Author Topic: Think about it  (Read 867 times)

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Offline Sniger

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Think about it
« on: May 11, 2019, 11:35:02 am »
Hall of Fame:

2187 entrys

~1723 veterans

~464 masters or higher

i have no real point with this, just fascinating numbers, imagine all the players that had been through the grinder for all these years, theres over 2k people who got into hall of fame, think of all the players that have played but didnt retire or reached the point where they could retire, how many havent retired yet?, how many never tried to grind that far but kept rolling new build?, how many of these is alts?, so many questions that i never will get an answer to  :D

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Re: Think about it
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2019, 03:40:18 pm »
This mod has influenced global iq rate in a decent scale,it reduced iq levels of individuals who wasted their time and played this repetative mod.Developpers probably now bending their head and rubbing their hands together like a jew for the catosthrophic thing they have prepared for humanity.I hope all people contributed creating these game dies before the ones who didn't.

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Re: Think about it
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2019, 09:45:26 am »
I hope all people contributed creating these game dies before the ones who didn't.


Offline Sniger

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Re: Think about it
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2019, 11:49:00 am »
This mod has influenced global iq rate in a decent scale,it reduced iq levels of individuals who wasted their time and played this repetative mod.Developpers probably now bending their head and rubbing their hands together like a jew for the catosthrophic thing they have prepared for humanity.I hope all people contributed creating these game dies before the ones who didn't.


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Offline Torben

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Re: Think about it
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2019, 08:16:18 pm »
Hall of Fame:

2187 entrys

~1723 veterans

~464 masters or higher

i have no real point with this, just fascinating numbers, imagine all the players that had been through the grinder for all these years, theres over 2k people who got into hall of fame, think of all the players that have played but didnt retire or reached the point where they could retire, how many havent retired yet?, how many never tried to grind that far but kept rolling new build?, how many of these is alts?, so many questions that i never will get an answer to  :D

would be interessting to add all those hours played up and see how much we coulda made being payed minimum wage,  instead of wasting away in this glorious alt world
Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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Offline Sniger

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Re: Think about it
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2019, 07:57:23 pm »
2000 players... and we cant even get 20 for EU1  :lol: