Author Topic: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE  (Read 1822 times)

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Offline Gurgumul

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Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« on: July 29, 2019, 12:22:04 pm »
Hey guuys  :wink:

Do you know any slow paced FPS games, like Red ORchestra 2 or Escape from tarkoy? I like EFT but gear fear is not for my nerves, also there should be solo mode for solo players like me  8-). Anywat I'm looking foa SLOW game, where you have to sLOWLY peak out of corners, and you spned much time sneaking and stalking. Also guns have to be powerful but inaccurate, like irl. IT's DIFFICULT to shoot accurately irl, but in most games you take aim, and aim is fixed to center of screen, and when you bring up the gun, it gets instantly perfcet alignment, instant 100% accuracy. irl it would take at least 2 seconds for a normaln person to align the iron sights.

Also if you know any games where the gunfights take some time, I mean the actual shooting part, like in movies. In games you notice someone, shoot 2-3 times, done. But I want prolounged gunfights like in movies, where you take cover and shoot out of cover and miss all the time, and run from cover to over. I'm looking for CINEMATIC FPS games, multiplayer.

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2019, 12:54:56 pm »
You should try Squad. It plays exactly like how you are describing. Realistic cover/suppression based shooter with heavy importance placed on communication between squad members - squad leader - other squads. Good mechanics for spawning (teams must bring in supplies and ammo and build forward spawns / various equipment). It just had a free weekend and I think it is 50% off.

You definitely get the feeling of the extended firefights in Squad. Been playing it for a couple weeks now. Helicopters are being added soon in a coming patch as well and the Canadian Forces were just added to the game as well.

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2019, 12:56:24 pm »
Hey guuys  :wink:

Do you know any slow paced FPS games, like Red ORchestra 2 or Escape from tarkoy? I like EFT but gear fear is not for my nerves, also there should be solo mode for solo players like me  8-). Anywat I'm looking foa SLOW game, where you have to sLOWLY peak out of corners, and you spned much time sneaking and stalking. Also guns have to be powerful but inaccurate, like irl. IT's DIFFICULT to shoot accurately irl, but in most games you take aim, and aim is fixed to center of screen, and when you bring up the gun, it gets instantly perfcet alignment, instant 100% accuracy. irl it would take at least 2 seconds for a normaln person to align the iron sights.

Also if you know any games where the gunfights take some time, I mean the actual shooting part, like in movies. In games you notice someone, shoot 2-3 times, done. But I want prolounged gunfights like in movies, where you take cover and shoot out of cover and miss all the time, and run from cover to over. I'm looking for CINEMATIC FPS games, multiplayer.

There's a 50% off sale today

This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2019, 01:23:20 pm »

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2019, 05:14:55 pm »
Quake 3 sounds like your type of game.

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Offline Gurgumul

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2019, 06:09:40 pm »
yeah, I look at Squad like I look at delicious vegan cholocate pie - I drip saliva, but cannot eat because vegan = gay. Squad seems like a game for tacticool alpha bravo cheesecake tryhard ASGays. I couldn't stand the amount of wannabe soldiers in Rising Storm Vietnam, and Squad is surely even worse. Also I have no intention to communicate with teammates whatsoever, because talking is for NORMIES and my mom would hear. I bet if I played silently like I always do, squadmates would be upset because I don't communicate, then they would bully me like kids in school did, surely.

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2019, 07:41:27 pm »
actually playing on Squad NA servers you get more people shouting allahu akbar when they're on the insurgent faction so you'll fit right in, it's very immersive

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2019, 09:41:14 pm »
Deus Ex
Metro 2033
Far Cry 3

if you dont mind third person and lots of sneaking, the splinter cell games are pretty nice
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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2019, 01:35:04 am »
Just play Tarkov and git gud. You also don't have to engage squads if you don't think you can take them. That just adds to the atmosphere and playing slowly.

And the reason you're afraid of those squads and getting wiped is because of gear fear. Which is a massive factor in the overall atmosphere. It's why gunfights feel so great, why you want to slow peek stuff and play carefully, why surviving feels so good.

It's literally the perfect game for what you want, and I think it's weird to not want to play it because of reasons that MAKE it the game you want to play.
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Offline Gurgumul

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2019, 09:27:56 am »
Ye also I'm waiting for 0.12 which is suppose to bring optimization, because right now I get 50 fps on lowest settings, which is LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE. And I wish the game wasn't so hardcore about losing your stuff, not to make it easier, but because I sometimes die just because of small technical stuff, like losing internet connection for a few seconds, or packet loss, or lag in general. It's like taking an exam - you can be fully prepared, all the knowledge you need, skills etc, but you have to fear shitting yourself because you have IBS.

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Re: Slow placed FPS games, IMBERSIVE
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2019, 09:47:18 am »
Gear fear disappears as you get better at the game. Not necessarily even by becoming a god that kills everyone, but by learning how everything works. It's easy to get rich enough that dying won't be a big deal, and definitely not something that's a disaster if you lag out or whatever.

But I wouldn't be in a hurry to lose it, myself. Like I said, the gear fear adds a lot to the atmosphere. After learning the game, and knowing that I can easily make up for any losses, I lost the edge-of-your-seat excitement that I had in the beginning -- went from carefully and slowly exploring to sprinting around hoping someone takes a shot at me.
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