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lol at the fake christmas spirit that this thread is, skipping over 3 people on a dead mod for gifts, one of which even gave a reason why he couldnt post a pic what a pos and the total opposite of what the giving spirit christmas is supposed to be. Really shameful in my opinion. take back what you gave me I feel dirty for accepting it now.Talks all high and mighty on discord like his shit dont stink then does shit like this you earned my -1 edit I will delete this post only when I see Kale, Durante of Lucca and LUBU having received their totally free no strings attached christmas gifts
he, the god admin. drink the tea, not ascared to fight in th batefield,
Puck-headed maple-sucking moosefucker
✶Character Name: Kale✶Choices: 1 and 3visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Kale: One of the cutest, chubbiest, asianiest faces in c-RPG. Take a look when you get the chance, guys. I will miss this beautiful man.