Well this seemed to start rather quickly, and for a while I was entertained. Alas, things began to slow down after the first five or so pages, causing me to doubt OP's ability to endure. But endure he did, surpassing my--and likely everybody else's--expectations, to climax spectacularly. Well done Formerly Popular and Well Liked Individual Who Has Successfully Managed to Loose The Respect and Admiration of Many Internet People, you pulled through.
I commend you for your greatness.
It has been far, far too long since the last time I've seen somebody rage so spectacularly. Your complete and utter lack of self-control, general intelligence, communication skills, and humility is stunning, to say the least--perhaps one even might call it titilating. But unlike others, who might only spend an hour or pouring their hearts and souls into a single post, you instead spewed forth what can only be described as liquid feces in grammatical form over the course of several responces. You took a very active role in all this defecation. As you spat and sputtered at the Gods of The Internet, you could not help but sprinkle the faces of your audience with a little fecal matter. At the end of your tirade, however, you became understandably weak from your raging, and ended up slobbering shit directly into the mouths of our community in an exhausted stupor, your metaphorical face practically smothering that of your audience, all the while mumbling incoherently about "pride" "real man" and "killing someone".
Of the shit, I dare say... it tastes like Mad.