for one example) that just camp somewhere and own everything. It just kills the fun. When half you team falls to their arrows, theres lil you can do even when working in team with some friends. And btw im no spammer, i always change build every gen or 2 and havent have any agi build since months ago. I also tried archery and i stopped cuz i find it too easy and lame to make kills by simply camping and left clicking and then as infantry enemy approaches, sheat bow and start running like a f**. Sorry im not playing a medieval game with an awesome melee system like a fps.

Just my 2 cents kesh.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 05:22:11 am by Siboire »

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2011, 05:37:49 am »
I can see how people that have experience and talent in melee combat can be frustrated to be chipped of or straight up killed by someone they can not reach.

I just dont know how this make it cheap, gay, talentless way to play. If you are raging everytime an arrow hit your face, I think that you just lack patience and ''sportsmanship''.

But in any way, by reading some of ou guys, i'm getting more and more satisfied to be a part of your frustration.

Calling people fucks, bundle of stickss and asking them to quit the game is not a nice thing to do!

And thanks Siboire for the nice comment about our work, owning everything, killing half of the team, working in team with some friends is kind of the goal we wish to achieve!

Offline Gorath

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2011, 05:44:36 am »
... people that have experience and talent in melee combat ... killed by someone they can not reach.
Right, with you so far
I just dont know how this make it cheap, gay, talentless way to play.
And then you lost me.  Perhaps your lack of comprehension stems from eating too much paste in grammar school?
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2011, 05:57:42 am »
I luuuuv archers! They are so easy to shoot with my xbow. :)  ...and you know bitching about Fallen only encourages us...
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 05:59:44 am by Adam_Bomb »
I don't know how you can watch with_stupid, every time i see him play i want to put infants in a blender.

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2011, 05:58:22 am »
I'm personally fine with archer Pew Pew, but I cannot stand it when an archer runs away from a 1v1 fight.  I think archers should be weighed down a bit more as to discourage from such an dishonorable tactic.

Increasing the weight of each bag of arrows would be a good solution in my opinion.

Offline Siboire

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2011, 06:12:15 am »
Hahaha good one Gorath! Btw lorenzo, camping in a group of archers is not strategy nor talent; Its spamming left click! they nerfed the firing rate of archers so by standing in a group, it lets you spam arrows like archers could in the old times. Im only calling things like they are: an archer that pew pew and then keeps running for 5 minutes once you get to him is indeed a my old friend. Your not "sportlike", carry a melee weapon and stop running to ur mom.

Haru ur giving a great idea: slow down archers so that they can shoot you but they cant flee infinitly or slow them down. That would balance things considering the archer will have the upper hand while ur away from him but if u manage to get to him, either he fights or dies. Right now, even shielders can have a hard time: archer shoots shielder, shielder is protected but slow to get to the archer, once close to the my old friend the later outruns the shielder and continu pew pew, etc etc. Really annoying and delaying. Not allowing the archer to simply flee by slowing them down would fix the prob and would balance things IMO.  Also, by being slow ppl will think twice before going archer.

Edit: oh noes! I went from 2 to -2 in my awesome bar! Oh my godz!  8-)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 06:20:38 am by Siboire »

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2011, 06:26:28 am »
Doesn't the problem lie in (no)teamwork? With a tight team you can combat pretty much anything, get together, shields at the front, advance. It beats everyone splitting up into 2 groups at every corner.

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2011, 06:30:10 am »
Come to NA server and try it ;) you can try wtv with friends on ts/vent but the others will more likely do their own things.

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2011, 06:32:10 am »
I was complaining about increasing ranged spam in this mode but by time i start to get used to it !
I feel weird when i don't lose %50 of my hp before i get in contact with enemy melee now.
I just get the heaviest orgasm when i kill archers now so it balances it.
Killing Tenne,Jambi,Stulle or Blackbow worths getting shot by 10 archers believe me !
Especially Tenne since he can kill anything with 2 shots...Fucking cunt !  :twisted:

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2011, 07:21:34 am »
I will reiterate forever that this is a problem with the PLAYERS of the game and not the game itself.  The only way to solve this is to either get rid of ranged altogether, however that's not a viable option.

Give gamers a game with great melee mechanics and they'll choose the path of gayness by shooting at everyone.

They are all scared of death and prefer shoot people at a safe range.

"Dam those peasants bite hard"

Offline Gorath

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2011, 07:23:47 am »
They are all scared of death and prefer shoot people at a safe range.


inorite?  I don't understand it either, but there it is anyways.
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2011, 07:33:53 am »
Lots of archers are just there for show; occasionally land an arrow but are generally poor shots with poor situational awareness.  Good archers are just like any other good player at a class; they make the class seem much easier than it actually is. 

There are plenty of counters to archery in game; armor, movement, and shields.  There are a few archers that I simply try to avoid approaching but most others are pretty easy to clean up if you know what you're doing and come with the necessary defenses.
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel!

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2011, 07:41:32 am »
I'm personally fine with archer Pew Pew, but I cannot stand it when an archer runs away from a 1v1 fight.  I think archers should be weighed down a bit more as to discourage from such an dishonorable tactic.

Increasing the weight of each bag of arrows would be a good solution in my opinion.

For an RS member, you are pretty damn stupid or even more blinded then the rest from the size of your epeen. I call both.

I will be damned if I have to spend every last point on archer for me to be a proper archer, and then be further penalized with the new slot system, to have you demand that I fight you with my 0 slot weapon at 0PS and 1 wpf just so you can use your dedicated melee to kick my teeth in. Dishonorable my ass, there is nothing honorable about you curbstomping someone who does not even wear proper armor. Even a strongbow user who can afford to take a 1 hander that is real and proper, and invests in power strike, can still not compete properly with an equal skilled melee user.

If I have to lay down and die when playing my archer if you come to melee, then can I request you stop dodging my arrows? That is pretty dishonorable of you to pick on me since you have better armor and stuff and are better suited for melee.

I must be the most lucky son of a bitch on these boards, or I am a god when it comes to dodging and using the terrain to avoid getting shot, if I were to believe these threads...

With my melee characters (one is a shielder, one is a 2her and one is a polearm) I die far more often to melee then I do to range. I am not a super skilled player, I do not have monster post-30 level characters who are 33 or 34 or some such crap like that. I do not have triple loomed armor up the wazoo nor do I have massive reserves of gold to use the best of the ebst all the time.

So some one please explain to me, am I just that damn good that I almost always make it to melee and don't have too much of a problem against archers if I use tactics with my clan mates or even by myself? Wow, suddenly I feel like an amazing player.

Back on a serious note:
Cold hard reality is, without range, defenders on siege would have a living hell on most of the maps, and cav would curb stomp a lot more players considering how often people shout to me "shoot the cav!." Cold hard reality is, good players do make it to melee and get melee kills. If you can't do it like the big boys, then practice more. I ahve no sympathy for people getting blindsided by range considering how many melee users pack a sidearm xbow or how many players ninja as cav or even on foot.

Yeah, it sucks that you get shot and there is nothing you can do about it, sure...

You know what also sucks? When some melee users with a proper shielder and polearms and such take a chokepoint and murder everyone with ease due to the lack of range on a server. Wait we can fix that, open plains with no chokepoints! Oh snap now cavalry are kicking your ass... Well remove cavalry.

Congrats, game just got a lot more boring for the majority of players.

I hate to break it to you guys, but it is almost without exception the same group of people complaining about range, and the majority of user pack range themselves or play cav etc.

Instead of complaining about a core part of the game that tops the scoreboards far less often then other classes, why don't you push for an all-melee server?

Or maybe I am just a god when it comes to surviving and dogding arrow fire. But I doubt that, because I have seen more then a few of the users in this thread charge across an open field or stand around in an exposed area...

Please, continue on your elitist complaining, sorry for inturrupting you.

For the record, the XP accumulated for my melee characters (not ONE of which use a damn xbow as a sidearm) outweighs the amount of time invested in my archer main and my xbow alt combined.... even when discounting my cav.

TL:DR Version:
You are all completely incompitent
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

Offline Gorath

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Re: we're back at CounterStrike medieval.
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2011, 07:49:29 am »
TL:DR Version:

You didn't really disprove the point of the thread:  Ranged users are engaging in extreme homoerotic activities.

Whether you love ranged or not is irrelevant.   :P

P.S.  Whether you can HIDE to avoid ranged fire or not is also irrelevant, the point is that getting hit from ranged weaponry in the ONLY game out with good melee combat instead of the 1000's and 1000's of FPS games out there is gay.  Plainly, simply, fabulously gay.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 07:50:56 am by Gorath »
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?